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(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
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Virgile Prevosto's avatar
Virgile Prevosto committed
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
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(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
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(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
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(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
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(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

open Cil_types

module Orig_project =
    let name = "Ast_diff.OrigProject"
    let dependencies = []

type 'a correspondance =
  [ `Same of 'a (** symbol with identical definition has been found. *)
  | `Not_present (** no correspondance *)

module Correspondance_input =
  type 'a t = 'a correspondance
  let name a = a ^ " correspondance"
  let module_name = "Correspondance"
  let structural_descr _ = Structural_descr.t_abstract
  let reprs x = [ `Not_present; `Same x]
  let mk_equal eq x y =
    match x,y with
    | `Same x, `Same y -> eq x y
    | `Not_present, `Not_present -> true
    | `Same _, `Not_present
    | `Not_present, `Same _ -> false
  let mk_compare cmp x y =
    match x,y with
    | `Not_present, `Not_present -> 0
    | `Not_present, `Same _ -> -1
    | `Same x, `Same y -> cmp x y
    | `Same _, `Not_present -> 1
  let mk_hash h = function
    | `Same x -> 117 * h x
    | `Not_present -> 43
  let map f = function
    | `Same x -> `Same (f x)
    | `Not_present -> `Not_present
  let mk_internal_pretty_code pp prec fmt = function
    | `Not_present -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "`Not_present"
    | `Same x ->
      let pp fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "`Same %a" (pp Type.Call) x in
      Type.par prec Call fmt pp
  let mk_pretty pp fmt = function
    | `Not_present -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "N/A"
    | `Same x -> Format.fprintf fmt " => %a" pp x
  let mk_varname v = function
    | `Not_present -> "x"
    | `Same x -> v x ^ "_c"
  let mk_mem_project mem query = function
    | `Not_present -> false
    | `Same x -> mem query x

module Correspondance = Datatype.Polymorphic(Correspondance_input)
(* for kernel function, we are a bit more precise than a yes/no answer.
   More precisely, we check whether a function has the same spec,
   the same body, and whether its callees have changed (provided
   the body itself is identical, otherwise, there's no point in checking
   the callees.
type partial_correspondance =
  [ `Spec_changed (* body and callees haven't changed *)
  | `Body_changed (* spec hasn't changed *)
  | `Callees_changed (* spec and body haven't changed *)
  | `Callees_spec_changed (* body hasn't changed *)

type body_correspondance =
  [ `Body_changed
  | `Callees_changed
  | `Same_body

let (<=>) res (cmp,x,y) = if res <> 0 then res else cmp x y

let compare_pc pc1 pc2 =
  match pc1, pc2 with
  | `Spec_changed, `Spec_changed -> 0
  | `Spec_changed, _ -> -1
  | _, `Spec_changed -> 1
  | `Body_changed, `Body_changed -> 0
  | `Body_changed, _ -> -1
  | _, `Body_changed -> 1
  | `Callees_changed, `Callees_changed -> 0
  | `Callees_changed, _ -> -1
  | _, `Callees_changed -> 1
  | `Callees_spec_changed, `Callees_spec_changed -> 0

let string_of_pc = function
  | `Spec_changed -> "Spec_changed"
  | `Body_changed -> "Body_changed"
  | `Callees_changed -> "Callees_changed"
  | `Callees_spec_changed -> "Callees_spec_changed"

let pretty_pc fmt =
  let open Format in
  | `Spec_changed -> pp_print_string fmt "(spec changed)"
  | `Body_changed -> pp_print_string fmt "(body changed)"
  | `Callees_changed -> pp_print_string fmt "(callees changed)"
  | `Callees_spec_changed -> pp_print_string fmt "(callees and spec changed)"

type 'a code_correspondance =
  [ 'a correspondance
  | `Partial of 'a * partial_correspondance
module Code_correspondance_input =
  type 'a t = 'a code_correspondance
  let name a = a ^ " code_correspondance"
  let module_name = "Code_correspondance"
  let structural_descr _ = Structural_descr.t_abstract
  let reprs = Correspondance_input.reprs
  let mk_equal eq x y =
    match x,y with
    | `Partial(x,pc), `Partial(x',pc') -> eq x x' && (compare_pc pc pc' = 0)
    | `Partial _, _ | _, `Partial _ -> false
    | (#correspondance as c), (#correspondance as c') ->
      Correspondance_input.mk_equal eq c c'

  let mk_compare cmp x y =
    match x,y with
    | `Partial(x,pc), `Partial(x',pc') ->
      cmp x x' <=> (compare_pc,pc,pc')
    | `Partial _, `Same _ -> -1
    | `Same _, `Partial _ -> 1
    | `Partial _, `Not_present -> 1
    | `Not_present, `Partial _ -> -1
    | (#correspondance as c), (#correspondance as c') ->
      Correspondance_input.mk_compare cmp c c'

  let mk_hash hash = function
    | `Partial (x,_) -> 57 * hash x
    | #correspondance as x -> Correspondance_input.mk_hash hash x

  let map f = function
    | `Partial(x,pc) -> `Partial(f x,pc)
    | (#correspondance as x) -> f x

  let mk_internal_pretty_code pp prec fmt = function
    | `Partial (x,flags) ->
      let pp fmt =
        Format.fprintf fmt "`Partial (%a,%s)"
          (pp Type.Call) x (string_of_pc flags)
      Type.par prec Call fmt pp
    | #correspondance as x ->
      Correspondance_input.mk_internal_pretty_code pp prec fmt x

  let mk_pretty pp fmt = function
    | `Partial(x,flags) ->
      Format.fprintf fmt "-> %a %a" pp x pretty_pc flags
    | #correspondance as x -> Correspondance_input.mk_pretty pp fmt x

  let mk_varname f = function
    | `Partial (x,_) -> f x ^ "_pc"
    | #correspondance as x -> Correspondance_input.mk_varname f x

  let mk_mem_project f p = function
    | `Partial (x,_) -> f p x
    | #correspondance as x -> Correspondance_input.mk_mem_project f p x

module Code_correspondance = Datatype.Polymorphic(Code_correspondance_input)

module Info(I: sig val name: string end) =
    let name = "Ast_diff." ^
    let dependencies = [ Ast.self; Orig_project.self ]
(* Map of symbols under analysis, in case of recursion.
   Note that this can only happen with aggregate types, logic
   types, and function (both C and ACSL). Other symbols must be
   correctly ordered in a well-formed AST
type is_same_env =
    compinfo: compinfo Cil_datatype.Compinfo.Map.t;
    kernel_function: kernel_function Kernel_function.Map.t;
    local_vars: varinfo Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Map.t;
    logic_info: logic_info Cil_datatype.Logic_info.Map.t;
    logic_type_info: logic_type_info Cil_datatype.Logic_type_info.Map.t;
    logic_local_vars: logic_var Cil_datatype.Logic_var.Map.t;
    logic_type_vars: string Datatype.String.Map.t;
    (* goto targets pairs are checked afterwards, so that forward gotos
       do not interrupt the linear visit.
       We thus collect them in the environment.
    goto_targets: (stmt * stmt) list;
module type Correspondance_table = sig
  include State_builder.Hashtbl
  val pretty_data: Format.formatter -> data -> unit

module Build(H:Datatype.S_with_collections)(D:Datatype.S):
  Correspondance_table with type key = H.t and type data = D.t =
      (Info(struct let name = "Ast_diff." ^ end))
  let pretty_data = D.pretty
module Build_correspondance(H:Datatype.S_with_collections) =
module Build_code_correspondance(H:Datatype.S_with_collections) =

module Varinfo = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Varinfo)
module Compinfo = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Compinfo)
module Enuminfo = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Enuminfo)
module Enumitem = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Enumitem)
module Typeinfo = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Typeinfo)
module Stmt = Build_code_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Stmt)
module Logic_info = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Logic_info)
module Logic_type_info = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Logic_type_info)
module Logic_ctor_info = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Logic_ctor_info)

module Fieldinfo = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Fieldinfo)
module Model_info = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Model_info)

module Logic_var = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Logic_var)

module Kf = Kernel_function

module Kernel_function = Build_code_correspondance(Kernel_function)

module Fundec = Build_correspondance(Cil_datatype.Fundec)

let make_correspondance candidate has_same_spec code_corres =
  match has_same_spec, code_corres with
  | false, `Body_changed -> `Not_present
  | false, `Callees_changed ->
  | false, `Same_body ->
    `Partial(candidate, `Spec_changed)
  | true, `Same_body ->
    `Same candidate
  | true, ((`Body_changed|`Callees_changed) as c) ->
    `Partial(candidate, c)

let (&&>) (res,env) f =
  match res with
  | `Body_changed -> `Body_changed, env
  | `Same_body -> f env
  | `Callees_changed ->
    let res', env = f env in
    match res' with
    | `Body_changed -> `Body_changed, env
    | `Same_body | `Callees_changed -> `Callees_changed, env

let (&&&) (res, env) f = if res then f env else false, env

let empty_env =
  { compinfo = Cil_datatype.Compinfo.Map.empty;
    kernel_function = Kf.Map.empty;
    local_vars = Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Map.empty;
    logic_info = Cil_datatype.Logic_info.Map.empty;
    logic_type_info = Cil_datatype.Logic_type_info.Map.empty;
    logic_local_vars = Cil_datatype.Logic_var.Map.empty;
    logic_type_vars = Datatype.String.Map.empty;
  let add_one env v v' =
    { env with local_vars = Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Map.add v v' env.local_vars }
  List.fold_left2 add_one env f f'

(* local static variables are in fact global. As soon as we have determined
   that they have a correspondance, we add them to the global bindings *)
let add_statics l l' =
  let add_one v v' = Varinfo.add v (`Same v') in
  List.iter2 add_one l l'

  let add_one env lv lv' =
    { env with
      logic_local_vars =
        Cil_datatype.Logic_var.Map.add lv lv' env.logic_local_vars }
  List.fold_left2 add_one env p p'

let add_logic_info v v' env =
  { env with logic_info = Cil_datatype.Logic_info.Map.add v v' env.logic_info }

let logic_type_vars_env l l' env =
  if List.length l = List.length l' then begin
    let logic_type_vars =
      List.fold_left2 (fun env s s' -> Datatype.String.Map.add s s' env)
        env.logic_type_vars l l'
    true, { env with logic_type_vars }
  end else false, env

let formals_correspondance f f' =
  let add_one v v' = Varinfo.add v (`Same v') in
  List.iter2 add_one f f'

let logic_prms_correspondance p p' =
  let add_one lv lv' =
    Logic_var.add lv (`Same lv') in
  List.iter2 add_one p p'

(** TODO: use location info to detect potential renaming.
    Requires some information about syntactic diff. *)
let find_candidate_type ?loc:_loc ti =
  if Globals.Types.mem_type Logic_typing.Typedef ti.tname then begin
    match Logic_typing.Typedef ti.tname with
    | GType(ti,_) -> Some ti
    | g ->
        "Expected typeinfo instead of %a" Cil_datatype.Global.pretty g
  end else None

let find_candidate_compinfo ?loc:_loc ci =
  let su = if ci.cstruct then Logic_typing.Struct else Logic_typing.Union in
  if Globals.Types.mem_type su ci.cname then begin
    match Globals.Types.find_type su ci.cname with
    | TComp(ci', _) -> Some ci'
    | t ->
        "Expected compinfo instead of %a"
        Printer.pp_typ t
  end else None

let find_candidate_enuminfo ?loc:_loc ei =
  if Globals.Types.mem_type Logic_typing.Enum ei.ename then begin
    match Globals.Types.find_type Logic_typing.Enum ei.ename with
    | TEnum(ei,_) -> Some ei
    | t ->
        "Expected enuminfo instead of %a"
        Printer.pp_typ t
let find_candidate_varinfo ?loc:_loc vi where =
    Some (Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo vi.vname where)
  with Not_found -> None

let find_candidate_func ?loc:_loc kf =
    Some (Globals.Functions.find_by_name (Kf.get_name kf))
  with Not_found -> None

let find_candidate_logic_type ?loc:_loc ti =
    Some (Logic_env.find_logic_type ti.lt_name)
  with Not_found -> None

let is_same_opt f o o' env =
  match o, o' with
let is_same_opt_env f o o' env =
  match o, o' with
  | None, None -> true, env
  | Some v, Some v' -> f v v' env
  | _ -> false, env

let is_same_pair f1 f2 (x1,x2) (y1,y2) env = f1 x1 y1 env && f2 x2 y2 env

let rec is_same_list f l l' env =
  match l, l' with
  | h::t, h'::t' -> f h h' env && is_same_list f t t' env
let rec is_same_list_env f l l' env =
  match l, l' with
  | [], [] -> true, env
  | h::t, h'::t' -> f h h' env &&& is_same_list_env f t t'
  | _ -> false, env

  let selection = State_selection.of_list
      [Kernel_function.self; Annotations.funspec_state; Globals.Functions.self]
  Project.on ~selection (Orig_project.get()) Globals.Functions.get vi

let check_goto_targets env =
  let check_one (s,s') =
    match Stmt.find s with
    | `Not_present -> false
    | `Same s'' | `Partial (s'',_) ->
      (* From the goto point of view, what matters is that the targets
         themselves have a correspondance. If they're e.g. calls to a
         function that has itself changed, or blocks whose content has
         changed, it has already been detected when comparing the targets,
         and will be dealt with accordingly as the fundec level. *)
      Cil_datatype.Stmt.equal s' s''
    | exception Not_found -> false
  if List.for_all check_one env.goto_targets then `Same_body, env
  else `Body_changed, env

let is_matching_fieldinfo fi fi' =
  match Fieldinfo.find fi with
  | `Not_present -> false
  | `Same fi'' -> Cil_datatype.Fieldinfo.equal fi' fi''
  | exception Not_found ->
    Kernel.fatal "Unbound field %a in AST diff"
      Cil_datatype.Fieldinfo.pretty fi

let is_matching_model_info mf mf' =
  match Model_info.find mf with
  | `Not_present -> false
  | `Same mf'' -> Cil_datatype.Model_info.equal mf' mf''
  | exception Not_found ->
    Kernel.fatal "Unbound model field %a in AST diff"
      Cil_datatype.Model_info.pretty  mf

let is_matching_logic_type_var a a' env =
  match Datatype.String.Map.find_opt a env.logic_type_vars with
  | None -> false
  | Some a'' -> Datatype.String.equal a' a''

module Unop = struct
  type t = [%import: Cil_types.unop] [@@deriving eq]
module Binop = struct
  type t = [%import: Cil_types.binop] [@@deriving eq]
module Ikind = struct
  type t = [%import: Cil_types.ikind] [@@deriving eq]

module Fkind = struct
  type t = [%import: Cil_types.fkind] [@@deriving eq]

module Predicate_kind = struct
  type t = [%import: Cil_types.predicate_kind] [@@deriving eq]

module Logic_builtin_label = struct
  type t = [%import: Cil_types.logic_builtin_label] [@@deriving eq]

module Relation = struct
  type t = [%import: Cil_types.relation] [@@deriving eq]

module Termination_kind = struct
  type t = [%import: Cil_types.termination_kind] [@@deriving eq]

let is_same_behavior_set l l' =
  Datatype.String.Set.(equal (of_list l) (of_list l'))

let are_same_cd_clauses l l' =
  let module StringSetSet = Set.Make(Datatype.String.Set) in
  let of_list l =
    StringSetSet.of_list ( Datatype.String.Set.of_list l)
  StringSetSet.equal (of_list l) (of_list l')

let is_same_logic_label l l' _env =
  match l, l' with
  | StmtLabel s, StmtLabel s' ->
    (* Contrarily to labels in goto statement, C labels in the logic can only
       refer to previous statements thanks to ACSL typing rules. Hence, we can
       directly check the Stmt table without resorting to deferred check by
       updating env.goto_targets
    (match Stmt.find !s with
     | `Not_present -> false
     | `Same s'' | `Partial(s'',_) ->
       Cil_datatype.Stmt.equal !s' s''
     | exception Not_found -> false)
  | FormalLabel s, FormalLabel s' -> Datatype.String.equal s s'
  | BuiltinLabel l, BuiltinLabel l' -> Logic_builtin_label.equal l l'
  | (StmtLabel _ | FormalLabel _ | BuiltinLabel _), _ -> false

let rec is_same_predicate p p' env =
  (* names are semantically irrelevant. *)
  is_same_predicate_node p.pred_content p'.pred_content env

and is_same_predicate_node p p' env =
  match p, p' with
  | Pfalse, Pfalse -> true
  | Ptrue, Ptrue -> true
  | Papp(p,labs,args), Papp(p',labs',args') ->
    is_matching_logic_info p p' env &&
    is_same_list is_same_logic_label labs labs' env &&
    is_same_list is_same_term args args' env
  | Pseparated t, Pseparated t' -> is_same_list is_same_term t t' env
  | Prel (r,t1,t2), Prel(r',t1',t2') ->
    Relation.equal r r' && is_same_term t1 t1' env && is_same_term t2 t2' env
  | Pand(p1,p2), Pand(p1',p2')
  | Por(p1,p2), Por(p1',p2')
  | Pxor(p1,p2), Pxor(p1',p2')
  | Pimplies(p1,p2), Pimplies(p1',p2')
  | Piff(p1,p2), Piff(p1',p2') ->
    is_same_predicate p1 p1' env && is_same_predicate p2 p2' env
  | Pnot p, Pnot p' -> is_same_predicate p p' env
  | Pif(t,p1,p2), Pif(t',p1',p2') ->
    is_same_term t t' env &&
    is_same_predicate p1 p1' env &&
    is_same_predicate p2 p2' env
  | Plet(v,p), Plet(v',p') ->
    if is_same_logic_info v v' env then begin
      let env = add_logic_info v v' env in
      let env = add_logic_vars [v.l_var_info] [v'.l_var_info] env in
      is_same_predicate p p' env
    end else false
  | Pforall(q,p), Pforall(q',p')
  | Pexists(q,p), Pexists(q',p') ->
    if is_same_list is_same_logic_var q q' env then begin
      let env = add_logic_vars q q' env in
      is_same_predicate p p' env
    end else false
  | Pat(p,l), Pat(p',l') ->
    is_same_predicate p p' env && is_same_logic_label l l' env
  | Pobject_pointer(l,t), Pobject_pointer(l',t')
  | Pvalid_read(l,t), Pvalid_read(l',t')
  | Pvalid(l,t), Pvalid(l',t')
  | Pinitialized(l,t), Pinitialized(l',t')
  | Pdangling(l,t), Pdangling(l',t')
  | Pallocable(l,t), Pallocable(l',t')
  | Pfreeable(l,t), Pfreeable(l',t') ->
    is_same_logic_label l l' env && is_same_term t t' env
  | Pfresh(l1,l2,p,s), Pfresh(l1',l2',p',s') ->
    is_same_logic_label l1 l1' env &&
    is_same_logic_label l2 l2' env &&
    is_same_term p p' env &&
    is_same_term s s' env
  | Pvalid_function(t), Pvalid_function(t') -> is_same_term t t' env
  | (Pfalse | Ptrue | Papp _ | Pseparated _ | Prel _ | Pand _ | Por _ | Pxor _
    | Pimplies _ | Piff _ | Pnot _ | Pif _ | Plet _ | Pforall _ | Pexists _
    | Pat _ | Pobject_pointer _ | Pvalid_read _ | Pvalid _ | Pinitialized _
    | Pdangling _ | Pallocable _ | Pfreeable _ | Pfresh _
    | Pvalid_function _), _ -> false

and is_same_logic_constant c c' env =
  match c,c' with
  | LEnum ei, LEnum ei' ->
    (match enumitem_correspondance ei env with
     | `Same ei'' -> Cil_datatype.Enumitem.equal ei' ei''
     | `Not_present -> false)
  | LEnum _, _ | _, LEnum _ -> false
  | (Integer _ | LStr _ | LWStr _ | LChr _ | LReal _), _ ->
    Cil_datatype.Logic_constant.equal c c'

and is_same_term t t' env =
  is_same_term_node t.term_node t'.term_node env

and is_same_term_node t t' env =
  match t,t' with
  | TConst c, TConst c' -> is_same_logic_constant c c' env
  | TLval lv, TLval lv' -> is_same_term_lval lv lv' env
  | TSizeOf t, TSizeOf t'
  | TAlignOf t, TAlignOf t' -> is_same_type t t' env
  | TSizeOfE t, TSizeOfE t'
  | TAlignOfE t, TAlignOfE t' -> is_same_term t t' env
  | TSizeOfStr s, TSizeOfStr s' -> String.length s = String.length s'
  | TUnOp(op,t), TUnOp(op',t') -> Unop.equal op op' && is_same_term t t' env
  | TBinOp(op,t1,t2), TBinOp(op',t1',t2') ->
    Binop.equal op op' && is_same_term t1 t1' env && is_same_term t2 t2' env
  | TCastE(typ,term), TCastE(typ',term') ->
    is_same_type typ typ' env && is_same_term term term' env
  | TAddrOf lv, TAddrOf lv'
  | TStartOf lv, TStartOf lv' -> is_same_term_lval lv lv' env
  | Tapp(f,labs,args), Tapp(f',labs',args') ->
    is_matching_logic_info f f' env &&
    is_same_list is_same_logic_label labs labs' env &&
    is_same_list is_same_term args args' env
  | Tlambda(q,t), Tlambda(q',t') ->
    if is_same_list is_same_logic_var q q' env then begin
      let env = add_logic_vars q q' env in
      is_same_term t t' env
    end else false
  | TDataCons(c,args), TDataCons(c',args') ->
    is_matching_logic_ctor c c' env &&
    is_same_list is_same_term args args' env
  | Tif(c,t1,t2), Tif(c',t1',t2') ->
    is_same_term c c' env &&
    is_same_term t1 t1' env &&
    is_same_term t2 t2' env
  | Tat(t,l), Tat(t',l') ->
    is_same_term t t' env && is_same_logic_label l l' env
  | Tbase_addr(l,t), Tbase_addr(l',t')
  | Toffset(l,t), Toffset(l',t')
  | Tblock_length(l,t), Tblock_length(l',t') ->
    is_same_logic_label l l' env && is_same_term t t' env
  | Tnull, Tnull -> true
  | TLogic_coerce(typ,t), TLogic_coerce(typ',t') ->
    is_same_logic_type typ typ' env && is_same_term t t' env
  | TUpdate(a,o,v), TUpdate(a',o',v') ->
    is_same_term a a' env &&
    is_same_term_offset o o' env &&
    is_same_term v v' env
  | Ttypeof t, Ttypeof t' -> is_same_term t t' env
  | Ttype t, Ttype t' -> is_same_type t t' env
  | Tempty_set, Tempty_set -> true
  | Tunion l, Tunion l'
  | Tinter l, Tinter l' -> is_same_list is_same_term l l' env
  | Tcomprehension(t,q,p), Tcomprehension(t',q',p') ->
    if is_same_list is_same_logic_var q q' env then begin
      let env = add_logic_vars q q' env in
      is_same_term t t' env && is_same_opt is_same_predicate p p' env
    end else false
  | Trange(l,u), Trange(l',u') ->
    is_same_opt is_same_term l l' env && is_same_opt is_same_term u u' env
  | Tlet(v,t), Tlet(v',t') ->
    if is_same_logic_info v v' env then begin
      let env = add_logic_info v v' env in
      let env = add_logic_vars [v.l_var_info] [v'.l_var_info] env in
      is_same_term t t' env
    end else false
  | (TConst _ | TLval _ | TSizeOf _ | TSizeOfE _ | TSizeOfStr _ | TAlignOf _
    | TAlignOfE _ |  TUnOp _ | TBinOp _ | TCastE _ | TAddrOf _ | TStartOf _
    | Tapp _ | Tlambda _ | TDataCons _ | Tif _ | Tat _ | Tbase_addr _
    | Toffset _ | Tblock_length _ | Tnull | TLogic_coerce _ | TUpdate _
    | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ | Tempty_set | Tunion _ | Tinter _ | Tcomprehension _
    | Tlet _ | Trange _), _ -> false

and is_same_term_lval (lh,lo) (lh',lo') env =
  is_same_term_lhost lh lh' env && is_same_term_offset lo lo' env

and is_same_term_lhost lh lh' env =
  match lh, lh' with
  | TVar lv, TVar lv' -> is_matching_logic_var lv lv' env
  | TResult _, TResult _ -> true
  | TMem p, TMem p' -> is_same_term p p' env
  | (TVar _ | TResult _ | TMem _), _ -> false

and is_matching_logic_var lv lv' env =
  match lv.lv_origin, lv'.lv_origin with
  | Some vi, Some vi' -> is_matching_varinfo vi vi' env
  | None, None ->
    (match Cil_datatype.Logic_var.Map.find_opt lv env.logic_local_vars with
     | Some lv'' -> Cil_datatype.Logic_var.equal lv' lv''
     | None ->
       (match Logic_var.find lv with
        | `Not_present -> false
        | `Same lv'' -> Cil_datatype.Logic_var.equal lv' lv''
        | exception Not_found ->
          if lv.lv_name = "\\exit_status" && lv'.lv_name = "\\exit_status"
          then begin Logic_var.add lv (`Same lv'); true end
          else begin
            match logic_var_correspondance lv env with
            | None -> false
            | Some lv'' -> Cil_datatype.Logic_var.equal lv' lv''
and logic_var_correspondance lv env =
  match find_candidate_logic_var lv env with
  | None -> None
  | Some lv' -> Logic_var.add lv (`Same lv'); Some lv'

and is_same_term_offset lo lo' env =
  match lo, lo' with
  | TNoOffset, TNoOffset -> true
  | TField(f,o), TField(f',o') ->
    is_matching_fieldinfo f f' && is_same_term_offset o o' env
  | TModel(f,o), TModel(f',o') ->
    is_matching_model_info f f' && is_same_term_offset o o' env
  | TIndex(i,o), TIndex(i',o') ->
    is_same_term i i' env && is_same_term_offset o o' env
  | (TNoOffset | TField _ | TModel _ | TIndex _), _ -> false

and is_same_toplevel_predicate p p' env =
  Predicate_kind.equal p.tp_kind p'.tp_kind &&
  is_same_predicate p.tp_statement p'.tp_statement env

and is_same_identified_predicate p p' env =
  is_same_toplevel_predicate p.ip_content p'.ip_content env

and is_same_identified_term t t' env =
  is_same_term t.it_content t'.it_content env

and is_same_post_cond (k,p) (k',p') env =
  Termination_kind.equal k k' && is_same_identified_predicate p p' env

and is_same_deps d d' env =
  match d,d' with
  | FromAny, FromAny -> true
  | From l, From l' -> is_same_list is_same_identified_term l l' env
  | (FromAny | From _), _ -> false

and is_same_from (t,f) (t',f') env =
  is_same_identified_term t t' env && is_same_deps f f' env

and is_same_assigns a a' env =
  match a,a' with
  | WritesAny, WritesAny -> true
  | Writes l, Writes l' -> is_same_list is_same_from l l' env
  | (WritesAny | Writes _), _ -> false

and is_same_allocation a a' env =
  match a,a' with
  | FreeAllocAny, FreeAllocAny -> true
  | FreeAlloc(f,a), FreeAlloc(f',a') ->
    is_same_list is_same_identified_term f f' env &&
    is_same_list is_same_identified_term a a' env
  | (FreeAllocAny | FreeAlloc _),_ -> false

and is_same_behavior b b' env =
  is_same_list is_same_identified_predicate b.b_requires b'.b_requires env &&
  is_same_list is_same_identified_predicate b.b_assumes b'.b_assumes env &&
  is_same_list is_same_post_cond b.b_post_cond b'.b_post_cond env &&
  is_same_assigns b.b_assigns b'.b_assigns env &&
  is_same_allocation b.b_allocation b'.b_allocation env
(* TODO: also consider ACSL extensions, with the help of the plugins
   that handle them. *)
and is_same_variant (v,m) (v',m') env =
  is_same_term v v' env && is_same_opt is_matching_logic_info m m' env

and is_same_loop_pragma p p' env =
  match p, p' with
  | Unroll_specs l, Unroll_specs l'
  | Widen_hints l, Widen_hints l'
  | Widen_variables l, Widen_variables l' ->
    is_same_list is_same_term l l' env
  | (Unroll_specs _ | Widen_hints _ | Widen_variables _), _ -> false

and is_same_slice_pragma p p' env =
  match p, p' with
  | SPexpr t, SPexpr t' -> is_same_term t t' env
  | SPctrl, SPctrl -> true
  | SPstmt, SPstmt -> true
  | (SPexpr _ | SPctrl | SPstmt), _ -> false

and is_same_impact_pragma p p' env =
  match p, p' with
  | IPexpr t, IPexpr t' -> is_same_term t t' env
  | IPstmt, IPstmt -> true
  | (IPexpr _ | IPstmt), _ -> false

and is_same_pragma p p' env =
  match p,p' with
  | Loop_pragma p, Loop_pragma p' -> is_same_loop_pragma p p' env
  | Slice_pragma p, Slice_pragma p' -> is_same_slice_pragma p p' env
  | Impact_pragma p, Impact_pragma p' -> is_same_impact_pragma p p' env
  | (Loop_pragma _ | Slice_pragma _ | Impact_pragma _), _ -> false

and are_same_behaviors bhvs bhvs' env =
  let treat_one_behavior acc b =
    match List.partition (fun b' -> b.b_name = b'.b_name) acc with
    | [], _ -> raise Exit
    | [b'], acc ->
      if is_same_behavior b b' env then acc else raise Exit
    | _ ->
      Kernel.fatal "found several behaviors with the same name %s" b.b_name
    match List.fold_left treat_one_behavior bhvs' bhvs with
    | [] -> true
    | _ -> (* new behaviors appeared: spec has changed. *) false
  with Exit -> false

and is_same_funspec s s' env =
  are_same_behaviors s.spec_behavior s'.spec_behavior env &&
  is_same_opt is_same_variant s.spec_variant s'.spec_variant env &&
  is_same_opt is_same_identified_predicate
    s.spec_terminates s'.spec_terminates env &&
  are_same_cd_clauses s.spec_complete_behaviors s'.spec_complete_behaviors &&
  are_same_cd_clauses s.spec_disjoint_behaviors s'.spec_disjoint_behaviors

and is_same_code_annotation a a' env =
  match a.annot_content, a'.annot_content with
  | AAssert (bhvs, p), AAssert(bhvs',p') ->
    is_same_behavior_set bhvs bhvs' && is_same_toplevel_predicate p p' env
  | AStmtSpec (bhvs, s), AStmtSpec(bhvs', s') ->
    is_same_behavior_set bhvs bhvs' && is_same_funspec s s' env
  | AInvariant (bhvs, is_loop, p), AInvariant(bhvs', is_loop', p') ->
    is_same_behavior_set bhvs bhvs' && is_loop = is_loop' &&
    is_same_toplevel_predicate p p' env
  | AVariant v, AVariant v' -> is_same_variant v v' env
  | AAssigns(bhvs, a), AAssigns(bhvs', a') ->
    is_same_behavior_set bhvs bhvs' && is_same_assigns a a' env
  | AAllocation(bhvs, a), AAllocation(bhvs',a') ->
    is_same_behavior_set bhvs bhvs' && is_same_allocation a a' env
  | APragma p, APragma p' -> is_same_pragma p p' env
  | AExtended _, AExtended _ -> true (*TODO: checks also for extended clauses*)
  | (AAssert _ | AStmtSpec _ | AInvariant _ | AVariant _ | AAssigns _
    | AAllocation _ | APragma _ | AExtended _), _ -> false

and is_same_logic_type t t' env =
  match t,t' with
  | Ctype t, Ctype t' -> is_same_type t t' env
  | Ltype (t,prms), Ltype (t',prms') ->
    is_matching_logic_type_info t t' env &&
    is_same_list is_same_logic_type prms prms' env
  | Lvar s, Lvar s' -> is_matching_logic_type_var s s' env
  | Linteger, Linteger -> true
  | Lreal, Lreal -> true
  | Larrow(args,rt), Larrow(args', rt')  ->
    is_same_list is_same_logic_type args args' env &&
    is_same_logic_type rt rt' env
  | (Ctype _ | Ltype _ | Lvar _ | Linteger | Lreal | Larrow _),_ -> false

and is_same_inductive_case (_,labs,tprms,p) (_,labs',tprms',p') env =
  let res, env =
    (is_same_list is_same_logic_label labs labs' env, env) &&&
    logic_type_vars_env tprms tprms'
  res && is_same_predicate p p' env

and is_same_logic_body b b' env =
  match b,b' with
  | LBnone, LBnone -> true
  | LBreads l, LBreads l' ->
    is_same_list is_same_identified_term l l' env
  | LBterm t, LBterm t' -> is_same_term t t' env
  | LBpred p, LBpred p' -> is_same_predicate p p' env
  | LBinductive l, LBinductive l' ->
    is_same_list is_same_inductive_case l l' env
  | (LBnone | LBreads _ | LBterm _ | LBpred _ | LBinductive _), _ -> false

and is_same_logic_ctor_info c c' env =
  (* we rely on order in the type declaration to match constructors,
     not on names. *)
  is_same_list is_same_logic_type c.ctor_params c'.ctor_params env

and is_same_logic_type_def d d' env =
  match d,d' with
  | LTsum l, LTsum l' ->
    if is_same_list is_same_logic_ctor_info l l' env then begin
      List.iter2 (fun c c' -> Logic_ctor_info.add c (`Same c')) l l';
    end else begin
      List.iter (fun c -> Logic_ctor_info.add c `Not_present) l;
  | LTsyn t, LTsyn t' -> is_same_logic_type t t' env
  | (LTsum _ | LTsyn _), _ -> false

and is_same_logic_info li li' env =
  let res,env =
    (is_same_list is_same_logic_label li.l_labels li'.l_labels env, env) &&&
    logic_type_vars_env li.l_tparams li'.l_tparams &&&
    logic_vars_env li.l_profile li'.l_profile
  res && is_same_opt is_same_logic_type li.l_type li'.l_type env &&
  is_same_logic_body li.l_body li'.l_body env

and is_same_logic_type_info ti ti' env =
  let res,env =
    (Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal ti.lt_attr ti'.lt_attr, env) &&&
    logic_type_vars_env ti.lt_params ti'.lt_params
  res && is_same_opt is_same_logic_type_def ti.lt_def ti'.lt_def env

and is_same_model_info mi mi' env =
  is_same_type mi.mi_base_type mi'.mi_base_type env &&
  is_same_logic_type mi.mi_field_type mi'.mi_field_type env &&
  Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal mi.mi_attr mi'.mi_attr

and is_same_type t t' env =
  | TVoid a, TVoid a' -> Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
  | TInt (ik,a), TInt(ik',a') ->
    Ikind.equal ik ik' && Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
  | TFloat (fk,a), TFloat(fk', a') ->
    Fkind.equal fk fk' && Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
  | TBuiltin_va_list a, TBuiltin_va_list a' ->
    Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
    is_same_type t t' env && Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
  | TArray(t,s,a), TArray(t',s',a') ->
    is_same_type t t' env &&
    is_same_opt is_same_exp s s' env &&
  | TFun(rt,l,var,a), TFun(rt', l', var', a') ->
    is_same_type rt rt' env &&
    is_same_opt (is_same_list is_same_formal) l l' env &&
    (var = var') &&
    Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
  | TNamed(t,a), TNamed(t',a') ->
    let correspondance = typeinfo_correspondance t env in
     | `Not_present -> false
     | `Same t'' -> Cil_datatype.Typeinfo.equal t' t'') &&
    Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
  | TComp(c,a), TComp(c', a') ->
    let correspondance = compinfo_correspondance c env in
     | `Not_present -> false
     | `Same c'' -> Cil_datatype.Compinfo.equal c' c'') &&
    Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
  | TEnum(e,a), TEnum(e',a') ->
    let correspondance = enuminfo_correspondance e env in
     | `Not_present -> false
     | `Same e'' -> Cil_datatype.Enuminfo.equal e' e'') &&
    Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
  | (TVoid _ | TInt _ | TFloat _ | TBuiltin_va_list _ | TPtr _ | TArray _
    | TFun _ | TNamed _ | TComp _ | TEnum _), _ -> false
and is_same_compinfo ci ci' env =
  ci.cstruct = ci'.cstruct &&
  Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal ci.cattr ci'.cattr &&
  is_same_opt (is_same_list is_same_fieldinfo) ci.cfields ci'.cfields env
and is_same_enuminfo ei ei' env =
  Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal ei.eattr ei'.eattr &&
  Ikind.equal ei.ekind ei'.ekind &&
  is_same_list is_same_enumitem ei.eitems ei'.eitems env
and is_same_fieldinfo fi fi' env =
  (* we don't compare names: it's the order in which they appear in the
     definition of the aggregate that counts. *)
  fi.forder = fi'.forder &&
  is_same_type fi.ftype fi'.ftype env &&
  is_same_opt (fun x y _ -> x = y) fi.fbitfield fi'.fbitfield env &&
  Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal fi.fattr fi'.fattr

and is_same_enumitem ei ei' env = is_same_exp ei.eival ei'.eival env
and is_same_formal (_,t,a) (_,t',a') env =
  is_same_type t t' env && Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
and is_same_compound_init (o,i) (o',i') env =
  is_same_offset o o' env && is_same_init i i' env
  | SingleInit e, SingleInit e' -> is_same_exp e e' env
  | CompoundInit (t,l), CompoundInit (t', l') ->
    is_same_type t t' env &&
    (is_same_list is_same_compound_init) l l' env
  | (SingleInit _ | CompoundInit _), _ -> false
and is_same_initinfo i i' env = is_same_opt is_same_init i.init i'.init env
and is_same_local_init i i' env =
  match i, i' with
  | AssignInit i, AssignInit i' ->
    if is_same_init i i' env then `Same_body
    else `Body_changed
  | (ConsInit(c,args,Plain_func), ConsInit(c',args',Plain_func))
  | (ConsInit(c,args,Constructor),ConsInit(c',args',Constructor))  ->
    if is_same_varinfo c c' env &&
       is_same_list is_same_exp args args' env
    then begin
      match gfun_correspondance c env with
      | `Partial _ | `Not_present -> `Callees_changed
      | `Same _ -> `Same_body
    end else `Body_changed
  | (AssignInit _| ConsInit _), _ -> `Body_changed

and is_same_constant c c' env =
  match c,c' with
  | CEnum ei, CEnum ei' ->
    (match enumitem_correspondance ei env with
     | `Same ei'' -> Cil_datatype.Enumitem.equal ei' ei''
     | `Not_present -> false)
  | CEnum _, _ | _, CEnum _ -> false
  | (CInt64 _ | CStr _ | CWStr _ | CChr _ | CReal _), _ ->
    Cil_datatype.Constant.equal c c'