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Commit 40f8bfb1 authored by Virgile Prevosto's avatar Virgile Prevosto Committed by David Bühler
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[kernel] start comparing AST for filling correspondance tables

Mostly a mock-up at this point
parent 30f4740c
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......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ module Correspondance =
type kf_correspondance =
[ kernel_function correspondance
| `Same_spec of kernel_function (** body has changed, but spec is identical *)
| `Different_calls of kernel_function
module Kf_correspondance =
......@@ -97,15 +98,25 @@ module Kf_correspondance =
| `Same_spec f1, `Same_spec f2 -> f1 f2
| `Same_spec _, _ -> 1
| _, `Same_spec _ -> -1
| `Different_calls f1, `Different_calls f2 -> f1 f2
| `Different_calls _, _ -> 1
| _, `Different_calls _ -> -1
| (#correspondance as x), (#correspondance as y) -> x y
let equal = Datatype.from_compare
let hash = function
| `Same_spec f -> 57 * (Kernel_function.hash f)
| `Different_calls f -> 79 * (Kernel_function.hash f)
| #correspondance as x -> C.hash x
let internal_pretty_code p fmt = function
| `Same_spec f ->
let pp fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt "`Same %a"
Format.fprintf fmt "`Same_spec %a"
(Kernel_function.internal_pretty_code Type.Call) f
Type.par p Call fmt pp
| `Different_calls f ->
let pp fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt "`Different_calls %a"
(Kernel_function.internal_pretty_code Type.Call) f
Type.par p Call fmt pp
......@@ -113,6 +124,8 @@ module Kf_correspondance =
let pretty fmt = function
| `Same_spec f ->
Format.fprintf fmt "-> (contract) %a" Kernel_function.pretty f
| `Different_calls f ->
Format.fprintf fmt " -> (callees differ) %a" Kernel_function.pretty f
| #correspondance as x -> C.pretty fmt x
......@@ -154,3 +167,121 @@ module Kernel_function =
(Info(struct let name = "Ast_diff.Kernel_function" end))
module Fundec = Build(Cil_datatype.Fundec)
(** TODO: use location info to detect potential renaming.
Requires some information about syntactic diff. *)
let find_candidate_type ?loc:_loc ti =
if Globals.Types.mem_type Logic_typing.Typedef ti.tname then begin
match Logic_typing.Typedef ti.tname with
| GType(ti,_) -> Some ti
| g ->
"Expected typeinfo instead of %a" Cil_datatype.Global.pretty g
end else None
let find_candidate_compinfo ?loc:_loc ci =
let su = if ci.cstruct then Logic_typing.Struct else Logic_typing.Union in
if Globals.Types.mem_type su ci.cname then begin
match su ci.cname with
| GCompTag (ci,_) | GCompTagDecl(ci,_) -> Some ci
| g ->
"Expected aggregate definition instead of %a"
Cil_datatype.Global.pretty g
end else None
let find_candidate_enuminfo ?loc:_loc ei =
if Globals.Types.mem_type Logic_typing.Enum ei.ename then begin
match Logic_typing.Enum ei.ename with
| GEnumTag(ei,_) | GEnumTagDecl(ei,_) -> Some ei
| g ->
"Expected enumeration definition instead of %a"
Cil_datatype.Global.pretty g
end else None
let is_same_opt f o o' =
match o, o' with
| None, None -> true
| Some v, Some v' -> f v v'
| _ -> false
let rec is_same_type t t' =
match t, t' with
| (TVoid _ | TInt _ | TFloat _ | TBuiltin_va_list _), _ ->
Cil_datatype.TypByName.equal t t'
| TPtr(t,a), TPtr(t',a') ->
is_same_type t t' && Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
| TArray(t,s,a), TArray(t',s',a') ->
is_same_type t t' && is_same_opt is_same_exp s s'
&& Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
| TFun(rt,l,var,a), TFun(rt', l', var', a') ->
is_same_type rt rt' &&
is_same_opt (Logic_utils.is_same_list is_same_formal) l l' &&
var = var' &&
Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
| TNamed(t,a), TNamed(t',a') ->
let correspondance = typeinfo_correspondance t in
(match correspondance with
| `Not_present -> false
| `Same t'' -> Cil_datatype.Typeinfo.equal t' t'') &&
Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
| TComp(c,a), TComp(c', a') ->
let correspondance = compinfo_correspondance c in
(match correspondance with
| `Not_present -> false
| `Same c'' -> Cil_datatype.Compinfo.equal c' c'') &&
Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
| TEnum(e,a), TEnum(e',a') ->
let correspondance = enuminfo_correspondance e in
(match correspondance with
| `Not_present -> false
| `Same e'' -> Cil_datatype.Enuminfo.equal e' e'') &&
Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
| (TPtr _ | TArray _ | TFun _ | TNamed _ | TComp _ | TEnum _), _ -> false
and is_same_compinfo _ci _ci' = false
and is_same_enuminfo _ei _ei' = false
and is_same_formal (_,t,a) (_,t',a') =
is_same_type t t' && Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal a a'
and is_same_exp _e _e' = false
and typeinfo_correspondance ?loc ti =
let add ti =
match find_candidate_type ?loc ti with
| None -> `Not_present
| Some ti' ->
if is_same_type ti.ttype ti'.ttype then `Same ti' else `Not_present
Typeinfo.memo add ti
and compinfo_correspondance ?loc ci =
let add ci =
match find_candidate_compinfo ?loc ci with
| None -> `Not_present
| Some ci' ->
if is_same_compinfo ci ci' then `Same ci' else `Not_present
Compinfo.memo add ci
and enuminfo_correspondance ?loc ei =
let add ei =
match find_candidate_enuminfo ?loc ei with
| None -> `Not_present
| Some ei' ->
if is_same_enuminfo ei ei' then `Same ei' else `Not_present
Enuminfo.memo add ei
let global_correspondance g =
match g with
| GType (ti,loc) -> ignore (typeinfo_correspondance ~loc ti)
| _ -> ()
let compare_ast prj =
Orig_project.set prj;
let ast = Project.on prj Ast.get () in
Cil.iterGlobals ast global_correspondance
......@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ type 'a correspondance =
type kf_correspondance =
[ kernel_function correspondance
| `Same_spec of kernel_function (** body has changed, but spec is identical *)
| `Different_calls of kernel_function
(** body is identical, but there are calls to functions that have changed. *)
(** varinfos correspondances *)
......@@ -94,3 +96,6 @@ module Kernel_function:
module Fundec:
with type key = fundec and type data = fundec correspondance
(** [compare_ast prj] sets [prj] as the original project and fill the tables. *)
val compare_ast: Project.t -> unit
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