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(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2023                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

open Data
module Md = Markdown
module Js = Yojson.Basic.Util
module Pkg = Package
open Cil_types
let package = Pkg.package ~title:"Ast Services" ~name:"ast" ~readme:"" ()
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compute Ast                                                        --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let () = Request.register ~package
    ~kind:`EXEC ~name:"compute"
    ~descr:(Md.plain "Ensures that AST is computed")
    ~input:(module Junit) ~output:(module Junit) Ast.compute
let changed_signal = Request.signal ~package ~name:"changed"
    ~descr:(Md.plain "Emitted when the AST has been changed")
let ast_changed () = Request.emit changed_signal

let ast_update_hook f =
    Ast.add_hook_on_update f;
    Ast.apply_after_computed (fun _ -> f ());
let () = ast_update_hook ast_changed
let () = Annotations.add_hook_on_change ast_changed
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- File Positions                                                     --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Position =
  type t = Filepath.position

  let jtype = Data.declare ~package ~name:"source"
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Source file positions.")
      (Jrecord [
          "dir", Jstring;
          "base", Jstring;
          "file", Jstring;
          "line", Jnumber;

  let to_json p =
    let path = Filepath.(Normalized.to_pretty_string p.pos_path) in
    let file =
      if Server_parameters.has_relative_filepath ()
      then path
      else (p.Filepath.pos_path :> string)
    `Assoc [
      "dir"  , `String (Filename.dirname path) ;
      "base" , `String (Filename.basename path) ;
      "file" , `String file ;
      "line" , `Int p.Filepath.pos_lnum ;

  let of_json js =
    let fail () = failure_from_type_error "Invalid source format" js in
    match js with
    | `Assoc assoc ->
        match List.assoc "file" assoc, List.assoc "line" assoc with
        | `String path, `Int line ->
          Log.source ~file:(Filepath.Normalized.of_string path) ~line
        | _, _ -> fail ()
        | exception Not_found -> fail ()
    | _ -> fail ()


(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Functions                                                          --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let jFunction = Data.declare ~package ~name:"fct"
    ~descr:(Md.plain "Function names")
    (Pkg.Jkey "fct")

module Function =
  type t = kernel_function
  let jtype = jFunction
  let to_json kf =
    `String (Kernel_function.get_name kf)
  let of_json js =
    let fn = Js.to_string js in
    try Globals.Functions.find_by_name fn
    with Not_found -> Data.failure "Undefined function '%s'" fn

module Fundec =
  type t = fundec
  let jtype = jFunction
  let to_json fundec =
    `String fundec.svar.vname
  let of_json js =
    let fn = Js.to_string js in
    try Kernel_function.get_definition (Globals.Functions.find_by_name fn)
    with Not_found | Kernel_function.No_Definition ->
      Data.failure "Undefined function definition '%s'" fn

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ---  Printers                                                          --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Marker =
  type index = {
    tags : string Localizable.Hashtbl.t ;
    locs : (string,localizable) Hashtbl.t ;
  let index () = {
    tags = Localizable.Hashtbl.create 0 ;
    locs = Hashtbl.create 0 ;

  module TYPE : Datatype.S with type t = index =
        type t = index
        include Datatype.Undefined
        let reprs = [index()]
        let name = "Server.Jprinter.Index"
        let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project

  module STATE = State_builder.Ref(TYPE)
        let name = "Server.Jprinter.State"
        let dependencies = []
        let default = index

  let iter f =
    Localizable.Hashtbl.iter (fun key str -> f (key, str)) (STATE.get ()).tags

    | PStmt(_,s) -> Printf.sprintf "#s%d" s.sid
    | PStmtStart(_,s) -> Printf.sprintf "#k%d" s.sid
    | PVDecl(_,_,v) -> Printf.sprintf "#v%d" v.vid
    | PExp(_,_,e) -> Printf.sprintf "#e%d" e.eid
    | PTermLval _ -> Printf.sprintf "#t%d" (incr kid ; !kid)
    | PGlobal _ -> Printf.sprintf "#g%d" (incr kid ; !kid)
    | PIP _ -> Printf.sprintf "#p%d" (incr kid ; !kid)
Valentin Perrelle's avatar
Valentin Perrelle committed
    | PType _ -> Printf.sprintf "#y%d" (incr kid ; !kid)
  let hooks = ref []
  let hook f = hooks := !hooks @ [f]

  let tag loc =
    let { tags ; locs } = STATE.get () in
    try Localizable.Hashtbl.find tags loc
    with Not_found ->
      let tag = create_tag loc in
      Localizable.Hashtbl.add tags loc tag ;
      Hashtbl.add locs tag loc ;
      List.iter (fun fn -> fn (loc,tag)) !hooks ; tag
  let find tag = Hashtbl.find (STATE.get()).locs tag

  type t = localizable

  let jtype = Data.declare ~package ~name:"marker"
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Localizable AST markers")
      (Pkg.Jkey "marker")
  let to_json loc = `String (tag loc)
  let of_json js =
    try find (Js.to_string js)
    with Not_found ->
      Data.failure "invalid marker (%a)" Json.pp_dump js
module Printer = Printer_tag.Make(Marker)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Ast Data                                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  open Printer_tag

  type t = kinstr * lval
  let jtype = Marker.jtype

  let to_json (kinstr, lval) =
    let kf = match kinstr with
      | Kglobal -> None
      | Kstmt stmt -> Some (Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt)
    Marker.to_json (PLval (kf, kinstr, lval))

  let find = function
    | PLval (_, kinstr, lval) -> kinstr, lval
    | PVDecl (_, kinstr, vi) -> kinstr, Cil.var vi
    | PGlobal (GVar (vi, _, _) | GVarDecl (vi, _)) -> Kglobal, Cil.var vi
    | _ -> raise Not_found

  let mem tag = try let _ = find tag in true with Not_found -> false

  let of_json js =
    try find (Marker.of_json js)
    with Not_found -> Data.failure "not a lval marker"

module Stmt =
  type t = stmt
  let jtype = Marker.jtype
  let to_json st =
    let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf st in
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Loïc Correnson committed
    Marker.to_json (PStmtStart(kf,st))
  let of_json js =
    let open Printer_tag in
    match Marker.of_json js with
    | PStmt(_,st) | PStmtStart(_,st) -> st
    | _ -> Data.failure "not a stmt marker"

module Kinstr =
  type t = kinstr
  let jtype = Pkg.Joption Marker.jtype
  let to_json = function
    | Kglobal -> `Null
    | Kstmt st -> Stmt.to_json st
  let of_json = function
    | `Null -> Kglobal
    | js -> Kstmt (Stmt.of_json js)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Record for (Kf * Marker)                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Location =
  type t = Function.t * Marker.t
  let jtype = Data.declare
      ~package ~name:"location"
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Location: function and marker")
      (Jrecord ["fct", Function.jtype; "marker", Marker.jtype])
  let to_json (kf, loc) = `Assoc [
      "fct", Function.to_json kf ;
      "marker", Marker.to_json loc ;
    Json.field "fct" js |> Function.of_json,
    Json.field "marker" js |> Marker.of_json
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Marker Attributes                                                  --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Attributes =
  open Printer_tag

  let descr ~short m =
    match varinfo_of_localizable m with
    | Some vi ->
      if Globals.Functions.mem vi then "Function" else
      if vi.vglob then
        if short then "Global" else "Global Variable"
      else if vi.vformal then
        if short then "Formal" else "Formal Parameter"
      else if vi.vtemp then
        if short then "Temp" else "Temporary Variable (generated)"
      if short then "Local" else "Local Variable"
    | None ->
      match m with
      | PStmt _ | PStmtStart _ -> if short then "Stmt" else "Statement"
      | PLval _ -> if short then "Lval" else "L-value"
      | PTermLval _ -> if short then "Lval" else "ACSL L-value"
      | PVDecl _ -> assert false
      | PExp _ -> if short then "Expr" else "Expression"
      | PIP _ -> if short then "Prop" else "Property"
      | PGlobal _ -> if short then "Decl" else "Declaration"
      | PType _ -> "Type"

  let is_function tag =
    match varinfo_of_localizable tag with
    | Some vi -> Globals.Functions.mem vi
    | None -> false
  let is_function_pointer = function
    | PLval (_, _, (Mem _, NoOffset as lval))
      when Cil.(isFunctionType (typeOfLval lval)) -> true
    | PLval (_, _, lval)
      when Cil.(isFunPtrType (Cil.typeOfLval lval)) -> true
    | _ -> false

  let is_fundecl = function
    | PVDecl(Some _,Kglobal,vi) -> vi.vglob && Globals.Functions.mem vi
    | _ -> false

  let scope tag = Kernel_function.get_name @@ Printer_tag.kf_of_localizable tag

  let model = States.model ()

  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Marker kind (short)")
      ~data:(module Jalpha)
      ~get:(fun (tag,_) -> descr ~short:true tag)

  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Marker kind (long)")
      ~data:(module Jalpha)
      ~get:(fun (tag,_) -> descr ~short:false tag)

  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Marker short name  or identifier when relevant.")
      ~data:(module Jalpha)
      ~get:(fun (tag, _) -> Printer_tag.label tag)

  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Marker declaration or description")
      ~data:(module Jstring)
      ~get:(fun (tag, _) -> Rich_text.to_string Printer_tag.pretty tag)

  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Whether it is an l-value")
      ~data:(module Jbool)
      ~get:(fun (tag, _) -> Lval.mem tag)
  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Whether it is a function symbol")
      ~data:(module Jbool)
      ~get:(fun (tag, _) -> is_function tag)
  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Whether it is a function pointer")
      ~data:(module Jbool)
      ~get:(fun (tag, _) -> is_function_pointer tag)

  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Whether it is a function declaration")
      ~data:(module Jbool)
      ~get:(fun (tag, _) -> is_fundecl tag)

  let () =
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Function scope of the marker, if applicable")
      ~data:(module Jstring)
      ~get:(fun (tag, _) -> scope tag)

  let () =
    let get (tag, _) =
      let pos = fst (Printer_tag.loc_of_localizable tag) in
      if Cil_datatype.Position.(equal unknown pos) then None else Some pos
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Source location")
      ~data:(module Position)

  let array = States.register_array
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Marker attributes")

  let () = Marker.hook (States.update array)


(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Functions                                                          --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let () = Request.register ~package
    ~kind:`GET ~name:"getMainFunction"
    ~descr:(Md.plain "Get the current 'main' function.")
    ~input:(module Junit) ~output:(module Joption(Function))
    begin fun () ->
      try Some (fst (Globals.entry_point ()))
      with Globals.No_such_entry_point _ -> None
let () = Request.register ~package
    ~kind:`GET ~name:"getFunctions"
    ~descr:(Md.plain "Collect all functions in the AST")
    ~input:(module Junit) ~output:(module Jlist(Function))
    begin fun () ->
      let pool = ref [] in
      Globals.Functions.iter (fun kf -> pool := kf :: !pool) ;
      List.rev !pool

let () = Request.register ~package
    ~kind:`GET ~name:"printFunction"
    ~descr:(Md.plain "Print the AST of a function")
    ~input:(module Function) ~output:(module Jtext)
    begin fun kf ->
      let libc = Kernel.PrintLibc.get () in
        if not libc then Kernel.PrintLibc.set true ;
        let global = Kernel_function.get_global kf in
        let pp_glb = Printer.(with_unfold_precond (fun _ -> true) pp_global) in
        let ast = Jbuffer.to_json pp_glb global in
        if not libc then Kernel.PrintLibc.set false ; ast
      with err ->
        if not libc then Kernel.PrintLibc.set false ; raise err
module Functions =

  let key kf = Printf.sprintf "kf#%d" (Kernel_function.get_id kf)

  let signature kf =
    let global = Kernel_function.get_global kf in
    let libc = Kernel.PrintLibc.get () in
      if not libc then Kernel.PrintLibc.set true ;
      let txt = Rich_text.to_string Printer_tag.pretty (PGlobal global) in
      if not libc then Kernel.PrintLibc.set false ;
      if Kernel_function.is_entry_point kf then (txt ^ " /* main */") else txt
    with err ->
      if not libc then Kernel.PrintLibc.set false ; raise err
  let is_builtin kf =
    Cil_builtins.is_builtin (Kernel_function.get_vi kf)

  let iter f =
      (fun kf ->
         let name = Kernel_function.get_name kf in
         if not (Ast_info.is_frama_c_builtin name) then f kf)

  let array : kernel_function States.array =
      let model = States.model () in
      States.column model
        ~descr:(Md.plain "Name")
        ~data:(module Data.Jalpha)
        ~get:Kernel_function.get_name ;
      States.column model
        ~descr:(Md.plain "Signature")
        ~data:(module Data.Jstring)
        ~get:signature ;
      States.column model
        ~descr:(Md.plain "Is the function the main entry point")
        ~data:(module Data.Jbool)
      States.column model
        ~descr:(Md.plain "Is the function defined?")
        ~data:(module Data.Jbool)
      States.column model
        ~descr:(Md.plain "Is the function from the Frama-C stdlib?")
        ~data:(module Data.Jbool)
      States.column model
        ~descr:(Md.plain "Is the function a Frama-C builtin?")
        ~data:(module Data.Jbool)
      States.column model
        ~descr:(Md.plain "Is the function extern?")
        ~data:(module Data.Jbool)
      States.column model
        ~descr:(Md.plain "Source location")
        ~get:(fun kf -> fst (Kernel_function.get_location kf));
      States.register_array model
        ~package ~key
        ~descr:(Md.plain "AST Functions")
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Marker Information                                                 --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)


  type info = {
    id: string;
    rank: int;
    label: string; (* short name *)
    title: string; (* full title name *)
    descr: string; (* description for information values *)
    pretty: Format.formatter -> Printer_tag.localizable -> unit

  (* Info markers serialization *)

  module S =
    type t = (info * Jtext.t)
    let jtype = Package.(Jrecord[
        "id", Jstring ;
        "label", Jstring ;
        "title", Jstring ;
        "descr", Jstring ;
    let of_json _ = failwith "Information.Info"
    let to_json (info,text) = `Assoc [
        "id", `String ;
        "label", `String info.label ;
        "title", `String info.title ;
        "descr", `String info.descr ;

  (* Info markers registry *)

  let rankId = ref 0
  let registry : (string,info) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 0

  let jtext pp marker =
      let buffer = Jbuffer.create () in
      let fmt = Jbuffer.formatter buffer in
      pp fmt marker;
      Format.pp_print_flush fmt ();
      Jbuffer.contents buffer
    with Not_found ->

  let rank ({rank},_) = rank
  let by_rank a b = (rank a) (rank b)

    let infos = ref [] in
      (fun _ info ->
         if info.enable () then
           match tgt with
           | None -> infos := (info, `Null) :: !infos
           | Some marker ->
             let text = jtext info.pretty marker in
             if not (Jbuffer.is_empty text) then
               infos := (info, text) :: !infos
      ) registry ;
    List.sort by_rank !infos

  let signal = Request.signal ~package
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Updated AST information")

  let update () = Request.emit signal

  let register ~id ~label ~title
      ?(descr = title)
      ?(enable = fun _ -> true)
      pretty =
    let rank = incr rankId ; !rankId in
    let info = { id ; rank ; label ; title ; descr; enable ; pretty } in
    if Hashtbl.mem registry id then
      ( let msg = Format.sprintf
            "Server.Kernel_ast.register_info: duplicate %S" id in
        raise (Invalid_argument msg) );
    Hashtbl.add registry id info
let () = Request.register ~package
    ~kind:`GET ~name:"getInformation"
              "Get available information about markers. \
               When no marker is given, returns all kinds \
               of information (with empty `descr` field).")
    ~input:(module Joption(Marker))
    ~output:(module Jlist(Information.S))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Default Kernel Information                                         --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let () = Information.register
    ~title:"Source file location"
      let pos = fst @@ Printer_tag.loc_of_localizable loc in
      if Filepath.Normalized.is_empty pos.pos_path then
        raise Not_found ;
      Filepath.pp_pos fmt pos
let () = Information.register
    ~title:"Variable Information"
    begin fun fmt loc ->
      match loc with
      | PLval (_ , _, (Var x,NoOffset)) | PVDecl(_,_,x) ->
        if not x.vreferenced then Format.pp_print_string fmt "unused " ;
          match x.vstorage with
          | NoStorage -> ()
          | Extern -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "extern "
          | Static -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "static "
          | Register -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "register "
        end ;
        if x.vghost then Format.pp_print_string fmt "ghost " ;
        if x.vaddrof then Format.pp_print_string fmt "aliased " ;
        if x.vformal then Format.pp_print_string fmt "formal" else
        if x.vglob then Format.pp_print_string fmt "global" else
        if x.vtemp then Format.pp_print_string fmt "temporary" else
          Format.pp_print_string fmt "local" ;
      | _ -> raise Not_found

let () = Information.register
    ~title:"Type of C/ASCL expression"
    begin fun fmt loc ->
      let open Printer in
      match loc with
      | PExp (_, _, e) -> pp_typ fmt (Cil.typeOf e)
      | PLval (_, _, lval) -> pp_typ fmt (Cil.typeOfLval lval)
      | PTermLval(_,_,_,lv) -> pp_logic_type fmt (Cil.typeOfTermLval lv)
      | PVDecl (_,_,vi) -> pp_typ fmt vi.vtype
      | _ -> raise Not_found
let () = Information.register
    ~title:"Type Definition"
    begin fun fmt loc ->
      match loc with
      | PGlobal
          (( GType _
           | GCompTag _ | GCompTagDecl _
           | GEnumTag _ | GEnumTagDecl _
           ) as g) -> Printer.pp_global fmt g
      | _ -> raise Not_found

let () = Information.register
    ~title:"Size of a C-type or C-variable"
      let typ =
        match loc with
        | PType typ -> typ
        | PVDecl(_,_,vi) -> vi.vtype
        | PGlobal (GType(ti,_)) -> ti.ttype
        | PGlobal (GCompTagDecl(ci,_) | GCompTag(ci,_)) -> TComp(ci,[])
        | PGlobal (GEnumTagDecl(ei,_) | GEnumTag(ei,_)) -> TEnum(ei,[])
        | _ -> raise Not_found
      let bits =
        try Cil.bitsSizeOf typ
        with Cil.SizeOfError _ -> raise Not_found
      let bytes = bits / 8 in
      let rbits = bits mod 8 in
      if rbits > 0 then
        if bytes > 0 then
          Format.fprintf fmt "%d bytes + %d bits" bytes rbits
          Format.fprintf fmt "%d bits" rbits
        Format.fprintf fmt "%d bytes" bytes
Loïc Correnson's avatar
Loïc Correnson committed
let () = Information.register
    ~title:"Ivette marker (for debugging)"
    ~enable:(fun _ -> Server_parameters.debug_atleast 1)
    begin fun fmt loc ->
      let tag = Marker.create_tag loc in
      Format.fprintf fmt "%S" tag

let () = Server_parameters.Debug.add_hook_on_update
    (fun _ -> Information.update ())

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Marker at a position                                               --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let get_kf_marker (file, line, col) =
  let pos_path = Filepath.Normalized.of_string file in
  let pos =
    Filepath.{ pos_path; pos_lnum = line; pos_cnum = col; pos_bol = 0; }
  let tag = Printer_tag.loc_to_localizable ~precise_col:true pos in
  let kf = Option.bind tag Printer_tag.kf_of_localizable in
  kf, tag

let () =
  let descr =
      "Returns the marker and function at a source file position, if any. \
       Input: file path, line and column."
    ~package ~descr ~kind:`GET ~name:"getMarkerAt"
    ~input:(module Jtriple (Jstring) (Jint) (Jint))
    ~output:(module Jpair (Joption (Function)) (Joption (Marker)))
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Files                                                              --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let get_files () =
  let files = Kernel.Files.get () in (fun f -> (f:Filepath.Normalized.t:>string)) files

    ~descr:(Md.plain "Get the currently analyzed source file names")
    ~input:(module Junit) ~output:(module Jlist(Jstring))

let set_files files =
  let s = String.concat "," files in
  Kernel.Files.As_string.set s
    ~descr:(Md.plain "Set the source file names to analyze.")
    ~input:(module Jlist(Jstring))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Build a marker from an ACSL term                                   --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let build_marker ~stmt ~term =
  let env =
    let open Logic_typing in
    Lenv.empty () |> append_pre_label |> append_init_label |> append_here_label
    let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt in
    let term = Logic_parse_string.term ~env kf term in
    let exp = Logic_to_c.term_to_exp term in
    Some (Printer_tag.PExp (Some kf, Kstmt stmt, exp))
  with Not_found
     | Logic_parse_string.Error _
     | Logic_parse_string.Unbound _
     | Logic_to_c.No_conversion -> None (* TODO: return an error message. *)
let () =
  let module Md = Markdown in
  let s = Request.signature ~output:(module Marker) () in
  let get_marker = Request.param s ~name:"stmt"
      ~descr:(Md.plain "Marker position from where to localize the term")
      (module Marker) in
  let get_term = Request.param s ~name:"term"
      ~descr:(Md.plain "ACSL term to parse")
      (module Data.Jstring) in
  Request.register_sig ~package s
    ~kind:`GET ~name:"parseExpr"
    ~descr:(Md.plain "Parse a C expression and returns the associated marker")
    begin fun rq () ->
      match Printer_tag.ki_of_localizable @@ get_marker rq with
      | Kglobal -> Data.failure "No statement at selection point"
      | Kstmt stmt ->
        match build_marker ~stmt ~term:(get_term rq) with
        | None -> Data.failure "Invalid expression"
        | Some tag -> tag
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)