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Commit eb0d991e authored by David Bühler's avatar David Bühler
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[Eva] Fixes garbled mix origins id.

Do not add a unique id into the origin datatype, as this interacts badly with
Instead, binds each origin to a unique id in the global table used to record
garbled mix history.
parent e195c14b
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......@@ -196,10 +196,9 @@ module Location_Bytes = struct
if Base.Hptset.(equal b empty || equal b Base.null_set) then
else begin
if Base.Hptset.mem Base.null b then
Top (Base.SetLattice.inject b, o)
Top (Base.(SetLattice.inject (Hptset.add null b)), o)
let bases = Base.SetLattice.inject Base.(Hptset.add null b) in
Origin.register bases o;
Top (bases, o)
(** some functions can reduce a garbled mix, make sure to normalize
......@@ -48,23 +48,10 @@ let kind_label = function
type location = Cil_datatype.Location.t
type tt =
| Origin of { kind: kind; loc: location; id: int; }
| Origin of { kind: kind; loc: location; }
| Well
| Unknown
(* Unique id for each origin. Used to keep the oldest origin when a garbled
mix may have several origins. *)
module Id = State_builder.Counter (struct let name = "Origin.Id" end)
let current kind =
let id = () in
let loc = Current_loc.get () in
Origin { kind; loc; id; }
let well = Well
let unknown = Unknown
let is_unknown t = t = Unknown
module Prototype = struct
include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
type t = tt
......@@ -99,9 +86,9 @@ end
include Datatype.Make_with_collections (Prototype)
let pretty_as_reason fmt org =
if not (is_unknown org)
then Format.fprintf fmt " because of %a" pretty org
let pretty_as_reason fmt origin =
if origin <> Unknown
then Format.fprintf fmt " because of %a" pretty origin
let descr = function
| Unknown -> "unknown origin"
......@@ -114,17 +101,16 @@ let descr = function
| Merge -> "imprecise merge of addresses"
| Arith -> "arithmetic operation on addresses"
(* Keep the oldest known origin: it is probably the most relevant origin, as
subsequent ones may have been created because of the first. *)
let join t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2 then t1 else
match t1, t2 with
| Unknown, x | x, Unknown -> x
| Well, _ | _, Well -> Well
| Origin o1, Origin o2 -> if <= then t1 else t2
let current kind = Origin { kind; loc = Current_loc.get (); }
let well = Well
let unknown = Unknown
let is_unknown t = t = Unknown
(* For each garbled mix origin, keep track of:
- a unique id used to keep the oldest origin when merging two garbled mix.
- the number of writes (according to [register_write] below), i.e. the number
of times a garbled mix with this origin has been written in a state during
the analysis.
......@@ -137,35 +123,90 @@ let join t1 t2 =
These info are printed at the end of an Eva analysis. *)
module History_Info = struct
let name = "Origin.History"
let dependencies = []
let size = 32
module LocSet = Cil_datatype.Location.Set
(* Locations of writes, locations of reads, related bases. *)
module History_Data = Datatype.Triple (LocSet) (LocSet) (Base.SetLattice)
module History = State_builder.Hashtbl (Hashtbl) (History_Data) (History_Info)
module History = struct
module Counter = State_builder.Counter (struct let name = "Origin.Id.Counter" end)
let clear () = Id.reset (); History.clear ()
(* Locations of writes, locations of reads, related bases. *)
module Data = Datatype.Triple (LocSet) (LocSet) (Base.SetLattice)
module IdData = Datatype.Pair (Datatype.Int) (Data)
module History_Info = struct
let name = "Origin.History"
let dependencies = []
let size = 10
module Table = State_builder.Hashtbl (Hashtbl) (IdData) (History_Info)
let create () =
let id = () in
id, (LocSet.empty, LocSet.empty, Base.SetLattice.bottom)
let register origin =
if not (Table.mem origin)
then Table.replace origin (create ())
let apply ~change origin =
let id, data = try Table.find origin with Not_found -> create () in
Table.replace origin (id, change data)
let cardinal_writes origin =
try let (_, (w, _r, _b)) = Table.find origin in LocSet.cardinal w
with Not_found -> 0
let id origin =
try fst (Table.find origin)
with Not_found -> Stdlib.max_int
let to_list () = List.of_seq (Table.to_seq ())
let clear () = Counter.reset (); Table.clear ()
let clear () = History.clear ()
(* Keep the oldest known origin: it is probably the most relevant origin, as
subsequent ones may have been created because of the first. *)
let join t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2 then t1 else
match t1, t2 with
| Unknown, x | x, Unknown -> x
| Well, _ | _, Well -> Well
| Origin _, Origin _ -> if t1 < t2 then t1 else t2
let is_current = function
| Unknown | Well -> false
| Origin { loc } -> Cil_datatype.Location.equal loc (Current_loc.get ())
(* Returns true if the origin has never been registered and is related to the
current location. *)
(* Registers the creation of the garbled mix of some origins: Misalign_write and
Merge, which are directly written in the cvalue states, and Arith which can
be created by many cvalue operations.
Does not register:
- Leaf origins, as garbled mix are often created by assigns clause and then
reduced to precise values by postconditions. Garbled mix with leaf origin
are thus registered by [register_write] called at the end of the
interpretation of a function specification.
- Misalign_read, which should be registered as a read by the cvalue domain.
This avoids prioritizing garbled mix created by the bitwise domain.
- Unknown and Well origins, which are processed separately by the [join]. *)
let register _bases t =
match t with
| Origin { kind = Misalign_write | Merge | Arith } -> History.register t
| Origin { kind = Leaf | Misalign_read } | Unknown | Well -> ()
(* Registers a write of a garbled mix of known origin.
Returns true if it is related to the current location. *)
let register_write bases t =
if is_unknown t then false else
let current_loc = Current_loc.get () in
let is_new = not (History.mem t) in
let is_new = History.cardinal_writes t = 0 in
let change (w, r, b) =
LocSet.add current_loc w, r, Base.SetLattice.join b bases
let create _ = LocSet.singleton current_loc, LocSet.empty, bases in
ignore (History.memo ~change create t);
History.apply ~change t;
is_new && is_current t
(* Registers a read only if the current location is not that of the origin. *)
......@@ -175,14 +216,13 @@ let register_read bases t =
let change (w, r, b) =
w, LocSet.add current_loc r, Base.SetLattice.join b bases
let create _ = LocSet.empty, LocSet.singleton current_loc, bases in
ignore (History.memo ~change create t)
History.apply ~change t
(* Returns the list of recorded origins, sorted by number of reads.
Origins with no reads are filtered. *)
let get_history () =
let list = List.of_seq (History.to_seq ()) in
let count (origin, (w, r, bases)) =
let list = History.to_list () in
let count (origin, (_id, (w, r, bases))) =
if LocSet.is_empty r
then None
else Some (origin, (LocSet.cardinal w, LocSet.cardinal r, bases))
......@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ val descr: t -> string
val join: t -> t -> t
(** Records the creation of an imprecise value of the given bases. *)
val register: Base.SetLattice.t -> t -> unit
(** Records the write of an imprecise value of the given bases,
with the given origin.
Returns [true] if the given origin has never been written before,
......@@ -53,9 +53,6 @@
multidim-relations.c:19: imprecise merge of addresses
(read in 2 statements, propagated through 0 statements)
garbled mix of &{g; h}
multidim-relations.c:18: imprecise merge of addresses
(read in 1 statement, propagated through 0 statements)
garbled mix of &{g; h}
[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
[eva:final-states] Values at end of function init_array:
t[0]{.kind; .[bits 8 to 31]#} ∈ {0; 1} repeated %8
0% Loading or .
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