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Commit d8fea386 authored by Julien Signoles's avatar Julien Signoles
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[e-acsl] remove option -e-acsl-include-headers

[e-acsl] tests now independent of GMP version (but GMP still required)
parent 3c49bbfc
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with 48 additions and 71 deletions
......@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ $(PLUGIN_DIR)/ $(PLUGIN_DIR)/
$(RM) $@
$(ECHO) "(* This file was automatically generated from $<. Don't edit it. *)" >> $@
$(ECHO) "let may_compile_with_cc = @MAY_COMPILE_WITH_CC@" >> $@
$(ECHO) "let may_use_assert = @MAY_USE_ASSERT@" >> $@
$(CHMOD_RO) $@
......@@ -18,8 +18,23 @@
- minimiser le nombre de variables générées
- constante entière longue: utiliser la représentation sous forme de string et
rechercher la base appropriée.
- introduire feature wishes Bernard (voir mail du 9 juin)
- arithmetic overflows
[Bernard] avoir une fonction
e_acsl_assert(int guard, char *msg, char *kind) {
if (guard) e_acsl_fail(msg, kind);
à appeler au lieu de générer la garde. La kind est le type de l'annotation
(assert, requires, ensures, RTE? ...)
[Bernard] avoir une fonction
e_acsl_trace_behavior(char *bhv_name) {}
à appeler dès qu'un behavior est activé
- meilleur schéma de compilation des assumes:
if (assume_bhv) {
......@@ -32,7 +47,6 @@
- fonction sans code
- ajouter -Wall -pedantic -c99
- exécuter rte
- tester plusieurs fonctions contenant des annotations
- améliorer test "integer_constant.i" quand bug fixed #745
......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ check_plugin(e_acsl,PLUGIN_RELATIVE_PATH(plugin_file),
# C specific stuff for E-ACSL #
......@@ -58,9 +57,7 @@ if test -z $CC; then
if test -z $HAVE_STDIO_H; then
AC_MSG_WARN([stdio.h missing: cannot use option -e-acsl-include-headers.])
AC_MSG_WARN([stdio.h missing: non-regression tests unavailable.])
......@@ -73,7 +70,6 @@ if test -z $HAVE_ASSERT_H; then
AC_MSG_WARN([assert.h missing: cannot use E-ACSL option -e-acsl-use-assert.])
AC_MSG_WARN([assert.h missing: non-regression tests unavailable.])
# GMP library
......@@ -82,9 +78,7 @@ fi
AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp,__gmpz_init,HAVE_GMP=yes,) # also set LIBS
if test -z $HAVE_GMP; then
AC_MSG_WARN([GMP library missing: cannot use E-ACSL option -e-acsl-include-headers.])
AC_MSG_WARN([GMP library missing: non-regression tests unavailable.])
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
(* *)
val may_compile_with_cc: bool
val may_use_assert: bool
......@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ module Resulting_projects =
let name = "E-ACSL resulting projects"
let size = 7
let kind = `Correctness
let dependencies =
[ Ast.self; Options.Include_headers.self; Options.Use_assert.self ]
let dependencies = [ Ast.self; Options.Use_assert.self ]
let () = Env.global_state := Resulting_projects.self
......@@ -66,20 +65,7 @@ let generate_code =
(fun name ->
let visit prj = Visit.do_visit ~prj true in
let preprocess =
if Options.Include_headers.get () then
if Local_config.may_compile_with_cc then begin
if Local_config.may_use_assert then Options.Use_assert.on ();
end else begin
Options.warning "option `-e-acsl-include-headers' not available \
(see configure warning) : ignoring it.";
File.create_rebuilt_project_from_visitor ~preprocess name visit
File.create_rebuilt_project_from_visitor ~preprocess:false name visit
with Misc.Typing_error s ->
Options.abort ~current:true "%s" s)
......@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ let is_now_referenced () = t_torig.treferenced <- true
let t = TNamed(t_torig, [])
let is_t ty = Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty t
let apply_on_var funname e = Misc.mk_call ("mpz_" ^ funname) [ e ]
let apply_on_var funname e = Misc.mk_call ("__gmpz_" ^ funname) [ e ]
let init = apply_on_var "init"
let clear = apply_on_var "clear"
let init_set v e =
let ty = typeOf e in
if is_t ty then
Misc.mk_call "mpz_init_set" [ v; e ]
Misc.mk_call "__gmpz_init_set" [ v; e ]
let fname, args = match ty with
| TInt((IBool | IChar | IUChar | IUInt | IUShort | IULong), _) ->
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ let init_set v e =
[ e; integer ~loc:Location.unknown 10 ]
| _ -> assert false
Misc.mk_call ("mpz_init_set_" ^ fname) (v :: args)
Misc.mk_call ("__gmpz_init_set_" ^ fname) (v :: args)
Local Variables:
......@@ -46,15 +46,6 @@ module Project_name =
let arg_name = "prj"
module Include_headers =
let option_name = "-e-acsl-include-headers"
let help = "include standard headers in the new project \
(unset by default)"
let kind = `Correctness
module Use_assert =
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ include S (** implementation of Log.S for E-ACSL *)
module Check: Bool
module Project_name: String
module Include_headers: Bool
module Use_assert: Bool
......@@ -46,12 +46,7 @@ let text =
let buf = Buffer.create 97 in
fun () ->
if Buffer.length buf = 0 then begin
if Options.Include_headers.get () then begin
add_include buf "stdio.h";
if Options.Use_assert.get () then add_include buf "assert.h";
add_include buf "gmp.h";
end else
put_file_in_buffer "e_acsl_gmp_types.h" buf;
put_file_in_buffer "e_acsl_gmp_types.h" buf;
put_file_in_buffer "e_acsl_gmp.h" buf;
put_file_in_buffer "e_acsl.h" buf
......@@ -7,83 +7,83 @@
/*@ ensures \valid(x);
@ assigns *x; */
extern void mpz_init(mpz_t x);
extern void __gmpz_init(mpz_t x);
/*@ ensures \valid(z);
@ assigns *z; */
extern void mpz_init_set(mpz_t z, const mpz_t z_orig);
extern void __gmpz_init_set(mpz_t z, const mpz_t z_orig);
/*@ ensures \valid(z);
@ assigns *z \from n; */
extern void mpz_init_set_ui(mpz_t z, unsigned long int n);
extern void __gmpz_init_set_ui(mpz_t z, unsigned long int n);
/*@ ensures \valid(z);
@ assigns *z \from n; */
extern void mpz_init_set_si(mpz_t z, signed long int n);
extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(mpz_t z, signed long int n);
/*@ ensures \valid(z);
@ assigns *z; */
extern int mpz_init_set_str(mpz_t z, const char *str, int base);
extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(mpz_t z, const char *str, int base);
// finalizer
/*@ requires \valid(x);
@ assigns *x; */
extern void mpz_clear(mpz_t x);
extern void __gmpz_clear(mpz_t x);
// logical and arithmetic operators
/*@ requires \valid(z1);
@ requires \valid(z2);
@ assigns \nothing; */
extern int mpz_cmp(const mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
extern int __gmpz_cmp(const mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
/*@ requires \valid(z1);
@ requires \valid(z2);
@ assigns *z1; */
extern int mpz_comp(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
extern int __gmpz_comp(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
/*@ requires \valid(z1);
@ requires \valid(z2);
@ assigns *z1; */
extern void mpz_neg(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
extern void __gmpz_neg(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
/*@ requires \valid(z1);
@ requires \valid(z2);
@ requires \valid(z3);
@ assigns *z1; */
extern void mpz_add(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
extern void __gmpz_add(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
/*@ requires \valid(z1);
@ requires \valid(z2);
@ requires \valid(z3);
@ assigns *z1; */
extern void mpz_sub(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
extern void __gmpz_sub(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
/*@ requires \valid(z1);
@ requires \valid(z2);
@ requires \valid(z3);
@ assigns *z1; */
extern void mpz_mul(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
extern void __gmpz_mul(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
/*@ requires \valid(z1);
@ requires \valid(z2);
@ requires \valid(z3);
@ assigns *z1; */
extern void mpz_tdiv_q(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
/*@ requires \valid(z1);
@ requires \valid(z2);
@ requires \valid(z3);
@ assigns *z1; */
extern void mpz_tdiv_r(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
extern void __gmpz_tdiv_r(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
// coercions to C int
/*@ requires \valid(z);
@ assigns \nothing; */
extern long mpz_get_si(const mpz_t z);
extern long __gmpz_get_si(const mpz_t z);
/*@ requires \valid(z);
@ assigns \nothing; */
extern unsigned long mpz_get_ui(const mpz_t z);
extern unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(const mpz_t z);
/* run.config
EXECNOW: LOG gen_addrOf.c BIN gen_addrOf.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/addrOf.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_addrOf.c BIN gen_addrOf.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/addrOf.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.out
int main(void) {
int x = 0;
/* run.config
COMMENT: arithmetic operations
COMMENT: add the last assertion when fixing BTS #751
EXECNOW: LOG gen_arith.c BIN gen_arith.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/arith.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_arith.c BIN gen_arith.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/arith.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.out
int main(void) {
/* run.config
COMMENT: arrays
EXECNOW: LOG gen_array.c BIN gen_array.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/array.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_array.c BIN gen_array.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/array.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.out
int T1[3],T2[4];
/* run.config
EXECNOW: LOG gen_at.c BIN gen_at.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_at.c BIN gen_at.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.out
int A = 0;
/* run.config
EXECNOW: LOG gen_cast.c BIN gen_cast.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_cast.c BIN gen_cast.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.out
int main(void) {
/* run.config
COMMENT: comparison operators
EXECNOW: LOG gen_comparison.c BIN gen_comparison.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/comparison.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_comparison.c BIN gen_comparison.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/comparison.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.out
int main(void) {
/* run.config
COMMENT: assert \false
EXECNOW: LOG gen_false.c BIN gen_false.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/false.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_false.c BIN gen_false.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/false.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.out
int main(void) {
int x = 0;
/* run.config
COMMENT: function contract
EXECNOW: LOG gen_function_contract.c BIN gen_function_contract.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/function_contract.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_function_contract.c BIN gen_function_contract.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/function_contract.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.out
int X = 0, Y = 2;
/* run.config
COMMENT: integer constant + a stmt after the assertion
COMMENT: waiting for fixing BTS #745
EXECNOW: LOG gen_integer_constant.c BIN gen_integer_constant.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/integer_constant.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_integer_constant.c BIN gen_integer_constant.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/integer_constant.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.out
int main(void) {
int x;
/* run.config
COMMENT: predicate using lazy operators
EXECNOW: LOG gen_lazy.c BIN gen_lazy.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/lazy.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.c -lgmp 2> /dev/null && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.out
EXECNOW: LOG gen_lazy.c BIN gen_lazy.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/lazy.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.c -lgmp 2> /dev/null && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.out
int main(void) {
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