diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/Makefile.in b/src/plugins/e-acsl/Makefile.in
index 8ac367acffe5abaded67762e36864437b0b2da65..49070853bb018e3b2c269cdf1873a3a331ce6938 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/Makefile.in
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/Makefile.in
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ $(PLUGIN_DIR)/local_config.ml: $(PLUGIN_DIR)/Makefile.in
 	$(RM) $@
 	$(ECHO) "(* This file was automatically generated from $<. Don't edit it. *)" >> $@
-	$(ECHO) "let may_compile_with_cc = @MAY_COMPILE_WITH_CC@" >> $@
 	$(ECHO) "let may_use_assert = @MAY_USE_ASSERT@" >> $@
 	$(CHMOD_RO) $@
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/TODO b/src/plugins/e-acsl/TODO
index 7a4303f1380bad913e1b7af7862fd84f65402211..d52e1c85a3f34072a30b3769eacd7454a82971ea 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/TODO
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/TODO
@@ -18,8 +18,23 @@
 - minimiser le nombre de variables générées
 - constante entière longue: utiliser la représentation sous forme de string et 
   rechercher la base appropriée.
-- introduire feature wishes Bernard (voir mail du 9 juin)
 - arithmetic overflows
+[Bernard] avoir une fonction 
+  e_acsl_assert(int guard, char *msg, char *kind) {
+    if (guard) e_acsl_fail(msg, kind);
+  }
+à appeler au lieu de générer la garde. La kind est le type de l'annotation 
+(assert, requires, ensures, RTE? ...)
+[Bernard] avoir une fonction
+  e_acsl_trace_behavior(char *bhv_name) {}
+à appeler dès qu'un behavior est activé
+- meilleur schéma de compilation des assumes:
+  if (assume_bhv) {
+    e_acsl_trace_behavior(bhv_name);
+    requires_bhv;
+    run_function;
+    ensures_bhv;
+  }
@@ -32,7 +47,6 @@
 - fonction sans code
-- ajouter -Wall -pedantic -c99
 - exécuter rte
 - tester plusieurs fonctions contenant des annotations
 - améliorer test "integer_constant.i" quand bug fixed #745
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/configure.ac b/src/plugins/e-acsl/configure.ac
index 17dbc0723eec755c9c8aa9ee79678729b7afb578..1395b3077103f6f43020ca54844135c8af99e61c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/configure.ac
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/configure.ac
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ check_plugin(e_acsl,PLUGIN_RELATIVE_PATH(plugin_file),
 # C specific stuff for E-ACSL #
@@ -58,9 +57,7 @@ if test -z $CC; then
 if test -z $HAVE_STDIO_H; then
-  AC_MSG_WARN([stdio.h missing: cannot use option -e-acsl-include-headers.])
   AC_MSG_WARN([stdio.h missing: non-regression tests unavailable.])
@@ -73,7 +70,6 @@ if test -z $HAVE_ASSERT_H; then
   AC_MSG_WARN([assert.h missing: cannot use E-ACSL option -e-acsl-use-assert.])
-  AC_MSG_WARN([assert.h missing: non-regression tests unavailable.])
 # GMP library
@@ -82,9 +78,7 @@ fi
 AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp,__gmpz_init,HAVE_GMP=yes,) # also set LIBS
 if test -z $HAVE_GMP; then
-  AC_MSG_WARN([GMP library missing: cannot use E-ACSL option -e-acsl-include-headers.])
   AC_MSG_WARN([GMP library missing: non-regression tests unavailable.])
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/local_config.mli b/src/plugins/e-acsl/local_config.mli
index aacfa9bd0ba23539d1b34dcc2dd7fb2acc3f1823..1ba938b1ab55dde64f4112ac273cd5344545a062 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/local_config.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/local_config.mli
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-val may_compile_with_cc: bool
 val may_use_assert: bool
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/main.ml b/src/plugins/e-acsl/main.ml
index 1e0c8ed4ad1e5ded4ec70c3b6704397b48e8610c..a83acf3b11a34ef4d8738c5bfa9da06d73e4d901 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/main.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/main.ml
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ module Resulting_projects =
       let name = "E-ACSL resulting projects"
       let size = 7
       let kind = `Correctness
-      let dependencies =
-	[ Ast.self; Options.Include_headers.self; Options.Use_assert.self ]
+      let dependencies = [ Ast.self; Options.Use_assert.self ]
 let () = Env.global_state := Resulting_projects.self
@@ -66,20 +65,7 @@ let generate_code =
     (fun name ->
 	let visit prj = Visit.do_visit ~prj true in
-	let preprocess =
-	  if Options.Include_headers.get () then
-	    if Local_config.may_compile_with_cc then begin
-	      if Local_config.may_use_assert then Options.Use_assert.on ();
-	      true
-	    end else begin
-	      Options.warning "option `-e-acsl-include-headers' not available \
-(see configure warning) : ignoring it.";
-	      false
-	    end
-	  else
-	    false
-	in
-	File.create_rebuilt_project_from_visitor ~preprocess name visit
+	File.create_rebuilt_project_from_visitor ~preprocess:false name visit
       with Misc.Typing_error s ->
 	Options.abort ~current:true "%s" s)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/mpz.ml b/src/plugins/e-acsl/mpz.ml
index 6bb79500272d13fb95f644246c1c179cd1ba1e62..33b1e438d3256601edf0bb4c131698fdec6e210e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/mpz.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/mpz.ml
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ let is_now_referenced () = t_torig.treferenced <- true
 let t = TNamed(t_torig, [])
 let is_t ty = Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty t
-let apply_on_var funname e = Misc.mk_call ("mpz_" ^ funname) [ e ]
+let apply_on_var funname e = Misc.mk_call ("__gmpz_" ^ funname) [ e ]
 let init = apply_on_var "init"
 let clear = apply_on_var "clear"
 let init_set v e =
   let ty = typeOf e in
   if is_t ty then
-    Misc.mk_call "mpz_init_set" [ v; e ]
+    Misc.mk_call "__gmpz_init_set" [ v; e ]
     let fname, args = match ty with
       | TInt((IBool | IChar | IUChar | IUInt | IUShort | IULong), _) ->
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ let init_set v e =
 	[ e; integer ~loc:Location.unknown 10 ]
       | _ -> assert false
-    Misc.mk_call ("mpz_init_set_" ^ fname) (v :: args)
+    Misc.mk_call ("__gmpz_init_set_" ^ fname) (v :: args)
 Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/options.ml b/src/plugins/e-acsl/options.ml
index 5deef961919c795c9f3e48d8dda59c90c43f4d7d..467473dec419a0d995da6f380ab9f05163b812a1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/options.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/options.ml
@@ -46,15 +46,6 @@ module Project_name =
       let arg_name = "prj"
-module Include_headers =
-  False
-    (struct
-      let option_name = "-e-acsl-include-headers"
-      let help = "include standard headers in the new project \
-(unset by default)"
-      let kind = `Correctness
-     end)
 module Use_assert =
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/options.mli b/src/plugins/e-acsl/options.mli
index c141632bb58b31ade5aa917e5370ce9954e6b26f..ef8540b777e124d6fd088f9ce97cf6b9de5b297e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/options.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/options.mli
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ include S (** implementation of Log.S for E-ACSL *)
 module Check: Bool
 module Project_name: String
-module Include_headers: Bool
 module Use_assert: Bool
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/read_header.ml b/src/plugins/e-acsl/read_header.ml
index 2403767af599c4fe97e5410723ed396ae339728c..265666bf11f0ac1b6a1dd09bd23d4109888f7a20 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/read_header.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/read_header.ml
@@ -46,12 +46,7 @@ let text =
   let buf = Buffer.create 97 in
   fun () ->
     if Buffer.length buf = 0 then begin
-      if Options.Include_headers.get () then begin
-	add_include buf "stdio.h";
-	if Options.Use_assert.get () then add_include buf "assert.h";
-	add_include buf "gmp.h";
-      end else
-	put_file_in_buffer "e_acsl_gmp_types.h" buf;
+      put_file_in_buffer "e_acsl_gmp_types.h" buf;
       put_file_in_buffer "e_acsl_gmp.h" buf;
       put_file_in_buffer "e_acsl.h" buf
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/share/e-acsl/e_acsl_gmp.h b/src/plugins/e-acsl/share/e-acsl/e_acsl_gmp.h
index 5290f586777882139e9bcfacf5f120ff1c4126c7..ea2661d603caf9221d6228e114ecbb32b4ad6da4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/share/e-acsl/e_acsl_gmp.h
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/share/e-acsl/e_acsl_gmp.h
@@ -7,83 +7,83 @@
 /*@ ensures \valid(x);
   @ assigns *x; */
-extern void mpz_init(mpz_t x);
+extern void __gmpz_init(mpz_t x);
 /*@ ensures \valid(z);
   @ assigns *z; */
-extern void mpz_init_set(mpz_t z, const mpz_t z_orig);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set(mpz_t z, const mpz_t z_orig);
 /*@ ensures \valid(z);
   @ assigns *z \from n; */
-extern void mpz_init_set_ui(mpz_t z, unsigned long int n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_ui(mpz_t z, unsigned long int n);
 /*@ ensures \valid(z);
   @ assigns *z \from n; */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(mpz_t z, signed long int n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(mpz_t z, signed long int n);
 /*@ ensures \valid(z);
   @ assigns *z; */
-extern int mpz_init_set_str(mpz_t z, const char *str, int base);
+extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(mpz_t z, const char *str, int base);
 // finalizer
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
   @ assigns *x; */
-extern void mpz_clear(mpz_t x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(mpz_t x);
 // logical and arithmetic operators
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
   @ requires \valid(z2);
   @ assigns \nothing; */
-extern int mpz_cmp(const mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(const mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
   @ requires \valid(z2);
   @ assigns *z1; */
-extern int mpz_comp(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
+extern int __gmpz_comp(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
   @ requires \valid(z2);
   @ assigns *z1; */
-extern void mpz_neg(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
+extern void __gmpz_neg(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
   @ requires \valid(z2);
   @ requires \valid(z3);
   @ assigns *z1; */
-extern void mpz_add(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
+extern void __gmpz_add(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
   @ requires \valid(z2);
   @ requires \valid(z3);
   @ assigns *z1; */
-extern void mpz_sub(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
+extern void __gmpz_sub(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
   @ requires \valid(z2);
   @ requires \valid(z3);
   @ assigns *z1; */
-extern void mpz_mul(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
+extern void __gmpz_mul(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
   @ requires \valid(z2);
   @ requires \valid(z3);
   @ assigns *z1; */
-extern void mpz_tdiv_q(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
+extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
   @ requires \valid(z2);
   @ requires \valid(z3);
   @ assigns *z1; */
-extern void mpz_tdiv_r(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
+extern void __gmpz_tdiv_r(mpz_t z1, const mpz_t z2, const mpz_t z3);
 // coercions to C int
 /*@ requires \valid(z); 
   @ assigns \nothing; */
-extern long mpz_get_si(const mpz_t z);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(const mpz_t z);
 /*@ requires \valid(z); 
   @ assigns \nothing; */
-extern unsigned long mpz_get_ui(const mpz_t z);
+extern unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(const mpz_t z);
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/addrOf.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/addrOf.i
index 8e3d7aca223a0cf6e1aaab3b2d7ff15f57d9293c..51565e156ed35085aa807085cd8c6f740a883858 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/addrOf.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/addrOf.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: addrOf
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_addrOf.c BIN gen_addrOf.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/addrOf.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_addrOf.c BIN gen_addrOf.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/addrOf.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_addrOf.out
 int main(void) {
   int x = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/arith.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/arith.i
index d1ead2ef6e2c3b09c13cd9bedbda29be5e90e96b..0c526f6e42cf897e84a0312fb6929046a05f986a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/arith.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/arith.i
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: arithmetic operations
    COMMENT: add the last assertion when fixing BTS #751
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_arith.c BIN gen_arith.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/arith.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_arith.c BIN gen_arith.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/arith.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_arith.out
 int main(void) {
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/array.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/array.i
index 4c688bfe8d05432061b67360e45788a75fc7203b..9900338f8085d623c22da84946720566e31bae47 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/array.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/array.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: arrays
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_array.c BIN gen_array.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/array.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_array.c BIN gen_array.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/array.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_array.out
 int T1[3],T2[4];
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i
index 9ca397f65f6927364e962f610b0f1b674a6e8d60..6c5184c2088b09e32121687cae436e05746c65f5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: \at
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_at.c BIN gen_at.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_at.c BIN gen_at.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_at.out
 int A = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i
index ebd2e6d97c0b4ebd8ba5899fb9467be1bccb7c93..4dfe44dcf375e3d5f3bf22c9706b461af22b6b61 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: cast
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_cast.c BIN gen_cast.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_cast.c BIN gen_cast.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_cast.out
 int main(void) {
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/comparison.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/comparison.i
index b3b772e3767acecb9a4b285bd524b9756b70d569..1d07baab4663e7195960fb88a47c55d00e5707c2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/comparison.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/comparison.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: comparison operators
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_comparison.c BIN gen_comparison.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/comparison.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.c > /dev/null &&  gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_comparison.c BIN gen_comparison.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/comparison.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.c > /dev/null &&  gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_comparison.out
 int main(void) {
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/false.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/false.i
index 051451ade6db2837f64d1ade436cd2ce14be7015..109f5b28bc92bc7891b3b08090b92dcbb4bfa73e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/false.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/false.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: assert \false
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_false.c BIN gen_false.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/false.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_false.c BIN gen_false.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/false.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_false.out
 int main(void) {
   int x = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/function_contract.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/function_contract.i
index d60e8c729b12f6643e75b0fdf2ba821ae06e0872..b3a7eed0542afec6f7baff18605c477cb1125fc8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/function_contract.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/function_contract.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: function contract
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_function_contract.c BIN gen_function_contract.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/function_contract.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_function_contract.c BIN gen_function_contract.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/function_contract.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_function_contract.out
 int X = 0, Y = 2;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/integer_constant.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/integer_constant.i
index ad3b125def1d2b19aa134d34c0c73ca42c687d0b..fddc7eba8cc36cc4b5b766f4516b7e1df1544f82 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/integer_constant.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/integer_constant.i
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: integer constant + a stmt after the assertion
    COMMENT: waiting for fixing BTS #745
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_integer_constant.c BIN gen_integer_constant.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/integer_constant.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_integer_constant.c BIN gen_integer_constant.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/integer_constant.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_integer_constant.out
 int main(void) {
   int x;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/lazy.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/lazy.i
index df25a0847f1d68fec82cbb360190f0a679df6f41..d0ef7f799a1d703ddb48d66d44891b29725e3d9b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/lazy.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/lazy.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: predicate using lazy operators
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_lazy.c BIN gen_lazy.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/lazy.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.c > /dev/null &&  gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.c -lgmp 2> /dev/null && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_lazy.c BIN gen_lazy.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/lazy.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.c > /dev/null &&  gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.c -lgmp 2> /dev/null && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_lazy.out
 int main(void) {
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/nested_code_annot.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/nested_code_annot.i
index 3d3b2ef6960914d223caaa2e6a555d2e564e9a82..97290d82949cc51a5d98d258f5ff99301545df4a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/nested_code_annot.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/nested_code_annot.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: structured stmt with several code annotations inside
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_nested_code_annot.c BIN gen_nested_code_annot.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/nested_code_annot.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_nested_code_annot.c > /dev/null &&  gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_nested_code_annot.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_nested_code_annot.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_nested_code_annot.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_nested_code_annot.c BIN gen_nested_code_annot.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/nested_code_annot.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_nested_code_annot.c > /dev/null &&  gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_nested_code_annot.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_nested_code_annot.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_nested_code_annot.out
 int main(void) {
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/not.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/not.i
index 452dd89b8e894bad1adeca5f5dd4b80c2f9a6d18..264b6c1e9ca75711e7eb27162fa1a37fec25a714 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/not.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/not.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: predicate [!p]
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_not.c BIN gen_not.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/not.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_not.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_not.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_not.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_not.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_not.c BIN gen_not.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/not.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_not.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_not.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_not.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_not.out
 int main(void) {
   int x = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/null.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/null.i
index 32f28ac1131a986abc0ca99750dcadcf42fefded..656111e89ba271fedb1533db646c236fc56e0f5c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/null.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/null.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: assert \null == 0
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_null.c BIN gen_null.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/null.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_null.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_null.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_null.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_null.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_null.c BIN gen_null.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/null.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_null.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_null.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_null.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_null.out
 int main(void) {
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/arith.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/arith.res.oracle
index f0b9cef6ca96dfc5db3abb0e35b2532cd7321d3e..7d10e2a3f562dbd515f55e4cccb837c7135c5e38 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/arith.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/arith.res.oracle
@@ -4,27 +4,27 @@
 [value] Initial state computed
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
 PROJECT_FILE.i:138:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:144.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:145.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function mpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function __gmpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:146.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:59:[value] Function mpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:60:[value] Function mpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:59:[value] Function __gmpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:60:[value] Function __gmpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:147.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:148.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:149.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -36,32 +36,32 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:150.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:151.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:152.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:156:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:162.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:163.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:164.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:165.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:166.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:167.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -72,29 +72,29 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:156:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:168.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:169.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:170.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:174:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:179.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:180.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_com <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_com <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:181.
-[kernel] warning: No code for function mpz_com, default assigns generated
-[value] Done for function mpz_com
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[kernel] warning: No code for function __gmpz_com, default assigns generated
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_com
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:182.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:183.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -105,40 +105,40 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:174:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:184.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:185.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:189:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:197.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:198.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:199.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:200.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:201.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:202.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:203.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:204.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:205.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -149,49 +149,49 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:206.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:207.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:208.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:209.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:210.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:214:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:222.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:223.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:224.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:225.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:70:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:71:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:72:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:70:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:71:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:72:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:226.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:227.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:228.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:229.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:230.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -202,49 +202,49 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:72:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:231.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:232.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:233.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:234.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:235.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:239:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:247.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:248.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:249.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_mul <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_mul <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:250.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:76:[value] Function mpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:77:[value] Function mpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:78:[value] Function mpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_mul
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:76:[value] Function __gmpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:77:[value] Function __gmpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:78:[value] Function __gmpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_mul
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:251.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:252.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:253.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:254.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:255.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -255,35 +255,35 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:78:[value] Function mpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:256.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:257.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:258.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:259.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:260.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:264:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:273.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:274.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_get_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_get_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:275.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:96:[value] Function mpz_get_si: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_get_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:96:[value] Function __gmpz_get_si: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_get_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:276.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
 PROJECT_FILE.i:277:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:278.
@@ -295,24 +295,24 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:277:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_tdiv_q <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_tdiv_q <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:279.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:82:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:83:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:84:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_tdiv_q
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:82:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:83:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:84:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_tdiv_q
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:280.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:281.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:282.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:283.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:284.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -323,35 +323,35 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:84:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:285.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:286.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:287.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:288.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:289.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:293:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_str <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_str <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:301.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:37:[value] Function mpz_init_set_str: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_str
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:37:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_str: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_str
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:302.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:303.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:304.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
 PROJECT_FILE.i:305:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:306.
@@ -363,15 +363,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:305:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_tdiv_q <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_tdiv_q <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:307.
-[value] Done for function mpz_tdiv_q
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_tdiv_q
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:308.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:309.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:311.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -382,31 +382,31 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:305:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:313.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:314.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:315.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:316.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:320:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:329.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:330.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_get_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_get_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:331.
-[value] Done for function mpz_get_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_get_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:332.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
 PROJECT_FILE.i:333:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:334.
@@ -418,24 +418,24 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:333:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_tdiv_r <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_tdiv_r <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:335.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:88:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_r: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:89:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_r: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:90:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_r: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_tdiv_r
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:88:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_r: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:89:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_r: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:90:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_r: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_tdiv_r
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:336.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:337.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:338.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:339.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:340.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -446,49 +446,49 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:90:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_r: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:341.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:342.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:343.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:344.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:345.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:349:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:361.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:362.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:363.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:364.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:365.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:366.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:367.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:368.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:369.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
 PROJECT_FILE.i:370:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:371.
@@ -500,21 +500,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:370:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_tdiv_r <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_tdiv_r <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:372.
-[value] Done for function mpz_tdiv_r
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_tdiv_r
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:373.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:374.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:375.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:376.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:377.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -525,52 +525,52 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:370:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:378.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:379.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:380.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:381.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:382.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:383.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:384.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:385.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:389:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:399.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:400.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:401.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:402.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:403.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:404.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:405.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
 PROJECT_FILE.i:406:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:407.
@@ -582,15 +582,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:406:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_tdiv_r <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_tdiv_r <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:408.
-[value] Done for function mpz_tdiv_r
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_tdiv_r
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:409.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:410.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:411.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -601,88 +601,88 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:406:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:412.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:413.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:414.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:415.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:416.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:417.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:421:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:437.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:438.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:439.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_mul <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_mul <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:440.
-[value] Done for function mpz_mul
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_mul
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:441.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:442.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:443.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:444.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:445.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:446.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:447.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:448.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:449.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:450.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:451.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:452.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:453.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:454.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:455.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:456.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:457.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:458.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -693,62 +693,62 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:421:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:460.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:461.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:462.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:463.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:464.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:465.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:466.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:467.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:468.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:469.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:470.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:471.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:472.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:476:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:479:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:485.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:486.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:487.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:488.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:489.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:490.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -759,31 +759,31 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:479:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:492.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:493.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:494.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:498:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:504.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:505.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:506.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:507.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:508.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:510.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -794,15 +794,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:498:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:512.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:513.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:514.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:518:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:521:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for main
@@ -824,71 +824,71 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;  */
-extern int mpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
-                            int base);
+extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
+                               int base);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns *z1;  */
-extern void mpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_mul(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_mul(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_tdiv_r(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_tdiv_r(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern long mpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
 /*@ behavior generated:
       assigns \at(\result,Post) \from \nothing;  */
-extern int ( /* missing proto */ mpz_com)();
+extern int ( /* missing proto */ __gmpz_com)();
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
@@ -918,16 +918,16 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     mpz_t e_acsl_3;
     int e_acsl_4;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)3);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3),(long)x);
-    e_acsl_4 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_3));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)3);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3),(long)x);
+    e_acsl_4 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_3));
     if (! (e_acsl_4 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(-3 == x)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3));
   /*@ assert x ≡ -3; */ ;
@@ -936,16 +936,16 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_6;
     mpz_t e_acsl_7;
     int e_acsl_8;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6),(long)3);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_6));
-    e_acsl_8 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6),(long)3);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_6));
+    e_acsl_8 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7));
     if (! (e_acsl_8 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == -3)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
   /*@ assert 0 ≢ ~0; */ ;
@@ -953,14 +953,14 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_9;
     mpz_t e_acsl_10;
     int e_acsl_11;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)0);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
-    mpz_com(e_acsl_10,e_acsl_9);
-    e_acsl_11 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)0);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_com(e_acsl_10,e_acsl_9);
+    e_acsl_11 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10));
     if (! (e_acsl_11 != 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(0 != ~0)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
   /*@ assert x+1 ≡ -2; */ ;
@@ -971,22 +971,22 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_15;
     mpz_t e_acsl_16;
     int e_acsl_17;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)2);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15));
-    e_acsl_17 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)2);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15));
+    e_acsl_17 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
     if (! (e_acsl_17 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x+1 == -2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
   /*@ assert x-1 ≡ -4; */ ;
@@ -997,22 +997,22 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_21;
     mpz_t e_acsl_22;
     int e_acsl_23;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
-    mpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_18),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21),(long)4);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_21));
-    e_acsl_23 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_22));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
+    __gmpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_18),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21),(long)4);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_21));
+    e_acsl_23 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_22));
     if (! (e_acsl_23 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x-1 == -4)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22));
   /*@ assert x*3 ≡ -9; */ ;
@@ -1023,22 +1023,22 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_27;
     mpz_t e_acsl_28;
     int e_acsl_29;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25),(long)3);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
-    mpz_mul((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_25));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27),(long)9);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27));
-    e_acsl_29 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25),(long)3);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
+    __gmpz_mul((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_25));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27),(long)9);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27));
+    e_acsl_29 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
     if (! (e_acsl_29 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x*3 == -9)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
   /*@ assert x/3 ≡ -1; */ ;
@@ -1050,25 +1050,26 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_34;
     mpz_t e_acsl_35;
     int e_acsl_36;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31),(long)3);
-    e_acsl_32 = (int)mpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_33));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31),(long)3);
+    e_acsl_32 = (int)__gmpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_33));
     /*@ assert 3 ≢ 0; */ ;
     if (e_acsl_32 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(3 == 0)"); }
-    mpz_tdiv_q((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_33),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_30),
-               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34));
-    e_acsl_36 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_33),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_35));
+    __gmpz_tdiv_q((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_33),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_30),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34));
+    e_acsl_36 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_33),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_35));
     if (! (e_acsl_36 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x/3 == -1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_33));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_33));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
   /*@ assert 0xfffffffffff/0xfffffffffff ≡ 1; */ ;
@@ -1079,25 +1080,26 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_40;
     mpz_t e_acsl_41;
     int e_acsl_42;
-    mpz_init_set_str((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37),"17592186044415",10);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_39 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_38));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40));
+    __gmpz_init_set_str((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37),"17592186044415",10);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_39 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_38));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40));
     /*@ assert 0xfffffffffff ≢ 0; */ ;
     if (e_acsl_39 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(0xfffffffffff == 0)"); }
-    mpz_tdiv_q((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37),
-               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_42 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_40),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_41));
+    __gmpz_tdiv_q((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_42 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_40),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_41));
     if (! (e_acsl_42 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(0xfffffffffff/0xfffffffffff == 1)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41));
   /*@ assert x%2 ≡ -1; */ ;
@@ -1109,25 +1111,26 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_47;
     mpz_t e_acsl_48;
     int e_acsl_49;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_44),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_45 = (int)mpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_44));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_46));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_44),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_45 = (int)__gmpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_44));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_46));
     /*@ assert 2 ≢ 0; */ ;
     if (e_acsl_45 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(2 == 0)"); }
-    mpz_tdiv_r((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_46),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_43),
-               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_44));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_47),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_47));
-    e_acsl_49 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_46),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_48));
+    __gmpz_tdiv_r((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_46),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_43),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_44));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_47),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_47));
+    e_acsl_49 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_46),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_48));
     if (! (e_acsl_49 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x%2 == -1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_44));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_46));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_47));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_44));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_46));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_47));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48));
   /*@ assert -3%-2 ≡ -1; */ ;
@@ -1142,34 +1145,35 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_57;
     mpz_t e_acsl_58;
     int e_acsl_59;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_50),(long)3);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_51));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_51),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_50));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_52),(long)2);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_52));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_54),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_55 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_53),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_54));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_50),(long)3);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_51));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_51),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_50));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_52),(long)2);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_52));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_54),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_55 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_53),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_54));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56));
     /*@ assert -2 ≢ 0; */ ;
     if (e_acsl_55 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(-2 == 0)"); }
-    mpz_tdiv_r((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_51),
-               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_53));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_57),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_57));
-    e_acsl_59 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_56),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_58));
+    __gmpz_tdiv_r((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_51),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_53));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_57),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_57));
+    e_acsl_59 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_56),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_58));
     if (! (e_acsl_59 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(-3%-2 == -1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_50));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_51));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_52));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_54));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_57));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_50));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_51));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_52));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_54));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_57));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58));
   /*@ assert 3%-2 ≡ 1; */ ;
@@ -1182,28 +1186,29 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_65;
     mpz_t e_acsl_66;
     int e_acsl_67;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_60),(long)3);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_61),(long)2);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_61));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_63),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_64 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_62),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_63));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_60),(long)3);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_61),(long)2);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_61));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_63),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_64 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_62),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_63));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65));
     /*@ assert -2 ≢ 0; */ ;
     if (e_acsl_64 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(-2 == 0)"); }
-    mpz_tdiv_r((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_60),
-               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_62));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_66),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_67 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_65),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_66));
+    __gmpz_tdiv_r((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_60),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_62));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_66),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_67 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_65),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_66));
     if (! (e_acsl_67 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(3%-2 == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_60));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_61));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_63));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_66));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_60));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_61));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_63));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_66));
   /*@ assert ((x*2+(3+y))-4)+(x-y) ≡ -10; */ ;
@@ -1222,50 +1227,50 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_79;
     mpz_t e_acsl_80;
     int e_acsl_81;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_68),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_69),(long)2);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_70));
-    mpz_mul((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_70),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_68),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_69));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_71),(long)3);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_72),(long)y);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_73));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_73),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_71),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_72));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_74));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_74),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_70),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_73));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_75),(long)4);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_76));
-    mpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_76),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_74),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_75));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_77));
-    mpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_77),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_68),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_72));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_78));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_78),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_76),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_77));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_79),(long)10);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_80));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_80),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_79));
-    e_acsl_81 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_78),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_80));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_68),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_69),(long)2);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_70));
+    __gmpz_mul((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_70),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_68),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_69));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_71),(long)3);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_72),(long)y);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_73));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_73),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_71),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_72));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_74));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_74),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_70),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_73));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_75),(long)4);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_76));
+    __gmpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_76),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_74),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_75));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_77));
+    __gmpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_77),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_68),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_72));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_78));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_78),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_76),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_77));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_79),(long)10);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_80));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_80),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_79));
+    e_acsl_81 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_78),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_80));
     if (! (e_acsl_81 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(((x*2+(3+y))-4)+(x-y) == -10)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_68));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_69));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_70));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_71));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_72));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_73));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_74));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_75));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_76));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_77));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_78));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_79));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_80));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_68));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_69));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_70));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_71));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_72));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_73));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_74));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_75));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_76));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_77));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_78));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_79));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_80));
   /*@ assert (0≡1) ≡ !(0≡0); */ ;
@@ -1278,18 +1283,18 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_83;
     mpz_t e_acsl_84;
     int e_acsl_85;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_82),(long)0);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_83),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_84));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_84),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_83));
-    e_acsl_85 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_82),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_84));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_82),(long)0);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_83),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_84));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_84),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_83));
+    e_acsl_85 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_82),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_84));
     if (! ((e_acsl_85 <= 0) == (0 > 0))) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"((0<=-1) == (0>0))");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_82));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_83));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_84));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_82));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_83));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_84));
   /*@ assert (0≥-1) ≡ (0≤0); */ ;
@@ -1298,18 +1303,18 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_87;
     mpz_t e_acsl_88;
     int e_acsl_89;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_86),(long)0);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_87),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_88));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_88),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_87));
-    e_acsl_89 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_86),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_88));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_86),(long)0);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_87),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_88));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_88),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_87));
+    e_acsl_89 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_86),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_88));
     if (! ((e_acsl_89 >= 0) == (0 <= 0))) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"((0>=-1) == (0<=0))");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_86));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_87));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_88));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_86));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_87));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_88));
   /*@ assert (0≢1) ≡ !(0≢0); */ ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/at.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/at.res.oracle
index a167a416e324980c98d827d341d2a2f8ad615d2f..0b57da4f8feb6c582fec30b67f2f094a51cd40c0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/at.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/at.res.oracle
@@ -9,49 +9,49 @@ tests/e-acsl-runtime/at.i:33:[e-acsl] warning: missing guard for ensuring that p
 [value] Initial state computed
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
         A ∈ {0}
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:291.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:292.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:293.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function mpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function __gmpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:294.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:295.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:25:[value] Function mpz_init_set: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:25:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:296.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:297.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:298.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:302:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:307.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:308.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:309.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:310.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -63,24 +63,24 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:311.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:312.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:318.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:148:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:153.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:154.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:155.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:156.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
@@ -91,22 +91,22 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:148:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:157.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:158.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:162:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:167.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:168.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:169.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:170.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
@@ -117,22 +117,22 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:162:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:171.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:172.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:176:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:182.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:183.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:184.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:185.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
@@ -143,22 +143,22 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:176:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:186.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:187.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:191:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:196.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:197.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:198.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:199.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
@@ -169,21 +169,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:191:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:200.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:201.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:211.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:212.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:213.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:214.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
@@ -194,25 +194,25 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:191:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:215.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:216.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:132:[value] Function f: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for f
 [value] Done for function f
 PROJECT_FILE.i:319:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:324.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:325.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:326.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:327.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:319:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:328.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:329.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:333:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:337.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:338.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:339.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -246,25 +246,25 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:333:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:340.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:344:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:350.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:351.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:352.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:353.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:354.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:355.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -275,27 +275,27 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:344:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:356.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:357.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:358.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:362.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:240:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:245.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:246.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:247.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:248.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- g <- main.
@@ -306,22 +306,22 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:240:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- g <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:250.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:251.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:256:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:262.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:263.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:264.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:266.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- g <- main.
@@ -332,17 +332,17 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:256:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- g <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:268.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:269.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for g
 [value] Done for function g
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:364.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -384,31 +384,31 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z,
-                         __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z_orig);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z,
+                            __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z_orig);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -443,13 +443,13 @@ void f(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     mpz_t e_acsl_3;
     int e_acsl_4;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)e_acsl_1);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_4 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_3));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)e_acsl_1);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_4 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_3));
     if (! (e_acsl_4 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(A,Pre) == 0)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3));
   /*@ assert \at(A,F) ≡ 1; */ ;
@@ -457,13 +457,13 @@ void f(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_6;
     mpz_t e_acsl_7;
     int e_acsl_8;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6),(long)e_acsl_5);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_8 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_6),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6),(long)e_acsl_5);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_8 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_6),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7));
     if (! (e_acsl_8 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(A,F) == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
   /*@ assert \at(A,Here) ≡ 2; */ ;
@@ -472,13 +472,13 @@ void f(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_11;
     int e_acsl_12;
     e_acsl_9 = A;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)e_acsl_9);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_12 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)e_acsl_9);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_12 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
     if (! (e_acsl_12 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(A,Here) == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
   /*@ assert \at(\at(A,Pre),F) ≡ 0; */ ;
@@ -486,15 +486,15 @@ void f(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_15;
     mpz_t e_acsl_16;
     int e_acsl_17;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)e_acsl_14);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_17 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)e_acsl_14);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_17 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
     if (! (e_acsl_17 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(\\at(A,Pre),F) == 0)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
   A = 3;
@@ -503,13 +503,13 @@ void f(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_20;
     int e_acsl_21;
     e_acsl_18 = A;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)e_acsl_18);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(long)3);
-    e_acsl_21 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)e_acsl_18);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(long)3);
+    e_acsl_21 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20));
     if (! (e_acsl_21 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(A,Post) == 3)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
@@ -536,15 +536,15 @@ void g(int *p, int *q)
     mpz_t e_acsl_3;
     mpz_t e_acsl_4;
     int e_acsl_5;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3),(long)e_acsl_2);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_5 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_3),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3),(long)e_acsl_2);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_5 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_3),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4));
     if (! (e_acsl_5 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(*(p+\\at(*q,L1)),L2) == 2)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
@@ -554,15 +554,15 @@ void g(int *p, int *q)
     mpz_t e_acsl_9;
     int e_acsl_10;
     e_acsl_7 = *(p + e_acsl_6);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)e_acsl_7);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_10 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)e_acsl_7);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_10 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
     if (! (e_acsl_10 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(*(p+\\at(*q,L1)),Here) == 2)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
@@ -582,16 +582,16 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_8;
     mpz_t e_acsl_9;
     mpz_t e_acsl_10;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
-    mpz_init_set((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),
-                 (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_init_set((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),
+                    (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
   e_acsl_4 = x;
@@ -600,13 +600,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 0)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
   x = 1;
@@ -617,24 +617,24 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_5;
     mpz_t e_acsl_6;
     int e_acsl_7;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)e_acsl_4);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_7 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_6));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)e_acsl_4);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_7 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_6));
     if (! (e_acsl_7 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(x,L) == 0)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
   /*@ assert \at(x+1,L) ≡ 1; */ ;
     mpz_t e_acsl_12;
     int e_acsl_13;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_13 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_13 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12));
     if (! (e_acsl_13 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(x+1,L) == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
   /*@ assert \at(x,L)+1 ≡ 1; */ ;
@@ -643,22 +643,22 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_16;
     mpz_t e_acsl_17;
     int e_acsl_18;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)e_acsl_14);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
-    e_acsl_18 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_17),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)e_acsl_14);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
+    e_acsl_18 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_17),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
     if (! (e_acsl_18 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\at(x,L)+1 == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
   g(t,& x);
   __retres = 0;
-  mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
+  __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
   return (__retres);
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/cast.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/cast.res.oracle
index aa0fd63006d99ae7cbd769bb66410b0f318eaa85..04fedcf0e6436a0b04d2c2b98a206799fe40588b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/cast.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/cast.res.oracle
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ tests/e-acsl-runtime/cast.i:18:[e-acsl] warning: missing guard for ensuring that
 [value] Initial state computed
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
 PROJECT_FILE.i:138:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_str <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_str <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:142.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:37:[value] Function mpz_init_set_str: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_str
-[value] computing for function mpz_get_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:37:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_str: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_str
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_get_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:143.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:96:[value] Function mpz_get_si: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_get_si
+PROJECT_FILE.i:96:[value] Function __gmpz_get_si: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_get_si
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:144.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:145.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:149:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_str <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_str <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:153.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_str
-[value] computing for function mpz_get_ui <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_str
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_get_ui <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:154.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:100:[value] Function mpz_get_ui: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_get_ui
+PROJECT_FILE.i:100:[value] Function __gmpz_get_ui: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_get_ui
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:156.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:100:[value] Function mpz_get_ui: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:158.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -68,17 +68,17 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;  */
-extern int mpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
-                            int base);
+extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
+                               int base);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern long mpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern unsigned long mpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
+extern unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -103,24 +103,24 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     int e_acsl_2;
-    mpz_init_set_str((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),"1152921504606846975",10);
-    e_acsl_2 = (int)mpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_init_set_str((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),"1152921504606846975",10);
+    e_acsl_2 = (int)__gmpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1));
     if (! (y != e_acsl_2)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(y != (int)0xfffffffffffffff)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
   /*@ assert (unsigned int)y ≢ (unsigned int)0xfffffffffffffff; */ ;
     mpz_t e_acsl_3;
     unsigned int e_acsl_4;
-    mpz_init_set_str((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3),"1152921504606846975",10);
-    e_acsl_4 = (unsigned int)mpz_get_ui((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_3));
+    __gmpz_init_set_str((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3),"1152921504606846975",10);
+    e_acsl_4 = (unsigned int)__gmpz_get_ui((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_3));
     if (! ((unsigned int)y != e_acsl_4)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"((unsigned int)y != (unsigned int)0xfffffffffffffff)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_3));
   __retres = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/comparison.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/comparison.res.oracle
index 1bac2ca8dccea3d3b2ed0e98a4d1a26dcdfeaf91..edd0696c274c938329b5c6648dfba03de3dd828f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/comparison.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/comparison.res.oracle
@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@
 PROJECT_FILE.i:139:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:142:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:145:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:150.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:151.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:152.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:153.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -28,23 +28,23 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:154.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:155.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:159:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:164.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:165.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:166.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:167.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:159:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:168.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:169.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:174:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:177:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:180:[value] Assertion got status valid.
@@ -70,24 +70,24 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:189:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:192:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:195:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:198:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:204.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:205.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function mpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function __gmpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:206.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:59:[value] Function mpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:60:[value] Function mpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:59:[value] Function __gmpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:60:[value] Function __gmpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:207.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:208.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:209.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -98,31 +98,31 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:60:[value] Function mpz_neg: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:210.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:211.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:212.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:216:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:222.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:223.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:224.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:225.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:226.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:227.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -133,31 +133,31 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:216:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:228.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:229.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:230.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:234:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:240.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:241.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:242.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:243.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:244.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:245.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -168,31 +168,31 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:234:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:246.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:247.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:248.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:252:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:258.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:259.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:260.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:261.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:262.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:263.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -203,28 +203,28 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:252:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:264.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:265.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:266.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:270:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:275.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:276.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:277.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:278.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:279.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -235,28 +235,28 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:270:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:280.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:281.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:285:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:291.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:292.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:293.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_neg <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_neg <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:294.
-[value] Done for function mpz_neg
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_neg
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:295.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:296.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -267,15 +267,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:285:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:297.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:298.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:299.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -296,24 +296,24 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns *z1;  */
-extern void mpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -344,13 +344,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 <= 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x <= 0)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
   /*@ assert y ≥ 1; */ ;
@@ -358,13 +358,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_4;
     mpz_t e_acsl_5;
     int e_acsl_6;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)y);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)y);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
     if (! (e_acsl_6 >= 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(y >= 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
   s = (char *)"toto";
@@ -391,16 +391,16 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_8;
     mpz_t e_acsl_9;
     int e_acsl_10;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)5);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)18);
-    e_acsl_10 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)5);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)18);
+    e_acsl_10 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
     if (! (e_acsl_10 < 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(-5 < 18)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
   /*@ assert 32 > -3; */ ;
@@ -409,16 +409,16 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_12;
     mpz_t e_acsl_13;
     int e_acsl_14;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)32);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(long)3);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12));
-    e_acsl_14 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)32);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(long)3);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12));
+    e_acsl_14 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
     if (! (e_acsl_14 > 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(32 > -3)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
   /*@ assert -12 ≤ 13; */ ;
@@ -427,16 +427,16 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_16;
     mpz_t e_acsl_17;
     int e_acsl_18;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)12);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17),(long)13);
-    e_acsl_18 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_17));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)12);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17),(long)13);
+    e_acsl_18 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_17));
     if (! (e_acsl_18 <= 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(-12 <= 13)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
   /*@ assert 123 ≥ -12; */ ;
@@ -445,16 +445,16 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_20;
     mpz_t e_acsl_21;
     int e_acsl_22;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)123);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(long)12);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20));
-    e_acsl_22 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_21));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)123);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(long)12);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20));
+    e_acsl_22 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_21));
     if (! (e_acsl_22 >= 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(123 >= -12)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
   /*@ assert -0xff ≡ -0xff; */ ;
@@ -462,14 +462,14 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_23;
     mpz_t e_acsl_24;
     int e_acsl_25;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(long)0xff);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23));
-    e_acsl_25 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(long)0xff);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23));
+    e_acsl_25 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24));
     if (! (e_acsl_25 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(-0xff == -0xff)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
   /*@ assert 1 ≢ -2; */ ;
@@ -478,16 +478,16 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_27;
     mpz_t e_acsl_28;
     int e_acsl_29;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(long)1);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27),(long)2);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
-    mpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27));
-    e_acsl_29 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27),(long)2);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
+    __gmpz_neg((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27));
+    e_acsl_29 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
     if (! (e_acsl_29 != 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(1 != -2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
   __retres = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/function_contract.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/function_contract.res.oracle
index da4b9214c0a87d4b2fcc8a9bf660c9aded327f92..81b033ed0e004316a740cce92de16afc8fbb3aa5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/function_contract.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/function_contract.res.oracle
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
         Y ∈ {2}
 [value] computing for function f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:445.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:141.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:142.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- f <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:143.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:144.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
@@ -29,27 +29,27 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:145.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:146.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:133:[value] Function f: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for f
 [value] Done for function f
 [value] computing for function g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:446.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:163.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:164.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:165.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:166.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- g <- main.
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:133:[value] Function f: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:167.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:168.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:169.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- g <- main.
@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:133:[value] Function f: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- g <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:170.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:171.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- g <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- g <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:172.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:152:[value] Function g: postcondition got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:153:[value] Function g: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for g
@@ -92,15 +92,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:153:[value] Function g: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] computing for function h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:447.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:178:[value] Function h: precondition got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- h <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:185.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- h <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:186.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- h <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:187.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:188.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- h <- main.
@@ -111,27 +111,27 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:178:[value] Function h: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- h <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:189.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- h <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:190.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for h
 [value] Done for function h
 [value] computing for function i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:448.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:197:[value] Function i: precondition got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:198:[value] Function i: precondition got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- i <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:208.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- i <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:209.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- i <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:210.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:211.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- i <- main.
@@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:198:[value] Function i: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- i <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:212.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- i <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:213.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- i <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:214.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:215.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- i <- main.
@@ -161,18 +161,18 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:198:[value] Function i: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- i <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:216.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- i <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:217.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- i <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:218.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- i <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- i <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:219.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for i
 [value] Done for function i
 [value] computing for function j <- main.
@@ -180,15 +180,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:198:[value] Function i: precondition got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:227:[value] Function j, behavior b1: precondition got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:231:[value] Function j, behavior b2: precondition got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:232:[value] Function j, behavior b2: precondition got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:249.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:250.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:251.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:252.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
@@ -199,25 +199,25 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:232:[value] Function j, behavior b2: precondition got status vali
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:253.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:254.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:255.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function mpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- j <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function __gmpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:256.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- j <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:257.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:258.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
@@ -228,12 +228,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:259.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:260.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:261.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
@@ -244,33 +244,33 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:262.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:263.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:264.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:265.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:266.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:267.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:279.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:280.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:281.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:282.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
@@ -281,21 +281,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:283.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:284.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:285.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:286.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:287.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:288.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- j <- main.
@@ -306,21 +306,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:289.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:290.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:291.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:292.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- j <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- j <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:293.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:228:[value] Function j, behavior b1: postcondition got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:233:[value] Function j, behavior b2: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for j
@@ -330,31 +330,31 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:233:[value] Function j, behavior b2: postcondition got status val
 PROJECT_FILE.i:301:[value] Function k, behavior b1: assumption got status invalid; precondition not evaluated.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:306:[value] Function k, behavior b2: precondition got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:307:[value] Function k, behavior b2: precondition got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:325.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:326.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:327.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:333.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:334.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:335.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 PROJECT_FILE.i:336:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:337.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:338.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:340.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- k <- main.
@@ -365,42 +365,42 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:336:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:341.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:342.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:347.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:348.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:349.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:351.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:352.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:360.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:361.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:362.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:364.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:365.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:367.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- k <- main.
@@ -411,54 +411,54 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:336:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- k <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:368.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:373.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:374.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:375.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:377.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:378.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:388.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:389.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:390.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:391.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:392.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:393.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:395.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:396.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:397.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:398.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:400.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- k <- main.
@@ -469,29 +469,29 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:336:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:401.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:402.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- k <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- k <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:403.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for k
 [value] Done for function k
 [value] computing for function l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:451.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:413:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- l <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:418.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- l <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:419.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- l <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:420.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:421.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- l <- main.
@@ -502,21 +502,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:413:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- l <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:422.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- l <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:423.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- l <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:431.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- l <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:432.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- l <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:433.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:434.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- l <- main.
@@ -527,12 +527,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:413:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- l <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:435.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- l <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- l <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:436.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:410:[value] Function l: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for l
 [value] Done for function l
@@ -567,27 +567,27 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -611,13 +611,13 @@ void f(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
@@ -634,18 +634,18 @@ void g(void)
     int e_acsl_3;
     mpz_t e_acsl_4;
     int e_acsl_5;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 2)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)Y);
-    e_acsl_5 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)Y);
+    e_acsl_5 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_5 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(Y == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
@@ -658,13 +658,13 @@ void h(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
     X ++;
@@ -682,20 +682,20 @@ void i(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_4;
     mpz_t e_acsl_5;
     int e_acsl_6;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)3);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)3);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 3)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)Y);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)Y);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
     if (! (e_acsl_6 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(Y == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
     X += Y;
@@ -725,29 +725,29 @@ void j(void)
     int e_acsl_7;
     mpz_t e_acsl_8;
     int e_acsl_9;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)5);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)5);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 5)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)3);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)Y);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
-    e_acsl_7 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_6));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)3);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)Y);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+    e_acsl_7 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_6));
     if (! (e_acsl_7 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 3+Y)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_9 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_9 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
     if (! (e_acsl_9 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(Y == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_6));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
     X = 3;
@@ -759,24 +759,24 @@ void j(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_14;
     mpz_t e_acsl_15;
     int e_acsl_16;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)X);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)3);
-    e_acsl_12 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)X);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)3);
+    e_acsl_12 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
     if (! (e_acsl_12 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 3)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)Y);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14));
-    e_acsl_16 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)Y);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14));
+    e_acsl_16 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15));
     if (! (e_acsl_16 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == Y+1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
@@ -808,38 +808,38 @@ void k(void)
     int e_acsl_18;
     int e_acsl_22;
     int e_acsl_28;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)X);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_7 = 1; }
     else {
       mpz_t e_acsl_4;
       mpz_t e_acsl_5;
       int e_acsl_6;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)X);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)0);
-      e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                         (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)X);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)0);
+      e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
       e_acsl_7 = e_acsl_6 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
     if (! e_acsl_7) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 1 ==> X == 0)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)3);
-    e_acsl_9 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)3);
+    e_acsl_9 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
     if (e_acsl_9 == 0) {
       mpz_t e_acsl_10;
       mpz_t e_acsl_11;
       int e_acsl_12;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)Y);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)2);
-      e_acsl_12 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)Y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)2);
+      e_acsl_12 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
       e_acsl_13 = e_acsl_12 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
     else { e_acsl_13 = 0; }
     if (! e_acsl_13) { e_acsl_17 = 1; }
@@ -847,29 +847,29 @@ void k(void)
       mpz_t e_acsl_14;
       mpz_t e_acsl_15;
       int e_acsl_16;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(long)X);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)3);
-      e_acsl_16 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(long)X);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)3);
+      e_acsl_16 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15));
       e_acsl_17 = e_acsl_16 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
     if (! e_acsl_17) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 3 && Y == 2 ==> X == 3)");
-    e_acsl_18 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
+    e_acsl_18 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
     if (e_acsl_18 == 0) {
       mpz_t e_acsl_19;
       mpz_t e_acsl_20;
       int e_acsl_21;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)Y);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(long)2);
-      e_acsl_21 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)Y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(long)2);
+      e_acsl_21 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20));
       e_acsl_22 = e_acsl_21 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
     else { e_acsl_22 = 0; }
     if (! e_acsl_22) { e_acsl_28 = 1; }
@@ -879,26 +879,27 @@ void k(void)
       mpz_t e_acsl_25;
       mpz_t e_acsl_26;
       int e_acsl_27;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(long)X);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),(long)Y);
-      mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25));
-      mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23),
-              (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24));
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(long)5);
-      e_acsl_27 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_25),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(long)X);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),(long)Y);
+      __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25));
+      __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25),
+                 (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23),
+                 (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(long)5);
+      e_acsl_27 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_25),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26));
       e_acsl_28 = e_acsl_27 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
     if (! e_acsl_28) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 3 && Y == 2 ==> X+Y == 5)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
     X += Y;
@@ -913,26 +914,26 @@ int l(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)Y);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)Y);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(Y == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
     mpz_t e_acsl_4;
     mpz_t e_acsl_5;
     int e_acsl_6;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)X);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)5);
-    e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)X);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)5);
+    e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
     if (! (e_acsl_6 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(X == 5)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
     return (X);
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_addrOf.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_addrOf.c
index cf297cbb4dcbd5ad237ace79793fe5a4a159b1b3..41ece2d75938588fdd9444592fca1f0966749368 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_addrOf.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_addrOf.c
@@ -1,594 +1,10 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
-   int _mp_alloc ;
-   int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_arith.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_arith.c
index 5eea5f26608c01f44774cdf436d1019576707d3d..a5d5ff035ff4a4f6cbf0d522bace48a768408f45 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_arith.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_arith.c
@@ -1,64 +1,11 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_com(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
@@ -70,24 +17,27 @@ extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
     assigns *z;  */
 extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
                                int base);
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+/*@ requires \valid(z1);
+    requires \valid(z2);
+    assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+/*@ requires \valid(z1);
+    requires \valid(z2);
+    assigns *z1;  */
+extern void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_mul(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
                        __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
                        __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
@@ -101,6 +51,14 @@ extern void __gmpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
+extern void __gmpz_mul(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+/*@ requires \valid(z1);
+    requires \valid(z2);
+    requires \valid(z3);
+    assigns *z1; 
 extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
                           __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
                           __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
@@ -112,541 +70,15 @@ extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
 extern void __gmpz_tdiv_r(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
                           __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
                           __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
@@ -654,6 +86,7 @@ void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
+extern int ( /* missing proto */ __gmpz_com)();
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
@@ -704,7 +137,7 @@ int main(void)
     int e_acsl_11;
     __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)0);
     __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
-    __gmpz_com(e_acsl_10,(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_com(e_acsl_10,e_acsl_9);
     e_acsl_11 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9),
                            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10));
     if (! (e_acsl_11 != 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(0 != ~0)"); }
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_array.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_array.c
index 7e92ababf3af85d03cdaceb4ca128a0cbcbf2086..bc099e27cecbbf09e3996f6af35709310339a71e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_array.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_array.c
@@ -1,594 +1,10 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
-   int _mp_alloc ;
-   int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_at.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_at.c
index 70db2542d422729cca6f23e892719892600de362..aa989e82a16e9aaa1a0e83faedcfe2503ced15a4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_at.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_at.c
@@ -1,59 +1,11 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
@@ -65,559 +17,28 @@ extern void __gmpz_init_set(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z,
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+    requires \valid(z3);
+    assigns *z1; 
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_cast.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_cast.c
index 44bce8d26f15e248a4f0e7e7c0ff90fcab0717ee..43b8b8d91c193b3ed3333ec5e1ff0f9566c0948a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_cast.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_cast.c
@@ -1,606 +1,30 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
+/*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
+    assigns *z;  */
+extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
+                               int base);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
 extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-/*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
-    assigns *z;  */
-extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
-                               int base);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_comparison.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_comparison.c
index 4eea08ea3a2ea6e03a5436a79abf2ae3f7bbcf33..1f8f8bb40e520686e817f7c55a60e9dd33a7c77f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_comparison.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_comparison.c
@@ -1,51 +1,11 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
@@ -53,559 +13,25 @@ extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_false.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_false.c
index 3aa800231de305d2d239fcf7c5e1d9c721baaedb..b6e10ed22858f8e0b1645db704ca2634272f9258 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_false.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_false.c
@@ -1,594 +1,10 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
-   int _mp_alloc ;
-   int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_function_contract.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_function_contract.c
index ddfe3af68cfec11512ea924d04127e76782c8546..84f0c414e6641eb1a07e57f6ce66eeae5d0febf2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_function_contract.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_function_contract.c
@@ -1,59 +1,11 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
@@ -61,559 +13,28 @@ extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+    requires \valid(z3);
+    assigns *z1; 
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_integer_constant.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_integer_constant.c
index 497cf8ae7a3758f35f7e89315577ce5c3c2d8d79..2ca74e3aa20b1220c100b5497af0480d153238ba 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_integer_constant.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_integer_constant.c
@@ -1,608 +1,29 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;  */
 extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
                                int base);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_lazy.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_lazy.c
index c920ee7bf2696b779a002e97ade9fc3a52ae1084..447aae04c8bfe3f8ab80db52866a4f36e1a27428 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_lazy.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_lazy.c
@@ -1,608 +1,29 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_nested_code_annot.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_nested_code_annot.c
index 81d704652fdd433e7a86686d81bfe7d085f2440a..b105ed79e39cc555b674f1088901283bb6c2f180 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_nested_code_annot.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_nested_code_annot.c
@@ -1,608 +1,29 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_not.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_not.c
index 87c89b1c2cdd063dadf17478392d23fb90392de9..73be4f6b637bcca7ebd23c677a48d55a3e7661b9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_not.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_not.c
@@ -1,594 +1,10 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
-   int _mp_alloc ;
-   int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_null.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_null.c
index 85497dcc151f3858ee174c5fcad56c3f87847d4a..80018634e1f0475f4ceef2e9d0beaf156a73b2ca 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_null.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_null.c
@@ -1,594 +1,10 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
-   int _mp_alloc ;
-   int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_other_constants.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_other_constants.c
index 6b78bf90783e4b4ea6c5291dbdae8ef027e3a9b4..725e95c783c57f4c81fa0c9ac51c209895c64946 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_other_constants.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_other_constants.c
@@ -1,612 +1,33 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
 enum bool {
     false = 0,
     true = 1
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_ptr.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_ptr.c
index 6ab9d106e25fa55d1d047a97ae93a34c3cd36e0e..6174f6a082247822ee3ee51664a4c5e7db925bf0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_ptr.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_ptr.c
@@ -1,63 +1,11 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
@@ -65,24 +13,22 @@ extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+/*@ requires \valid(z1);
+    requires \valid(z2);
+    assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_mul(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
                        __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
                        __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
@@ -96,544 +42,26 @@ extern void __gmpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
+extern void __gmpz_mul(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+/*@ requires \valid(z1);
+    requires \valid(z2);
+    requires \valid(z3);
+    assigns *z1; 
 extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
                           __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
                           __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_result.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_result.c
index 46b82c22313392c2acac1160f5fbd7f4b4f3db1c..7b7b4df213411e33f12ef704692ac4ff6fcdea17 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_result.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_result.c
@@ -1,55 +1,11 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
@@ -57,16 +13,14 @@ extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+/*@ requires \valid(z1);
+    requires \valid(z2);
+    assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
@@ -75,549 +29,15 @@ __pure__));
 extern void __gmpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
                        __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
                        __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_sizeof.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_sizeof.c
index c77c7327b72fd4ab69a793639a7c3e72c6634e05..0357a9b29850279fdd0973f2dff5be8674d529cf 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_sizeof.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_sizeof.c
@@ -1,608 +1,29 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_stmt_contract.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_stmt_contract.c
index bdefe538f1ef79f7d0b97f2c9012e9d14fc84d0b..b8c8db76241e845ec1addb2b6cbe83425805b820 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_stmt_contract.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_stmt_contract.c
@@ -1,59 +1,11 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
+struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 {
    int _mp_alloc ;
    int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
+   unsigned long *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
+typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-/*@ requires \valid(x);
-    assigns *x;  */
-extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
@@ -61,559 +13,28 @@ extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
 extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
+/*@ requires \valid(x);
+    assigns *x;  */
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
+    requires \valid(z3);
+    assigns *z1; 
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_true.c b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_true.c
index d24b4fa8b8b6d6f0829dae758ec09eba582581d0..4e81852c13afffb8b200281fd52ef52cacb116ea 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_true.c
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/gen_true.c
@@ -1,594 +1,10 @@
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-typedef unsigned long size_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_limb_t;
-typedef unsigned long mp_bitcnt_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 {
-   int _mp_alloc ;
-   int _mp_size ;
-   mp_limb_t *_mp_d ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_6 __mpz_struct;
-typedef mp_limb_t *mp_ptr;
-typedef mp_limb_t const *mp_srcptr;
-typedef long mp_size_t;
-struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 {
-   __mpz_struct _mp_num ;
-   __mpz_struct _mp_den ;
-typedef struct __anonstruct___mpq_struct_7 __mpq_struct;
-typedef __mpz_struct const *mpz_srcptr;
-typedef __mpz_struct *mpz_ptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct const *mpq_srcptr;
-typedef __mpq_struct *mpq_ptr;
-/* compiler builtin: 
-   long __builtin_expect(long, long);   */
-/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int printf(char const * __restrict __format , ...);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-extern void __gmpz_set(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    requires \valid(z3);
-    assigns *z1; 
-extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u);
-extern void __gmpq_set(mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n);
-extern int __gmpn_perfect_square_p(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-extern mp_bitcnt_t __gmpn_popcount(mp_srcptr, mp_size_t) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n);
-extern mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_n(mp_ptr, mp_srcptr, mp_srcptr, mp_size_t);
-__inline static void __gmpz_abs(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpz_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_size >= 0) { __gmp_w->_mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_uint_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)(~ ((unsigned int)0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ulong_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= ~ ((unsigned long)0)) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_fits_ushort_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  int __retres;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  int tmp;
-  __gmp_n = (long)__gmp_z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_p = __gmp_z->_mp_d;
-  if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = 1; }
-  else {
-    if (__gmp_n == (mp_size_t)1) {
-      if (*(__gmp_p + 0) <= (mp_limb_t)((unsigned short)(~ 0))) { tmp = 1; }
-      else { tmp = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp = 0; }
-  }
-  __retres = tmp;
-  goto return_label;
-  return_label: /* internal */ 
-  return (__retres);
-/*@ requires \valid(z);
-    assigns \nothing;  */
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z) __attribute__((
-__inline static unsigned long __gmpz_get_ui(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z)
-  mp_ptr __gmp_p;
-  mp_size_t __gmp_n;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_l;
-  mp_limb_t tmp;
-  __gmp_p = z->_mp_d;
-  __gmp_n = (long)z->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_l = *(__gmp_p + 0);
-  if (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0) { tmp = __gmp_l; }
-  else { tmp = (unsigned long)0; }
-  return (tmp);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpz_getlimbn(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z,
-                                          mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp_1;
-  int tmp_0;
-  __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0;
-  { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-    if (__gmp_n >= (mp_size_t)0) {
-      int tmp;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-        ;
-      }
-      if (__gmp_n < (mp_size_t)tmp) { tmp_0 = 1; }
-      else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    }
-    else { tmp_0 = 0; }
-    tmp_1 = __builtin_expect((long)(tmp_0 != 0),(long)1);
-  }
-  if (tmp_1) { __gmp_result = *(__gmp_z->_mp_d + __gmp_n); }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-/*@ requires \valid(z1);
-    requires \valid(z2);
-    assigns *z1;  */
-__inline static void __gmpz_neg(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                                __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2)
-  if (z1 != z2) { __gmpz_set(z1,z2); }
-  z1->_mp_size = - z1->_mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a) __attribute__((
-__inline static int __gmpz_perfect_square_p(mpz_srcptr __gmp_a)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_asize;
-  int __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_asize = (long)__gmp_a->_mp_size;
-  __gmp_result = __gmp_asize >= (mp_size_t)0;
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_asize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_perfect_square_p((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_a->_mp_d,
-                                           __gmp_asize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u) __attribute__((
-__inline static mp_bitcnt_t __gmpz_popcount(mpz_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  mp_size_t __gmp_usize;
-  mp_bitcnt_t __gmp_result;
-  long tmp;
-  __gmp_usize = (long)__gmp_u->_mp_size;
-  if (__gmp_usize < (mp_size_t)0) { __gmp_result = ~ ((unsigned long)0); }
-  else { __gmp_result = (unsigned long)0; }
-  tmp = __builtin_expect((long)((__gmp_usize > (mp_size_t)0) != 0),(long)1);
-  if (tmp) {
-    __gmp_result = __gmpn_popcount((mp_limb_t const *)__gmp_u->_mp_d,
-                                   __gmp_usize);
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static void __gmpz_set_q(mpz_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  __gmpz_tdiv_q(__gmp_w,& __gmp_u->_mp_num,& __gmp_u->_mp_den);
-  return;
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z) __attribute__((
-__inline static size_t __gmpz_size(mpz_srcptr __gmp_z)
-  size_t __retres;
-  int tmp;
-  if (__gmp_z->_mp_size >= 0) { tmp = __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  else { tmp = - __gmp_z->_mp_size; }
-  __retres = (unsigned long)tmp;
-  return (__retres);
-__inline static void __gmpq_abs(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  if (__gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size >= 0) {
-    __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  }
-  else { __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size; }
-  return;
-__inline static void __gmpq_neg(mpq_ptr __gmp_w, mpq_srcptr __gmp_u)
-  if (__gmp_w != __gmp_u) { __gmpq_set(__gmp_w,__gmp_u); }
-  __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size = - __gmp_w->_mp_num._mp_size;
-  return;
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_1;
-        tmp_1 = __gmpn_add_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_1) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              tmp_0 = (__gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = tmp_0;
-            }
-            if (! (tmp_0 == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_add_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x + __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_r < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x + (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_r < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size) __attribute__((__pure__));
-__inline static int __gmpn_cmp(mp_srcptr __gmp_xp, mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                               mp_size_t __gmp_size)
-  int __gmp_result;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_y;
-      __gmp_result = 0;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_size;
-      while (1) {
-        __gmp_i -= (mp_size_t)1;
-        if (! (__gmp_i >= (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-        __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-        __gmp_y = *(__gmp_yp + __gmp_i);
-        if (__gmp_x != __gmp_y) {
-          if (__gmp_x > __gmp_y) { __gmp_result = 1; }
-          else { __gmp_result = -1; }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_result);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub(mp_ptr __gmp_wp, mp_srcptr __gmp_xp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_xsize,
-                                     mp_srcptr __gmp_yp,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_ysize)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      __gmp_i = __gmp_ysize;
-      if (__gmp_i != (mp_size_t)0) {
-        mp_limb_t tmp_0;
-        tmp_0 = __gmpn_sub_n(__gmp_wp,__gmp_xp,__gmp_yp,__gmp_i);
-        if (tmp_0) {
-          while (1) {
-            mp_size_t tmp;
-            if (__gmp_i >= __gmp_xsize) {
-              __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-              goto __gmp_done;
-            }
-            __gmp_x = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_i);
-            { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-              tmp = __gmp_i;
-              __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-              *(__gmp_wp + tmp) = (__gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1) & (~ ((unsigned long)0) >> 0);
-            }
-            if (! (__gmp_x == (mp_limb_t)0)) { break; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__gmp_wp != __gmp_xp) {
-        while (1) {
-          {
-            mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-            __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-            while (__gmp_j < __gmp_xsize) {
-              *(__gmp_wp + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_xp + __gmp_j);
-              __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      __gmp_done: ;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_sub_1(mp_ptr __gmp_dst, mp_srcptr __gmp_src,
-                                       mp_size_t __gmp_size,
-                                       mp_limb_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_c;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_size_t __gmp_i;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_x;
-      mp_limb_t __gmp_r;
-      __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + 0);
-      __gmp_r = __gmp_x - __gmp_n;
-      *(__gmp_dst + 0) = __gmp_r;
-      if (__gmp_x < __gmp_n) {
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)1;
-        __gmp_i = (long)1;
-        while (__gmp_i < __gmp_size) {
-          __gmp_x = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_i);
-          __gmp_r = __gmp_x - (mp_limb_t)1;
-          *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_i) = __gmp_r;
-          __gmp_i += (mp_size_t)1;
-          if (! (__gmp_x < (mp_limb_t)1)) {
-            if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-              while (1) {
-                {
-                  mp_size_t __gmp_j;
-                  __gmp_j = __gmp_i;
-                  while (__gmp_j < __gmp_size) {
-                    *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j);
-                    __gmp_j += (mp_size_t)1;
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (__gmp_src != __gmp_dst) {
-          while (1) {
-            {
-              mp_size_t __gmp_j_0;
-              __gmp_j_0 = (long)1;
-              while (__gmp_j_0 < __gmp_size) {
-                *(__gmp_dst + __gmp_j_0) = *(__gmp_src + __gmp_j_0);
-                __gmp_j_0 += (mp_size_t)1;
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        __gmp_c = (unsigned long)0;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return (__gmp_c);
-__inline static mp_limb_t __gmpn_neg(mp_ptr __gmp_rp, mp_srcptr __gmp_up,
-                                     mp_size_t __gmp_n)
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_ul;
-  mp_limb_t __gmp_cy;
-  __gmp_cy = (unsigned long)0;
-  while (1) {
-    {
-      mp_srcptr tmp;
-      mp_ptr tmp_0;
-      { /*undefined sequence*/  tmp = __gmp_up; __gmp_up ++; __gmp_ul = *tmp;
-      }
-      { /*undefined sequence*/ 
-        tmp_0 = __gmp_rp;
-        __gmp_rp ++;
-        *tmp_0 = - __gmp_ul - __gmp_cy;
-      }
-      __gmp_cy |= (unsigned long)(__gmp_ul != (mp_limb_t)0);
-    }
-    __gmp_n -= (mp_size_t)1;
-    if (! (__gmp_n != (mp_size_t)0)) { break; }
-  }
-  return (__gmp_cy);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
 extern void exit(int status);
+/*@ assigns \nothing;  */
+extern int printf(char const * , ...);
 void e_acsl_fail(char *msg)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/integer_constant.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/integer_constant.res.oracle
index a43ccbfae6cca799d80c5cdd492129ae80b19cb6..06d34e6faeb48fbef2e412ea87666c53c1242093 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/integer_constant.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/integer_constant.res.oracle
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
 PROJECT_FILE.i:135:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:139:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:142:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_str <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_str <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:146.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:37:[value] Function mpz_init_set_str: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_str
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:37:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_str: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_str
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:147.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:149.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:151.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;  */
-extern int mpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
-                            int base);
+extern int __gmpz_init_set_str(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, char const *str,
+                               int base);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     int e_acsl_2;
-    mpz_init_set_str((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),"1152921504606846975",10);
-    e_acsl_2 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_init_set_str((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),"1152921504606846975",10);
+    e_acsl_2 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1));
     if (! (e_acsl_2 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(1152921504606846975 == 0xfffffffffffffff)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
   __retres = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/lazy.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/lazy.res.oracle
index 18fd2c7eeb3e8f046cb62342f1df22096a77df70..fb826c17cb217d1e087d080788cd605b48b778d6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/lazy.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/lazy.res.oracle
@@ -3,35 +3,35 @@
 [value] Initial state computed
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
 PROJECT_FILE.i:138:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:144.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:145.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:146.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:151.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:152.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:153.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 PROJECT_FILE.i:154:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:155.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:156.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:159.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -43,57 +43,57 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:160.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:161.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:165:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:171.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:172.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:173.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:179.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
 PROJECT_FILE.i:180:[value] Assertion got status invalid (stopping propagation).
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:191.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:192.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:196:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:202.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:203.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:204.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:210.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:211.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:212.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:214.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:215.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:217.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -104,57 +104,57 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:196:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:218.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:219.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:223:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:229.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:230.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:231.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:238.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
 PROJECT_FILE.i:239:[value] Assertion got status invalid (stopping propagation).
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:249.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:250.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:254:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:260.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:261.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:262.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:268.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:269.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:270.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:272.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:273.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:275.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -165,32 +165,32 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:254:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:276.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:277.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:281:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:287.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:288.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:289.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:296.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
 PROJECT_FILE.i:297:[value] Assertion got status invalid (stopping propagation).
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:307.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:308.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -211,15 +211,15 @@ typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -246,26 +246,26 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
     int e_acsl_7;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (e_acsl_3 == 0) {
       mpz_t e_acsl_4;
       mpz_t e_acsl_5;
       int e_acsl_6;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)y);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)1);
-      e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                         (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)1);
+      e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
       e_acsl_7 = e_acsl_6 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
     else { e_acsl_7 = 0; }
     if (! e_acsl_7) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 0 && y == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
   /*@ assert ¬(x ≢ 0 ∧ y ≡ 1/0); */ ;
@@ -274,30 +274,30 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_9;
     int e_acsl_10;
     int e_acsl_15;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_10 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_10 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9));
     if (e_acsl_10 != 0) {
       mpz_t e_acsl_11;
       int e_acsl_12;
       mpz_t e_acsl_13;
       int e_acsl_14;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)y);
       /*@ assert 0 ≢ 0; */ ;
       if (0 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(0 == 0)"); }
       e_acsl_12 = 1 / 0;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)e_acsl_12);
-      e_acsl_14 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)e_acsl_12);
+      e_acsl_14 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
       e_acsl_15 = e_acsl_14 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
     else { e_acsl_15 = 0; }
     if (! (! e_acsl_15)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(!(x != 0 && y == 1/0))"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
   /*@ assert y ≡ 1 ∨ x ≡ 1; */ ;
@@ -306,26 +306,26 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_17;
     int e_acsl_18;
     int e_acsl_22;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)y);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_18 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_17));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)y);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_18 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_17));
     if (e_acsl_18 == 0) { e_acsl_22 = 1; }
     else {
       mpz_t e_acsl_19;
       mpz_t e_acsl_20;
       int e_acsl_21;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)x);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(long)1);
-      e_acsl_21 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)x);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20),(long)1);
+      e_acsl_21 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_20));
       e_acsl_22 = e_acsl_21 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_20));
     if (! e_acsl_22) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(y == 1 || x == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
   /*@ assert x ≡ 0 ∨ y ≡ 1/0; */ ;
@@ -334,30 +334,30 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_24;
     int e_acsl_25;
     int e_acsl_30;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_25 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_25 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24));
     if (e_acsl_25 == 0) { e_acsl_30 = 1; }
     else {
       mpz_t e_acsl_26;
       int e_acsl_27;
       mpz_t e_acsl_28;
       int e_acsl_29;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(long)y);
       /*@ assert 0 ≢ 0; */ ;
       if (0 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(0 == 0)"); }
       e_acsl_27 = 1 / 0;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),(long)e_acsl_27);
-      e_acsl_29 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),(long)e_acsl_27);
+      e_acsl_29 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
       e_acsl_30 = e_acsl_29 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
     if (! e_acsl_30) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 0 || y == 1/0)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
   /*@ assert x ≡ 0 ⇒ y ≡ 1; */ ;
@@ -366,26 +366,26 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_32;
     int e_acsl_33;
     int e_acsl_37;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_33 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_32));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_33 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_32));
     if (! (e_acsl_33 == 0)) { e_acsl_37 = 1; }
     else {
       mpz_t e_acsl_34;
       mpz_t e_acsl_35;
       int e_acsl_36;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34),(long)y);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35),(long)1);
-      e_acsl_36 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_35));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35),(long)1);
+      e_acsl_36 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_35));
       e_acsl_37 = e_acsl_36 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
     if (! e_acsl_37) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 0 ==> y == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
   /*@ assert x ≡ 1 ⇒ y ≡ 1/0; */ ;
@@ -394,30 +394,30 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_39;
     int e_acsl_40;
     int e_acsl_45;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_39),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_40 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_38),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_39));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_39),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_40 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_38),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_39));
     if (! (e_acsl_40 == 0)) { e_acsl_45 = 1; }
     else {
       mpz_t e_acsl_41;
       int e_acsl_42;
       mpz_t e_acsl_43;
       int e_acsl_44;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41),(long)y);
       /*@ assert 0 ≢ 0; */ ;
       if (0 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(0 == 0)"); }
       e_acsl_42 = 1 / 0;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43),(long)e_acsl_42);
-      e_acsl_44 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_41),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_43));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43),(long)e_acsl_42);
+      e_acsl_44 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_41),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_43));
       e_acsl_45 = e_acsl_44 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43));
     if (! e_acsl_45) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 1 ==> y == 1/0)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_39));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_39));
   __retres = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/nested_code_annot.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/nested_code_annot.res.oracle
index b371921de35c5fdc09353f5f78ad05fe1eec4ec2..132e58469233fc1d8bb57fa60560227ac6f4fa81 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/nested_code_annot.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/nested_code_annot.res.oracle
@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@
 [value] Initial state computed
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
 PROJECT_FILE.i:138:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:151.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:152.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:153.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:154.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -26,22 +26,22 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:155.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:156.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:172.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:173.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:174.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:175.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -52,21 +52,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:176.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:177.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:181.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:182.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:183.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:184.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -77,21 +77,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:185.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:186.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:200.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:201.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:202.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:203.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -102,21 +102,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:204.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:205.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:209.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:210.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:211.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:212.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -127,21 +127,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:213.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:214.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:225.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:226.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:227.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:228.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:229.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:230.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@ typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -219,13 +219,13 @@ int main(void)
       mpz_t e_acsl_1;
       mpz_t e_acsl_2;
       int e_acsl_3;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
-      e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                         (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
+      e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
       if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 0)"); }
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
       if (x) {
         /*@ assert \false; */ ;
         e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\false)"); }
@@ -240,23 +240,23 @@ int main(void)
             mpz_t e_acsl_4;
             mpz_t e_acsl_5;
             int e_acsl_6;
-            mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)x);
-            mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)0);
-            e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+            __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)x);
+            __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)0);
+            e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
             if (! (e_acsl_6 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 0)"); }
-            mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-            mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+            __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+            __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
             x ++;
-          mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)x);
-          mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)1);
-          e_acsl_9 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7),
-                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
+          __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)x);
+          __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)1);
+          e_acsl_9 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7),
+                                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
           if (! (e_acsl_9 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 1)"); }
-          mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
-          mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+          __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
+          __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
         if (x) {
@@ -270,23 +270,23 @@ int main(void)
               mpz_t e_acsl_10;
               mpz_t e_acsl_11;
               int e_acsl_12;
-              mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)x);
-              mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)1);
-              e_acsl_12 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
-                                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
+              __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)x);
+              __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)1);
+              e_acsl_12 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
+                                     (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
               if (! (e_acsl_12 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 1)"); }
-              mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
-              mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
+              __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+              __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
               x ++;
-            mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)x);
-            mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(long)2);
-            e_acsl_15 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13),
-                                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14));
+            __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)x);
+            __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(long)2);
+            e_acsl_15 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13),
+                                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14));
             if (! (e_acsl_15 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 2)"); }
-            mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
-            mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
+            __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
+            __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
@@ -296,13 +296,13 @@ int main(void)
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_18 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_17));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_18 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_17));
     if (! (e_acsl_18 >= 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x >= 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_17));
   __retres = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/other_constants.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/other_constants.res.oracle
index 9dd5837b9b37bf8df4144853ca589d7ea5caf4c4..bd930837970fa6a638fbe65a217fe7a1ab996ab8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/other_constants.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/other_constants.res.oracle
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
 PROJECT_FILE.i:138:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 PROJECT_FILE.i:141:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:145.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:146.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:147.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:148.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:152:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ enum bool {
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     int e_acsl_2;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)'c');
-    e_acsl_2 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)'c');
+    e_acsl_2 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1));
     if (! (e_acsl_2 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\'c\' == \'c\')"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
   /*@ assert false ≢ true; */ ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/ptr.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/ptr.res.oracle
index ec9898e4f3b25f24c01fc2f0d513ab467f9db0e5..2a420a7925665366a84e3eafe75ee5f1ef3c1f08 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/ptr.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/ptr.res.oracle
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ tests/e-acsl-runtime/ptr.i:26:[e-acsl] warning: missing guard for ensuring that
 [value] Initial state computed
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
 PROJECT_FILE.i:142:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:147.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:148.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:149.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:150.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -38,23 +38,23 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:151.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:152.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:156:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:161.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:162.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:163.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:164.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -65,22 +65,22 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:156:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:165.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:166.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:170:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:175.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:176.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:177.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:178.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -91,41 +91,41 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:170:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:179.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:180.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:184:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:197.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:198.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:199.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function mpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_mul <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function __gmpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_mul <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:200.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:76:[value] Function mpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:77:[value] Function mpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:78:[value] Function mpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_mul
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:76:[value] Function __gmpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:77:[value] Function __gmpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:78:[value] Function __gmpz_mul: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_mul
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:201.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:202.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:203.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:204.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
 PROJECT_FILE.i:205:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:206.
@@ -137,27 +137,27 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:205:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_tdiv_q <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_tdiv_q <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:207.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:82:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:83:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:84:[value] Function mpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_tdiv_q
-[value] computing for function mpz_get_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:82:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:83:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:84:[value] Function __gmpz_tdiv_q: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_tdiv_q
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_get_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:208.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:96:[value] Function mpz_get_si: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_get_si
+PROJECT_FILE.i:96:[value] Function __gmpz_get_si: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_get_si
 PROJECT_FILE.i:209:[kernel] warning: accessing out of bounds index [-2147483648..2147483647].
                   assert 0 ≤ e_acsl_17 ∧ e_acsl_17 < 3;
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:209.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:210.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:211.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:213.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -168,53 +168,53 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:209:[kernel] warning: accessing out of bounds index [-2147483648.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:215.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:216.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:217.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:218.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:219.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:220.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:221.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:222.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:229:[value] entering loop for the first time
 PROJECT_FILE.i:232:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:239.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:240.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:241.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:242.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:243.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:244.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:245.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -225,54 +225,54 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:246.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:247.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:248.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:249.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:253:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:263.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:264.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:265.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:266.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:70:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:71:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:72:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_get_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:70:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:71:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:72:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_get_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:267.
-[value] Done for function mpz_get_si
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_get_si
 PROJECT_FILE.i:268:[kernel] warning: accessing out of bounds index [-2147483648..2147483647].
                   assert 0 ≤ e_acsl_29 ∧ e_acsl_29 < 3;
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:268.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:269.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:270.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:271.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:272.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:273.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -283,43 +283,43 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:268:[kernel] warning: accessing out of bounds index [-2147483648.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:274.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:275.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:276.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:277.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:278.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:279.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:283:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:290.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:291.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:292.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:293.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:294.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:295.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:296.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -330,37 +330,37 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:283:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:297.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:298.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:299.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:300.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:232:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:239.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:240.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:241.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:242.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:243.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:244.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:245.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -371,50 +371,50 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:232:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:246.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:247.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:248.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:249.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:253:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:263.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:264.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:265.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:266.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_get_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_get_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:267.
-[value] Done for function mpz_get_si
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_get_si
 PROJECT_FILE.i:268:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:268.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:269.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:270.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:271.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:272.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:273.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -425,43 +425,43 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:268:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:274.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:275.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:276.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:277.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:278.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:279.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:283:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:290.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:291.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:292.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:293.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:294.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:295.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:296.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -472,29 +472,29 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:283:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:297.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:298.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:299.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:300.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:304:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 PROJECT_FILE.i:310:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:315.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:316.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:317.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:318.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -505,12 +505,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:310:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:319.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:320.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -533,54 +533,54 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_mul(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_mul(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_tdiv_q(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                          __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern long mpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -610,13 +610,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)*p);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)*p);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(*p == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
   /*@ assert t[0] ≡ 2; */ ;
@@ -624,13 +624,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_4;
     mpz_t e_acsl_5;
     int e_acsl_6;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)t[0]);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)t[0]);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
     if (! (e_acsl_6 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(t[0] == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
   /*@ assert t[2] ≡ 4; */ ;
@@ -638,13 +638,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_7;
     mpz_t e_acsl_8;
     int e_acsl_9;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)t[2]);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)4);
-    e_acsl_9 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)t[2]);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8),(long)4);
+    e_acsl_9 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_8));
     if (! (e_acsl_9 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(t[2] == 4)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_8));
   /*@ assert t[(2*sizeof(int))/sizeof((int)0x0)] ≡ 4; */ ;
@@ -660,39 +660,40 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_18;
     mpz_t e_acsl_19;
     int e_acsl_20;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)2);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)4);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
-    mpz_mul((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)4);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_15 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14));
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)2);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11),(long)4);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
+    __gmpz_mul((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_11));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)4);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_15 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_14));
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
     /*@ assert sizeof((int)0x0) ≢ 0; */ ;
     if (e_acsl_15 == 0) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(sizeof((int)0x0) == 0)"); }
-    mpz_tdiv_q((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12),
-               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
-    e_acsl_17 = (int)mpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_tdiv_q((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12),
+                  (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
+    e_acsl_17 = (int)__gmpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
     /*@ assert 0 ≤ e_acsl_17 ∧ e_acsl_17 < 3;
           // synthesized
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18),(long)t[e_acsl_17]);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)4);
-    e_acsl_20 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_18),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18),(long)t[e_acsl_17]);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)4);
+    e_acsl_20 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_18),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19));
     if (! (e_acsl_20 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(t[(2*sizeof(int))/sizeof((int)0x0)] == 4)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_11));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_14));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
@@ -707,20 +708,20 @@ int main(void)
         mpz_t e_acsl_23;
         mpz_t e_acsl_24;
         int e_acsl_25;
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21),(long)t[i]);
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22),(long)i);
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(long)2);
-        mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
-        mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),
-                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_22),
-                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23));
-        e_acsl_25 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_21),
-                            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24));
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21),(long)t[i]);
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22),(long)i);
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(long)2);
+        __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
+        __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24),
+                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_22),
+                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23));
+        e_acsl_25 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_21),
+                               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_24));
         if (! (e_acsl_25 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(t[i] == i+2)"); }
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_24));
       /*@ assert t[2-i] ≡ 4-i; */ ;
@@ -733,31 +734,31 @@ int main(void)
         mpz_t e_acsl_31;
         mpz_t e_acsl_32;
         int e_acsl_33;
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(long)2);
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27),(long)i);
-        mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
-        mpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),
-                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26),
-                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27));
-        e_acsl_29 = (int)mpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26),(long)2);
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27),(long)i);
+        __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
+        __gmpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),
+                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_26),
+                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27));
+        e_acsl_29 = (int)__gmpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
         /*@ assert 0 ≤ e_acsl_29 ∧ e_acsl_29 < 3;
               // synthesized
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30),(long)t[e_acsl_29]);
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31),(long)4);
-        mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
-        mpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32),
-                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31),
-                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27));
-        e_acsl_33 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_30),
-                            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_32));
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30),(long)t[e_acsl_29]);
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31),(long)4);
+        __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
+        __gmpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32),
+                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31),
+                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27));
+        e_acsl_33 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_30),
+                               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_32));
         if (! (e_acsl_33 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(t[2-i] == 4-i)"); }
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_26));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
       /*@ assert *(&t[2]-i) ≡ 4-i; */ ;
@@ -767,21 +768,21 @@ int main(void)
         mpz_t e_acsl_36;
         mpz_t e_acsl_37;
         int e_acsl_38;
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34),(long)*(& t[2] - i));
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35),(long)4);
-        mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_36),(long)i);
-        mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37));
-        mpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37),
-                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_35),
-                (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_36));
-        e_acsl_38 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
-                            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37));
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34),(long)*(& t[2] - i));
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35),(long)4);
+        __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_36),(long)i);
+        __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37));
+        __gmpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37),
+                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_35),
+                   (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_36));
+        e_acsl_38 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
+                               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37));
         if (! (e_acsl_38 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(*(&t[2]-i) == 4-i)");
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_36));
-        mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_36));
+        __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37));
       i ++;
@@ -795,13 +796,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_39;
     mpz_t e_acsl_40;
     int e_acsl_41;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_39),(long)*p);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40),(long)5);
-    e_acsl_41 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_39),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_40));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_39),(long)*p);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40),(long)5);
+    e_acsl_41 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_39),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_40));
     if (! (e_acsl_41 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(*p == 5)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_39));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_39));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_40));
   __retres = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/result.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/result.res.oracle
index e678905c8aa45ad17ed3d605850d79c92a7e0210..7e8190c259ba6dff237cd1c625824f2b179ffaaf 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/result.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/result.res.oracle
@@ -6,24 +6,24 @@ tests/e-acsl-runtime/result.i:6:[e-acsl] warning: missing guard for ensuring tha
         Y ∈ {1}
 [value] computing for function f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:188.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:143.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- f <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:144.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function mpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_sub <- f <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function __gmpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_sub <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:145.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:70:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:71:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:72:[value] Function mpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_sub
-[value] computing for function mpz_get_si <- f <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:70:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:71:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:72:[value] Function __gmpz_sub: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_sub
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_get_si <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:146.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:96:[value] Function mpz_get_si: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_get_si
+PROJECT_FILE.i:96:[value] Function __gmpz_get_si: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_get_si
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:148.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- f <- main.
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:150.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- f <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- f <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:151.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:131:[value] Function f: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for f
 [value] Done for function f
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:158:[value] Function g: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function g
 [value] computing for function h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:190.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- h <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:174.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- h <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:175.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- h <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:176.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:177.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- h <- main.
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- h <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:178.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- h <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- h <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:179.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:165:[value] Function h: postcondition got status valid.
 [value] Recording results for h
 [value] Done for function h
@@ -106,30 +106,30 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_sub(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ requires \valid(z);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern long mpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
+extern long __gmpz_get_si(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -155,16 +155,16 @@ int f(int x)
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     mpz_t e_acsl_4;
     int e_acsl_5;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)e_acsl_1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-    mpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
-    e_acsl_5 = (int)mpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)e_acsl_1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_sub((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    e_acsl_5 = (int)__gmpz_get_si((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4));
     if (! (x == e_acsl_5)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\result == (int)(\\old(x)-\\old(x)))");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
     return (x);
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ int h(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)__retres);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)__retres);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)0);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(\\result == 0)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
     return (__retres);
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/sizeof.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/sizeof.res.oracle
index d8a69d2f46d1209e2d0e0547382cfddebf84bd29..5bb1671625b0973cdade87c838a1b262e8e88fc1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/sizeof.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/sizeof.res.oracle
@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@
 [value] Initial state computed
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
 PROJECT_FILE.i:136:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:141.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:142.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:143.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:144.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -26,23 +26,23 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:145.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:146.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 PROJECT_FILE.i:150:[value] Assertion got status valid.
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:155.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:156.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:157.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:159.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:150:[value] Assertion got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:161.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:162.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -78,15 +78,15 @@ typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_1;
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)4);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)4);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)4);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)4);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(sizeof(int) == sizeof(x))");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
   /*@ assert sizeof("totototototo") ≡ sizeof(char *); */ ;
@@ -126,15 +126,15 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_4;
     mpz_t e_acsl_5;
     int e_acsl_6;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)4);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)4);
-    e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)4);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)4);
+    e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
     if (! (e_acsl_6 == 0)) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(sizeof(\"totototototo\") == sizeof(char *))");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
   __retres = 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/stmt_contract.res.oracle b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/stmt_contract.res.oracle
index 54e4e1622418c88730470dfd9010074a542779c4..fdd4bffc1e3f7f22cba70cce273bee4d83e939f9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/stmt_contract.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/oracle/stmt_contract.res.oracle
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 [value] Computing initial state
 [value] Initial state computed
 [value] Values of globals at initialization
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:144.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function mpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:33:[value] Function __gmpz_init_set_si: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:145.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:146.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function mpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+PROJECT_FILE.i:49:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:50:[value] Function __gmpz_cmp: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:147.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:119:[value] Function exit: postcondition got status invalid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:148.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function __gmpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:149.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:161.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:162.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:163.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:164.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:165.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:166.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:167.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -67,24 +67,24 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:168.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:169.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:170.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:178.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:179.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:180.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:181.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -95,21 +95,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:182.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:183.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:196.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:197.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:198.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:199.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:200.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:201.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:202.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:203.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -139,27 +139,27 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:204.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:205.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:206.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:207.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:239.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:240.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:241.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:242.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -170,25 +170,25 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:43:[value] Function mpz_clear: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:243.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:244.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:245.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function mpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:21:[value] Function __gmpz_init: postcondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:246.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:64:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:65:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function __gmpz_add: precondition got status valid.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:247.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:248.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:249.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:250.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:251.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -215,33 +215,33 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:252.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:253.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:254.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:255.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:256.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:257.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:261.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:262.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:263.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:264.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -252,21 +252,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:265.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:266.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:267.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:268.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:269.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:270.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -277,46 +277,46 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:66:[value] Function mpz_add: precondition got status valid.
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:271.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:272.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:273.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:274.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:275.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:301.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:302.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:303.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:309.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:310.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:311.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 PROJECT_FILE.i:312:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:313.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:314.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:316.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -327,42 +327,42 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:312:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:317.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:318.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:323.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:324.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:325.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:327.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:328.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:336.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:337.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:338.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:340.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:341.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:343.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -373,54 +373,54 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:312:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:344.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:349.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:350.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:351.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:353.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:354.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:364.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:365.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:366.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init
-[value] computing for function mpz_add <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_add <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:367.
-[value] Done for function mpz_add
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_add
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:368.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:369.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:371.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:372.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:373.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:374.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:376.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -431,24 +431,24 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:312:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:377.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:378.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:379.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:388.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:389.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:390.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:391.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -459,21 +459,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:312:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:392.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:393.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:399.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:400.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:401.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:402.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -484,21 +484,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:312:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:403.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:404.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:419.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:420.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:421.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:422.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -509,21 +509,21 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:312:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:423.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:424.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:428.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_init_set_si <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_init_set_si <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:429.
-[value] Done for function mpz_init_set_si
-[value] computing for function mpz_cmp <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_init_set_si
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_cmp <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:430.
-[value] Done for function mpz_cmp
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_cmp
 [value] computing for function e_acsl_fail <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:431.
 [value] computing for function printf <- e_acsl_fail <- main.
@@ -534,12 +534,12 @@ PROJECT_FILE.i:312:[value] assigning non deterministic value for the first time
 [value] Done for function exit
 [value] Recording results for e_acsl_fail
 [value] Done for function e_acsl_fail
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:432.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
-[value] computing for function mpz_clear <- main.
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
+[value] computing for function __gmpz_clear <- main.
         Called from PROJECT_FILE.i:433.
-[value] Done for function mpz_clear
+[value] Done for function __gmpz_clear
 [value] Recording results for main
 [value] done for function main
 [value] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -559,27 +559,27 @@ typedef struct __anonstruct___mpz_struct_1 __mpz_struct;
 typedef __mpz_struct mpz_t[1];
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(x));
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_init(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ ensures \valid(\old(z));
     assigns *z;
     assigns *z \from n;  */
-extern void mpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
+extern void __gmpz_init_set_si(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z, long n);
 /*@ requires \valid(x);
     assigns *x;  */
-extern void mpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
+extern void __gmpz_clear(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ x);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     assigns \nothing;  */
-extern int mpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                   __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
+extern int __gmpz_cmp(__mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                      __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2);
 /*@ requires \valid(z1);
     requires \valid(z2);
     requires \valid(z3);
     assigns *z1; 
-extern void mpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
-                    __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
+extern void __gmpz_add(__mpz_struct * /*[1]*/ z1,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z2,
+                       __mpz_struct const * /*[1]*/ z3);
 /*@ terminates \false;
     ensures \false;
     assigns \nothing;  */
@@ -606,13 +606,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_2;
     int e_acsl_3;
     x = 1;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_3 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_3 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_1),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_2));
     if (! (e_acsl_3 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_1));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_2));
   /*@ ensures x ≡ 2;
@@ -624,18 +624,18 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_7;
     int e_acsl_8;
     x = 2;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_6 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_6 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_4),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
     if (! (e_acsl_6 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 2)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)y);
-    e_acsl_8 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7),
-                       (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7),(long)y);
+    e_acsl_8 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_7),
+                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_5));
     if (! (e_acsl_8 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(y == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_4));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_5));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_7));
   /*@ requires x ≡ 2; */
@@ -643,13 +643,13 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_9;
     mpz_t e_acsl_10;
     int e_acsl_11;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_11 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_11 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_9),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_10));
     if (! (e_acsl_11 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_9));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_10));
     x ++;
@@ -662,20 +662,20 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_15;
     mpz_t e_acsl_16;
     int e_acsl_17;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)3);
-    e_acsl_14 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13),(long)3);
+    e_acsl_14 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_12),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_13));
     if (! (e_acsl_14 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 3)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)y);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)2);
-    e_acsl_17 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15),(long)y);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16),(long)2);
+    e_acsl_17 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_15),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_16));
     if (! (e_acsl_17 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(y == 2)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_12));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_13));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_15));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_16));
     x += y;
@@ -707,50 +707,51 @@ int main(void)
       int e_acsl_24;
       mpz_t e_acsl_25;
       int e_acsl_26;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18),(long)x);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)5);
-      e_acsl_20 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_18),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18),(long)x);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19),(long)5);
+      e_acsl_20 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_18),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_19));
       if (! (e_acsl_20 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 5)"); }
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21),(long)3);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22),(long)y);
-      mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
-      mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_21),
-              (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_22));
-      e_acsl_24 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_18),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21),(long)3);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
+      __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23),
+                 (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_21),
+                 (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_22));
+      e_acsl_24 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_18),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_23));
       if (! (e_acsl_24 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 3+y)"); }
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25),(long)2);
-      e_acsl_26 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_22),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_25));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25),(long)2);
+      e_acsl_26 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_22),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_25));
       if (! (e_acsl_26 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(y == 2)"); }
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_18));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_19));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_21));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_22));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_23));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_25));
       x = 3;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),(long)3);
-    e_acsl_29 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28),(long)3);
+    e_acsl_29 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_28));
     if (! (e_acsl_29 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 3)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30),(long)y);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31),(long)1);
-    mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
-    mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_30),
-            (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31));
-    e_acsl_33 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_32));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30),(long)y);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31),(long)1);
+    __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
+    __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_30),
+               (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_31));
+    e_acsl_33 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_27),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_32));
     if (! (e_acsl_33 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == y+1)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_27));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_28));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_30));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_31));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_32));
   /*@ behavior b1:
@@ -776,38 +777,38 @@ int main(void)
     int e_acsl_51;
     int e_acsl_55;
     int e_acsl_61;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35),(long)1);
-    e_acsl_36 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_35));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35),(long)1);
+    e_acsl_36 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_35));
     if (! (e_acsl_36 == 0)) { e_acsl_40 = 1; }
     else {
       mpz_t e_acsl_37;
       mpz_t e_acsl_38;
       int e_acsl_39;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37),(long)x);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38),(long)0);
-      e_acsl_39 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_38));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37),(long)x);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38),(long)0);
+      e_acsl_39 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_37),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_38));
       e_acsl_40 = e_acsl_39 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_37));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_38));
     if (! e_acsl_40) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 1 ==> x == 0)"); }
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41),(long)3);
-    e_acsl_42 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_41));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41),(long)3);
+    e_acsl_42 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_41));
     if (e_acsl_42 == 0) {
       mpz_t e_acsl_43;
       mpz_t e_acsl_44;
       int e_acsl_45;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43),(long)y);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_44),(long)2);
-      e_acsl_45 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_43),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_44));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_44),(long)2);
+      e_acsl_45 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_43),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_44));
       e_acsl_46 = e_acsl_45 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_44));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_43));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_44));
     else { e_acsl_46 = 0; }
     if (! e_acsl_46) { e_acsl_50 = 1; }
@@ -815,29 +816,29 @@ int main(void)
       mpz_t e_acsl_47;
       mpz_t e_acsl_48;
       int e_acsl_49;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_47),(long)x);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48),(long)3);
-      e_acsl_49 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_47),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_48));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_47),(long)x);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48),(long)3);
+      e_acsl_49 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_47),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_48));
       e_acsl_50 = e_acsl_49 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_47));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_47));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_48));
     if (! e_acsl_50) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 3 && y == 2 ==> x == 3)");
-    e_acsl_51 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_41));
+    e_acsl_51 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_34),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_41));
     if (e_acsl_51 == 0) {
       mpz_t e_acsl_52;
       mpz_t e_acsl_53;
       int e_acsl_54;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_52),(long)y);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53),(long)2);
-      e_acsl_54 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_52),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_53));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_52),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53),(long)2);
+      e_acsl_54 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_52),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_53));
       e_acsl_55 = e_acsl_54 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_52));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_52));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_53));
     else { e_acsl_55 = 0; }
     if (! e_acsl_55) { e_acsl_61 = 1; }
@@ -847,26 +848,27 @@ int main(void)
       mpz_t e_acsl_58;
       mpz_t e_acsl_59;
       int e_acsl_60;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56),(long)x);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_57),(long)y);
-      mpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58));
-      mpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58),(__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_56),
-              (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_57));
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_59),(long)5);
-      e_acsl_60 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_58),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_59));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56),(long)x);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_57),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58));
+      __gmpz_add((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58),
+                 (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_56),
+                 (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_57));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_59),(long)5);
+      e_acsl_60 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_58),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_59));
       e_acsl_61 = e_acsl_60 == 0;
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_57));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_59));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_56));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_57));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_58));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_59));
     if (! e_acsl_61) {
       e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 3 && y == 2 ==> x+y == 5)");
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_34));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_35));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_41));
     x += y;
@@ -875,25 +877,25 @@ int main(void)
     mpz_t e_acsl_62;
     mpz_t e_acsl_63;
     int e_acsl_64;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_63),(long)5);
-    e_acsl_64 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_62),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_63));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_63),(long)5);
+    e_acsl_64 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_62),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_63));
     if (! (e_acsl_64 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 5)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_63));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_62));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_63));
     /*@ requires y ≡ 2; */
       mpz_t e_acsl_65;
       mpz_t e_acsl_66;
       int e_acsl_67;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65),(long)y);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_66),(long)2);
-      e_acsl_67 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_65),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_66));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65),(long)y);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_66),(long)2);
+      e_acsl_67 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_65),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_66));
       if (! (e_acsl_67 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(y == 2)"); }
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_66));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_65));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_66));
       x += y;
@@ -908,23 +910,23 @@ int main(void)
       mpz_t e_acsl_68;
       mpz_t e_acsl_69;
       int e_acsl_70;
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_68),(long)x);
-      mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_69),(long)7);
-      e_acsl_70 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_68),
-                          (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_69));
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_68),(long)x);
+      __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_69),(long)7);
+      e_acsl_70 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_68),
+                             (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_69));
       if (! (e_acsl_70 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 7)"); }
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_68));
-      mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_69));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_68));
+      __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_69));
       __retres = 0;
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_71),(long)x);
-    mpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_72),(long)7);
-    e_acsl_73 = mpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_71),
-                        (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_72));
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_71),(long)x);
+    __gmpz_init_set_si((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_72),(long)7);
+    e_acsl_73 = __gmpz_cmp((__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_71),
+                           (__mpz_struct const *)(e_acsl_72));
     if (! (e_acsl_73 == 0)) { e_acsl_fail((char *)"(x == 7)"); }
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_71));
-    mpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_72));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_71));
+    __gmpz_clear((__mpz_struct *)(e_acsl_72));
   return (__retres);
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/other_constants.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/other_constants.i
index 39d8a7c4685434ac17605b9846f67e08a2556802..dd42af3185310dcc9a7e7072dbad2aa8150efcbc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/other_constants.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/other_constants.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: non integer constants
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_other_constants.c BIN gen_other_constants.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/other_constants.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_other_constants.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_other_constants.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_other_constants.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_other_constants.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_other_constants.c BIN gen_other_constants.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/other_constants.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_other_constants.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_other_constants.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_other_constants.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_other_constants.out
 enum bool { false, true };
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/ptr.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/ptr.i
index 3905d46925f81dcd04f0e3d7c094f5ab57c22265..a0ce8cfb9e343f1cf289c76a16d137594a95c797 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/ptr.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/ptr.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: pointers and pointer arithmetic
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_ptr.c BIN gen_ptr.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/ptr.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_ptr.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_ptr.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_ptr.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_ptr.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_ptr.c BIN gen_ptr.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/ptr.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_ptr.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_ptr.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_ptr.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_ptr.out
 int main(void) {
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/result.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/result.i
index 2e7e3c1602314fe178a7c925084d375eafa8f87b..ade096644dddfe9619f7ada85820cb70b7f955c0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/result.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/result.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: \result
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_result.c BIN gen_result.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_result.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_result.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_result.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_result.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_result.c BIN gen_result.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_result.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_result.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_result.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_result.out
 /*@ ensures \result == (int)(x - x); */
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/sizeof.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/sizeof.i
index 7c701fe1de38428c40b3235c36073b4cdf73df8a..8c63c59874db757a2789ecd5aa39c39823ca7c93 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/sizeof.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/sizeof.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: sizeof
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_sizeof.c BIN gen_sizeof.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/sizeof.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_sizeof.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_sizeof.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_sizeof.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_sizeof.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_sizeof.c BIN gen_sizeof.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/sizeof.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_sizeof.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_sizeof.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_sizeof.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_sizeof.out
 int main(void) {
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/stmt_contract.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/stmt_contract.i
index 60111c14b3f11f36fd221f441d6a87a2758390e5..7cce1e5ca103318d5641fe197d56f19b2c43de5e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/stmt_contract.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/stmt_contract.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: stmt contract
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_stmt_contract.c BIN gen_stmt_contract.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/stmt_contract.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_stmt_contract.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_stmt_contract.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_stmt_contract.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_stmt_contract.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_stmt_contract.c BIN gen_stmt_contract.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/stmt_contract.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_stmt_contract.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_stmt_contract.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_stmt_contract.c -lgmp && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_stmt_contract.out
 int main(void) {
   int x = 0, y = 2;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/true.i b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/true.i
index de30c16fa19864578f164842f1ccf8444c28714d..f7ce1b578c2c317fb249a89fdb0261b45a312288 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/true.i
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/e-acsl-runtime/true.i
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 /* run.config
    COMMENT: assert \true
-   EXECNOW: LOG gen_true.c BIN gen_true.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/true.i -e-acsl-project p -e-acsl-include-headers -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_true.c > /dev/null && gcc -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_true.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_true.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_true.out
+   EXECNOW: LOG gen_true.c BIN gen_true.out FRAMAC_SHARE=./share @frama-c@ ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/true.i -e-acsl-project p -then-on p -print -ocode ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_true.c > /dev/null && gcc -pedantic -o ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_true.out ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_true.c && ./tests/e-acsl-runtime/result/gen_true.out
 int main(void) {
   int x = 0;
+  //  /*@ assert \true == 0; */ // not yet implemented
   /*@ assert \true; */
   return 0;
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/visit.ml b/src/plugins/e-acsl/visit.ml
index 9fabddae6f66471fb1fa7be3fc0934008ef88c26..a02d675b0943aa3cb01c5a9dd86ca00b6f43e151 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/visit.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/visit.ml
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ let context_sensitive ?loc env ctx is_mpz_string t_opt e =
     let e, env = if is_mpz_string then mk_mpz env e else e, env in
     if Mpz.is_t ty || is_mpz_string then
       (* cast the mpz into a C integer *)
-      let name = if isSignedInteger ty' then "mpz_get_si" else "mpz_get_ui" in
+      let name = 
+	if isSignedInteger ty' then "__gmpz_get_si" else "__gmpz_get_ui" 
+      in
 	?source:(Extlib.opt_map fst loc)
@@ -120,11 +122,11 @@ let relation_to_binop = function
   | Rneq -> Ne
 let name_of_mpz_arith_bop = function
-  | PlusA -> "mpz_add"
-  | MinusA -> "mpz_sub"
-  | Mult -> "mpz_mul"
-  | Div -> "mpz_tdiv_q"
-  | Mod -> "mpz_tdiv_r"
+  | PlusA -> "__gmpz_add"
+  | MinusA -> "__gmpz_sub"
+  | Mult -> "__gmpz_mul"
+  | Div -> "__gmpz_tdiv_q"
+  | Mod -> "__gmpz_tdiv_r"
   | Lt | Gt | Le | Ge | Eq | Ne | BAnd | BXor | BOr | LAnd | LOr
   | Shiftlt | Shiftrt | PlusPI | IndexPI | MinusPI | MinusPP -> assert false
@@ -207,8 +209,8 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp env t =
   | TUnOp(Neg | BNot as op, t') ->
     let e, env = term_to_exp env Linteger t' in
     let name = match op with
-      | Neg -> "mpz_neg"
-      | BNot -> "mpz_com"
+      | Neg -> "__gmpz_neg"
+      | BNot -> "__gmpz_com"
       | LNot -> assert false
     let e, env = 
@@ -405,7 +407,7 @@ and comparison_to_exp ?(loc=Location.unknown) ?e1 env bop t1 t2 t_opt =
-	(fun v _ -> [ Misc.mk_call ~result:(var v) "mpz_cmp" [ e1; e2 ] ])
+	(fun v _ -> [ Misc.mk_call ~result:(var v) "__gmpz_cmp" [ e1; e2 ] ])
     new_exp ?loc (BinOp(bop, e, zero ?loc, intType)), env
   | _ ->