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Commit 9a0fd51c authored by Loïc Correnson's avatar Loïc Correnson Committed by Virgile Prevosto
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[utils/markdown] inlined tables & delayed elements

parent 1aa1f72f
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......@@ -48,22 +48,28 @@ type block_element =
and block = block_element list
and table = {
caption: text option;
header: (text * align) list;
content: text list list;
and element =
| Comment of string (** markdown comment, printed <!-- like this --> *)
| Block of block
| Table of table
| Raw of string list
(** non-markdown. Each element of the list is printed as-is on its own line.
(** Each element of the list is printed as-is on its own line.
A blank line separates the [Raw] node from the next one. *)
| Comment of string (** markdown comment, printed <!-- like this --> *)
| H1 of text * string option (** optional label. *)
| Delayed of (unit -> elements)
| H1 of text * string option
| H2 of text * string option
| H3 of text * string option
| H4 of text * string option
| H5 of text * string option
| H6 of text * string option
| Table of { caption: text option; header: (text * align) list;
content: text list list; }
type elements = element list
and elements = element list
type pandoc_markdown =
{ title: text;
......@@ -123,8 +129,9 @@ let list items = [UL items]
let enum items = [OL items]
let description items = [DL items]
let block b = [Block b]
let par text = [Block [Text text]]
let block b = [Block b]
let delayed f = [Delayed f]
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Sectioning --- *)
......@@ -185,6 +192,10 @@ let mk_date () =
let pandoc ?(title=[Plain ""]) ?(authors=[]) ?(date=mk_date()) elements =
{ title; authors; date; elements }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Printers --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let relativize page target =
let page_dir = String.split_on_char '/' page in
let target_dir = String.split_on_char '/' target in
......@@ -236,9 +247,8 @@ let pp_lab fmt = function
| None -> ()
| Some lab -> Format.fprintf fmt " {#%s}" lab
let test_size txt =
(* get rid of ?page *)
let pp_text fmt = pp_text fmt in
let test_size ?page txt =
let pp_text fmt = pp_text ?page fmt in
String.length (Format.asprintf "%a" pp_text txt)
let pp_dashes fmt size =
......@@ -251,7 +261,7 @@ let pp_sep_line fmt sizes =
Format.fprintf fmt "@]@\n"
let pp_header ?page fmt (t,_) size =
let real_size = test_size t in
let real_size = test_size ?page t in
let spaces = String.make (size - real_size) ' ' in
Format.fprintf fmt " %a%s |" (pp_text ?page) t spaces
......@@ -300,6 +310,47 @@ let pp_table_content ?page fmt l sizes =
List.iter (pp_table_line ?page fmt sizes) l;
Format.fprintf fmt "@]"
let pp_table_caption ?page fmt = function None -> () | Some t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>Table: %a@]@\n@\n" (pp_text ?page) t
[@@@ warning "-32"]
let pp_table_extended ?page fmt { caption; header; content } =
pp_table_caption ?page fmt caption;
let sizes = compute_sizes header content in
pp_sep_line fmt sizes;
pp_headers ?page fmt header sizes;
pp_aligns fmt header sizes;
pp_table_content ?page fmt content sizes;
[@@@ warning "+32"]
let pp_table_inlined ?page fmt { caption; header; content } =
pp_table_caption ?page fmt caption;
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>";
let pp = pp_text ?page in
(function (h,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt "| @[<h>%a@] " pp h)
Format.fprintf fmt "|@\n";
(fun (h,align) ->
let dash h k = String.make (max 3 (test_size ?page h + k)) '-' in
match align with
| Left -> Format.fprintf fmt "|:%s" (dash h 1)
| Right -> Format.fprintf fmt "|%s:" (dash h 1)
| Center -> Format.fprintf fmt "|:%s:" (dash h 0)
) header;
Format.fprintf fmt "|@\n" ;
List.iter (fun row ->
(fun col -> Format.fprintf fmt "| @[<h>%a@] " pp col) row ;
Format.fprintf fmt "|@\n" ;
) content ;
Format.fprintf fmt "@]" ;
let rec pp_block_element ?page fmt e =
let pp_text fmt = pp_text ?page fmt in
match e with
......@@ -355,23 +406,17 @@ and pp_element ?page fmt e =
| Comment s ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv>@[<hov 5><!-- %a@]@ -->@]" Format.pp_print_text s
| Table table -> pp_table_inlined ?page fmt table
(* pp_table_extended ?page fmt table *)
| Delayed f -> pp_elements ?page fmt (f ())
| H1(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h># %a%a@]" pp_text t pp_lab lab
| H2(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>## %a%a@]" pp_text t pp_lab lab
| H3(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>### %a%a@]" pp_text t pp_lab lab
| H4(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>#### %a%a@]" pp_text t pp_lab lab
| H5(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>##### %a%a@]" pp_text t pp_lab lab
| H6(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>###### %a%a@]" pp_text t pp_lab lab
| Table { caption; header; content } ->
(match caption with
| None -> ()
| Some t -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>Table: %a@]@\n@\n" pp_text t);
let sizes = compute_sizes header content in
pp_sep_line fmt sizes;
pp_headers ?page fmt header sizes;
pp_aligns fmt header sizes;
pp_table_content ?page fmt content sizes
let pp_elements ?page fmt l =
and pp_elements ?page fmt l =
let pp_sep fmt () =
Format.pp_print_newline fmt ();
Format.pp_print_newline fmt ()
......@@ -393,3 +438,5 @@ let pp_pandoc ?page fmt { title; authors; date; elements } =
pp_elements ?page fmt elements;
Format.fprintf fmt "@]%!"
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -63,22 +63,28 @@ type block_element =
and block = block_element list
and table = {
caption: text option;
header: (text * align) list;
content: text list list;
and element =
| Comment of string (** markdown comment, printed <!-- like this --> *)
| Block of block
| Table of table
| Raw of string list
(** non-markdown. Each element of the list is printed as-is on its own line.
(** Each element of the list is printed as-is on its own line.
A blank line separates the [Raw] node from the next one. *)
| Comment of string (** markdown comment, printed <!-- like this --> *)
| H1 of text * string option (** optional label. *)
| Delayed of (unit -> elements)
| H1 of text * string option
| H2 of text * string option
| H3 of text * string option
| H4 of text * string option
| H5 of text * string option
| H6 of text * string option
| Table of { caption: text option; header: (text * align) list;
content: text list list; }
type elements = element list
and elements = element list
type pandoc_markdown =
{ title: text;
......@@ -163,6 +169,9 @@ val block : block -> elements
val rawfile: string -> elements
(** Delayed element. The content is computed on pretty-printing. *)
val delayed: (unit -> elements) -> elements
(** {2 Document Structure} *)
(** Creates a document from a list of elements and optional metadatas.
......@@ -432,8 +432,8 @@ let gen_section_warnings env =
(text @@ glue [
plain ("The table below lists the " ^ plural warnings "warning");
plain "that have been emitted by the analyzer.";
plain "They might put additional assumptions on the relevance";
plain "of the analysis results and must be reviewed carefully";
plain "They might put additional assumptions on the relevance";
plain "of the analysis results and must be reviewed carefully";
]) @
(text @@ glue [
plain "Note that this does not take into account emitted alarms:";
......@@ -277,13 +277,13 @@ struct
| Some v -> Fmap.add name (D.to_json v) r in
{ member ; getter ; setter }
let fields = Syntax.fields ~title:"Field" !fdocs
let fields () = [Syntax.fields ~title:"Field" !fdocs]
let syntax =
~synopsis:(Syntax.record [])
~details:[fields] ()
~details:(Markdown.delayed fields) ()
let of_json js =
......@@ -123,16 +123,16 @@ struct
let syntax = R.syntax
let descr = Md.plain
let kind = R.field "kind" ~descr:(descr "Message kind") (module LogKind)
let plugin = R.field "plugin" ~descr:(descr "Emitter plugin") (module Jstring)
let message = R.field "message" ~descr:(descr "Message text") (module Jstring)
let kind = R.field "kind" ~descr:(Md.plain "Message kind") (module LogKind)
let plugin = R.field "plugin" ~descr:(Md.plain "Emitter plugin") (module Jstring)
let message = R.field "message" ~descr:(Md.plain "Message text") (module Jstring)
let category = R.option "category"
~descr:(descr "Message category (DEBUG or WARNING)")
~descr:(Md.plain "Message category (DEBUG or WARNING)")
(module Jstring)
let source = R.option "source" ~descr:(descr "Source file position")
let source = R.option "source"
~descr:(Md.plain "Source file position")
(module LogSource)
type t = Log.event
......@@ -309,19 +309,18 @@ let register_sig (type a b) (s : (a,b) signature) (process : rq -> a -> b) =
let skind = Main.string_of_kind s.kind in
let title = Printf.sprintf "`%s` %s" skind in
let caption = Some s.descr in
let header = [ plain "Input", Center; plain "Output", Center] in
let content =
[[ Syntax.text @@ sy_input s.input ;
Syntax.text @@ sy_output s.output ]]
let synopsis = Table { caption; header; content } in
let content =
[ synopsis ; Block s.details] @
let synopsis = Table { caption=None ; header; content } in
let description =
[ Block [Text s.descr ] ; synopsis ; Block s.details] @
doc_input s.input @
doc_output s.output
let _ = Doc.publish ~title content [] in
let _ = Doc.publish ~title description [] in
Main.register s.kind processor ;
s.defined <- true
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