(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* --- Registration types --------------------------------------------------- *)
type 'v value =
| Single of (module Abstract_value.Leaf with type t = 'v)
| Struct of 'v Abstract.Value.structure
type precise_loc = Precise_locs.precise_location
module type leaf_domain = Abstract_domain.Leaf with type location = precise_loc
module type domain_functor =
functor (Value: Abstract.Value.External) ->
(leaf_domain with type value = Value.t)
type 'v domain =
| Domain: (module leaf_domain with type value = 'v) -> 'v domain
| Functor: (module domain_functor) -> _ domain
type 'v abstraction =
{ values: 'v value;
domain: 'v domain; }
type 't with_info =
{ name: string;
experimental: bool;
priority: int;
abstraction: 't; }
type flag = Flag: 'v abstraction with_info -> flag
(* --- Config and registration ---------------------------------------------- *)
module Config = struct
module OptMode = Datatype.Option (Domain_mode)
module Element = struct
type t = flag * Domain_mode.t option
(* Flags are sorted by increasing priority order, and then by name. *)
let compare (Flag f1, mode1) (Flag f2, mode2) =
let c = f1.priority f2.priority in
if c <> 0 then c else
let c = in
if c <> 0 then c else mode1 mode2
include Set.Make (Element)
let mem (Flag domain) =
exists (fun (Flag flag, _mode) -> =
let abstractions = ref []
let dynamic_abstractions = ref []
let register_domain_option ~name ~experimental ~descr =
let descr = if experimental then "Experimental. " ^ descr else descr in
Parameters.register_domain ~name ~descr
let register ~name ~descr ?(experimental=false) ?(priority=0) abstraction =
register_domain_option ~name ~experimental ~descr;
let flag = Flag { name; experimental; priority; abstraction } in
abstractions := flag :: !abstractions;
let dynamic_register ~name ~descr ?(experimental=false) ?(priority=0) make =
register_domain_option ~name ~experimental ~descr;
let make' () : flag =
Flag { name; experimental; priority; abstraction = make () }
dynamic_abstractions := (name,make') :: !dynamic_abstractions
let configure () =
David Bühler
let add_main_mode mode =
let main, _ = Globals.entry_point () in
(main, Domain_mode.Mode.all) :: mode
let add config (name, make) =
let enabled = Parameters.Domains.mem name in
David Bühler
let mode = Parameters.DomainsFunction.find name in
David Bühler
let mode = if enabled then add_main_mode mode else mode in
add (make (), Some mode) config
with Not_found ->
if enabled then add (make (), None) config else config
let aux config (Flag domain as flag) =
add config (, (fun () -> flag))
let config = List.fold_left aux empty !abstractions in
List.fold_left add config !dynamic_abstractions
(* --- Register default abstractions -------------------------------------- *)
let create_domain ?experimental priority name descr values domain =
let abstraction = { values = Single values; domain = Domain domain } in
register ~name ~descr ~priority ?experimental abstraction
(* Register standard domains over cvalues. *)
let make ?experimental rank name descr =
create_domain ?experimental rank name descr (module Main_values.CVal)
David Bühler
let cvalue =
make 9 "cvalue"
"Main analysis domain, enabled by default. Should not be disabled."
(module Cvalue_domain.State)
let symbolic_locations =
David Bühler
make 7 "symbolic-locations"
"Infers values of symbolic locations represented by imprecise lvalues, \
such as t[i] or *p when the possible values of [i] or [p] are imprecise."
(module Symbolic_locs.D)
let equality =
let descr = "Infers equalities between syntactic C expressions. \
Makes the analysis less dependent on temporary variables and \
intermediate computations."
and abstraction =
{ values = Struct Abstract.Value.Unit;
domain = Functor (module Equality_domain.Make); }
register ~name:"equality" ~descr ~priority:8 abstraction
David Bühler
let gauges =
make 6 "gauges"
"Infers linear inequalities between the variables modified within a loop \
and a special loop counter."
(module Gauges_domain.D)
David Bühler
let octagon =
make 6 "octagon"
"Infers relations between scalar variables of the form b ≤ ±X ± Y ≤ e, \
where X, Y are program variables and b, e are constants."
(module Octagons)
let bitwise =
David Bühler
create_domain 3 "bitwise"
"Infers bitwise information to interpret more precisely bitwise operators."
(module Offsm_value.Offsm) (module Offsm_domain.D)
let sign =
David Bühler
create_domain 4 "sign"
"Infers the sign of program variables."
(module Sign_value) (module Sign_domain)
David Bühler
let inout = make 5 "inout" ~experimental:true
"Infers the inputs and outputs of each function."
(module Inout_domain.D)
David Bühler
let traces =
make 2 "traces" ~experimental:true
"Builds an over-approximation of all the traces that lead \
David Bühler
to a statement."
(module Traces_domain.D)
David Bühler
let multidim =
make 2 "multidim" ~experimental:true
"Improve the precision over arrays of structures or multidimensional \
(module Multidim_domain)
David Bühler
let printer =
make 2 "printer"
"Debug domain, only useful for developers. Prints the transfer functions \
used during the analysis."
(module Printer_domain)
(* --- Default and legacy configurations ---------------------------------- *)
let default = configure ()
let legacy = singleton (cvalue, None)
let register = Config.register
let dynamic_register = Config.dynamic_register
(* --- Building value abstractions ------------------------------------------ *)
module Leaf_Value (V: Abstract_value.Leaf) = struct
include V
let structure = Abstract.Value.Leaf (V.key, (module V))
module Leaf_Location (Loc: Abstract_location.Leaf) = struct
include Loc
let structure = Abstract.Location.Leaf (Loc.key, (module Loc))
module Leaf_Domain (D: Abstract_domain.Leaf) = struct
include D
let structure = Abstract.Domain.Leaf (D.key, (module D))
module type Acc = sig
module Val : Abstract.Value.External
module Loc : Abstract.Location.Internal with type value = Val.t
and type location = precise_loc
module Dom : Abstract.Domain.Internal with type value = Val.t
and type location = Loc.location
module Internal_Value = struct
open Abstract.Value
type value_key_module = V : 'v key * 'v data -> value_key_module
let open_value_abstraction (module Value : Internal) =
(module struct
include Value
include Structure.Open (Abstract.Value) (Value)
end : Abstract.Value.External)
let add_value_leaf value (V (key, v)) =
let module Value = (val open_value_abstraction value) in
if Value.mem key then value else
(module struct
include Value_product.Make (Value) (val v)
let structure = Node (Value.structure, Leaf (key, v))
let void_value () =
"Cannot register a value module from a Void structure."
let add_value_structure value internal =
let rec aux: type v. (module Internal) -> v structure -> (module Internal) =
fun value -> function
| Option (s, _) -> aux value s
| Leaf (key, v) -> add_value_leaf value (V (key, v))
| Node (s1, s2) -> aux (aux value s1) s2
| Unit -> value
| Void -> void_value ()
aux value internal
let build_values config initial_value =
let build (Flag flag, _) acc =
match flag.abstraction.values with
| Struct structure -> add_value_structure acc structure
| Single (module V) -> add_value_leaf acc (V (V.key, (module V)))
let value = Config.fold build config initial_value in
open_value_abstraction value
module Convert
(Value: Abstract.Value.External)
(Struct: sig type v val s : v value end)
= struct
let structure = match Struct.s with
| Single (module V) -> Abstract.Value.Leaf (V.key, (module V))
| Struct s -> s
type extended_value = Value.t
let replace_val =
let rec set: type v. v structure -> v -> Value.t -> Value.t =
| Leaf (key, _) -> Value.set key
| Node (s1, s2) ->
let set1 = set s1 and set2 = set s2 in
fun (v1, v2) value -> set1 v1 (set2 v2 value)
| Option (s, default) -> fun v -> set s (Option.value ~default:default v)
| Unit -> fun () value -> value
| Void -> void_value ()
set structure
let extend_val v = replace_val v
let restrict_val =
let rec get: type v. v structure -> Value.t -> v = function
| Leaf (key, _) -> Option.get (Value.get key)
| Node (s1, s2) ->
let get1 = get s1 and get2 = get s2 in
fun v -> get1 v, get2 v
| Option (s, _) -> fun v -> Some (get s v)
| Unit -> fun _ -> ()
| Void -> void_value ()
get structure
type extended_location = Main_locations.PLoc.location
let restrict_loc = fun x -> x
let extend_loc = fun x -> x
(* --- Building domain abstractions ----------------------------------------- *)
module type internal_loc =
Abstract.Location.Internal with type location = precise_loc
module type internal_domain =
Abstract.Domain.Internal with type location = precise_loc
let eq_value:
type a b. a Abstract.Value.structure -> b value -> (a,b) Structure.eq option
= fun structure -> function
| Struct s -> Abstract.Value.eq_structure structure s
| Single (module V) ->
match structure with
| Abstract.Value.Leaf (key, _) -> Abstract.Value.eq_type key V.key
| _ -> None
let add_domain (type v) dname mode (abstraction: v abstraction) (module Acc: Acc) =
let domain : (module internal_domain with type value = Acc.Val.t) =
match abstraction.domain with
| Functor make ->
let module Make = (val make: domain_functor) in
(module Leaf_Domain (Make (Acc.Val)))
| Domain domain ->
match eq_value Acc.Val.structure abstraction.values with
| Some Structure.Eq ->
let module Domain = (val domain) in
(module Leaf_Domain (Domain))
| None ->
let module Domain = (val domain : leaf_domain with type value = v) in
let module Struct = struct
type v = Domain.value
let s = abstraction.values
end in
let module Convert = Internal_Value.Convert (Acc.Val) (Struct) in
(module Domain_lift.Make (Domain) (Convert))
(* Set the name of the domain. *)
let module Domain = struct
include (val domain)
let name = dname
module Store = struct
include Store
let register_global_state storage state =
let no_results = Parameters.NoResultsDomains.mem dname in
register_global_state (storage && not no_results) state
end in
(* Restricts the domain according to [mode]. *)
David Bühler
let domain : (module internal_domain with type value = Acc.Val.t) =
match mode with
| None -> (module Domain)
| Some kf_modes ->
David Bühler
let module Scope = struct let functions = kf_modes end in
let module Domain =
David Bühler
(module Domain)
let domain : (module internal_domain with type value = Acc.Val.t) =
match Abstract.Domain.(eq_structure Acc.Dom.structure Unit) with
| Some _ -> domain
| None ->
(* The new [domain] becomes the left leaf of the domain product, and will
be processed before the domains from [Acc.Dom] during the analysis. *)
(module Domain_product.Make (Acc.Val) ((val domain)) (Acc.Dom))
(module struct
module Val = Acc.Val
module Loc = Acc.Loc
module Dom = (val domain)
end : Acc)
let warn_experimental flag =
if flag.experimental then
Self.(warning ~wkey:wkey_experimental
let build_domain config abstract =
let build (Flag flag, mode) acc =
warn_experimental flag;
add_domain mode flag.abstraction acc
(* Domains in the [config] are sorted by increasing priority: domains with
higher priority are added last: they will be at the top of the domains
tree, and thus will be processed first during the analysis. *)
Config.fold build config abstract
(* --- Value reduced product ----------------------------------------------- *)
module type Value = sig
include Abstract.Value.External
val reduce : t -> t
module type S = sig
module Val : Value
module Loc : Abstract.Location.External with type value = Val.t
module Dom : Abstract.Domain.External with type value = Val.t
and type location = Loc.location
module type Eva = sig
include S
module Eval: Evaluation.S with type state = Dom.t
and type value = Val.t
and type loc = Loc.location
and type origin = Dom.origin
type ('a, 'b) value_reduced_product =
'a Abstract.Value.key * 'b Abstract.Value.key * ('a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b)
type v_reduced_product = R: ('a, 'b) value_reduced_product -> v_reduced_product
let value_reduced_product = ref []
let register_value_reduction reduced_product =
value_reduced_product := (R reduced_product) :: !value_reduced_product
(* When the value abstraction contains both a cvalue and an interval
component (coming currently from an Apron domain), reduce them from each
other. If the Cvalue is not a scalar do nothing, because we do not
currently use Apron for pointer offsets. *)
let reduce_apron_itv cvalue ival =
match ival with
| None -> begin
try cvalue, Some (Cvalue.V.project_ival cvalue)
with Cvalue.V.Not_based_on_null -> cvalue, ival
| Some ival ->
let ival' = Cvalue.V.project_ival cvalue in
if Ival.is_int ival'
let reduced_ival = Ival.narrow ival ival' in
let cvalue = Cvalue.V.inject_ival reduced_ival in
cvalue, Some reduced_ival
else cvalue, Some ival
with Cvalue.V.Not_based_on_null -> cvalue, Some ival
let () =
(Main_values.CVal.key, Main_values.Interval.key, reduce_apron_itv)
module Reduce (Value : Abstract.Value.External) = struct
include Value
let make_reduction acc (R (key1, key2, f)) =
match Value.get key1, Value.get key2 with
| Some get1, Some get2 ->
let set1 = Value.set key1
and set2 = Value.set key2 in
let reduce v = let v1, v2 = f (get1 v) (get2 v) in set1 v1 (set2 v2 v) in
reduce :: acc
| _, _ -> acc
let reduce =
let list = List.fold_left make_reduction [] !value_reduced_product in
fun v -> List.fold_left (fun v reduce -> reduce v) v list
(* --- Final hook ----------------------------------------------------------- *)
let final_hooks = ref []
let register_hook f =
final_hooks := f :: !final_hooks
let apply_final_hooks abstractions =
List.fold_left (fun acc f -> f acc) abstractions !final_hooks
(* --- Building abstractions ------------------------------------------------ *)
module Open (Acc: Acc) : S = struct
module Val = Reduce (Acc.Val)
module Loc = struct
include Acc.Loc
include Structure.Open (Abstract.Location)
(struct include Acc.Loc type t = location end)
module Dom = struct
include Acc.Dom
include Structure.Open (Abstract.Domain) (Acc.Dom)
David Bühler
let get_cvalue = match get Cvalue_domain.State.key with
| None -> None
| Some get -> Some (fun s -> fst (get s))
let get_cvalue_or_top = match get Cvalue_domain.State.key with
| None -> fun _ ->
| Some get -> fun s -> fst (get s)
let get_cvalue_or_bottom = function
| `Bottom -> Cvalue.Model.bottom
| `Value state -> get_cvalue_or_top state
module CVal = Leaf_Value (Main_values.CVal)
let unit_acc (module Value: Abstract.Value.External) =
let loc : (module internal_loc with type value = Value.t) =
match Abstract.Value.eq_structure Value.structure CVal.structure with
| Some Structure.Eq -> (module Leaf_Location (Main_locations.PLoc))
| _ ->
let module Struct = struct
type v = Cvalue.V.t
let s = Single (module Main_values.CVal)
end in
let module Conv = Internal_Value.Convert (Value) (Struct) in
(module Location_lift.Make (Main_locations.PLoc) (Conv))
(module struct
module Val = Value
module Loc = (val loc)
module Dom = Unit_domain.Make (Val) (Loc)
end : Acc)
let build_abstractions config =
let initial_value : (module Abstract.Value.Internal) =
if Config.mem Config.bitwise config
then (module Offsm_value.CvalueOffsm)
else (module CVal)
let value = Internal_Value.build_values config initial_value in
let acc = unit_acc value in
build_domain config acc
let configure = Config.configure
let make config =
let abstractions = build_abstractions config in
let abstractions = (module Open (val abstractions): S) in
apply_final_hooks abstractions
module Default = (val make Config.default)
module Legacy = (val make Config.legacy)