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Update documentation start paage

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# Compiling Frama-C from source
This page explains how to build Frama-C from source, for the platforms
on which no binaries are available. If a binary is available at
<>, we suggest you use it instead.
## Compiling under Linux
If you are using Linux, your distribution may package Frama-C. This is
currently the case for (at least) Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora.
If you want to compile a distribution more recent than the one packaged
with your system, you will find detailed compilation instructions in the
INSTALL file of the Frama-C tarballs.
## Compiling under Windows (Cygwin + MinGW)
**If you already know how to use OPAM, simply install the `frama-c`
package. The instructions below are for users who have never used OPAM +
Although Frama-C is **not** officially supported on Windows (that is,
the Frama-C team cannot guarantee that it will always work on Windows
environments), it it possible to compile and use it. In case of errors,
you can refer to StackOverflow questions tagged `frama-c` (or ask them
The recommended procedure is to use OPAM for MinGW OCaml:
1. Install [OCaml for Windows]( (the
graphical installer should be fine). Note that newer releases of
OCaml are not always backwards-compatible with Frama-C releases.
2. Follow fdopen's instructions, in particular:
3. Install depext (''opam install depext'') and [depext-cygwinports]( This is necessary especially for the Frama-C GUI, which uses lablgtk.
4. Do not forget to update your PATH variable as indicated, or use ''ocaml-env''.
5. Install Frama-C dependencies: <code>opam depext frama-c</code>
6. Install Frama-C itself: <code>opam install frama-c</code>
And it's done\!
**Note:** By default, Cygwin defines the `CPP` variable in its
environment. If you are using Frama-C 14 (Silicon) or older, append `-C
-I.` to the value of that variable. For instance, by adding the
following line to your `.bashrc` file:
export CPP="x86_64-w64-mingw32-cpp.exe -C -I."
The snippet above is for the 64-bit version.
You also need to systematically add `-pp-annot` to your command-line,
otherwise annotations in source files may not be processed.
## Obsolete procedures - should NOT be necessary (only presented for historical reasons)
An obsolete procedure using WODI is also presented but only for
historical reasons. It is unlikely to work with recent lablgtk and
Frama-C releases.
**Note**: the procedure below is not 100% robust, but it has been tested
on a few different configurations. We recommend referring to the [GitHub
OPAM repository for
MinGW]( or asking a
question on [StackOverflow]( if you have
problems compiling it (e.g. if your Windows username contains spaces,
[this Cygwin FAQ](
referenced by fdopen indicates how to fix it).
##### Old procedure
1\. Download (but do not run yet\!) the [Cygwin setup
file]( to your Desktop.
- Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions should work; we tested in particular
the 32-bit version, which is the one used in the commands below.
2\. Open a Command Prompt and run the command below to install Cygwin
with necessary Frama-C dependencies.
- The command below will use the downloaded Cygwin setup file.
- You just have to keep clicking Next (using the default provided
paths) and choose the Cygwin mirror of your preference. Then keep
pressing Next and wait for the installation to finish.
<!-- end list -->
%USERPROFILE%/Desktop/setup-x86.exe --root=C:/cygwin32 --local-package-dir C:/cygwin32/packages --no-startmenu --quiet-mode --packages=make,mingw64-i686-gcc-core,m4,patch,unzip,procmail,rsync,wget,diffutils,git,perl,curl,autoconf
3\. Cygwin will create a Desktop shortcut. Open it and you will be
presented a terminal. Use it to run the code below. Please note that
this code downloads the [OPAM for MinGW OCaml]( binaries from
- You can copy the code below and paste it on the Cygwin terminal.
- You can also click on `` to download the
code. In that case, save it to your **cygwin** home directory (i.e.
`C:\cygwin32\home\<username>`), and execute it on your Cygwin
terminal: `bash`).
<!-- end list -->
``` bash
#!/bin/bash -eu
# Download the OPAM 32-bit archive for MinGW (
wget "" -O opam32.tar.xz
# Uncompress and install OPAM
tar -xf 'opam32.tar.xz'
bash opam32/
# Use OPAM to install a 4.02.3 OCaml compiler
opam init mingw '' --comp 4.02.3+mingw32 --switch 4.02.3+mingw32 --yes
# This variable is important for installing lablgtk
# If installing a 64-bit OCaml, replace "i686" with "x86_64"
export PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin:$PATH
echo 'export PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin:$PATH' >> .bashrc
# This is necessary for configuring OPAM
eval `opam config env`
echo 'eval `opam config env`' >> ~/.bashrc
# To apply a more modern-looking GTK theme
echo 'gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"' > ~/.gtkrc-2.0
# Install depext and depext-cygwinports, which will allow dependencies to be
# automatically installed
opam install depext depext-cygwinports --yes
# Install the latest available Frama-C and its dependencies using depext
OPAMYES=yes opam depext -i frama-c
echo "Done!"
echo "Do not forget to close and re-open your terminal to ensure that"
echo "environment variables are properly refreshed."
4\. It's done\! You can now run Frama-C from the command line
(`frama-c`) or the GUI (`frama-c-gui`).
#### Old procedure based on WODI (GODI for Windows) + Cygwin + MinGW
**Note:** This procedure is now **obsolete**\! Using OPAM should be
easier (and also allows easier installation of optional Frama-C
dependencies such as external solvers).
These steps were tested on a Sodium release with Cygwin 32 bits + WODI
32 bits, and then tested again on a Magnesium release with Cygwin 64
bits + WODI 64 bits. Similar combinations should work as well. They were
tested on Windows 7 and on Windows 8.1.
These are thorough instructions to install Frama-C and its dependencies
including the GUI. Some steps are not necessary if you do not need the
GUI. These instructions are very detailed to help you troubleshoot if
something unexpected happens.
The instructions below assume the 64-bit version in some commands;
replace `64` with `32` when appropriate if using the 32-bit version.
1. Install a native Windows OCaml compiler using Jonathan Protzenko's
[Ocaml on Windows](
installer. During OCaml installation, check the option to install
Cygwin. It will put Cygwin's setup file in your Desktop.
- Frama-C Sodium was tested using
[OCaml 4.02.1, 32-bit](
while Magnesium was tested using
[OCaml 4.02.3, 64-bit](
- **Note:** The link to the 64-bit version includes OPAM, but we
did not use it in our tests (issues with lablgtk prevented us
from successfully running Frama-C's GUI).
2. Install Cygwin (32-bit or 64-bit). You can use the setup file from
Ocaml on Windows' installation. This will configure Cygwin's
installation directory (e.g. `C:\cygwin64`) and a working
mirror. This configuration will be later used to install required
Cygwin packages.
- Note that Cygwin's setup remember previous settings when run
again; it works similarly to a graphical package manager on
Debian systems, such as `synaptic`: you must run it again
whenever you need to install or remove a package. After the
first installation, you just have to click Next until the
package selection screen is presented again.
3. Using Cygwin's setup, install package `mingw64-i686-gcc-core` (for
the 32-bit version) or `mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core` (for the 64-bit
- Note that **both** use `mingw64` in their name (this is not a
- Also note that these packages install cross-compilers, therefore
there will be no `gcc` executable, but instead you'll have
either `i686-w64-mingw32-gcc` on 32 bits or
`x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc` on 64 bits.
4. Open a Cygwin terminal. Export the location of your Cygwin setup
file under variable `CYGSETUP_BIN`, e.g. using this command: `export
<!-- end list -->
* (This step is not necessary per se, but it simplifies these instructions.)
* Remember that this variable will not be saved across Cygwin sessions, so if you close and reopen your Cygwin terminal you'll need to export it again.
- Before installing [[|WODI]] (for Frama-C dependencies), you'll need to install a few additional Cygwin packages. Using the ''CYGSETUP_BIN'' variable defined previously, you can run: <code>"$CYGSETUP_BIN" --quiet-mode --no-desktop --no-startmenu --packages=dos2unix,diffutils,cpio,make,patch,rlwrap</code>
* If you have issues or need more information, follow the instructions [[|in WODI's page]].
- Install [[|WODI]] by downloading and uncompressing its tar.xz archives.
* WODI has been discontinued, but its installer and a tar.xz containing its binary packages are still available on its website.
* The 32-bit version has been tested with Frama-C Sodium and the 64-bit version has been tested with Frama-C Magnesium.
* Here are direct links to the files:
* [[|WODI (32 bits)]] + [[|all packages (32 bits)]].
* [[|WODI (64 bits)]] + [[|all packages (64 bits)]].
* Quick installation: uncompress WODI (''tar xvf wodi64.tar.xz''), run ''cd wodi64'' and then ''./''. This should copy WODI's files to ''/opt/wodi64''.
* Run ''tar xvf packages64.tar.xz'' and put its files (all files inside the directory, without the directory name itself) into your Cygwin's ''/opt/wodi64/var/cache/godi'' directory (e.g. ''C:\cygwin64\opt\wodi64\var\cache\godi''). This can be done by running: <code>mv packages64/* /opt/wodi64/var/cache/godi/</code>
* Note that installing WODI in another directory may require patching configuration files, otherwise it may not recognize the installed packages.
- Close the terminal and open a new Cygwin terminal to refresh the environment variables. Test if WODI was properly installed, by running a command such as ''godi_list''.
* WODI may complain about spaces in your ''PATH'' variable (make sure they do not occur in Cygwin/GODI/OCaml-related directories, or things may not work), but it should display a huge list of packages (with a few of them installed).
- Install packages zarith, lablgtk, and optionally ocamlgraph: <code>godi_add godi-zarith godi-lablgtk2 godi-ocamlgraph</code>
* This command may take a while and will not output anything if successful, other than a possible warning about spaces in your PATH variable.
- Download Frama-C's source release (tested with [[|Sodium]] and [[|Magnesium]])
- Using the Cygwin shell, uncompress Frama-C's sources, ''cd'' into it, and run configure as follows: <code>CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc configure --prefix="C:/path/to/final/framac"</code>
* Where ''path/to/final/framac'' is the directory where you want Frama-C to be installed.
* **Important**: this path **must** be written using a Windows-based path and **not** a Cygwin-based one such as '/home/user/framac'. Also, use forward slashes (''/'') instead of backslashes, otherwise Frama-C will install but not run properly.
* Use ''CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc'' instead if you're installing the 32-bit version.
* Here's an example command-line to install Frama-C to a local ''build'' directory: <code>CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ./configure --prefix="$(cygpath -a -m $PWD)"/build</code>
- Check that the ''./configure'' script found the required dependencies (e.g. for the GUI). The GUI may be partially disabled if ''dot'' is not installed, but otherwise it should have detected lablgtk correctly.
* If you want the GUI and the callgraph to be fully enabled, install Cygwin package ''graphviz''.
- (Magnesium only) Frama-C Magnesium requires a patch to the ''Makefile'', otherwise the following error may occur: <code>[...]
Generating .depend /bin/sh: /opt/wodi64/bin/ocamldep.opt: Argument list
too long\</code\>
* This is the patch to be applied: [[|Makefile-ocamldep-argument-too-long.patch]]
* Download the patch file to your Frama-C source directory, and apply it using e.g.: <code>patch -i makefile-ocamldep-argument-too-long.patch</code>
- Run ''make'' using the special value for variable ''FRAMAC_TOP_SRCDIR'' below: <code>make FRAMAC_TOP_SRCDIR="$(cygpath -a -m $PWD)"</code>
* This will fix the path during execution of the Makefile, using a Windows-based absolute path instead of a Cygwin-based one. Without this fix, compilation will fail after some time (when compiling plugin files).
* Note that the first time ''make'' runs, it may emit some warnings about missing files such as the ones below, but this is normal and should not affect compilation: <code>C:/cygwin64/home/user/frama-c-Magnesium-20151002/share/Makefile.dynamic:195: share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory
share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory
share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory
share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory
share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory Makefile:2434: .depend:
No such file or directory\</code\>
1. Get a coffee while waiting for Frama-C to compile, it may take a
2. Run `make install`. Your Frama-C is now ready to be used\!
- If you installed Frama-C in a directory which is not in the
PATH, remember to prefix it with
3. Try parsing a simple program, e.g. `frama-c file.c` or
`frama-c-gui file.c`, to ensure that all necessary paths are
correct (such as `__fc_builtin_for_normalization.i`).
- You can also try one of Frama-C's tests, e.g. `frama-c-gui
tests/idct/*.c`. Note that the `tests/idct` contains a single
test split in two C files, but most other test directories
contain unit tests which should be run individually. Also note
that several tests do not constitute valid C programs.
##### Note
There is a Windows-specific issue in Frama-C Sodium/Magnesium that
prevents Windows absolute paths with backslashes from being correctly
parsed. In the command-line, you can use forward slashes (`frama-c
'C:/Temp/file.c'`) or double backslashes (`frama-c
'C:\\Temp\\file.c'`), but in the GUI you cannot load files using
absolute paths. There is however a patch in the OPAM-MinGW version of
Magnesium that fixes this issue.
## Recommended versions to use
- GNU make version \>= 3.81
- Objective Caml \>= 4.02.3;
<!-- end list -->
- Gtk (\>= 2.4)
- GtkSourceView 2.x
- GnomeCanvas 2.x
- LablGtk \>= 2.18.3
<!-- end list -->
- Frama-C Magnesium 20151002
- Why3 0.86.2
- Why 2.33 (for Jessie, need a tweak on Why:
- Coq 8.4
- Alt-Ergo 0.99.1
- <>
- <>
# Older versions
## Nitrogen
### Compiling under Cygwin with Mingw, with Zarith
The following is taken directly from Dillon Pariente's informative
You might like to also have a look at
<> and
to check the advantages you can draw from using Zarith.
The description for the Zarith library reads as follows:
"The Zarith library implements arithmetic and logical operations over
arbitrary-precision integers. It uses GMP to efficiently implement
arithmetic over big integers. Small integers are represented as Caml
unboxed integers, for speed and space economy."
It is available from <> and
expected to improve performances up 50% in the best cases.
What follow are some informal hints for the ones interested in using
this new experimental Zarith feature under Mingw (or Cygwin+Mingw).
##### Requirements
Prior to reproducing the steps below, check that you have the following
- Ocaml's mingw port, version 3.12.0 or higher;
- flexlink (from <>);
- Zarith lib, whose last version one can obtain with a simple :
<!-- end list -->
<code>svn checkout svn:// </code>
* GMP for Mingw (see Do not forget to remove any previous GMP installation coming with Cygwin to avoid using cygwin1.dll;
* and all other requirements expressed in Frama-C's INSTALL file.
##### Zarith's configuration and compilation
Now, configure and compile Zarith (under the zarith installation dir),
following the command lines below:
export FLEXLINKFLAGS="-LX:/path/to/mingw/libraries"
CPPFLAGS="-IX:/path/to/mingw/includes -IX:/path/to/ocaml_mingw_port/includes -D__MINGW32__ -mno-cygwin" ./configure --installdir X:/path/to/ocaml_mingw_port/libraries
make clean && make depend && make
make test && ./test
# to check whether zarith compilation is OK!
make install
If the last command does not work properly, due to .so/.dll mismatch ...
then try instead:
ocamlfind install -destdir X:/path/to/ocaml_mingw/libraries zarith META zarith.cma libzarith.a z.mli q.mli big_int_Z.mli z.cmi q.cmi big_int_Z.cmi zarith.a zarith.cmxa zarith.cmxs dllzarith.dll
##### Compiling Frama-C with Zarith support
Now, you can define some required environment variables:
export HAS_ZARITH=yes
export ZARITH_INC="-I X:/path/to/ocaml_mingw/libraries/zarith/"
And compile Frama-C (go to the Frama-C dir) ... as usual:
./configure ...
make && make install
The instructions below refer to previous versions of Frama-C, and may
not apply to the most current one. If you succeed in compiling a more
recent version than the one for which the instructions were originally
written, do not hesitate to update this page.
## Beryllium installation
#### Compiling Beryllium for Mac OS X
To compile Frama-C for Mac OS X Leopard yourself, see [this
#### Compiling Beryllium for FreeBSD
To compile Frama-C on FreeBSD, use `env MAKE=gmake bash ./configure
CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" && gmake`
#### Compiling the Jessie plugin coming with Why 2.22 under Windows?
- Install the Windows binary 20090902 Beryllium Frama-C version
- Set the following environment variables (using the Windows Control Panel):
* prepend ''C:\Frama-C\bin'' to ''PATH''
* set ''OCAMLLIB'' to ''C:\Frama-C\lib''
* set ''CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH'' to ''C:\Frama-C\lib\stublibs'' \\ Replace ''C:\Frama-C'' by your installation path if you customized it.
- Install a Cygwin version (1.7 beta has been verified to work) with at least the ''gcc-mingw'' and ''autoconf'' packages
- If ''C:\Cygwin\bin\gcc.exe'' is a symbolic link, remove it and replace it by its full expansion e.g. ''gcc-3.exe'' under Cygwin 1.7 beta.
- Download the source tar.gz of Why 2.22
- untar it in your cygwin home directory
- configure it with ''./configure --prefix C:/Frama-C'' (forward slash must be used!)
- compile it with ''make''
- install it with ''make FRAMAC_LIBDIR="C:\\\Frama-C\\\lib\\\frama-c" install'' (triple backward slashes must be used!)
- then proceed to the installation of provers
--- ---
layout: clean_page layout: clean_page
--- ---
# Welcome to the Frama-C Wiki. # Documentation
Is on-topic in this wiki anything that may be of help to others users of <!-- Is on-topic in this wiki anything that may be of help to others users of -->
Frama-C and related tools: tips, changes that you have noticed, <!-- Frama-C and related tools: tips, changes that you have noticed, -->
workarounds, etc. If it should have been in the manual, put it here. If <!-- workarounds, etc. If it should have been in the manual, put it here. If -->
it's too minute, platform-specific, or temporary to be a good fit for <!-- it's too minute, platform-specific, or temporary to be a good fit for -->
the manual, put it here. Your goal should be to make a wiki so clear and <!-- the manual, put it here. Your goal should be to make a wiki so clear and -->
functional that it puts the authors of Frama-C's various manuals to <!-- functional that it puts the authors of Frama-C's various manuals to -->
shame. <!-- shame. -->
Do not be afraid to reorganize the words of others if you feel that Modification for this documentation, as for all this site, can be proposed by
makes the wiki more useful as a whole. They agreed to let you do that submitting a merge requests at the corresponding
when they chose to participate, and so do you. [](gitlab repository).
To edit the wiki, you can submit a merge request on the corresponding gitlab repository [](insert link). For plug-ins documentation, some pages can be found here but all of them are
otherwise available [/html/kernel-plugin.html](on the dedicated page).
For plug-ins documentation, some pages can be found here but all of them are otherwise available [/html/kernel-plugin.html](on the dedicated page).
Is on-topic anything that may be of help to others users of
----- Frama-C and related tools: tips, changes that you have noticed,
workarounds, etc.
# Compilation and Installation
<!-- If it should have been in the manual, put it here. If -->
Current and old releases of Frama-C are available on [this <!-- it's too minute, platform-specific, or temporary to be a good fit for -->
page]( It contains the official <!-- the manual, put it here. Your goal should be to make a wiki so clear and -->
installation instructions for supported systems. <!-- functional that it puts the authors of Frama-C's various manuals to -->
<!-- shame. -->
Otherwise, [this Frama-C wiki
page](/dokuwiki/compiling_from_source.html) contains extra instructions -----
for compiling from source on non-supported platforms. It also contains
instructions for compiling older releases. # Compilation and Installation
# FAQ, Tips and Tricks Current and old releases of Frama-C are available on [this
page](html/get-frama-c.html). It contains the official
See [this page](/dokuwiki/faq.html), or this [slightly older installation instructions for supported systems.
Otherwise, [each releases]( contains extra instructions
# External plug-ins for compiling from source.
[External plug-ins](/dokuwiki/external_plugins.html) that you may find <!-- We could copy to this repo -->
useful are available. The plug-ins currently described are **Jessie**,
**Celia** and **Werror**. # Contributing
# Known issues Frama-C is an open-source project which could be contrinuted through merge
requests at this [Gitlab repository]( The
- The BTS has a [list of known modalities are described in this [document](
- See [bug reporting guidelines](/dokuwiki/bug_reporting_guidelines.html) to <!-- We could copy to this repo -->
report a bug.
# FAQ, Tips and Tricks
# Open positions
See [this page](/dokuwiki/faq.html), or this [slightly older
[Open positions](/dokuwiki/positions.html) in the Frama-C team are one](/dokuwiki/frequently_asked_questions.html).
# External plug-ins
# Works about Frama-C
[External plug-ins](/dokuwiki/external_plugins.html) that you may find
- [List of publications](/dokuwiki/publications.html) useful are available. The plug-ins currently described are **Jessie**,
- [Exercises](/dokuwiki/exercises.html) **Celia** and **Werror**.
- [Teaching](/dokuwiki/teaching.html)
- [Tutorials](/dokuwiki/tutorial.html) # Known issues
- The BTS has a [list of known
- See [bug reporting guidelines](/dokuwiki/bug_reporting_guidelines.html) to
report a bug.
# Open positions
[Open positions](/dokuwiki/positions.html) in the Frama-C team are
# Works about Frama-C
- [List of publications](/dokuwiki/publications.html)
- [Exercises](/dokuwiki/exercises.html)
- [Teaching](/dokuwiki/teaching.html)
- [Tutorials](/dokuwiki/tutorial.html)
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