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-# Compiling Frama-C from source 
-This page explains how to build Frama-C from source, for the platforms
-on which no binaries are available. If a binary is available at
-<http://frama-c.com/download.html>, we suggest you use it instead.
-## Compiling under Linux
-If you are using Linux, your distribution may package Frama-C. This is
-currently the case for (at least) Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora.
-If you want to compile a distribution more recent than the one packaged
-with your system, you will find detailed compilation instructions in the
-INSTALL file of the Frama-C tarballs.
-## Compiling under Windows (Cygwin + MinGW)
-**If you already know how to use OPAM, simply install the `frama-c`
-package. The instructions below are for users who have never used OPAM +
-Although Frama-C is **not** officially supported on Windows (that is,
-the Frama-C team cannot guarantee that it will always work on Windows
-environments), it it possible to compile and use it. In case of errors,
-you can refer to StackOverflow questions tagged `frama-c` (or ask them
-The recommended procedure is to use OPAM for MinGW OCaml:
-1.  Install [OCaml for Windows](https://fdopen.github.io/opam-repository-mingw/) (the
-    graphical installer should be fine). Note that newer releases of
-    OCaml are not always backwards-compatible with Frama-C releases.
-2.  Follow fdopen's instructions, in particular:
-3.  Install depext (''opam install depext'') and [depext-cygwinports](http://fdopen.github.io/opam-repository-mingw/depext-cygwin/). This is necessary especially for the Frama-C GUI, which uses lablgtk.
-4.  Do not forget to update your PATH variable as indicated, or use ''ocaml-env''.
-5.  Install Frama-C dependencies: <code>opam depext frama-c</code>
-6.  Install Frama-C itself: <code>opam install frama-c</code>
-And it's done\!
-**Note:** By default, Cygwin defines the `CPP` variable in its
-environment. If you are using Frama-C 14 (Silicon) or older, append `-C
--I.` to the value of that variable. For instance, by adding the
-following line to your `.bashrc` file:
-    export CPP="x86_64-w64-mingw32-cpp.exe -C -I."
-The snippet above is for the 64-bit version.
-You also need to systematically add `-pp-annot` to your command-line,
-otherwise annotations in source files may not be processed.
-## Obsolete procedures - should NOT be necessary (only presented for historical reasons)
-An obsolete procedure using WODI is also presented but only for
-historical reasons. It is unlikely to work with recent lablgtk and
-Frama-C releases.
-**Note**: the procedure below is not 100% robust, but it has been tested
-on a few different configurations. We recommend referring to the [GitHub
-OPAM repository for
-MinGW](https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw) or asking a
-question on [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com) if you have
-problems compiling it (e.g. if your Windows username contains spaces,
-[this Cygwin FAQ](https://www.cygwin.com/faq.html#faq.setup.name-with-space)
-referenced by fdopen indicates how to fix it).
-##### Old procedure
-1\. Download (but do not run yet\!) the [Cygwin setup
-file](https://cygwin.com/install.html) to your Desktop.
-  - Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions should work; we tested in particular
-    the 32-bit version, which is the one used in the commands below.
-2\. Open a Command Prompt and run the command below to install Cygwin
-with necessary Frama-C dependencies.
-  - The command below will use the downloaded Cygwin setup file.
-  - You just have to keep clicking Next (using the default provided
-    paths) and choose the Cygwin mirror of your preference. Then keep
-    pressing Next and wait for the installation to finish.
-<!-- end list -->
-    %USERPROFILE%/Desktop/setup-x86.exe --root=C:/cygwin32 --local-package-dir C:/cygwin32/packages --no-startmenu --quiet-mode --packages=make,mingw64-i686-gcc-core,m4,patch,unzip,procmail,rsync,wget,diffutils,git,perl,curl,autoconf
-3\. Cygwin will create a Desktop shortcut. Open it and you will be
-presented a terminal. Use it to run the code below. Please note that
-this code downloads the [OPAM for MinGW OCaml](https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw) binaries from
-  - You can copy the code below and paste it on the Cygwin terminal.
-  - You can also click on `frama-c-install-windows.sh` to download the
-    code. In that case, save it to your **cygwin** home directory (i.e.
-    `C:\cygwin32\home\<username>`), and execute it on your Cygwin
-    terminal: `bash frama-c-install-windows.sh`).
-<!-- end list -->
-``` bash
-#!/bin/bash -eu
-# Download the OPAM 32-bit archive for MinGW (https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw)
-wget "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/eo4igttab8ipyle/opam32.tar.xz" -O opam32.tar.xz
-# Uncompress and install OPAM
-tar -xf 'opam32.tar.xz'
-bash opam32/install.sh
-# Use OPAM to install a 4.02.3 OCaml compiler
-opam init mingw 'https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw.git' --comp 4.02.3+mingw32 --switch 4.02.3+mingw32 --yes
-# This variable is important for installing lablgtk
-# If installing a 64-bit OCaml, replace "i686" with "x86_64"
-export PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin:$PATH
-echo 'export PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin:$PATH' >> .bashrc
-# This is necessary for configuring OPAM
-eval `opam config env`
-echo 'eval `opam config env`' >> ~/.bashrc
-# To apply a more modern-looking GTK theme
-echo 'gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"' > ~/.gtkrc-2.0
-# Install depext and depext-cygwinports, which will allow dependencies to be
-# automatically installed
-opam install depext depext-cygwinports --yes
-# Install the latest available Frama-C and its dependencies using depext
-OPAMYES=yes opam depext -i frama-c
-echo "Done!"
-echo "Do not forget to close and re-open your terminal to ensure that"
-echo "environment variables are properly refreshed."
-4\. It's done\! You can now run Frama-C from the command line
-(`frama-c`) or the GUI (`frama-c-gui`).
-#### Old procedure based on WODI (GODI for Windows) + Cygwin + MinGW
-**Note:** This procedure is now **obsolete**\! Using OPAM should be
-easier (and also allows easier installation of optional Frama-C
-dependencies such as external solvers).
-These steps were tested on a Sodium release with Cygwin 32 bits + WODI
-32 bits, and then tested again on a Magnesium release with Cygwin 64
-bits + WODI 64 bits. Similar combinations should work as well. They were
-tested on Windows 7 and on Windows 8.1.
-These are thorough instructions to install Frama-C and its dependencies
-including the GUI. Some steps are not necessary if you do not need the
-GUI. These instructions are very detailed to help you troubleshoot if
-something unexpected happens.
-The instructions below assume the 64-bit version in some commands;
-replace `64` with `32` when appropriate if using the 32-bit version.
-1.  Install a native Windows OCaml compiler using Jonathan Protzenko's
-    [Ocaml on Windows](http://protz.github.io/ocaml-installer/)
-    installer. During OCaml installation, check the option to install
-    Cygwin. It will put Cygwin's setup file in your Desktop.
-      - Frama-C Sodium was tested using
-        [OCaml 4.02.1, 32-bit](http://gallium.inria.fr/~protzenk/caml-installer/ocaml-4.02.1-i686-mingw64-installer3.exe)
-        while Magnesium was tested using
-        [OCaml 4.02.3, 64-bit](http://gallium.inria.fr/~protzenk/caml-installer/ocaml-4.02.3-x86_64-mingw64-installer4-opam.exe).
-      - **Note:** The link to the 64-bit version includes OPAM, but we
-        did not use it in our tests (issues with lablgtk prevented us
-        from successfully running Frama-C's GUI).
-2.  Install Cygwin (32-bit or 64-bit). You can use the setup file from
-    Ocaml on Windows' installation. This will configure Cygwin's
-    installation directory (e.g. `C:\cygwin64`) and a working
-    mirror. This configuration will be later used to install required
-    Cygwin packages.
-      - Note that Cygwin's setup remember previous settings when run
-        again; it works similarly to a graphical package manager on
-        Debian systems, such as `synaptic`: you must run it again
-        whenever you need to install or remove a package. After the
-        first installation, you just have to click Next until the
-        package selection screen is presented again.
-3.  Using Cygwin's setup, install package `mingw64-i686-gcc-core` (for
-    the 32-bit version) or `mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core` (for the 64-bit
-    version).
-      - Note that **both** use `mingw64` in their name (this is not a
-        typo).
-      - Also note that these packages install cross-compilers, therefore
-        there will be no `gcc` executable, but instead you'll have
-        either `i686-w64-mingw32-gcc` on 32 bits or
-        `x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc` on 64 bits.
-4.  Open a Cygwin terminal. Export the location of your Cygwin setup
-    file under variable `CYGSETUP_BIN`, e.g. using this command: `export
-    CYGSETUP_BIN=/cygdrive/C/Users/Public/Desktop/cygwin-setup-x86_64.exe`
-<!-- end list -->
-    * (This step is not necessary per se, but it simplifies these instructions.)
-    * Remember that this variable will not be saved across Cygwin sessions, so if you close and reopen your Cygwin terminal you'll need to export it again.
-- Before installing [[http://wodi.forge.ocamlcore.org/|WODI]] (for Frama-C dependencies), you'll need to install a few additional Cygwin packages. Using the ''CYGSETUP_BIN'' variable defined previously, you can run: <code>"$CYGSETUP_BIN" --quiet-mode --no-desktop --no-startmenu --packages=dos2unix,diffutils,cpio,make,patch,rlwrap</code>
-  * If you have issues or need more information, follow the instructions [[http://wodi.forge.ocamlcore.org/|in WODI's page]].
-- Install [[http://wodi.forge.ocamlcore.org/|WODI]] by downloading and uncompressing its tar.xz archives.
-  * WODI has been discontinued, but its installer and a tar.xz containing its binary packages are still available on its website.
-  * The 32-bit version has been tested with Frama-C Sodium and the 64-bit version has been tested with Frama-C Magnesium.
-    * Here are direct links to the files:
-    * [[https://dl.dropbox.com/sh/t9ozci9rso9gij4/AABS0ZGie-RdZDxyRaDKImWVa/wodi32.tar.xz|WODI (32 bits)]] + [[https://dl.dropbox.com/sh/feldcwshtinmdo8/AAAaEK0cJoB1h6UDh4Vbvpaaa/packages32.tar.xz|all packages (32 bits)]].
-    * [[https://dl.dropbox.com/sh/t9ozci9rso9gij4/AADtoDkuFC9ALiLduQ73VOzla/wodi64.tar.xz|WODI (64 bits)]] + [[https://dl.dropbox.com/sh/feldcwshtinmdo8/AADlqehWQ17xVWCW2GGHIo_za/packages64.tar.xz|all packages (64 bits)]].
-  * Quick installation: uncompress WODI (''tar xvf wodi64.tar.xz''), run ''cd wodi64'' and then ''./install.sh''. This should copy WODI's files to ''/opt/wodi64''.
-  * Run ''tar xvf packages64.tar.xz'' and put its files (all files inside the directory, without the directory name itself) into your Cygwin's ''/opt/wodi64/var/cache/godi'' directory (e.g. ''C:\cygwin64\opt\wodi64\var\cache\godi''). This can be done by running: <code>mv packages64/* /opt/wodi64/var/cache/godi/</code>
-    * Note that installing WODI in another directory may require patching configuration files, otherwise it may not recognize the installed packages.
-- Close the terminal and open a new Cygwin terminal to refresh the environment variables. Test if WODI was properly installed, by running a command such as ''godi_list''.
-  * WODI may complain about spaces in your ''PATH'' variable (make sure they do not occur in Cygwin/GODI/OCaml-related directories, or things may not work), but it should display a huge list of packages (with a few of them installed).
-- Install packages zarith, lablgtk, and optionally ocamlgraph: <code>godi_add godi-zarith godi-lablgtk2 godi-ocamlgraph</code>
-  * This command may take a while and will not output anything if successful, other than a possible warning about spaces in your PATH variable.
-- Download Frama-C's source release (tested with [[http://frama-c.com/download/frama-c-Sodium-20150201.tar.gz|Sodium]] and [[http://frama-c.com/download/frama-c-Magnesium-20151002.tar.gz|Magnesium]])
-- Using the Cygwin shell, uncompress Frama-C's sources, ''cd'' into it, and run configure as follows: <code>CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc configure --prefix="C:/path/to/final/framac"</code>
-  * Where ''path/to/final/framac'' is the directory where you want Frama-C to be installed.
-  * **Important**: this path **must** be written using a Windows-based path and **not** a Cygwin-based one such as '/home/user/framac'. Also, use forward slashes (''/'') instead of backslashes, otherwise Frama-C will install but not run properly.
-  * Use ''CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc'' instead if you're installing the 32-bit version.
-  * Here's an example command-line to install Frama-C to a local ''build'' directory: <code>CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ./configure --prefix="$(cygpath -a -m $PWD)"/build</code>
-- Check that the ''./configure'' script found the required dependencies (e.g. for the GUI). The GUI may be partially disabled if ''dot'' is not installed, but otherwise it should have detected lablgtk correctly.
-  * If you want the GUI and the callgraph to be fully enabled, install Cygwin package ''graphviz''.
-- (Magnesium only) Frama-C Magnesium requires a patch to the ''Makefile'', otherwise the following error may occur: <code>[...]
-Generating .depend /bin/sh: /opt/wodi64/bin/ocamldep.opt: Argument list
-too long\</code\>
-  * This is the patch to be applied: [[https://bts.frama-c.com/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=wiki:makefile-ocamldep-argument-too-long.patch|Makefile-ocamldep-argument-too-long.patch]]
-  * Download the patch file to your Frama-C source directory, and apply it using e.g.: <code>patch -i makefile-ocamldep-argument-too-long.patch</code>
-- Run ''make'' using the special value for variable ''FRAMAC_TOP_SRCDIR'' below: <code>make FRAMAC_TOP_SRCDIR="$(cygpath -a -m $PWD)"</code>
-  * This will fix the path during execution of the Makefile, using a Windows-based absolute path instead of a Cygwin-based one. Without this fix, compilation will fail after some time (when compiling plugin files).
-  * Note that the first time ''make'' runs, it may emit some warnings about missing files such as the ones below, but this is normal and should not affect compilation: <code>C:/cygwin64/home/user/frama-c-Magnesium-20151002/share/Makefile.dynamic:195: share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory
-share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory
-share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory
-share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory
-share/Makefile.kernel: No such file or directory Makefile:2434: .depend:
-No such file or directory\</code\>
-1.  Get a coffee while waiting for Frama-C to compile, it may take a
-    while. 
-2.  Run `make install`. Your Frama-C is now ready to be used\!
-      - If you installed Frama-C in a directory which is not in the
-        PATH, remember to prefix it with
-        `/path/to/installed_framac/bin/`.
-3.  Try parsing a simple program, e.g. `frama-c file.c` or
-    `frama-c-gui file.c`, to ensure that all necessary paths are
-    correct (such as `__fc_builtin_for_normalization.i`).
-      - You can also try one of Frama-C's tests, e.g. `frama-c-gui
-        tests/idct/*.c`. Note that the `tests/idct` contains a single
-        test split in two C files, but most other test directories
-        contain unit tests which should be run individually. Also note
-        that several tests do not constitute valid C programs.
-##### Note
-There is a Windows-specific issue in Frama-C Sodium/Magnesium that
-prevents Windows absolute paths with backslashes from being correctly
-parsed. In the command-line, you can use forward slashes (`frama-c
-'C:/Temp/file.c'`) or double backslashes (`frama-c
-'C:\\Temp\\file.c'`), but in the GUI you cannot load files using
-absolute paths. There is however a patch in the OPAM-MinGW version of
-Magnesium that fixes this issue.
-## Recommended versions to use
-  - GNU make version \>= 3.81
-  - Objective Caml \>= 4.02.3;
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Gtk (\>= 2.4)
-  - GtkSourceView 2.x
-  - GnomeCanvas 2.x
-  - LablGtk \>= 2.18.3
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Frama-C Magnesium 20151002
-  - Why3 0.86.2
-  - Why 2.33 (for Jessie, need a tweak on Why:
-    <http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/pipermail/frama-c-discuss/2013-August/003714.html>)
-  - Coq 8.4
-  - Alt-Ergo 0.99.1
-  - <http://frama-c.com/install-magnesium-20151002.html>
-  - <http://krakatoa.lri.fr/>
-# Older versions
-## Nitrogen
-### Compiling under Cygwin with Mingw, with Zarith
-The following is taken directly from Dillon Pariente's informative
-You might like to also have a look at
-<http://blog.frama-c.com/index.php?post/2011/10/09/Zarith> and
-to check the advantages you can draw from using Zarith.
-The description for the Zarith library reads as follows:
-"The Zarith library implements arithmetic and logical operations over
-arbitrary-precision integers. It uses GMP to efficiently implement
-arithmetic over big integers. Small integers are represented as Caml
-unboxed integers, for speed and space economy."
-It is available from <http://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/zarith/> and
-expected to improve performances up 50% in the best cases.
-What follow are some informal hints for the ones interested in using
-this new experimental Zarith feature under Mingw (or Cygwin+Mingw).
-##### Requirements
-Prior to reproducing the steps below, check that you have the following
-  - Ocaml's mingw port, version 3.12.0 or higher;
-  - flexlink (from <http://alain.frisch.fr/flexdll.html>);
-  - Zarith lib, whose last version one can obtain with a simple :
-<!-- end list -->
-    <code>svn checkout svn://scm.ocamlcore.org/svn/zarith/trunk) </code>
-    * GMP for Mingw (see http://www.mingw.org/wiki/InstallationHOWTOforMinGW). Do not forget to remove any previous GMP installation coming with Cygwin to avoid using cygwin1.dll;
-    * and all other requirements expressed in Frama-C's INSTALL file.
-##### Zarith's configuration and compilation
-Now, configure and compile Zarith (under the zarith installation dir),
-following the command lines below:
-    export FLEXLINKFLAGS="-LX:/path/to/mingw/libraries"
-    CPPFLAGS="-IX:/path/to/mingw/includes -IX:/path/to/ocaml_mingw_port/includes -D__MINGW32__ -mno-cygwin" ./configure --installdir X:/path/to/ocaml_mingw_port/libraries
-    make clean && make depend && make
-    make test && ./test
-    # to check whether zarith compilation is OK!
-    make install
-If the last command does not work properly, due to .so/.dll mismatch ...
-then try instead:
-    ocamlfind install -destdir X:/path/to/ocaml_mingw/libraries zarith META zarith.cma libzarith.a z.mli q.mli big_int_Z.mli z.cmi q.cmi big_int_Z.cmi zarith.a zarith.cmxa zarith.cmxs dllzarith.dll
-##### Compiling Frama-C with Zarith support
-Now, you can define some required environment variables:
-    export HAS_ZARITH=yes
-    export ZARITH_INC="-I X:/path/to/ocaml_mingw/libraries/zarith/"
-And compile Frama-C (go to the Frama-C dir) ... as usual:
-    ./configure ...
-    make && make install
-The instructions below refer to previous versions of Frama-C, and may
-not apply to the most current one. If you succeed in compiling a more
-recent version than the one for which the instructions were originally
-written, do not hesitate to update this page.
-## Beryllium installation
-#### Compiling Beryllium for Mac OS X
-To compile Frama-C for Mac OS X Leopard yourself, see [this
-#### Compiling Beryllium for FreeBSD
-To compile Frama-C on FreeBSD, use `env MAKE=gmake bash ./configure
-CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" && gmake`
-#### Compiling the Jessie plugin coming with Why 2.22 under Windows?
-  - Install the Windows binary 20090902 Beryllium Frama-C version
-  -  Set the following environment variables (using the Windows Control Panel):
-     * prepend ''C:\Frama-C\bin'' to ''PATH''
-     * set ''OCAMLLIB'' to ''C:\Frama-C\lib''
-     * set ''CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH'' to ''C:\Frama-C\lib\stublibs'' \\ Replace ''C:\Frama-C'' by your installation path if you customized it.
-  - Install a Cygwin version (1.7 beta has been verified to work) with at least the ''gcc-mingw'' and ''autoconf'' packages
-  - If ''C:\Cygwin\bin\gcc.exe'' is a symbolic link, remove it and replace it by its full expansion e.g. ''gcc-3.exe'' under Cygwin 1.7 beta.
-  - Download the source tar.gz of Why 2.22
-  - untar it in your cygwin home directory
-  - configure it with ''./configure --prefix C:/Frama-C'' (forward slash must be used!)
-  - compile it with ''make''
-  - install it with ''make FRAMAC_LIBDIR="C:\\\Frama-C\\\lib\\\frama-c" install'' (triple backward slashes must be used!)
-  - then proceed to the installation of provers
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-# Welcome to the Frama-C Wiki.
-Is on-topic in this wiki anything that may be of help to others users of
-Frama-C and related tools: tips, changes that you have noticed,
-workarounds, etc. If it should have been in the manual, put it here. If
-it's too minute, platform-specific, or temporary to be a good fit for
-the manual, put it here. Your goal should be to make a wiki so clear and
-functional that it puts the authors of Frama-C's various manuals to
-Do not be afraid to reorganize the words of others if you feel that
-makes the wiki more useful as a whole. They agreed to let you do that
-when they chose to participate, and so do you.
-To edit the wiki, you can submit a merge request on the corresponding gitlab repository [](insert link).
-For plug-ins documentation, some pages can be found here but all of them are otherwise available [/html/kernel-plugin.html](on the dedicated page).
-# Compilation and Installation
-Current and old releases of Frama-C are available on [this
-page](http://frama-c.com/download.html). It contains the official
-installation instructions for supported systems.
-Otherwise, [this Frama-C wiki
-page](/dokuwiki/compiling_from_source.html) contains extra instructions
-for compiling from source on non-supported platforms. It also contains
-instructions for compiling older releases.
-# FAQ, Tips and Tricks
-See [this page](/dokuwiki/faq.html), or this [slightly older
-# External plug-ins
-[External plug-ins](/dokuwiki/external_plugins.html) that you may find
-useful are available. The plug-ins currently described are **Jessie**,
-**Celia** and **Werror**.
-# Known issues
-  - The BTS has a [list of known
-    issues](http://bts.frama-c.com/view_all_bug_page.php).
-  - See [bug reporting guidelines](/dokuwiki/bug_reporting_guidelines.html) to
-    report a bug.
-# Open positions
-[Open positions](/dokuwiki/positions.html) in the Frama-C team are
-# Works about Frama-C
-  - [List of publications](/dokuwiki/publications.html)
-  - [Exercises](/dokuwiki/exercises.html)
-  - [Teaching](/dokuwiki/teaching.html)
-  - [Tutorials](/dokuwiki/tutorial.html)
+# Documentation
+<!-- Is on-topic in this wiki anything that may be of help to others users of -->
+<!-- Frama-C and related tools: tips, changes that you have noticed, -->
+<!-- workarounds, etc. If it should have been in the manual, put it here. If -->
+<!-- it's too minute, platform-specific, or temporary to be a good fit for -->
+<!-- the manual, put it here. Your goal should be to make a wiki so clear and -->
+<!-- functional that it puts the authors of Frama-C's various manuals to -->
+<!-- shame. -->
+Modification for this documentation, as for all this site, can be proposed by
+submitting a merge requests at the corresponding
+[https://git.frama-c.com/frama-c/frama-c.frama-c.com](gitlab repository).
+For plug-ins documentation, some pages can be found here but all of them are
+otherwise available [/html/kernel-plugin.html](on the dedicated page).
+Is on-topic anything that may be of help to others users of
+Frama-C and related tools: tips, changes that you have noticed,
+workarounds, etc.
+<!--  If it should have been in the manual, put it here. If -->
+<!-- it's too minute, platform-specific, or temporary to be a good fit for -->
+<!-- the manual, put it here. Your goal should be to make a wiki so clear and -->
+<!-- functional that it puts the authors of Frama-C's various manuals to -->
+<!-- shame. -->
+# Compilation and Installation
+Current and old releases of Frama-C are available on [this
+page](html/get-frama-c.html). It contains the official
+installation instructions for supported systems.
+Otherwise, [each releases](https://git.frama-c.com/pub/frama-c/blob/master/INSTALL.md) contains extra instructions
+for compiling from source.
+<!-- We could copy INSTALL.md to this repo -->
+# Contributing
+Frama-C is an open-source project which could be contrinuted through merge
+requests at this [Gitlab repository](https://git.frama-c.com/pub/frama-c/). The
+modalities are described in this [document](https://git.frama-c.com/pub/frama-c/CONTRIBUTING.md)
+<!-- We could copy CONTRIBUTING.md to this repo -->
+# FAQ, Tips and Tricks
+See [this page](/dokuwiki/faq.html), or this [slightly older
+# External plug-ins
+[External plug-ins](/dokuwiki/external_plugins.html) that you may find
+useful are available. The plug-ins currently described are **Jessie**,
+**Celia** and **Werror**.
+# Known issues
+  - The BTS has a [list of known
+    issues](http://bts.frama-c.com/view_all_bug_page.php).
+  - See [bug reporting guidelines](/dokuwiki/bug_reporting_guidelines.html) to
+    report a bug.
+# Open positions
+[Open positions](/dokuwiki/positions.html) in the Frama-C team are
+# Works about Frama-C
+  - [List of publications](/dokuwiki/publications.html)
+  - [Exercises](/dokuwiki/exercises.html)
+  - [Teaching](/dokuwiki/teaching.html)
+  - [Tutorials](/dokuwiki/tutorial.html)