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Update acknowledgement for Roma Maliach-Auguste

Hello dear ex-colleagues, I hope you're doing well!

Time flies since I've done my internship at LSL 😷 . Even though I literally couldn't see you a lot, I take advantage of this MR to say again that it was a real pleasure to meet you and to work with you (even though the winter of 2020 was really depressing...). I keep a great memory of this internship; all of you were very nice and welcomed me with a lot of kindness and warmth. And I learned a lot. I wish you the best!!

I recently discovered that I was part of the LGBTQIA+ community - the label of "non-binary" suits me. (It means that, in my entire life, I never quite liked being assigned to the gender role of "boy", and being a "girl" does not suit me neither. Each time other people or society tried to make me fit the role of "boy", I was very hurt, internally, even though I did not express it a lot.)

Acknowledging this about me made my life a lot more peaceful. Not easier, because queer people are often targeted by bigots, but anyway, accepting myself and letting others know who I am is, overall, very beneficial for me. That's why I changed my surname to Roma, and that's the identity under which I present myself to new people.

Letting vestiges of my previous surname on the internet is actually harmful for me, because some people without any bad intentions may make a confusion, and ill-intended people may actively try to look for this name, and intentionally use it to hurt me.

During my internship, I made a few minor contributions to this manual, and you duly attributed me, and I thank you for that. But this manual and public; if you could accept this MR, or remove my name in the following editions, I would be grateful.

(ps: as I was a little busy during the last years, I didn't show up, but I was still a subscriber of LSL-misc, and I'm still around Paris, if some of you are still there I may, someday, fill in my name on a framadate and bring nice stuff like chocolate)



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