Missing master download page
The web site for frama-c changed ; there was a nice download.html page with direct links to versioned .tar.gz source tarballs.
Now you have to navigate through pages to find the latest version : this first page gives you a direct link to an unnumbered last-version tarball, and this second page will give you different links to pages about the various versions.
It's just a little tedious for a human, but it's really awful for automated checks, like what distributions use to get notified and easily download new source versions.
Case in point, in Debian, we have the following file to detect versions:
opts="dversionmangle=s/[0-9]+\+([a-z]+)/$1/i" \
https://frama-c.com/download.html download/frama-c-[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]-([a-zA-Z]+)\.tar\.gz
and until now it was automatically notifying us there was a new version to package, and when we wanted to package it, it could download it for us without poking around.
Could you put back a download.html page with direct links?