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Commit f6ef864d authored by David Bühler's avatar David Bühler
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[Eva] Iterator: save results according to [Function_calls.define_analysis_target].

parent f5f06beb
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......@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
(* Interprets a [call] at callsite [kinstr] in the state [state] by analyzing
the body of the called function. *)
let compute_using_body fundec kinstr call state =
let result = Computer.compute call.kf kinstr state in
let compute_using_body fundec ~save_results kinstr call state =
let result = Computer.compute ~save_results call.kf kinstr state in
Summary.FunctionStats.recompute fundec;
......@@ -246,8 +246,10 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
let call_stack = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
let compute, kind =
match target with
| `Def (fundec, _) -> compute_using_body fundec, `Def
| `Spec funspec -> compute_using_spec funspec, `Spec funspec
| `Def (fundec, save_results) ->
compute_using_body fundec ~save_results, `Def
| `Spec funspec ->
compute_using_spec funspec, `Spec funspec
Db.Value.Call_Type_Value_Callbacks.apply (kind, cvalue_state, call_stack);
let resulting_states, cacheable = compute kinstr call state in
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ open Cil_types
(** What is used for the analysis of a given function:
- a Cvalue builtin (and other domains use the specification)
- the function specification
- the function body. *)
- the function body. The boolean indicates whether the resulting states
must be recorded at each statement of this function. *)
type analysis_target =
[ `Builtin of string * Builtins.builtin * Eval.cacheable * funspec
| `Spec of Cil_types.funspec
......@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ module Make_Dataflow
let merge_results () =
let merge_results ~save_results =
let get_merged_states =
let merged_states = VertexTable.create control_point_count
and get_smashed_store v =
......@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ module Make_Dataflow
let merged_pre_cvalues = lazy (lift_to_cvalues merged_pre_states)
and merged_post_cvalues = lazy (lift_to_cvalues merged_post_states) in
let callstack = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
if Mark_noresults.should_memorize_function fundec then begin
if save_results then begin
let register_pre = Domain.Store.register_state_before_stmt callstack
and register_post = Domain.Store.register_state_after_stmt callstack in
StmtTable.iter register_pre (Lazy.force merged_pre_states);
......@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ module Computer
= struct
let compute kf call_kinstr state =
let compute ~save_results kf call_kinstr state =
let module Dataflow =
(Abstract) (States) (Transfer) (Init) (Logic) (Spec)
......@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ module Computer
if Parameters.ValShowProgress.get () then "Recording results for %a"
Kernel_function.pretty kf;
Dataflow.merge_results ();
Dataflow.merge_results ~save_results;
let f = Kernel_function.get_definition kf in
if Cil.hasAttribute "noreturn" f.svar.vattr && results <> [] then
......@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ module Computer
let cleanup () =
Dataflow.mark_degeneration ();
Dataflow.merge_results ()
Dataflow.merge_results ~save_results
Eva_utils.protect compute ~cleanup
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ module Computer
: sig
val compute:
save_results:bool ->
kernel_function -> kinstr -> Abstract.Dom.t ->
(Partition.key * Abstract.Dom.t) list * Eval.cacheable
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