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Commit f1acf328 authored by Patrick Baudin's avatar Patrick Baudin
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Merge branch 'feature/patrick/dunable-ptests' into 'master'

[ptests] Adds DEPS directive and accepts dune feature such as `%{dep:file}` in test commands

See merge request frama-c/frama-c!3475
parents aae2e1f7 b936c8f9
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 147 additions and 117 deletions
......@@ -21,13 +21,18 @@
# #
# Accept '-check' to avoid issues with ptests
while [ $# -ge 1 ] && [ "$1" = "-check" ]; do
while [ "$1" != "" ] ; do
case "$1" in
-check) shift;;
-C) shift; WORKING_DIR="$1";;
*) break;;
usage() {
echo "usage: $0 cmd [args]"
echo "usage: $0 [-C working-dir] cmd [args]"
echo ""
echo " where cmd is:"
echo ""
......@@ -111,6 +116,8 @@ if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
# All scripts called by frama-c-script may rely on FRAMAC_BIN pointing to the
# directory containing frama-c, frama-c-config and frama-c-script.
export FRAMAC_BIN="$DIR"
......@@ -118,6 +125,7 @@ FRAMAC_SHARE=$("${DIR}/frama-c-config" -print-share-path)
if [ -z ${FRAMAC_SESSION+x} ]; then
# [check_path_exists path]: if [path] exists,
......@@ -127,17 +127,19 @@ let str_split_list =
(* removes first blanks *)
let trim_right s =
let n = ref (String.length s - 1) in
let last_char_to_keep =
while !n > 0 do
if String.get s !n <> ' ' then raise Exit;
n := !n - 1
with Exit -> !n
String.sub s 0 (last_char_to_keep+1)
if s = "" then s else begin
let n = ref (String.length s - 1) in
let last_char_to_keep =
while !n > 0 do
if String.get s !n <> ' ' then raise Exit;
n := !n - 1
with Exit -> !n
String.sub s 0 (last_char_to_keep+1)
let default_env = ref []
......@@ -296,22 +298,27 @@ let example_msg =
FILEREG: <regexp> @[<v 0># Ignores the files in suites whose name doesn't matche the pattern.@]@ \
DONTRUN: @[<v 0># Ignores the file.@]@ \
EXECNOW: ([LOG|BIN] <file>)+ <command> @[<v 0># Defines the command to execute to build a 'LOG' (textual) 'BIN' (binary) targets.@ \
# Note: the textual targets are compared to oracles.@]@ \
MODULE: <module>... @[<v 0># Compile the module and set the @PTEST_MODULE@ macro.@]@ \
LIBS: <module>... @[<v 0># Don't compile the module but set the @PTEST_LIBS@ macro.@]@ \
PLUGIN: <plugin>... @[<v 0># Set the @PTEST_PLUGIN@ macro.@]@ \
SCRIPT: <script>... @[<v 0># Set the @PTEST_SCRIPT@ macro.@]@ \
# NB: the textual targets are compared to oracles.@]@ \
MODULE: <module>... @[<v 0># Compile the module and set the @@PTEST_MODULE@@ macro.@]@ \
LIBS: <module>... @[<v 0># Don't compile the module but set the @@PTEST_LIBS@@ macro.@]@ \
PLUGIN: <plugin>... @[<v 0># Set the @@PTEST_PLUGIN@@ macro.@]@ \
SCRIPT: <script>... @[<v 0># Set the @@PTEST_SCRIPT@@ macro.@]@ \
DEPS: <dependency>...@[<v 0># Set the @@PTEST_DEPS@@ macro and adds a dependency to next sub-test and execnow commands (forward compatibility).@ \
# NB: a dependency to the included files can be added with this directive.@ \
# That is not necessary for files mentioned into the command or options when using the %%{dep:<file>} feature of dune.@]@ \
LOG: <file>... @[<v 0># Defines targets built by the next sub-test command.@]@ \
CMD: <command> @[<v 0># Defines the command to execute for all tests in order to get results to be compared to oracles.@]@ \
OPT: <options> @[<v 0># Defines a sub-test using the 'CMD' definition: <command> <options>@]@ \
STDOPT: +<extra> @[<v 0># Defines a sub-test and append the extra to the current option.@]@ \
STDOPT: #<extra> @[<v 0># Defines a sub-test and prepend the extra to the current option.@]@ \
STDOPT: -\"<extra>\" @[<v 0># Defines a sub-test and remove the extra from the current option.@ \
# NB: current version does not allow to remove a multiple-extra-argument.@]@ \
STDOPT: +\"<extra>\" @[<v 0># Defines a sub-test and appends the extra to the current option.@]@ \
STDOPT: #\"<extra>\" @[<v 0># Defines a sub-test and prepends the extra to the current option.@]@ \
EXIT: <number> @[<v 0># Defines the exit code required for the next sub-test commands.@]@ \
FILTER: <cmd> @[<v 0># Performs a transformation on the test result files before the comparison from the oracles.@ \
# The oracle will be compared from the standard output of the command: cat <test-output-file> | <cmd> .@ \
# Chaining multiple filter commands is possible by defining several FILTER directives.@ \
# An empty command drops the previous FILTER directives.@ \
# Note: in such a command, the @@PTEST_ORACLE@@ macro is set to the basename of the oracle.@ \
# NB: in such a command, the @@PTEST_ORACLE@@ macro is set to the basename of the oracle.@ \
# This allows running a 'diff' command with the oracle of another test configuration:@ \
# FILTER: diff --new-file @@PTEST_DIR@@/oracle_configuration/@@PTEST_ORACLE@@ @]@ \
TIMEOUT: <delay> @[<v 0># Set a timeout for all sub-test.@]@ \
......@@ -334,6 +341,7 @@ let example_msg =
@@PTEST_CONFIG@@ # Test configuration suffix.@ \
@@PTEST_RESULT@@ # Shorthand alias to '@@PTEST_DIR@@/result@@PTEST_CONFIG@@' (the result directory dedicated to the tested configuration).@ \
@@PTEST_ORACLE@@ # Basename of the current oracle file (macro only usable in FILTER directives).@ \
@@PTEST_DEPS@@ # Current list of dependencies defined by the DEPS directive.@ \
@@PTEST_LIBS@@ # Current list of modules defined by the LIBS directive.@ \
@@PTEST_MODULE@@ # Current list of modules defined by the MODULE directive.@ \
@@PTEST_PLUGIN@@ # Current list of plugins defined by the PLUGIN directive.@ \
......@@ -819,6 +827,7 @@ end = struct
"PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS", !macro_pre_options;
"PTEST_POST_OPTIONS", !macro_post_options;
"PTEST_MAKE_MODULE", "make -s";
......@@ -916,26 +925,23 @@ end = struct
Scanf.sscanf s "%_[ ]%1[+#\\-]%_[ ]%S%_[ ]%s@\n"
(fun c opt rem ->
match c with
| "+" -> aux (opt :: opts) rem
| "#" -> aux (opts @ [ opt ]) rem
| "+" -> aux (opts @ [ opt ]) rem (* appends [opt] *)
| "#" -> aux (opt :: opts) rem (* preppends [opt] *)
| "-" -> aux (List.filter (fun x -> x <> opt) opts) rem
| _ -> assert false (* format of scanned string disallow it *))
| Scanf.Scan_failure _ ->
if s <> "" then
lock_eprintf "%s: unknown STDOPT configuration string: %s\n%!" file s;
lock_eprintf "%s: unknown STDOPT configuration string: %s@."
file s;
| End_of_file -> opts
(* NB: current settings does not allow to remove a multiple-argument
option (e.g. -verbose 2).
(* revert the initial list, as it will be reverted back in the end. *)
let opts =
aux (List.rev (str_split space stdopts)) s
(* preserve options ordering *)
List.fold_right (fun x s -> s ^ " " ^ x) opts ""
let opts = aux (str_split space stdopts) s in
String.concat " " opts
(* how to process options *)
let config_exec ~warn ~once ~file dir s current =
......@@ -1008,6 +1014,14 @@ end = struct
let update_plugin_macros =
update_macros (fun name -> name) "-load-module=" "PTEST_PLUGIN" "PTEST_LOAD_PLUGIN"
let config_deps ~file dir s current =
let macro_def = "PTEST_DEPS" in
let def = Macros.expand_directive ~file current.dc_macros s in
if !verbosity >= 3 then Format.printf "%% %s: %s@." macro_def def ;
let dc_macros = Macros.add_list [ macro_def, def ;
] current.dc_macros in
{ current with dc_macros }
let config_module ~file dir s current =
let s = Macros.expand_directive ~file current.dc_macros s in
let deps = str_split_list s in
......@@ -1103,6 +1117,8 @@ end = struct
"MODULE", config_module;
"DEPS", config_deps;
"LIBS", config_libs_script_plugin update_libs_macros;
"SCRIPT", config_libs_script_plugin update_script_macros;
"PLUGIN", config_libs_script_plugin update_plugin_macros;
......@@ -1341,68 +1357,75 @@ end = struct
let get_ptest_file cmd = SubDir.make_file cmd.file
let expand_macros ~defaults cmd =
let ptest_config =
if !special_config = "" then "" else "_" ^ !special_config
let ptest_file = get_ptest_file cmd in
let ptest_name =
try Filename.chop_extension cmd.file
with Invalid_argument _ -> cmd.file
let ptest_file = Filename.sanitize ptest_file in
let ptest_load_plugin = Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_PLUGIN" cmd.macros in
let ptest_load_module = Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_MODULE" cmd.macros in
let ptest_load_libs = Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_LIBS" cmd.macros in
let ptest_load_script = Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_SCRIPT" cmd.macros in
let macros =
[ "PTEST_CONFIG", ptest_config;
"PTEST_DIR", SubDir.get;
SubDir.get ^ "/" ^ redefine_name "result";
"PTEST_FILE", ptest_file;
"PTEST_NAME", ptest_name;
"PTEST_NUMBER", string_of_int cmd.n;
"PTEST_OPT", cmd.options;
"PTEST_LOAD_OPTIONS", (String.concat " "
[ ptest_load_plugin ;
ptest_load_libs ;
ptest_load_module ;
ptest_load_script ; ])
let macros = Macros.add_list macros cmd.macros in
let macros = Macros.add_defaults ~defaults macros in
let process_macros s = Macros.expand macros s in
let toplevel =
let in_toplevel,toplevel= Macros.does_expand macros cmd.toplevel in
if not cmd.execnow then begin
let has_ptest_file, options =
if in_toplevel.has_ptest_opt then in_toplevel.has_ptest_file, []
let in_option,options= Macros.does_expand macros cmd.options in
(in_option.has_ptest_file || in_toplevel.has_ptest_file),
(if in_toplevel.has_frama_c_exe then
[ process_macros "@PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS@" ;
options ;
process_macros "@PTEST_POST_OPTIONS@" ;
else [ options ])
String.concat " " (toplevel::(if has_ptest_file then options else ptest_file::options))
else toplevel
{ cmd with
options = ""; (* no more usable *)
log_files = process_macros cmd.log_files;
filter =
match cmd.filter with
| None -> None
| Some filter -> Some (process_macros filter)
let expand_macros =
let dune_cmd_features = Str.regexp "%{[a-z][a-z-]*:\\([^}]*\\)}" in
let dune_bin_features = Str.regexp "%{bin:\\([^}]*\\)}" in
fun ~defaults cmd ->
let ptest_config =
if !special_config = "" then "" else "_" ^ !special_config
let ptest_file = get_ptest_file cmd in
let ptest_name =
try Filename.chop_extension cmd.file
with Invalid_argument _ -> cmd.file
let ptest_file = Filename.sanitize ptest_file in
let ptest_load_plugin = Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_PLUGIN" cmd.macros in
let ptest_load_module = Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_MODULE" cmd.macros in
let ptest_load_libs = Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_LIBS" cmd.macros in
let ptest_load_script = Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_SCRIPT" cmd.macros in
let macros =
[ "PTEST_CONFIG", ptest_config;
"PTEST_DIR", SubDir.get;
SubDir.get ^ "/" ^ redefine_name "result";
"PTEST_FILE", ptest_file;
"PTEST_NAME", ptest_name;
"PTEST_NUMBER", string_of_int cmd.n;
"PTEST_OPT", cmd.options;
"PTEST_LOAD_OPTIONS", (String.concat " "
[ ptest_load_plugin ;
ptest_load_libs ;
ptest_load_module ;
ptest_load_script ; ])
let macros = Macros.add_list macros cmd.macros in
let macros = Macros.add_defaults ~defaults macros in
let process_macros s = Macros.expand macros s in
let toplevel =
let in_toplevel,toplevel= Macros.does_expand macros cmd.toplevel in
if not cmd.execnow then begin
let has_ptest_file, options =
if in_toplevel.has_ptest_opt then in_toplevel.has_ptest_file, []
let in_option,options= Macros.does_expand macros cmd.options in
(in_option.has_ptest_file || in_toplevel.has_ptest_file),
(if in_toplevel.has_frama_c_exe then
[ process_macros "@PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS@" ;
options ;
process_macros "@PTEST_POST_OPTIONS@" ;
else [ options ])
String.concat " " (toplevel::(if has_ptest_file then options else ptest_file::options))
else toplevel
let toplevel = (* removes dune feature such as %{deps:...} *)
let x = str_global_replace dune_bin_features "./bin/\\1" toplevel in
str_global_replace dune_cmd_features "\\1" x
{ cmd with
options = ""; (* no more usable *)
log_files = process_macros cmd.log_files;
filter =
match cmd.filter with
| None -> None
| Some filter -> Some (process_macros filter)
let basic_command_string =
fun command ->
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
struct S { int x; };
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/assigns_det.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/assigns_det.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
MODULE: name_projects
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -then -print
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -then -print
int X;
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@-2.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@-2.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void a(void) {}
......@@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ void main(void)
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
int f(void);
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
int X;
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
int f(int x) { return x; }
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void main(void)
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-acceptance -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-acceptance -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void f(void) { }
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
int f(void);
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void f(int x) {}
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-acceptance -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-acceptance -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void f(){};
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void main(void) {}
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void f(int x) {}
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void f(int x) {}
void g(void) {}
/* run.config
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
void f(void) {}
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-acceptance -main f -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-acceptance -main f -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
int f(int x) {
/* run.config*
OPT: -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya -aorai-acceptance -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
OPT: -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} -aorai-acceptance -aorai-test-number @PTEST_NUMBER@ @PROVE_OPTIONS@
int x=0;
/* run.config
EXECNOW: LOG @PTEST_NAME@.res.0.log.txt BIN @PTEST_NAME@.sav @frama-c@ -aorai-automata @PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya @PTEST_FILE@ -save @PTEST_DIR@/result/@PTEST_NAME@.sav > @PTEST_DIR@/result/@PTEST_NAME@.res.0.log.txt
EXECNOW: LOG @PTEST_NAME@.res.1.log.txt @frama-c@ -load @PTEST_DIR@/result/@PTEST_NAME@.sav -then-on aorai -eva > @PTEST_DIR@/result/@PTEST_NAME@.res.1.log.txt
EXECNOW: LOG @PTEST_NAME@.res.0.log.txt BIN @PTEST_NAME@.sav @frama-c@ -aorai-automata %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/@PTEST_NAME@.ya} @PTEST_FILE@ -save @PTEST_RESULT@/@PTEST_NAME@.sav > @PTEST_RESULT@/@PTEST_NAME@.res.0.log.txt
EXECNOW: LOG @PTEST_NAME@.res.1.log.txt @frama-c@ -load @PTEST_RESULT@/@PTEST_NAME@.sav -then-on aorai -eva > @PTEST_RESULT@/@PTEST_NAME@.res.1.log.txt
/* run.config_prove
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