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Commit f00360d6 authored by Loïc Correnson's avatar Loïc Correnson
Browse files

[server] allows dictionary extensions

 - possibly delayed generation of documentation
 - prefix extension
 - API extension
parent 1665b381
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -79,7 +79,10 @@ include $(FRAMAC_SHARE)/Makefile.dynamic
doc.mli syntax.mli data.mli request.mli states.mli
doc.mli syntax.mli data.mli request.mli states.mli \
kernel_main.mli \
kernel_ast.mli \
define Capitalize
$(shell printf "%s%s" \
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ struct
type 'a tag = string
type 'a prefix = string -> 'a tag
type 'a prefix = string
let tag_name tg = tg
let tag_label a = function
......@@ -432,8 +432,6 @@ struct
let syntax (d : 'a dictionary) = d.syntax
let tag (d : 'a dictionary) ~name ?label ~descr ?value () : 'a tag =
if d.published then
invalid (Printf.sprintf "published enum (%s)" name) ;
if Hashtbl.mem d.values name then
invalid (Printf.sprintf "duplicate tag (%s)" name) ;
let tg = Syntax.{
......@@ -448,17 +446,18 @@ struct
| Some v -> Hashtbl.add d.vindex v name
end ; name
let prefix (d : 'a dictionary) ~prefix ?(var="*") ?label ~descr
() : string -> 'a tag =
if d.published then
invalid (Printf.sprintf "published enum (%s:*)" prefix) ;
let make = Printf.sprintf "%s:%s" prefix in
let instance = Printf.sprintf "%s:%s"
let prefix (d : 'a dictionary) ~prefix ?(var="*") ?label ~descr () =
let tg = Syntax.{
tag_name = make var ;
tag_name = instance prefix var ;
tag_label = tag_label (prefix ^ ".") label ;
tag_descr = descr ;
} in
d.tags <- tg :: d.tags ; make
d.tags <- tg :: d.tags ; prefix
let extends d prefix ~name ?label ~descr ?value () =
tag d ~name:(instance prefix name) ?label ~descr ?value ()
let to_json name vindex v =
try `String (Hashtbl.find vindex v)
......@@ -484,10 +483,9 @@ struct
type t = a
let descr = d.descr
let syntax =
let tags = Syntax.tags ~title:d.title (List.rev d.tags) in
let tags () = [Syntax.tags ~title:d.title (List.rev d.tags)] in
Syntax.publish ~descr
~details:[tags] ()
~synopsis:(Syntax.string) ~generated:tags ()
let of_json = of_json d.values
let to_json =
match tag with
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ sig
type 'a dictionary
type 'a tag
type 'a prefix = string -> 'a tag
type 'a prefix
val tag_name : 'a tag -> string
......@@ -201,7 +201,9 @@ sig
The provided value, if any, will be used for decoding json tags.
If would be used also for encoding values to json tags if no [~tag]
function is provided when publishing the dictionnary.
Registered values must be hashable with [Hashtbl.hash] function. *)
Registered values must be hashable with [Hashtbl.hash] function.
You may register a new tag {i after} the dictionary has been published. *)
val tag : 'a dictionary ->
name:string ->
?label:Markdown.text -> descr:Markdown.text ->
......@@ -213,13 +215,26 @@ sig
To decoding from json is provided to prefix tags.
Encoding is done by emitting tags with form ['prefix:*'].
The variable part of the prefix is documented as ['prefix:xxx']
when [~var:"xxx"] is provided. *)
when [~var:"xxx"] is provided.
You may register a new prefix-tag {i after} the dictionary has
been published. *)
val prefix : 'a dictionary ->
prefix:string -> ?var:string ->
?label:Markdown.text -> descr:Markdown.text ->
unit -> 'a prefix
(** Obtain all the tags from the dictionnary. *)
(** Returns the tag for a value associated with the given prefix. *)
val instance : 'a prefix -> string -> 'a tag
(** Publish a new instance in the documentation. *)
val extends : 'a dictionary -> 'a prefix ->
name:string ->
?label:Markdown.text -> descr:Markdown.text ->
?value:'a ->
unit -> 'a tag
(** Obtain all the tags registered in the dictionnary so far. *)
val tags : 'a dictionary -> Tag.t list
val page : 'a dictionary ->
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ module Pages = Map.Make(String)
type chapter = [ `Protocol | `Kernel | `Plugin of string ]
type section = (unit -> Markdown.elements)
type page = {
path : string ;
rootdir : string ; (* path to document root *)
......@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ type page = {
title : string ;
order : int ;
intro : Markdown.elements ;
mutable sections : Markdown.elements list ;
mutable sections : section list ;
let order = ref 0
......@@ -82,10 +84,15 @@ let page chapter ~title ~filename =
sections=[] } in
pages := Pages.add path page !pages ; page
let publish ~page ?name ?(index=[]) ~title content sections =
let static () = []
let publish ~page ?name ?(index=[]) ~title
() =
let id = match name with Some id -> id | None -> title in
let href = Section( page.path , id ) in
let section = Markdown.section ?name ~title (content @ sections) in
let section () = Markdown.section ?name ~title (contents @ generated ()) in
List.iter (fun entry -> entries := (entry , href) :: !entries) index ;
page.sections <- section :: page.sections ; href
......@@ -203,12 +210,16 @@ let pp_one_page ~root ~page ~title body =
with Sys_error e ->
Senv.fatal "Could not open file %s for writing: %s" full_path e
let rec build contents = function
| [] -> contents
| s::sections -> build (s () :: contents) sections
let dump ~root ?(meta=true) () =
(fun path page -> "[doc] Page: '%s'" path ;
let body = Markdown.subsections page.intro (List.rev page.sections) in
let body = Markdown.subsections page.intro (build [] page.sections) in
let title = page.title in
pp_one_page ~root ~page:path ~title body ;
if meta then
......@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ val publish :
?name:string ->
?index:string list ->
title:string ->
Markdown.elements ->
Markdown.elements ->
?contents:Markdown.elements ->
?generated:(unit -> Markdown.elements) ->
unit -> Markdown.href
(** Dumps all published pages of documentations. Unless [~meta:false],
also generates METADATA for each page in
......@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
(* *)
module Sy = Syntax
module Md = Markdown
module Js = Yojson.Basic.Util
open Data
open Kernel_main
......@@ -62,8 +60,6 @@ struct
let t_decreases = t_clause "decreases"
let t_assigns = t_clause "assigns"
let t_froms = t_kind "froms" "Clause `@assigns … \\from …`"
let t_ext = Enum.prefix kinds ~prefix:"ext" ~var:"<clause>"
~descr:(Md.plain "ACSL extension `<clause>`") ()
let t_assert = t_clause "assert"
let t_loop_invariant = t_loop "invariant"
......@@ -71,8 +67,6 @@ struct
let t_loop_variant = t_loop "variant"
let t_loop_allocates = t_loop "allocates"
let t_loop_pragma = t_loop "pragma"
let t_loop_ext = Enum.prefix kinds ~prefix:"loop-ext" ~var:"<clause>"
~descr:(Md.plain "ACSL loop extension `loop <clause>`") ()
let t_reachable = t_kind "reachable" "Reachable statement"
let t_code_contract = t_kind "code-contract" "Statement Contract"
......@@ -83,7 +77,14 @@ struct
let t_axiomatic = t_kind "axiomatic" "Axiomatic definitions"
let t_axiom = t_kind "axiom" "Logical axiom"
let t_lemma = t_kind "lemma" "Logical lemma"
let t_other = Enum.prefix kinds ~prefix:"prop" ~var:"<prop>"
let p_ext = Enum.prefix kinds ~prefix:"ext" ~var:"<clause>"
~descr:(Md.plain "ACSL extension `<clause>`") ()
let p_loop_ext = Enum.prefix kinds ~prefix:"loop-ext" ~var:"<clause>"
~descr:(Md.plain "ACSL loop extension `loop <clause>`") ()
let p_other = Enum.prefix kinds ~prefix:"prop" ~var:"<prop>"
~descr:(Md.plain "Plugin Specific properties") ()
open Property
......@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ struct
| PKEnsures(_,Returns) -> t_returns
| PKTerminates -> t_terminates
| IPExtended { ie_ext={ ext_name } } -> t_ext ext_name
| IPExtended { ie_ext={ ext_name } } -> Enum.instance p_ext ext_name
| IPAxiomatic _ -> t_axiomatic
| IPAxiom _ -> t_axiom
| IPLemma _ -> t_lemma
......@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ struct
| AAssigns _ -> t_loop_assigns
| AAllocation _ -> t_loop_allocates
| APragma _ -> t_loop_pragma
| AExtended(_,_,{ext_name}) -> t_loop_ext ext_name
| AExtended(_,_,{ext_name}) -> Enum.instance p_loop_ext ext_name
| IPAllocation _ -> t_allocates
| IPAssigns _ -> t_assigns
......@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ struct
| IPPropertyInstance { ii_ip } -> tag ii_ip
| IPTypeInvariant _ -> t_type_invariant
| IPGlobalInvariant _ -> t_global_invariant
| IPOther { io_name } -> t_other io_name
| IPOther { io_name } -> Enum.instance p_other io_name
let data = Enum.publish kinds ~tag ()
let () = Request.dictionary kinds
......@@ -135,6 +136,14 @@ struct
include (val data : S with type t = Property.t)
let register_propkind ~name ~kind ?label ~descr () =
let open PropKind in
let prefix = match kind with
| `Clause -> p_ext
| `Loop -> p_loop_ext
| `Other -> p_other
in ignore @@ Enum.extends kinds prefix ~name ?label ~descr ()
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Property Status --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -247,4 +256,6 @@ let array =
let reload () = States.reload array
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2019 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(** Documentation of ACSL extensions for [propkind] server data. *)
val register_propkind :
name:string ->
kind:[`Clause | `Loop | `Other] ->
?label:Markdown.text ->
descr:Markdown.text ->
unit -> unit
(** Trigger a full reload for the table of property status. *)
val reload : unit -> unit
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -99,10 +99,9 @@ let signal ~page ~name ~descr ?(details=[]) () =
check_page page name ;
let title = Printf.sprintf "`SIG` %s" name in
let index = [ Printf.sprintf "%s (`SIGNAL`)" name ] in
let description = [ Block [Text descr] ; Block details] in
let _ =
Doc.publish ~page ~name ~title ~index description []
in Main.signal name
let contents = [ Block [Text descr] ; Block details] in
let _ = Doc.publish ~page ~name ~title ~index ~contents () in
Main.signal name
let emit = Main.emit
let on_signal = Main.on_signal
......@@ -343,13 +342,11 @@ let register_sig (type a b) (s : (a,b) signature) (process : rq -> a -> b) =
Syntax.define (plain "Input") (Syntax.text @@ sy_input s.input) in
let output =
Syntax.define (plain "Output") (Syntax.text @@ sy_output s.output) in
let description =
let contents =
Block ( Text s.descr :: input :: output :: s.details ) ::
( doc_input s.input @ doc_output s.output )
let _ =
Doc.publish ~title ~index description []
let _ = Doc.publish ~title ~index ~contents () in
Main.register s.kind processor ;
s.defined <- true
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ let register_value (type a) ~page ~name ~descr ?(details=[])
let open Markdown in
let title = Printf.sprintf "`VALUE` %s" name in
let index = [ Printf.sprintf "%s (`VALUE`)" name ] in
let description = [ Block [Text descr] ; Block details] in
let h = Doc.publish ~page ~name ~title ~index description [] in
let contents = [ Block [Text descr] ; Block details] in
let h = Doc.publish ~page ~name ~title ~index ~contents () in
let signal = Request.signal ~page ~name:(name ^ ".sig")
~descr:(plain "Signal for value " @ href h) () in
Request.register ~page ~kind:`GET ~name:(name ^ ".get")
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ let register_state (type a) ~page ~name ~descr ?(details=[])
let open Markdown in
let title = Printf.sprintf "`STATE` %s" name in
let index = [ Printf.sprintf "%s (`STATE`)" name ] in
let description = [ Block [Text descr] ; Block details] in
let h = Doc.publish ~page ~name ~title ~index description [] in
let contents = [ Block [Text descr] ; Block details] in
let h = Doc.publish ~page ~name ~title ~index ~contents () in
let signal = Request.signal ~page ~name:(name ^ ".sig")
~descr:(plain "Signal for state " @ href h) () in
Request.register ~page ~kind:`GET ~name:(name ^ ".get")
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ let register_array ~page ~name ~descr ?(details=[]) ~key
let title = Printf.sprintf "`ARRAY` %s" name in
let index = [ Printf.sprintf "%s (`ARRAY`)" name ] in
let columns = !model in
let description = [
let contents = [
Block [Text descr] ;
Syntax.fields ~title:"Columns"
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ let register_array ~page ~name ~descr ?(details=[]) ~key
end ;
Block details
] in
let mref = Doc.publish ~page:page ~name:name ~title ~index description [] in
let mref = Doc.publish ~page:page ~name:name ~title ~index ~contents () in
let signal = Request.signal ~page ~name:(name ^ ".sig")
~descr:(plain "Signal for array " @ href mref) () in
let getter = Syntax.(fun (fd,to_js) -> fd.fd_name , to_js) columns in
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ let protect a =
let define left right =
Markdown.(Block_quote [Block[Text ( left @ plain ":=" @ right )]])
let publish ~page ~name ~descr ~synopsis ?(details = []) () =
let publish ~page ~name ~descr ~synopsis ?(details = []) ?generated () =
check_name name ;
check_page page name ;
let id = Printf.sprintf "data-%s" name in
......@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ let publish ~page ~name ~descr ~synopsis ?(details = []) () =
let dref = Doc.href page id in
let dlink = Markdown.href ~text:(Markdown.emph name) dref in
let data = Markdown.(plain "<" @ dlink @ plain ">") in
let content = Markdown.(Block(
let contents = Markdown.(Block(
[ Text descr ; define data synopsis.text ]
)) :: details in
let _href = Doc.publish ~page ~name:id ~title ~index content [] in
atom dlink
let _href = Doc.publish ~page ~name:id ~title ~index ~contents ?generated ()
in atom dlink
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ val text : t -> Markdown.text
the description block. *)
val publish : -> name:string -> descr:Markdown.text ->
synopsis:t -> ?details:Markdown.elements -> unit -> t
synopsis:t ->
?details:Markdown.elements ->
?generated:(unit -> Markdown.elements) ->
unit -> t
val unit : t
val any : t
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