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Commit ed856734 authored by Andre Maroneze's avatar Andre Maroneze
Browse files

[Kernel] refactor removeUnusedTemps to no longer use '*referenced' fields

parent 23618a4c
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......@@ -46,7 +46,30 @@ let dkey = Kernel.dkey_rmtmps
open Extlib
open Cil_types
open Cil
module H = Hashtbl
(* Reachability of used data is stored in a table mapping [info] to [bool].
Note that due to mutability, we need to use our own Hashtbl module which
uses [Cil_datatype] equality functions. *)
type info =
| Type of typeinfo
| Enum of enuminfo
| Comp of compinfo
| Var of varinfo
module InfoHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make(struct
type t = info
let equal i1 i2 = match i1, i2 with
| Type t1, Type t2 -> Cil_datatype.Typeinfo.equal t1 t2
| Enum e1, Enum e2 -> Cil_datatype.Enuminfo.equal e1 e2
| Comp c1, Comp c2 -> Cil_datatype.Compinfo.equal c1 c2
| Var v1, Var v2 -> Cil_datatype.Varinfo.equal v1 v2
| _, _ -> false
let hash = function
| Type t -> Cil_datatype.Typeinfo.hash t
| Enum e -> Cil_datatype.Enuminfo.hash e
| Comp c -> Cil_datatype.Compinfo.hash c
| Var v -> Cil_datatype.Varinfo.hash v
(* Used by external plug-ins: *)
let keepUnused = ref false
......@@ -55,44 +78,7 @@ let keepUnused = ref false
let rmUnusedInlines = ref false
let rmUnusedStatic = ref false
* Clearing of "referenced" bits
let clearReferencedBits file =
let considerGlobal global =
match global with
| GType (info, _) ->
info.treferenced <- false
| GEnumTag (info, _)
| GEnumTagDecl (info, _) ->
Kernel.debug ~dkey "clearing mark: %a" Cil_printer.pp_global global;
info.ereferenced <- false
| GCompTag (info, _)
| GCompTagDecl (info, _) ->
info.creferenced <- false
| GVar (vi, _, _)
| GFunDecl (_, vi, _)
| GVarDecl (vi, _) ->
vi.vreferenced <- false
| GFun ({svar = info} as func, _) ->
info.vreferenced <- false;
let clearMark local =
local.vreferenced <- false
List.iter clearMark func.slocals
| _ ->
iterGlobals file considerGlobal
let is_reachable t r = try InfoHashtbl.find t r with Not_found -> false
......@@ -103,7 +89,7 @@ let clearReferencedBits file =
(* collections of names of things to keep *)
type collection = (string, unit) H.t
type collection = (string, unit) Hashtbl.t
type keepers = {
typedefs : collection;
enums : collection;
......@@ -121,15 +107,15 @@ exception Bad_pragma
* up collections of the corresponding varinfos' names.
let categorizePragmas file =
let categorizePragmas ast =
(* names of things which should be retained *)
let keepers = {
typedefs = H.create 1;
enums = H.create 1;
structs = H.create 1;
unions = H.create 1;
defines = H.create 1
typedefs = Hashtbl.create 1;
enums = Hashtbl.create 1;
structs = Hashtbl.create 1;
unions = Hashtbl.create 1;
defines = Hashtbl.create 1
} in
(* populate these name collections in light of each pragma *)
......@@ -170,7 +156,7 @@ let categorizePragmas file =
| _ ->
raise Bad_pragma
H.add collection name ()
Hashtbl.add collection name ()
| _ ->
raise Bad_pragma
with Bad_pragma ->
......@@ -183,7 +169,7 @@ let categorizePragmas file =
match filterAttributes "alias" v.vattr with
| [] -> () (* ordinary prototype. *)
| [ Attr("alias", [AStr othername]) ] ->
H.add keepers.defines othername ()
Hashtbl.add keepers.defines othername ()
| _ ->
Kernel.fatal ~current:true
"Bad alias attribute at %a"
......@@ -192,7 +178,7 @@ let categorizePragmas file =
| _ ->
iterGlobals file considerPragma;
iterGlobals ast considerPragma;
......@@ -206,19 +192,19 @@ let categorizePragmas file =
let isPragmaRoot keepers = function
| GType ({tname = name}, _) ->
H.mem keepers.typedefs name
Hashtbl.mem keepers.typedefs name
| GEnumTag ({ename = name}, _)
| GEnumTagDecl ({ename = name}, _) ->
H.mem keepers.enums name
Hashtbl.mem keepers.enums name
| GCompTag ({cname = name; cstruct = structure}, _)
| GCompTagDecl ({cname = name; cstruct = structure}, _) ->
let collection = if structure then keepers.structs else keepers.unions in
H.mem collection name
Hashtbl.mem collection name
| GVar ({vname = name; vattr = attrs}, _, _)
| GVarDecl ({vname = name; vattr = attrs}, _)
| GFunDecl (_,{vname = name; vattr = attrs}, _)
| GFun ({svar = {vname = name; vattr = attrs}}, _) ->
H.mem keepers.defines name ||
Hashtbl.mem keepers.defines name ||
hasAttribute "used" attrs
| _ ->
......@@ -230,15 +216,6 @@ let isPragmaRoot keepers = function
* Common root collecting utilities
let traceRoot _reason _global =
(* trace (dprintf "root (%s): %a@!" reason d_shortglobal global);*)
let traceNonRoot _reason _global =
(* trace (dprintf "non-root (%s): %a@!" reason d_shortglobal global);*)
let hasExportingAttribute funvar =
let isExportingAttribute = function
| Attr ("constructor", []) -> true
......@@ -247,8 +224,6 @@ let hasExportingAttribute funvar =
List.exists isExportingAttribute funvar.vattr
* Root collection from external linkage
......@@ -345,166 +320,168 @@ let isCompleteProgramRoot global =
(* This visitor recursively marks all reachable types and variables as used. *)
class markReachableVisitor
((globalMap: (string, H.t),
(currentFunc: Cil_types.fundec option ref)) = object (self)
inherit nopCilVisitor
(globalMap: (string, Hashtbl.t)
(currentFunc: Cil_types.fundec option ref)
(reachable_tbl: bool InfoHashtbl.t)
= object (self)
inherit nopCilVisitor
method! vglob = function
| GType (typeinfo, _) ->
typeinfo.treferenced <- true;
| GCompTag (compinfo, _)
| GCompTagDecl (compinfo, _) ->
compinfo.creferenced <- true;
| GEnumTag (enuminfo, _)
| GEnumTagDecl (enuminfo, _) ->
enuminfo.ereferenced <- true;
| GVar (varinfo, _, _)
| GVarDecl (varinfo, _)
| GFunDecl (_,varinfo, _)
| GFun ({svar = varinfo}, _) ->
if not (hasAttribute "FC_BUILTIN" varinfo.vattr) then
varinfo.vreferenced <- true;
| GAnnot _ -> DoChildren
| _ ->
method! vglob = function
| GType (typeinfo, _) ->
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Type typeinfo) true;
| GCompTag (compinfo, _)
| GCompTagDecl (compinfo, _) ->
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Comp compinfo) true;
| GEnumTag (enuminfo, _)
| GEnumTagDecl (enuminfo, _) ->
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Enum enuminfo) true;
| GVar (varinfo, _, _)
| GVarDecl (varinfo, _)
| GFunDecl (_,varinfo, _)
| GFun ({svar = varinfo}, _) ->
if not (hasAttribute "FC_BUILTIN" varinfo.vattr) then
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Var varinfo) true;
| GAnnot _ -> DoChildren
| _ ->
method! vstmt s =
match s.skind with
| TryCatch(_,c,_) ->
(fun (decl,_) ->
match decl with
| Catch_exn(v,l) ->
(* treat all variables declared in exn clause as used. *)
ignore (self#vvrbl v);
List.iter (fun (v,_) -> ignore (self#vvrbl v)) l
| Catch_all -> ())
| _ -> DoChildren
method! vstmt s =
match s.skind with
| TryCatch(_,c,_) ->
(fun (decl,_) ->
match decl with
| Catch_exn(v,l) ->
(* treat all variables declared in exn clause as used. *)
ignore (self#vvrbl v);
List.iter (fun (v,_) -> ignore (self#vvrbl v)) l
| Catch_all -> ())
| _ -> DoChildren
method! vinst = function
| Asm (_, tmpls, _, _) when Cil.msvcMode () ->
(* If we have inline assembly on MSVC, we cannot tell which locals
* are referenced. Keep them all *)
(match !currentFunc with
Some fd ->
List.iter (fun v ->
let vre = Str.regexp_string (Str.quote v.vname) in
if List.exists (fun tmp ->
try ignore (Str.search_forward vre tmp 0); true
with Not_found -> false)
v.vreferenced <- true) fd.slocals
| _ -> assert false);
| _ -> DoChildren
method! vinst = function
| Asm (_, tmpls, _, _) when Cil.msvcMode () ->
(* If we have inline assembly on MSVC, we cannot tell which locals
* are referenced. Keep them all *)
(match !currentFunc with
Some fd ->
List.iter (fun v ->
let vre = Str.regexp_string (Str.quote v.vname) in
if List.exists (fun tmp ->
try ignore (Str.search_forward vre tmp 0); true
with Not_found -> false)
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Var v) true
) fd.slocals
| _ -> assert false);
| _ -> DoChildren
method! vvrbl v =
if not v.vreferenced then
let name = v.vname in
if v.vglob then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: global %s" name
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: local %s" name;
method! vvrbl v =
if not (is_reachable reachable_tbl (Var v)) then
let name = v.vname in
if v.vglob then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: global %s" name
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: local %s" name;
(* If this is a global, we need to keep everything used in its
* definition and declarations. *)
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Var v) true;
if v.vglob then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "descending: global %s" name;
let descend global =
ignore (visitCilGlobal (self :> cilVisitor) global)
let globals = Hashtbl.find_all globalMap name in
List.iter descend globals
(* If this is a global, we need to keep everything used in its
* definition and declarations. *)
v.vreferenced <- true;
if v.vglob then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "descending: global %s" name;
let descend global =
ignore (visitCilGlobal (self :> cilVisitor) global)
let globals = Hashtbl.find_all globalMap name in
List.iter descend globals
method private mark_enum e =
if not (is_reachable reachable_tbl (Enum e)) then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: enum %s\n" e.ename;
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Enum e) true;
self#visitAttrs e.eattr;
(* Must visit the value attributed to the enum constants *)
ignore (visitCilEnumInfo (self:>cilVisitor) e);
Kernel.debug ~dkey "not marking transitive use: enum %s\n" e.ename;
method! vexpr e =
match e.enode with
Const (CEnum {eihost = ei}) -> self#mark_enum ei; DoChildren
| _ -> DoChildren
method private mark_enum e =
if not e.ereferenced then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: enum %s\n" e.ename;
e.ereferenced <- true;
self#visitAttrs e.eattr;
(* Must visit the value attributed to the enum constants *)
ignore (visitCilEnumInfo (self:>cilVisitor) e);
Kernel.debug ~dkey "not marking transitive use: enum %s\n" e.ename;
method! vterm_node t =
match t with
TConst (LEnum {eihost = ei}) -> self#mark_enum ei; DoChildren
| _ -> DoChildren
method! vexpr e =
match e.enode with
Const (CEnum {eihost = ei}) -> self#mark_enum ei; DoChildren
| _ -> DoChildren
method! vterm_node t =
match t with
TConst (LEnum {eihost = ei}) -> self#mark_enum ei; DoChildren
| _ -> DoChildren
method private visitAttrs attrs =
ignore (visitCilAttributes (self :> cilVisitor) attrs)
method! vtype typ =
(match typ with
| TEnum(e, attrs) ->
self#visitAttrs attrs;
self#mark_enum e
| TComp(c, _, attrs) ->
let old = c.creferenced in
if not old then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: compound %s\n"
c.creferenced <- true;
(* to recurse, we must ask explicitly *)
let recurse f = ignore (self#vtype f.ftype) in
List.iter recurse c.cfields;
self#visitAttrs attrs;
self#visitAttrs c.cattr
| TNamed(ti, attrs) ->
let old = ti.treferenced in
if not old then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: typedef %s\n"
ti.treferenced <- true;
(* recurse deeper into the type referred-to by the typedef *)
(* to recurse, we must ask explicitly *)
ignore (self#vtype ti.ttype);
self#visitAttrs attrs
| TVoid a | TInt (_,a) | TFloat (_,a) | TBuiltin_va_list a ->
self#visitAttrs a
| TPtr(ty,a) -> ignore (self#vtype ty); self#visitAttrs a
| TArray(ty,sz, _, a) ->
ignore (self#vtype ty); self#visitAttrs a;
Extlib.may (ignore $ (visitCilExpr (self:>cilVisitor))) sz
| TFun (ty, args,_,a) ->
ignore (self#vtype ty);
Extlib.may (List.iter (fun (_,ty,_) -> ignore (self#vtype ty))) args;
self#visitAttrs a
method private visitAttrs attrs =
ignore (visitCilAttributes (self :> cilVisitor) attrs)
method! vtype typ =
(match typ with
| TEnum(e, attrs) ->
self#visitAttrs attrs;
self#mark_enum e
| TComp(c, _, attrs) ->
let old = is_reachable reachable_tbl (Comp c) in
if not old then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: compound %s\n"
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Comp c) true;
(* to recurse, we must ask explicitly *)
let recurse f = ignore (self#vtype f.ftype) in
List.iter recurse c.cfields;
self#visitAttrs attrs;
self#visitAttrs c.cattr
| TNamed(ti, attrs) ->
let old = (is_reachable reachable_tbl (Type ti)) in
if not old then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "marking transitive use: typedef %s\n"
InfoHashtbl.replace reachable_tbl (Type ti) true;
(* recurse deeper into the type referred-to by the typedef *)
(* to recurse, we must ask explicitly *)
ignore (self#vtype ti.ttype);
self#visitAttrs attrs
| TVoid a | TInt (_,a) | TFloat (_,a) | TBuiltin_va_list a ->
self#visitAttrs a
| TPtr(ty,a) -> ignore (self#vtype ty); self#visitAttrs a
| TArray(ty,sz, _, a) ->
ignore (self#vtype ty); self#visitAttrs a;
Extlib.may (ignore $ (visitCilExpr (self:>cilVisitor))) sz
| TFun (ty, args,_,a) ->
ignore (self#vtype ty);
Extlib.may (List.iter (fun (_,ty,_) -> ignore (self#vtype ty))) args;
self#visitAttrs a
let markReachable file isRoot =
let markReachable isRoot ast reachable_tbl =
(* build a mapping from global names back to their definitions &
* declarations *)
let globalMap = Hashtbl.create 137 in
......@@ -518,12 +495,12 @@ let markReachable file isRoot =
| _ ->
iterGlobals file considerGlobal;
iterGlobals ast considerGlobal;
let currentFunc = ref None in
(* mark everything reachable from the global roots *)
let visitor = new markReachableVisitor (globalMap, currentFunc) in
let visitor = new markReachableVisitor globalMap currentFunc reachable_tbl in
let visitIfRoot global =
if isRoot global then
......@@ -537,8 +514,85 @@ let markReachable file isRoot =
(* trace (dprintf "skipping non-root global: %a\n" d_shortglobal global)*)
iterGlobals file visitIfRoot
iterGlobals ast visitIfRoot
* Marking of referenced infos
class markReferencedVisitor = object
inherit nopCilVisitor
val inside_exp : exp Stack.t = Stack.create ()
val inside_typ : typ Stack.t = Stack.create ()
method! vglob = function
| GType (typeinfo, _loc) ->
typeinfo.treferenced <- true;
| GCompTag (compinfo, _loc)
| GCompTagDecl (compinfo, _loc) ->
compinfo.creferenced <- true;
| GEnumTag (enuminfo, _loc)
| GEnumTagDecl (enuminfo, _loc) ->
enuminfo.ereferenced <- true;
| GVar (varinfo, _, _loc)
| GVarDecl (varinfo, _loc)
| GFunDecl (_,varinfo, _loc)
| GFun ({svar = varinfo}, _loc) ->
varinfo.vreferenced <- true;
| GAnnot _ -> DoChildren
| _ ->
method! vtype = function
| TNamed (ti, _) ->
if not (Stack.is_empty inside_typ) then begin
ti.treferenced <- true;
| TComp (ci, _, _) ->
if not (Stack.is_empty inside_typ) then begin
ci.creferenced <- true;
| TEnum (ei, _) ->
if not (Stack.is_empty inside_typ) then begin
ei.ereferenced <- true;
| TVoid _
| TInt _
| TFloat _
| TPtr _
| TArray _
| TFun _
| TBuiltin_va_list _ -> DoChildren
method! vexpr e =
match e.enode with
| SizeOf t | AlignOf t | UnOp (_, _, t) | BinOp (_, _, _, t) ->
Stack.push t inside_typ;
DoChildrenPost (fun e -> ignore (Stack.pop inside_typ); e)
| _ ->
Stack.push e inside_exp;
DoChildrenPost (fun e -> ignore (Stack.pop inside_exp); e)
method! vvrbl v =
if not (Stack.is_empty inside_exp) then begin
v.vreferenced <- true;
let markReferenced ast =
visitCilFileSameGlobals (new markReferencedVisitor) ast
......@@ -574,13 +628,13 @@ let labelsToKeep is_removable ll =
loop ("", Label("", Cil_datatype.Location.unknown, false)) ll
class markUsedLabels is_removable (labelMap: (string, unit) H.t) =
class markUsedLabels is_removable (labelMap: (string, unit) Hashtbl.t) =
let keep_label dest =
let (ln, _), _ = labelsToKeep is_removable !dest.labels in
if ln = "" then
Kernel.fatal "Statement has no label:@\n%a" Cil_printer.pp_stmt !dest ;
(* Mark it as used *)
H.replace labelMap ln ()
Hashtbl.replace labelMap ln ()
let keep_label_logic = function
| FormalLabel _ | BuiltinLabel _ -> ()
......@@ -619,14 +673,14 @@ class markUsedLabels is_removable (labelMap: (string, unit) H.t) =
method! vtype _ = SkipChildren
class removeUnusedLabels is_removable (labelMap: (string, unit) H.t) = object
class removeUnusedLabels is_removable (labelMap: (string, unit) Hashtbl.t) = object
inherit nopCilVisitor
method! vstmt (s: stmt) =
let (ln, lab), lrest = labelsToKeep is_removable s.labels in
s.labels <-
(if ln <> "" &&
(H.mem labelMap ln || not (is_removable lab))
(Hashtbl.mem labelMap ln || not (is_removable lab))
(* keep user-provided labels *)
then (* We had labels *)
(lab :: lrest)
......@@ -682,37 +736,37 @@ let label_removable = function
let remove_unused_labels ?(is_removable=label_removable) func =
(* We also want to remove unused labels. We do it all here, including
* marking the used labels *)
let usedLabels:(string, unit) H.t = H.create 13 in
let usedLabels:(string, unit) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13 in
(visitCilBlock (new markUsedLabels is_removable usedLabels) func.sbody);
(* And now we scan again and we remove them *)
(visitCilBlock (new removeUnusedLabels is_removable usedLabels) func.sbody)
let removeUnmarked isRoot file =
let removeUnmarked isRoot ast reachable_tbl =
let removedLocals = ref [] in
let filterGlobal global =
match global with
(* unused global types, variables, and functions are simply removed *)
| GType (t, _) ->
t.treferenced ||
is_reachable reachable_tbl (Type t) ||
Cil.hasAttribute "FC_BUILTIN" (Cil.typeAttr t.ttype)
|| isRoot global
| GCompTag (c,_) | GCompTagDecl (c,_) ->
c.creferenced ||
is_reachable reachable_tbl (Comp c) ||
Cil.hasAttribute "FC_BUILTIN" c.cattr || isRoot global
| GEnumTag (e, _) | GEnumTagDecl (e,_) ->
e.ereferenced ||
is_reachable reachable_tbl (Enum e) ||
Cil.hasAttribute "FC_BUILTIN" e.eattr || isRoot global
| GVar (v, _, _) ->
v.vreferenced ||
is_reachable reachable_tbl (Var v) ||
Cil.hasAttribute "FC_BUILTIN" v.vattr || isRoot global
| GVarDecl (v, _)
| GFunDecl (_,v, _)->
v.vreferenced ||
is_reachable reachable_tbl (Var v) ||
Cil.hasAttribute "FC_BUILTIN" v.vattr ||
(Cil.removeFormalsDecl v; isRoot global)
(if isRoot global then true else (Cil.removeFormalsDecl v; false))
(* keep FC_BUILTIN, as some plug-ins might want to use them later
for semi-legitimate reasons. *)
| GFun (func, _) ->
......@@ -720,7 +774,7 @@ let removeUnmarked isRoot file =
Keep variables that were already present in the code.
let filterLocal local =
if local.vtemp && not local.vreferenced then
if local.vtemp && not (is_reachable reachable_tbl (Var local)) then
(* along the way, record the interesting locals that were removed *)
let name = local.vname in
......@@ -739,7 +793,7 @@ let removeUnmarked isRoot file =
((is_reachable reachable_tbl (Var func.svar))
|| Cil.hasAttribute "FC_BUILTIN" func.svar.vattr
|| isRoot global) &&
(ignore (visitCilBlock remove_blocals func.sbody);
......@@ -749,7 +803,8 @@ let removeUnmarked isRoot file =
(* all other globals are retained *)
| _ -> true
file.globals <- List.filter filterGlobal file.globals;
let keptGlobals, _removedGlobals = List.partition filterGlobal ast.globals in
ast.globals <- keptGlobals;
......@@ -762,14 +817,15 @@ let removeUnmarked isRoot file =
type rootsFilter = global -> bool
let removeUnusedTemps ?(isRoot : rootsFilter = isExportedRoot) file =
let removeUnusedTemps ?(isRoot : rootsFilter = isExportedRoot) ast =
if not !keepUnused then
Kernel.debug ~dkey "Removing unused temporaries" ;
(* digest any pragmas that would create additional roots *)
let keepers = categorizePragmas file in
let keepers = categorizePragmas ast in
let reachable_tbl = InfoHashtbl.create 43 in
(* build up the root set *)
let isRoot global =
isPragmaRoot keepers global ||
......@@ -777,20 +833,12 @@ let removeUnusedTemps ?(isRoot : rootsFilter = isExportedRoot) file =
(* mark everything reachable from the global roots *)
clearReferencedBits file;
markReachable file isRoot;
markReachable isRoot ast reachable_tbl;
(* take out the trash *)
let removedLocals = removeUnmarked isRoot file in
markReferenced ast;
(* print which original source variables were removed *)
if false && removedLocals != [] then
let count = List.length removedLocals in
if count > 2000 then
(Kernel.warning "%d unused local variables removed" count)
(Kernel.warning "%d unused local variables removed:@!%a"
count (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:",@," Format.pp_print_string) removedLocals)
(* take out the trash *)
ignore (removeUnmarked isRoot ast reachable_tbl)
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