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Commit e98596de authored by Allan Blanchard's avatar Allan Blanchard
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Merge branch 'fix/wp/assigns-cfg' into 'master'

[wp] fix post-assigns and post-valid VC generation

See merge request frama-c/frama-c!2830
parents 2511f4c1 c866a933
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 146 additions and 106 deletions
......@@ -136,6 +136,11 @@ module MODE = WpContext.StaticGenerator(Datatype.Unit)
let get_mode = MODE.get
let set_mode m = MODE.clear () ; Wp_parameters.Cache.set (mode_name m)
let is_updating () =
match MODE.get () with
| NoCache | Replay | Offline -> false
| Update | Rebuild | Cleanup -> true
let task_hash wpo drv prover task =
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ val get_hits : unit -> int
val get_miss : unit -> int
val get_removed : unit -> int
val is_updating : unit -> bool
val cleanup_cache : unit -> unit
type runner =
......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class pcond
(focus : step_selection)
(plang : Pcond.state) =
inherit Pcond.sequence plang as super
inherit Pcond.seqengine plang as super
(* All displayed entries *)
val mutable domain = Vars.empty
......@@ -258,6 +258,10 @@ struct
types = [];
let has_at_frame frame label =
assert (not (Clabels.is_here label));
LabelMap.mem label frame.labels
let mem_at_frame frame label =
assert (not (Clabels.is_here label));
try LabelMap.find label frame.labels
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ sig
val guards : frame -> pred list
val mem_frame : c_label -> sigma
val has_at_frame : frame -> c_label -> bool
val mem_at_frame : frame -> c_label -> sigma
val set_at_frame : frame -> c_label -> sigma -> unit
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ struct
let mk_frame = C.mk_frame
let in_frame = C.in_frame
let mem_frame = C.mem_frame
let has_at_frame = C.has_at_frame
let mem_at_frame = C.mem_at_frame
let set_at_frame = C.set_at_frame
let mem_at = C.mem_at
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class engine (lang : #Plang.engine) =
let is_nop = function None -> true | Some(_,upd) -> Bag.is_empty upd
class sequence (lang : #state) =
class seqengine (lang : #state) =
inherit engine lang as super
......@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ class sequence (lang : #state) =
let engine () =
if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_state then
( new sequence (new state) :> engine )
( new seqengine (new state) :> engine )
new engine (new Plang.engine)
......@@ -449,15 +449,18 @@ let pretty fmt seq =
let () = Conditions.pretty := pretty
let sequence ?(clause="Sequence") fmt seq =
let dump_sequence ?(clause="Sequence") ?goal fmt seq =
let plang = new Plang.engine in
let pcond = new engine plang in
(fun () ->
Vars.iter (fun x -> ignore (plang#bind x)) (Conditions.vars_hyp seq) ;
pcond#pp_sequence ~clause fmt seq)
begin fun () ->
pcond#pp_block ~clause fmt seq ;
match goal with
| None -> ()
| Some g -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ @[<hov 2>Prove %a@]" plang#pp_pred g
let bundle ?clause fmt bundle =
sequence ?clause fmt (Conditions.bundle bundle)
let dump_bundle ?clause ?goal fmt bundle =
dump_sequence ?clause ?goal fmt (Conditions.bundle bundle)
let dump = bundle ~clause:"Bundle"
let dump = dump_bundle ?goal:None ~clause:"Bundle"
......@@ -23,16 +23,18 @@
open Qed.Plib
open Conditions
open Lang.F
(** {2 All-in-one printers} *)
val dump : bundle printer
val bundle : ?clause:string -> bundle printer
val sequence : ?clause:string -> sequence printer
val pretty : sequent printer
val dump : bundle printer
val dump_bundle : ?clause:string -> ?goal:pred -> bundle printer
val dump_sequence : ?clause:string -> ?goal:pred -> sequence printer
(** {2 Low-level API} *)
open Lang.F
type env = Plang.Env.t
val alloc_hyp : Plang.pool -> (var -> unit) -> sequence -> unit
......@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ class state :
method pp_value : Format.formatter -> term -> unit
class sequence : #state ->
class seqengine : #state ->
inherit engine
method set_sequence : Conditions.sequence -> unit
......@@ -115,15 +115,16 @@ struct
let mem w c = H.Map.mem c
let join a b =
let p = ref Passive.empty in
(fun chunk x y ->
match x,y with
| Some x , Some y -> p := Passive.join x y !p
| Some x , None -> <- H.Map.add chunk x
| None , Some y -> <- H.Map.add chunk y
| None , None -> ()) ; !p
if a == b then Passive.empty else
let p = ref Passive.empty in
(fun chunk x y ->
match x,y with
| Some x , Some y -> p := Passive.join x y !p
| Some x , None -> <- H.Map.add chunk x
| None , Some y -> <- H.Map.add chunk y
| None , None -> ()) ; !p
let assigned ~pre ~post written =
let p = ref Bag.empty in
......@@ -658,6 +658,9 @@ sig
(** Update a frame with a specific environment for the given label. *)
val set_at_frame : frame -> Clabels.c_label -> sigma -> unit
(** Chek if a frame already has a specific envioronement for the given label. *)
val has_at_frame : frame -> Clabels.c_label -> bool
(** Same as [mem_at_frame] but for the current frame. *)
val mem_frame : Clabels.c_label -> sigma
......@@ -317,31 +317,35 @@ let pp_result fmt r =
| Stepout -> Format.fprintf fmt "Step limit%a" pp_perf r
| Timeout -> Format.fprintf fmt "Timeout%a" pp_perf r
let pp_cache_miss fmt st prover r =
let qualified =
match prover with
| Qed | Tactical -> true
| NativeAltErgo | NativeCoq -> r.verdict <> Timeout
| Why3 _ -> r.cached || r.prover_time < Rformat.epsilon
if not qualified && Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_shell then
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a (unqualified)" st pp_perf r
let is_qualified prover result =
match prover with
| Qed | Tactical -> true
| NativeAltErgo | NativeCoq -> result.verdict <> Timeout
| Why3 _ -> result.cached || result.prover_time < Rformat.epsilon
let pp_cache_miss fmt st updating prover result =
if not updating
&& not (is_qualified prover result)
&& Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_shell
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a (missing cache)" st pp_perf result
Format.pp_print_string fmt (if is_valid r then "Valid" else "Unsuccess")
Format.pp_print_string fmt @@
if is_valid result then "Valid" else "Unsuccess"
let pp_result_qualif prover fmt r =
let pp_result_qualif ?(updating=true) prover result fmt =
if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_shell then
match r.verdict with
match result.verdict with
| NoResult -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "No Result"
| Computing _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Computing"
| Invalid -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Invalid"
| Failed -> Format.fprintf fmt "Failed@ %s" r.prover_errmsg
| Valid -> pp_cache_miss fmt "Valid" prover r
| Unknown -> pp_cache_miss fmt "Unsuccess" prover r
| Timeout -> pp_cache_miss fmt "Timeout" prover r
| Stepout -> pp_cache_miss fmt "Stepout" prover r
| Failed -> Format.fprintf fmt "Failed@ %s" result.prover_errmsg
| Valid -> pp_cache_miss fmt "Valid" updating prover result
| Unknown -> pp_cache_miss fmt "Unsuccess" updating prover result
| Timeout -> pp_cache_miss fmt "Timeout" updating prover result
| Stepout -> pp_cache_miss fmt "Stepout" updating prover result
pp_result fmt r
pp_result fmt result
let compare p q =
let rank = function
......@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ val configure : result -> config
val autofit : result -> bool (** Result that fits the default configuration *)
val pp_result : Format.formatter -> result -> unit
val pp_result_qualif : prover -> Format.formatter -> result -> unit
val pp_result_qualif : ?updating:bool -> prover -> result ->
Format.formatter -> unit
val compare : result -> result -> int (* best is minimal *)
val merge : result -> result -> result
......@@ -495,9 +495,8 @@ module Cfg (W : Mcfg.S) = struct
| Mcfg.SC_Global -> "global"
| Mcfg.SC_Block_in -> "block in"
| Mcfg.SC_Block_out -> "block out"
| Mcfg.SC_Function_in -> "function in"
| Mcfg.SC_Function_frame -> "function frame"
| Mcfg.SC_Function_out -> "function out" )
| Mcfg.SC_Frame_in -> "frame in"
| Mcfg.SC_Frame_out -> "frame out" )
(Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:", " Printer.pp_varinfo) vars;
match scope with
| Mcfg.(SC_Block_in | SC_Block_out) when vars = [] -> obj
......@@ -564,13 +563,12 @@ module Cfg (W : Mcfg.S) = struct
Wp_error.unsupported "strange CFGs."
| Cil2cfg.VfctIn ->
let obj = get_only_succ env cfg v in
let obj = wp_scope wenv formals Mcfg.SC_Function_in obj in
let obj = wp_scope wenv [] Mcfg.SC_Global obj in
| Cil2cfg.VblkIn (Cil2cfg.Bfct, b) ->
let obj = get_only_succ env cfg v in
let obj = wp_scope wenv b.blocals Mcfg.SC_Block_in obj in
let obj = wp_scope wenv formals Mcfg.SC_Function_frame obj in
let obj = wp_scope wenv formals Mcfg.SC_Frame_in obj in
| Cil2cfg.VblkOut (Cil2cfg.Bfct, b) ->
let obj = get_only_succ env cfg v in
......@@ -601,10 +599,9 @@ module Cfg (W : Mcfg.S) = struct
| Cil2cfg.Vloop _ | Cil2cfg.Vloop2 _ ->
let get_loop_head = fun n -> get_only_succ env cfg n in
wp_loop env v e get_loop_head
| Cil2cfg.VfctOut
| Cil2cfg.Vexit ->
| Cil2cfg.VfctOut | Cil2cfg.VfctErr ->
let obj = get_only_succ env cfg v (* exitpost / postcondition *) in
wp_scope wenv formals Mcfg.SC_Function_out obj
wp_scope wenv formals Mcfg.SC_Frame_out obj
| Cil2cfg.Vend ->
(* LC : unused entry point...
......@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ struct
let add_assigns env (pid,_) k =
let u = node () in
Format.fprintf !out " %a [ color=red , label=\"Assigns %a\" ] ;@." pretty u WpPropId.pp_propid pid ;
Format.fprintf !out " %a -> %a [ style=dotted ] ;@." pretty u pretty k ;
merge env u k
let use_assigns _env _stmt region d k =
......@@ -215,7 +216,9 @@ struct
(fun (_,p) -> Format.fprintf fmt "\n@[<hov 2>Requires %a ;@]"
Printer.pp_predicate p) pre
end ;
ignore pre ; merge env u k
ignore pre ;
Format.fprintf !out " %a -> %a [ style=dotted ] ;@." pretty u pretty k ;
merge env u k
let call env stmt _r kf _es ~pre ~post ~pexit ~assigns ~p_post ~p_exit =
let u_post = List.fold_right (add_hyp env) post p_post in
......@@ -231,9 +234,8 @@ struct
let pp_scope sc fmt xs =
let title = match sc with
| Mcfg.SC_Global -> "Global"
| Mcfg.SC_Function_in -> "F-in"
| Mcfg.SC_Function_frame -> "F-frame"
| Mcfg.SC_Function_out -> "F-out"
| Mcfg.SC_Frame_in -> "F-in"
| Mcfg.SC_Frame_out -> "F-out"
| Mcfg.SC_Block_in -> "B-in"
| Mcfg.SC_Block_out -> "B-out"
in begin
......@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ struct
type t = effect
let compare e1 e2 = e1.e_pid e2.e_pid
let pretty fmt e =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>EFFECT %a:@ %a@]"
P.pretty e.e_pid (Cvalues.pp_region M.pretty) e.e_region
[@@ warning "-32"]
module G = Qed.Collection.Make(TARGET)
......@@ -140,9 +144,8 @@ struct
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let pp_vc fmt vc =
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ @[<hov 2>Prove %a@]"
Pcond.dump vc.hyps
F.pp_pred vc.goal
Format.fprintf fmt "%a"
(Pcond.dump_bundle ~clause:"Context" ~goal:vc.goal) vc.hyps
let pp_vcs fmt vcs =
let k = ref 0 in
......@@ -250,10 +253,6 @@ struct
(fun vc (warn,hyp) -> assume_vc ?descr ?filter ?init ~warn [hyp] vc)
vc whs
let passify_vc pa vc =
let hs = Passive.conditions pa (occurs_vc vc) in
assume_vc hs vc
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Branching --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -362,6 +361,14 @@ struct
(fun g -> Splitter.merge_all merge_vcs ( (goal g) cases))
let passify_vc pa vc =
let hs = Passive.conditions pa (occurs_vc vc) in
assume_vc hs vc
let passify_vcs pa vcs =
if Passive.is_empty pa then vcs
else gmap (passify_vc pa) vcs
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Merge for Calculus --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -383,8 +390,8 @@ struct
(fun () ->
let sigma,pa1,pa2 = merge_sigma wp1.sigma wp2.sigma in
let effects = Eset.union wp1.effects wp2.effects in
let vcs1 = gmap (passify_vc pa1) wp1.vcs in
let vcs2 = gmap (passify_vc pa2) wp2.vcs in
let vcs1 = passify_vcs pa1 wp1.vcs in
let vcs2 = passify_vcs pa2 wp2.vcs in
let vcs = gmerge vcs1 vcs2 in
{ sigma = sigma ; vcs = vcs ; effects = effects }
) ()
......@@ -651,15 +658,20 @@ struct
if Clabels.is_here label then wp else
in_wenv wenv wp
(fun env wp ->
let frame = L.get_frame () in
let s_here = L.current env in
let s_labl = L.mem_frame label in
let pa = Sigma.join s_here s_labl in
let s_frame =
if L.has_at_frame frame label then
L.mem_at_frame frame label
(L.set_at_frame frame label s_here ; s_here) in
let pa = Sigma.join s_here s_frame in
let stop,effects = Eset.partition (is_stopeffect label) wp.effects in
let vcs = Gmap.filter (not_posteffect stop) wp.vcs in
let vcs = gmap (passify_vc pa) vcs in
let vcs = passify_vcs pa vcs in
let vcs = check_nothing stop vcs in
let vcs = state_vcs stmt s_here vcs in
{ sigma = Some s_here ; vcs=vcs ; effects=effects })
{ sigma = Some s_frame ; vcs=vcs ; effects=effects })
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- WP RULE : assignation --- *)
......@@ -806,8 +818,8 @@ struct
Some (Splitter.union (merge_vc) s1 s2)
) vcs1 vcs2
let vcs1 = gmap (passify_vc pa1) wp1.vcs in
let vcs2 = gmap (passify_vc pa2) wp2.vcs in
let vcs1 = passify_vcs pa1 wp1.vcs in
let vcs2 = passify_vcs pa2 wp2.vcs in
~left:(assume_vc ~descr:"Then" ~stmt ~warn [cond])
~right:(assume_vc ~descr:"Else" ~stmt ~warn [p_not cond])
......@@ -1044,6 +1056,7 @@ struct
let seq_post = cc_havoc dom_call seq_result.pre in
let seq_exit = cc_havoc dom_call (sigma_at wexit) in
(* Pre-State *)
(* Passive: joined later by call_proper *)
let sigma_pre, _, _ = Sigma.merge seq_post.pre seq_exit.pre in
let formals = (C.exp sigma_pre) es in
let call = kf formals in
......@@ -1200,11 +1213,10 @@ struct
let hs = M.frame (L.current env) in
let vcs = gmap (assume_vc ~descr:"Heap" ~domain:true hs) wp.vcs in
{ wp with vcs }
| Mcfg.SC_Function_in -> wp
| Mcfg.SC_Function_frame ->
wp_scope env wp ~descr:"Function Frame" Enter xs
| Mcfg.SC_Function_out ->
wp_scope env wp ~descr:"Function Exit" Leave xs
| Mcfg.SC_Frame_in ->
wp_scope env wp ~descr:"Frame In" Enter xs
| Mcfg.SC_Frame_out ->
wp_scope env wp ~descr:"Frame Out" Leave xs
| Mcfg.SC_Block_in ->
wp_scope env wp ~descr:"Block In" Enter xs
| Mcfg.SC_Block_out ->
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ let pp_call_type fmt = function
| Static kf -> Kernel_function.pretty fmt kf
type node_type =
| Vstart | Vend | Vexit
| VfctIn | VfctOut (* TODO : not useful anymore -> Bfct *)
| Vstart | Vend
| VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr
| VblkIn of block_type * block
| VblkOut of block_type * block
| Vstmt of stmt
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let node_type_id t : node_id = match t with
| Vstart -> (0, 0)
| VfctIn -> (0, 1)
| VfctOut -> (0, 2)
| Vexit -> (0, 3)
| VfctErr -> (0, 3)
| Vend -> (0, 4)
| Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vswitch (s,_) | Vcall (s, _, _, _) ->
(1, s.sid)
......@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ let pp_node_type fmt n = match n with
| Vstart -> Format.fprintf fmt "<start>"
| VfctIn -> Format.fprintf fmt "<fctIn>"
| VfctOut -> Format.fprintf fmt "<fctOut>"
| VfctErr -> Format.fprintf fmt "<fctErr>"
| Vend -> Format.fprintf fmt "<end>"
| Vexit -> Format.fprintf fmt "<exit>"
| VblkIn (bk,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<blkIn-%a>" pp_bkind bk
| VblkOut (bk,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<blkOut-%a>" pp_bkind bk
| Vcall (s, _, _, _) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<callIn-%d>" s.sid
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ let pp_node fmt v = VL.pretty fmt v
let start_stmt_of_node v = match node_type v with
| Vstart | Vtest (false, _, _) | VblkOut _
| VfctIn | VfctOut | Vend | Vexit | Vloop2 _ -> None
| VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr | Vend | Vloop2 _ -> None
| VblkIn (bk, _) -> bkind_stmt bk
| Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vloop (_, s) | Vswitch (s,_)
| Vcall (s, _, _, _)
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ let start_stmt_of_node v = match node_type v with
let node_stmt_opt v = match node_type v with
| Vstart | Vtest (false, _, _)
| VfctIn | VfctOut | Vend | Vexit | Vloop2 _ -> None
| VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr | Vend | Vloop2 _ -> None
| VblkIn (bk, _) | VblkOut (bk, _) -> bkind_stmt bk
| Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vloop (_, s) | Vswitch (s,_)
| Vcall (s, _, _, _)
......@@ -479,14 +479,14 @@ let get_call_out_edges cfg v =
let en, ee = match node_type (edge_dst e1) ,
node_type (edge_dst e2) with
| _, Vexit -> e1, e2
| Vexit, _ -> e2, e1
| _, VfctErr -> e1, e2
| VfctErr, _ -> e2, e1
| _, _ -> assert false
in en, ee
let get_edge_stmt e =
match node_type (edge_dst e) with
| Vstart | VfctIn | Vexit | VfctOut -> None
| Vstart | VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr -> None
| VblkIn (Bstmt s, _) | Vstmt s
| Vcall (s,_,_,_) | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vswitch (s,_) -> Some s
| Vloop (_,s) -> if is_back_edge e then None else Some s
......@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ let get_edge_labels e =
let l = match node_type v_after with
| Vstart -> assert false
| VfctIn -> []
| Vexit | VfctOut -> []
| VfctErr | VfctOut -> []
| VblkIn (Bstmt s, _)
| Vcall (s,_,_,_) | Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vswitch (s,_) ->
[Clabels.stmt s]
......@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ let get_exit_edges cfg src =
let add_exit e acc =
let dst = edge_dst e in
match node_type dst with
| Vexit ->
| VfctErr ->
"[get_exit_edges] add %a@." pp_edge e;
(* (succ_e cfg dst) @ acc *)
......@@ -660,12 +660,12 @@ let block_scope_for_edge cfg e =
| VblkIn(Bstmt _,b) -> { b_opened=[b] ; b_closed=[] }
| Vcall _
| VblkIn _ | VblkOut _ | Vtest(false,_,_)
| VfctIn | VfctOut | Vstart | Vend | Vexit | Vloop2 _ ->
| VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr | Vstart | Vend | Vloop2 _ ->
let has_exit cfg =
let node = Hashtbl.find cfg.stmt_node (node_type_id Vexit) in
let node = Hashtbl.find cfg.stmt_node (node_type_id VfctErr) in
match pred_e cfg node with
| [] -> false
| _ -> true
......@@ -758,10 +758,10 @@ let init_cfg spec_only kf =
let fct_in = add_node env (VfctIn) in
let _ = add_edge env start Enone fct_in in
let fct_out = add_node env (VfctOut) in
let nexit = add_node env (Vexit) in
let fct_err = add_node env (VfctErr) in
let nend = add_node env (Vend) in
let _ = add_edge env fct_out Enone nend in
let _ = add_edge env nexit Enone nend in
let _ = add_edge env fct_err Enone nend in
env, fct_in, fct_out
let get_node env t =
......@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ and cfg_stmt env s next =
setup_preconditions_proxies f;
let in_call = get_stmt_node env s in
add_edge env in_call Enone next;
let exit_node = get_node env (Vexit) in
let exit_node = get_node env VfctErr in
add_edge env in_call Enone exit_node;
| Instr (Local_init(_,ConsInit (f, _, _), _)) ->
......@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ and cfg_stmt env s next =
Statuses_by_call.setup_all_preconditions_proxies kf;
let in_call = get_stmt_node env s in
add_edge env in_call Enone next;
let exit_node = get_node env Vexit in
let exit_node = get_node env VfctErr in
add_edge env in_call Enone exit_node;
| Instr _ | Return _ ->
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ val pp_call_type : Format.formatter -> call_type -> unit
val get_call_type : exp -> call_type
type node_type = private
| Vstart | Vend | Vexit
| VfctIn | VfctOut
| Vstart | Vend
| VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr
| VblkIn of block_type * block
| VblkOut of block_type * block
| Vstmt of stmt
......@@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ open Cil_types
type scope =
| SC_Global
| SC_Function_in (* Just before the pre-state *)
| SC_Function_frame (* Just after the introduction of formals *)
| SC_Function_out (* Post-state *)
| SC_Frame_in
| SC_Frame_out
| SC_Block_in
| SC_Block_out
......@@ -391,19 +391,21 @@ let results g =
(Wpo.get_results g)
let do_wpo_failed goal =
let updating = Cache.is_updating () in
match results goal with
| [p,r] ->
Wp_parameters.result "[%a] Goal %s : %a%a"
Wp_parameters.result "[%a] Goal %s : %t%a"
VCS.pp_prover p (Wpo.get_gid goal)
(VCS.pp_result_qualif p) r pp_warnings goal
(VCS.pp_result_qualif ~updating p r) pp_warnings goal
| pres ->
Wp_parameters.result "[Failed] Goal %s%t" (Wpo.get_gid goal)
begin fun fmt ->
pp_warnings fmt goal ;
(fun (p,r) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@\n%8s: @[<hv>%a@]"
(VCS.title_of_prover p) (VCS.pp_result_qualif p) r
Format.fprintf fmt "@\n%8s: @[<hv>%t@]"
(VCS.title_of_prover p)
(VCS.pp_result_qualif ~updating p r)
) pres ;
......@@ -416,11 +418,12 @@ let do_wpo_smoke status goal =
(Wpo.get_gid goal)
begin fun fmt ->
pp_warnings fmt goal ;
let updating = Cache.is_updating () in
(fun (p,r) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@\n%8s: @[<hv>%a@]"
Format.fprintf fmt "@\n%8s: @[<hv>%t@]"
(VCS.title_of_prover p)
(VCS.pp_result_qualif p) r
(VCS.pp_result_qualif ~updating p r)
) (results goal) ;
......@@ -453,10 +456,11 @@ let do_wpo_success goal s =
VCS.pp_prover script (Wpo.get_gid goal)
| Some prover ->
let result = Wpo.get_result goal prover in
let updating = Cache.is_updating () in ~ontty:`Silent
"[%a] Goal %s : %a"
"[%a] Goal %s : %t"
VCS.pp_prover prover (Wpo.get_gid goal)
(VCS.pp_result_qualif prover) result
(VCS.pp_result_qualif ~updating prover result)
let do_report_time fmt s =
# frama-c -wp [...]
[kernel] Parsing tests/wp/cfg_loop.i (no preprocessing)
[wp] Running WP plugin...
[wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
[wp] 15 goals scheduled
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_continue_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
0% Loading or .
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