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Commit e76ace79 authored by Basile Desloges's avatar Basile Desloges
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[eacsl] Merge the specifications from the RTL functions with the corresponding...

[eacsl] Merge the specifications from the RTL functions with the corresponding functions from the user's project
parent 518863e3
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...@@ -100,6 +100,71 @@ end = struct ...@@ -100,6 +100,71 @@ end = struct
*) *)
end end
(* Internal module to store the associations between symbols in the RTL project
and their corresponding symbols in the user's project. *)
module Assocs: sig
val clear: unit -> unit
(** Clear stored associations. *)
val add_kf: global -> kernel_function -> unit
(** Add an association between a global in the RTL project and the
corresponding kernel function in the user's project. *)
val mem_kf: global -> bool
(** Returns true if the given global from the RTL project has a corresponding
kernel function in the user's project. *)
val get_kf: global -> kernel_function
(** Returns the corresponding kernel function from the user's project for the
given global in the RTL project. *)
val add_vi: varinfo -> varinfo -> unit
(** [add_vi rtl_vi user_vi] adds an association between a [varinfo] in the
RTL project and the corresponding [varinfo] in the user's project. *)
val find_vi: varinfo -> varinfo
(** [find_vi rtl_vi] returns the corresponding [varinfo] from the user's
project for the given [varinfo] in the RTL project if it exists, or raise
[Not_found] otherwise. *)
val add_li: logic_info -> logic_info -> unit
(** [add_li rtl_li user_li] adds an association between a [logic_info] in the
RTL project and the corresponding [logic_info] in the user's project. *)
val find_li: logic_info -> logic_info
(** [find_li rtl_li] returns the corresponding [logic_info] from the user's
project for the given [logic_info] in the RTL project if it exists,
or raise [Not_found] otherwise. *)
end = struct
let kfs: kernel_function Global.Hashtbl.t = Global.Hashtbl.create 17
let vars: varinfo Varinfo.Hashtbl.t = Varinfo.Hashtbl.create 17
let logic_vars: logic_info Logic_info.Hashtbl.t = Logic_info.Hashtbl.create 17
let clear () =
Global.Hashtbl.clear kfs;
Varinfo.Hashtbl.clear vars;
Logic_info.Hashtbl.clear logic_vars
let add_kf rtl_g user_kf = Global.Hashtbl.replace kfs rtl_g user_kf
let mem_kf rtl_g = Global.Hashtbl.mem kfs rtl_g
let get_kf rtl_g =
Global.Hashtbl.find kfs rtl_g
with Not_found ->
"Unable to find user kf corresponding to %a. Assocs.mem_kf should be \
used before calling Assocs.get_kf"
Printer.pp_global rtl_g
let add_vi rtl_vi user_vi = Varinfo.Hashtbl.replace vars rtl_vi user_vi
let find_vi rtl_vi = Varinfo.Hashtbl.find vars rtl_vi
let add_li rtl_li user_li = Logic_info.Hashtbl.replace logic_vars rtl_li user_li
let find_li rtl_li = Logic_info.Hashtbl.find logic_vars rtl_li
(* NOTE: do not use [Mergecil.merge] since all [ast]'s symbols must be kept (* NOTE: do not use [Mergecil.merge] since all [ast]'s symbols must be kept
unchanged: so do it ourselves. Thanksfully, we merge in a particular unchanged: so do it ourselves. Thanksfully, we merge in a particular
setting because we know what the RTL is. Therefore merging is far from being setting because we know what the RTL is. Therefore merging is far from being
...@@ -109,11 +174,15 @@ end ...@@ -109,11 +174,15 @@ end
tables. tables.
@return the list of globals to be inserted into [ast], in reverse order. *) @return the list of globals to be inserted into [ast], in reverse order. *)
let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast = let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast =
(* [do_it ~add mem acc l g] checks whether the global does exist in the user's (* [do_it ~add ~assoc mem acc l g] checks whether the global does exist in the
AST. If not, add it to the corresponding symbol table(s). *) user's AST. If not, add it to the corresponding symbol table(s). If yes,
let rec do_it ?(add=fun _g -> ()) mem acc l g = save the association between the global in the user's AST and the global in
if mem g then do_globals (g :: acc) l the RTL. *)
else begin let rec do_it ?(add=fun _g -> ()) ?(assoc=fun _g -> ()) mem acc l g =
if mem g then begin
assoc g;
do_globals (g :: acc) l
end else begin
add g; add g;
Symbols.add_global g; Symbols.add_global g;
do_globals (g :: acc) l do_globals (g :: acc) l
...@@ -134,8 +203,11 @@ let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast = ...@@ -134,8 +203,11 @@ let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast =
do_ty acc l g Logic_typing.Enum ei.ename do_ty acc l g Logic_typing.Enum ei.ename
| GVarDecl(vi, (pos, _)) | GVar(vi, _, (pos, _)) as g :: l -> | GVarDecl(vi, (pos, _)) | GVar(vi, _, (pos, _)) as g :: l ->
let tunit = Translation_unit pos.Filepath.pos_path in let tunit = Translation_unit pos.Filepath.pos_path in
let get_old_vi_opt vi =
Globals.Syntactic_search.find_in_scope vi.vorig_name tunit
let mem _g = let mem _g =
let g = Globals.Syntactic_search.find_in_scope vi.vorig_name tunit in let g = get_old_vi_opt vi in
Option.is_some g Option.is_some g
in in
let add g = let add g =
...@@ -145,16 +217,95 @@ let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast = ...@@ -145,16 +217,95 @@ let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast =
| GVar(_, ii, _) -> Globals.Vars.add vi ii | GVar(_, ii, _) -> Globals.Vars.add vi ii
| _ -> assert false | _ -> assert false
in in
do_it ~add mem acc l g let assoc _g =
(* [assoc] is called if [mem] returns true, so the option returned by
[get_old_vi_opt] is [Some] by construction. *)
let old_vi = get_old_vi_opt vi in
Assocs.add_vi vi (Option.get old_vi)
do_it ~add ~assoc mem acc l g
| GFunDecl(_, vi, _loc) | GFun({ svar = vi }, _loc) as g :: l -> | GFunDecl(_, vi, _loc) | GFun({ svar = vi }, _loc) as g :: l ->
let add _g = let add _g =
Symbols.add_vi vi.vname vi; Symbols.add_vi vi.vname vi;
(* functions will be registered in kernel's table after substitution of (* functions will be registered in kernel's table after substitution of
RTL's symbols inside them *) RTL's symbols inside them *)
in in
do_it ~add (fun _ -> Globals.Functions.mem_name vi.vname) acc l g let assoc g =
let kf = Globals.Functions.find_by_name vi.vname in
Assocs.add_kf g kf
do_it ~add ~assoc (fun _ -> Globals.Functions.mem_name vi.vname) acc l g
| GAnnot (Daxiomatic (name, galist, _, _), _) as g :: l ->
(* processing axiomatics *)
let fun_or_preds =
(* extract the functions and predicates from the axiomatic *)
(fun ga ->
match ga with
| Dfun_or_pred (li, _) -> Some li
| _ -> None)
let mem _ =
(* check if some function or predicate of the axiomatic [exists] in the
user's project, if all the functions and predicates are in the user's
project ([forall]), and store which function and predicate are in the
user's project in [conflicting_lis]. *)
let exists, forall, conflicting_lis =
(fun (exists, forall, conflicting_lis) li ->
let lv_name = li.l_var_info.lv_name in
let li_exists = Logic_env.Logic_info.mem lv_name in
let conflicting_lis =
if li_exists then li :: conflicting_lis else conflicting_lis
exists || li_exists, forall && li_exists, conflicting_lis)
(false, true, [])
(* The axiomatic is considered "in the user's project" if and only if
all its functions and predicates are in the user's project. If only
some of them are in it then it is an error, and if none of them are
then the axiomatic is not in the user's project. *)
if exists && not forall then
"@[The following logic functions or predicates@ \
are in conflict with logic functions or predicates from the@ \
axiomatic '%s' in the E-ACSL runtime library, please rename@ \
them:@ %a@]"
~sep:",@ "
let assoc _g =
(fun li ->
let lv_name = li.l_var_info.lv_name in
let old_lis = Logic_env.Logic_info.find lv_name in
let old_li =
(fun old_li -> Logic_utils.is_same_logic_info li old_li)
with Not_found ->
"Unable to find the logic_info in the user's AST \
corresponding to the logic_info %a in the RTL's AST. This \
most likely comes from a mismatch between the axiomatic %s \
in the RTL that is supposed to mirror one from the stdlib."
Printer.pp_logic_info li
Assocs.add_li li old_li)
do_it ~assoc mem acc l g
| GAnnot _ :: l -> | GAnnot _ :: l ->
(* ignoring annotations from the AST *) (* ignoring other annotations from the AST *)
do_globals acc l do_globals acc l
| GPragma _ as g :: l -> | GPragma _ as g :: l ->
do_it Symbols.mem_global acc l g do_it Symbols.mem_global acc l g
...@@ -163,34 +314,86 @@ let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast = ...@@ -163,34 +314,86 @@ let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast =
in in
do_globals [] rtl_ast.globals do_globals [] rtl_ast.globals
(** [get_kf vi] returns the kernel function corresponding to the given varinfo
in the current project. The varinfo must correspond to a kernel function. *)
let get_kf vi =
Globals.Functions.get vi
with Not_found ->
Options.fatal "unknown function %s in project %a"
Project.pretty (Project.current ())
(** [get_formals_and_spec prj vi] returns a couple with the formals and function
specification of the function corresponding to the varinfo [vi] in the
project [prj]. The varinfo must correspond to a function of the given
project. *)
let get_formals_and_spec prj vi =
let selection =
[ Globals.Functions.self; Annotations.funspec_state ]
(fun vi ->
let kf = get_kf vi in
Kernel_function.get_formals kf,
Annotations.funspec ~populate:false kf)
(** Visitor to replace [varinfo] and [logic_info] leaves of an AST with
corresponding values from the [Assocs] tables.
If the visitor is created with the [formals] associating the [varinfo] of
the RTL formals with the [varinfo] of the user formals, then replace the
corresponding [varinfo] leaves. *)
class vis_replace_leaves ?formals () =
(* Since we are already working on a copied project, we can use an inplace
visitor. *)
inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
val formals: varinfo Varinfo.Hashtbl.t =
match formals with
| None -> Varinfo.Hashtbl.create 7
| Some formals -> formals
(* Since the RTL project will be deleted at the end of the AST
merge, we can temporarily violate the Frama-C invariant that says
that a varinfo or logic_info must be in a single project and directly
replace the varinfo/logic_info of the RTL in the specification with the
logic_info/varinfo of the user's AST. *)
method! vlogic_info_use rtl_li =
(* Replace the logic_info if it is a logic_info from the RTL project. *)
let user_li = Assocs.find_li rtl_li in
Cil.ChangeTo user_li
with Not_found ->
method! vvrbl rtl_vi =
(* Replace the varinfo if it is a global from the RTL project.*)
let user_vi = Assocs.find_vi rtl_vi in
Cil.ChangeTo user_vi
with Not_found ->
(* Replace the varinfo if it is a formal. *)
let user_vi = Varinfo.Hashtbl.find formals rtl_vi in
Cil.ChangeTo user_vi
with Not_found ->
(* Otherwise do nothing. *)
(* [substitute_rtl_symbols] registers the correct symbols for RTL's functions *) (* [substitute_rtl_symbols] registers the correct symbols for RTL's functions *)
let substitute_rtl_symbols rtl_prj = function let substitute_rtl_symbols rtl_prj = function
| GVarDecl _ | GVar _ as g -> | GVarDecl _ | GVar _ as g ->
g g
| GFunDecl(_, vi, loc) | GFun({ svar = vi }, loc) as g -> | GFunDecl(_, vi, loc) | GFun({ svar = vi }, loc) as g ->
let get_kf vi =
Globals.Functions.get vi
with Not_found ->
Options.fatal "unknown function %s in project %a"
Project.pretty (Project.current ())
let selection =
[ Globals.Functions.self; Annotations.funspec_state ]
(* get the RTL's formals and spec *) (* get the RTL's formals and spec *)
let formals, spec = let formals, spec = get_formals_and_spec rtl_prj vi in
(fun vi ->
let kf = get_kf vi in
Kernel_function.get_formals kf,
Annotations.funspec ~populate:false kf)
(match g with (match g with
| GFunDecl _ -> | GFunDecl _ ->
Globals.Functions.replace_by_declaration spec vi loc Globals.Functions.replace_by_declaration spec vi loc
...@@ -209,10 +412,47 @@ let substitute_rtl_symbols rtl_prj = function ...@@ -209,10 +412,47 @@ let substitute_rtl_symbols rtl_prj = function
Annotations.register_funspec ~emitter:Options.emitter kf; Annotations.register_funspec ~emitter:Options.emitter kf;
Symbols.add_kf kf; Symbols.add_kf kf;
g g
| GAnnot (Daxiomatic _ as ga, loc) ->
let vis_replace_leaves = new vis_replace_leaves () in
let ga = Visitor.visitFramacAnnotation vis_replace_leaves ga in
Annotations.add_global Options.emitter ga;
GAnnot (ga, loc)
| GType _ | GCompTag _ | GCompTagDecl _ | GEnumTag _ | GEnumTagDecl _ | GType _ | GCompTag _ | GCompTagDecl _ | GEnumTag _ | GEnumTagDecl _
| GAnnot _ | GAsm _ | GPragma _ | GText _ -> | GAnnot _ | GAsm _ | GPragma _ | GText _ ->
assert false assert false
(* [merge_rtl_spec rtl_prj rtl_global] adds the spec of the given global
function from the RTL project to the corresponding function in the current
project. Before adding the spec, the varinfos of the global variables and
formals in the spec are replaced with their corresponding varinfos in the
current project. *)
let merge_rtl_spec rtl_prj rtl_global =
match rtl_global with
| GFunDecl(_, vi, _loc) | GFun({ svar = vi }, _loc) as g ->
(* get the RTL's formals and spec *)
let rtl_formals, spec = get_formals_and_spec rtl_prj vi in
(* if the spec is not empty, then merge it with the user's spec *)
if not (Cil.is_empty_funspec spec) then begin
(* get the user's kf *)
let user_kf = Assocs.get_kf g in
(* get the user's formals *)
let user_formals = Kernel_function.get_formals user_kf in
(* replace all the formals and global variables in the spec with the
formals and globals from the user's project. *)
let formals_assoc: varinfo Varinfo.Hashtbl.t = Varinfo.Hashtbl.create 7 in
(fun rtl_vi user_vi -> Varinfo.Hashtbl.add formals_assoc rtl_vi user_vi)
let vis_replace_formals = new vis_replace_leaves ~formals:formals_assoc () in
let spec = Visitor.visitFramacFunspec vis_replace_formals spec in
(* Add the updated spec to the user's kf *)
Annotations.add_spec Options.emitter user_kf spec
| GVarDecl _ | GVar _ | GType _ | GCompTag _ | GCompTagDecl _ | GEnumTag _
| GEnumTagDecl _ | GAnnot _ | GAsm _ | GPragma _ | GText _ ->
assert false
(* [insert_rtl_globals] adds the rtl symbols into the user's AST *) (* [insert_rtl_globals] adds the rtl symbols into the user's AST *)
let insert_rtl_globals rtl_prj rtl_globals ast = let insert_rtl_globals rtl_prj rtl_globals ast =
let add_ty acc old_g new_g = let add_ty acc old_g new_g =
...@@ -238,12 +478,21 @@ let insert_rtl_globals rtl_prj rtl_globals ast = ...@@ -238,12 +478,21 @@ let insert_rtl_globals rtl_prj rtl_globals ast =
only declared *) only declared *)
let acc = add_ty acc g (GEnumTagDecl(ei, loc)) in let acc = add_ty acc g (GEnumTagDecl(ei, loc)) in
add acc l add acc l
| GVarDecl _ | GVar _ | GFunDecl _ | GFun _ as g :: l -> | GVarDecl _ | GVar _ | GFunDecl _ | GFun _
| GAnnot (Daxiomatic _, _) as g :: l ->
let acc = let acc =
if Symbols.mem_global g then if Symbols.mem_global g then
(* The symbol is in the RTL project, but not in the user's project.
Perform the symbols substitution and add the global to the user's
project. *)
let g = substitute_rtl_symbols rtl_prj g in let g = substitute_rtl_symbols rtl_prj g in
g :: acc g :: acc
else else if Assocs.mem_kf g then begin
(* The symbol is in the RTL project and associated with a kf in the
user's project. Merge both contracts. *)
merge_rtl_spec rtl_prj g;
end else
acc acc
in in
add acc l add acc l
...@@ -261,6 +510,7 @@ let link rtl_prj = ...@@ -261,6 +510,7 @@ let link rtl_prj =
let rtl_globals = lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast in let rtl_globals = lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast in
(* Symbols.debug ();*) (* Symbols.debug ();*)
insert_rtl_globals rtl_prj rtl_globals ast; insert_rtl_globals rtl_prj rtl_globals ast;
Assocs.clear ();
Ast.mark_as_grown () Ast.mark_as_grown ()
(* (*
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