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Commit e60f1572 authored by Thibault Martin's avatar Thibault Martin Committed by Virgile Prevosto
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[Kernel] New attributes module, deprecate most of Cil attributes related functions

parent f2158bc7
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(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2025 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(** This file contains attribute related types/functions/values. *)
open Cil_types
let bitfield_attribute_name = "FRAMA_C_BITFIELD_SIZE"
let anonymous_attribute_name = "fc_anonymous"
let anonymous_attribute = Attr(anonymous_attribute_name, [])
let qualifier_attributes = [ "const"; "restrict"; "volatile"; "ghost" ]
let fc_internal_attributes = ["declspec"; "arraylen"; "fc_stdlib"]
let cast_irrelevant_attributes = ["visibility"]
let spare_attributes_for_c_cast = fc_internal_attributes @ qualifier_attributes
let spare_attributes_for_logic_cast = spare_attributes_for_c_cast
(** Construct sorted lists of attributes ***)
let attribute_name (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an) =
Extlib.strip_underscore an
let has_attribute an al =
let an = Extlib.strip_underscore an in
List.exists (fun a -> attribute_name a = an) al
(* Attributes are added as they are (e.g. if we add ["__attr"] and then ["attr"]
both are added). When checking for the presence of an attribute [x] or trying
to remove it, underscores are removed at the beginning and the end of the
attribute for both the [x] attribute and the attributes of the list. For
example, if have a call:
dropAttribute "__const" [ Attr("const", []) ; Attr("__const", []) ; Attr("__const__", []) ]
The result is [].
let add_attribute (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an as a) al =
let rec insert_sorted = function
| [] -> [a]
| ((Attr(an0, _) | AttrAnnot an0 as a0) :: rest) as l ->
if an < an0 then a :: l
else if Cil_datatype.Attribute.equal a a0 then l (* Do not add if already in there *)
else a0 :: insert_sorted rest (* Make sure we see all attributes with
* this name *)
insert_sorted al
(** The second attribute list is sorted *)
let add_attributes al0 al =
if al0 == [] then
List.fold_left (fun acc a -> add_attribute a acc) al al0
let drop_attribute an al =
let an = Extlib.strip_underscore an in
List.filter (fun a -> attribute_name a <> an) al
let rec drop_attributes anl al =
match al with
| [] -> []
| a :: q ->
let q' = drop_attributes anl q in
if List.mem (attribute_name a) anl then
q' (* drop this attribute *)
if q' == q then al (* preserve sharing *) else a :: q'
let find_attribute an al =
let an = Extlib.strip_underscore an in
List.fold_left (fun acc a ->
match a with
| Attr (_, param) as a0 when attribute_name a0 = an -> param @ acc
| _ -> acc
) [] al
let filter_attributes an al =
let an = Extlib.strip_underscore an in
List.filter (fun a -> attribute_name a = an) al
let filter_qualifier_attributes al =
List.filter (fun a -> List.mem (attribute_name a) qualifier_attributes) al
let split_array_attributes al =
List.partition (fun a -> List.mem (attribute_name a) qualifier_attributes) al
(* Attribute registration and classes *)
type attribute_class =
(** Attribute of a name. If argument is true and we are on MSVC then
the attribute is printed using __declspec as part of the storage
specifier *)
| AttrName of bool
(** Attribute of a function type. If argument is true and we are on
MSVC then the attribute is printed just before the function name *)
| AttrFunType of bool
(** Attribute of a type *)
| AttrType
(** Attribute of a statement or a block *)
| AttrStmt
(** Attribute that does not correspond to either of the above classes and is
ignored by functions {!get_attribute_class} and {!partition_attributes}. *)
| AttrIgnored
(* This table contains the mapping of predefined attributes to classes.
* Extend this table with more attributes as you need. This table is used to
* determine how to associate attributes with names or type during cabs2cil
* conversion *)
let attribute_hash : (string, attribute_class) Hashtbl.t =
let table = Hashtbl.create 13 in
List.iter (fun a -> Hashtbl.add table a (AttrName false))
[ "section"; "constructor"; "destructor"; "unused"; "used"; "weak";
"no_instrument_function"; "alias"; "no_check_memory_usage";
"exception"; "model"; (* "restrict"; *)
"aconst"; "asm" (* Gcc uses this to specify the name to be used in
* assembly for a global *)];
(* Now come the MSVC declspec attributes *)
List.iter (fun a -> Hashtbl.add table a (AttrName true))
[ "thread"; "naked"; "dllimport"; "dllexport";
"selectany"; "allocate"; "nothrow"; "novtable"; "property";
"uuid"; "align" ];
List.iter (fun a -> Hashtbl.add table a (AttrFunType false))
[ "format"; "regparm"; "longcall"; "noinline"; "always_inline"; ];
List.iter (fun a -> Hashtbl.add table a (AttrFunType true))
[ "stdcall";"cdecl"; "fastcall"; "noreturn"];
List.iter (fun a -> Hashtbl.add table a AttrType)
("mode" :: qualifier_attributes);
(* GCC label and statement attributes. *)
List.iter (fun a -> Hashtbl.add table a AttrStmt)
[ "hot"; "cold"; "fallthrough"; "assume"; "musttail" ];
let register_attribute an ac =
if Hashtbl.mem attribute_hash an then begin
let pp fmt c =
match c with
| AttrName b -> Format.fprintf fmt "(AttrName %B)" b
| AttrFunType b -> Format.fprintf fmt "(AttrFunType %B)" b
| AttrType -> Format.fprintf fmt "AttrType"
| AttrIgnored -> Format.fprintf fmt "AttrIgnored"
| AttrStmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "AttrStmt"
"Replacing existing class for attribute %s: was %a, now %a"
an pp (Hashtbl.find attribute_hash an) pp ac
Hashtbl.replace attribute_hash an ac
let remove_attribute = Hashtbl.remove attribute_hash
let get_attribute_class ~default name =
match Hashtbl.find attribute_hash name with
| exception Not_found -> default
| AttrIgnored -> default
| ac -> ac
let is_known_attribute = Hashtbl.mem attribute_hash
let partition_attributes
(attrs: attribute list) :
attribute list * attribute list * attribute list =
let rec loop (n,f,t) = function
[] -> n, f, t
| (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an as a) :: rest ->
match get_attribute_class ~default an with
AttrName _ -> loop (add_attribute a n, f, t) rest
| AttrFunType _ ->
loop (n, add_attribute a f, t) rest
| AttrType -> loop (n, f, add_attribute a t) rest
| AttrStmt ->
Kernel.warning "unexpected statement attribute %s" an;
loop (n,f,t) rest
| AttrIgnored -> loop (n, f, t) rest
loop ([], [], []) attrs
let split_storage_modifier al =
let isstoragemod (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an : attribute) : bool =
match Hashtbl.find attribute_hash an with
| AttrName issm -> issm
| _ -> false
with Not_found -> false
let stom, rest = List.partition isstoragemod al in
if not (Machine.msvcMode ()) then stom, rest
(* Put back the declspec. Put it without the leading __ since these will
* be added later *)
let stom' = (fun a ->
match a with
| Attr(an, args) -> Attr("declspec", [ACons(an, args)])
| AttrAnnot _ -> assert false
) stom
stom', rest
let frama_c_ghost_else = "fc_ghost_else"
let () = register_attribute frama_c_ghost_else (AttrStmt)
let frama_c_ghost_formal = "fc_ghost_formal"
let () = register_attribute frama_c_ghost_formal (AttrName false)
let frama_c_init_obj = "fc_initialized_object"
let () = register_attribute frama_c_init_obj (AttrName false)
let frama_c_mutable = "fc_mutable"
let () = register_attribute frama_c_mutable (AttrName false)
let frama_c_inlined = "fc_inlined"
let () = register_attribute frama_c_inlined (AttrFunType false)
let () =
register_attribute bitfield_attribute_name AttrType;
register_attribute anonymous_attribute_name AttrIgnored;
(fun a -> register_attribute a AttrIgnored)
(fun a -> register_attribute a AttrType)
let () =
Cil_datatype.drop_non_logic_attributes :=
drop_attributes spare_attributes_for_logic_cast
let () =
Cil_datatype.drop_fc_internal_attributes :=
drop_attributes fc_internal_attributes
let () =
Cil_datatype.drop_unknown_attributes :=
let is_annot_or_known_attr = function
| Attr (name, _) -> is_known_attribute name
(* Attribute annotations are always known. *)
| AttrAnnot _ -> true
(fun attributes ->
List.filter is_annot_or_known_attr attributes)
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2025 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(** This file contains attribute related types/functions/values.
@since Frama-C+dev
@before Frama-C+dev Most of these functions were in {!Cil}
open Cil_types
(* **************************** *)
(** {2 Attributes lists/values} *)
(* **************************** *)
(** Name of the attribute that is automatically inserted (with an [AINT size]
argument when querying the type of a field that is a bitfield.
val bitfield_attribute_name : string
(** Name of the attribute that is inserted when generating a name for a varinfo
representing an anonymous function parameter.
val anonymous_attribute_name : string
(** Attribute identifying anonymous function parameters. *)
val anonymous_attribute : attribute
(** [const], [volatile], [restrict] and [ghost] attributes. *)
val qualifier_attributes : string list
(** Internal attributes of Frama-C. *)
val fc_internal_attributes : string list
(** Qualifiers and internal attributes to remove when doing a C cast. *)
val cast_irrelevant_attributes : string list
(** Qualifiers and internal attributes to remove when doing a C cast. *)
val spare_attributes_for_c_cast : string list
(** Qualifiers and internal attributes to remove when doing a C cast. *)
val spare_attributes_for_logic_cast : string list
(** A block marked with this attribute is known to be a ghost else. *)
val frama_c_ghost_else: string
(** A varinfo marked with this attribute is known to be a ghost formal. *)
val frama_c_ghost_formal: string
(** a formal marked with this attribute is known to be a pointer to an
object being initialized by the current function, which can thus assign
any sub-object regardless of const status.
val frama_c_init_obj: string
(** a field struct marked with this attribute is known to be mutable, i.e.
it can be modified even on a const object.
val frama_c_mutable: string
(** A block marked with this attribute is known to be inlined, i.e.
it replaces a call to an inline function.
val frama_c_inlined : string
(* ***************************** *)
(** {2 Attributes manipulations} *)
(* ***************************** *)
(** Returns the name of an attribute. *)
val attribute_name : attribute -> string
(** True if the named attribute appears in the attribute list. The list of
attributes must be sorted.
val has_attribute : string -> attribute list -> bool
(** Add an attribute. Maintains the attributes in sorted order of the second
argument. The attribute is not added if it is already there.
val add_attribute : attribute -> attributes -> attribute list
(** Add a list of attributes. Maintains the attributes in sorted order. The
second argument must be sorted, but not necessarily the first.
val add_attributes : attribute list -> attributes -> attributes
(** Remove all attributes with the given name. Maintains the attributes in
sorted order.
val drop_attribute : string -> attributes -> attribute list
(** Remove all attributes with names appearing in the string list.
Maintains the attributes in sorted order.
val drop_attributes : string list -> attributes -> attributes
(** Returns the list of parameters associated to an attribute. The list is empty
if there is no such attribute or it has no parameters at all.
val find_attribute : string -> attribute list -> attrparam list
(** Retains attributes with the given name *)
val filter_attributes : string -> attribute list -> attribute list
(** retains attributes corresponding to type qualifiers (6.7.3) *)
val filter_qualifier_attributes : attribute list -> attribute list
(** given some attributes on an array type, split them into those that belong
to the type of the elements of the array (currently, qualifiers such as
const and volatile), and those that must remain on the array, in that
order. *)
val split_array_attributes : attribute list -> attribute list * attribute list
(** Separate out the storage-modifier name attributes *)
val split_storage_modifier: attribute list -> attribute list * attribute list
(* **************************************** *)
(** {2 Attributes classes and registration} *)
(* **************************************** *)
type attribute_class =
(** Attribute of a name. If argument is true and we are on MSVC then
the attribute is printed using __declspec as part of the storage
specifier *)
| AttrName of bool
(** Attribute of a function type. If argument is true and we are on
MSVC then the attribute is printed just before the function name *)
| AttrFunType of bool
(** Attribute of a type *)
| AttrType
(** Attribute of a statement or a block *)
| AttrStmt
(** Attribute that does not correspond to either of the above classes and is
ignored by functions {!get_attribute_class} and {!partition_attributes}. *)
| AttrIgnored
(* Table containing all registered attributes. *)
val attribute_hash : (string, attribute_class) Hashtbl.t
(** Add a new attribute with a specified class *)
val register_attribute : string -> attribute_class -> unit
(** Remove an attribute previously registered. *)
val remove_attribute : string -> unit
(** Return the class of an attributes. The class `default' is returned for
unknown and ignored attributes.
val get_attribute_class : default:attribute_class -> string -> attribute_class
(** {!is_known_attribute attrname} returns true if the attribute named
{!attrname} is known by Frama-C.
val is_known_attribute : string -> bool
(** Partition the attributes into classes: name attributes, function type and
type attributes. Unknown and ignored attributes are returned in the
`default` attribute class.
val partition_attributes : default:attribute_class -> attribute list ->
attribute list * (* AttrName *)
attribute list * (* AttrFunType *)
attribute list (* AttrType *)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -339,9 +339,6 @@ val unrollTypeNode: typ -> typ_node
types. Will collect all attributes *)
val unrollTypeDeep: typ -> typ
(** Separate out the storage-modifier name attributes *)
val separateStorageModifiers: attribute list -> attribute list * attribute list
(** returns the type of the result of an arithmetic operator applied to
values of the corresponding input types.
@since Nitrogen-20111001 (moved from Cabs2cil)
......@@ -1322,101 +1319,6 @@ val instr_falls_through : instr -> bool
(** {2 Values for manipulating attributes} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** Various classes of attributes
@before 30.0-Zinc [AttrStmt] and [AttrIgnored] didn't exist
type attributeClass =
AttrName of bool
(** Attribute of a name. If argument is true and we are on MSVC then
the attribute is printed using __declspec as part of the storage
specifier *)
| AttrFunType of bool
(** Attribute of a function type. If argument is true and we are on
MSVC then the attribute is printed just before the function name *)
| AttrType
(** Attribute of a type *)
| AttrStmt
(** Attribute of a statement or a block *)
| AttrIgnored
(** Attribute that does not correspond to either of the above classes and is
ignored by functions [attributeClass] and [partitionAttributes]. *)
val registerAttribute: string -> attributeClass -> unit
(** Add a new attribute with a specified class *)
val removeAttribute: string -> unit
(** Remove an attribute previously registered. *)
val isKnownAttribute: string -> bool
(** [isKnownAttribute attrname] returns true if the attribute named [attrname]
is known by Frama-C.
@since 30.0-Zinc
val attributeClass: default:attributeClass -> string -> attributeClass
(** Return the class of an attributes. The class `default' is returned for
unknown and ignored attributes.
@before 30.0-Zinc no [default] argument
(** Partition the attributes into classes: name attributes, function type and
type attributes. Unknown and ignored attributes are returned in the
`default` attribute class.
@before 30.0-Zinc no [default] argument
val partitionAttributes: default:attributeClass ->
attributes -> attribute list * (* AttrName *)
attribute list * (* AttrFunType *)
attribute list (* AttrType *)
(** Add an attribute. Maintains the attributes in sorted order of the second
argument. The attribute is not added if it is already there. *)
val addAttribute: attribute -> attributes -> attributes
(** Add a list of attributes. Maintains the attributes in sorted order. The
second argument must be sorted, but not necessarily the first *)
val addAttributes: attribute list -> attributes -> attributes
(** Remove all attributes with the given name. Maintains the attributes in
sorted order. *)
val dropAttribute: string -> attributes -> attributes
(** Remove all attributes with names appearing in the string list.
Maintains the attributes in sorted order *)
val dropAttributes: string list -> attributes -> attributes
(** A block marked with this attribute is known to be a ghost else.
@since 21.0-Scandium
val frama_c_ghost_else: string
(** A varinfo marked with this attribute is known to be a ghost formal.
@since 20.0-Calcium
val frama_c_ghost_formal: string
(** a formal marked with this attribute is known to be a pointer to an
object being initialized by the current function, which can thus assign
any sub-object regardless of const status.
@since 18.0-Argon
val frama_c_init_obj: string
(** a field struct marked with this attribute is known to be mutable, i.e.
it can be modified even on a const object.
@since 18.0-Argon
val frama_c_mutable: string
(** A block marked with this attribute is known to be inlined, i.e.
it replaces a call to an inline function.
val frama_c_inlined: string
(** [true] if the underlying left-value of the given expression is allowed to be
assigned to thanks to a [frama_c_init_obj] attribute. *)
val is_initialized: exp -> bool
......@@ -1438,7 +1340,6 @@ val isGhostFormalVarinfo: varinfo -> bool
val isGhostFormalVarDecl: (string * typ * attributes) -> bool
(** [true] iff the given variable is a const global variable with non extern
......@@ -1452,20 +1353,6 @@ val isGlobalInitConst: varinfo -> bool
val typeDeepDropAllAttributes: typ -> typ
(** Retains attributes with the given name *)
val filterAttributes: string -> attributes -> attributes
(** True if the named attribute appears in the attribute list. The list of
attributes must be sorted. *)
val hasAttribute: string -> attributes -> bool
(** Returns the name of an attribute. *)
val attributeName: attribute -> string
(** Returns the list of parameters associated to an attribute. The list is empty if there
is no such attribute or it has no parameters at all. *)
val findAttribute: string -> attribute list -> attrparam list
(** Returns all the attributes contained in a type. This requires a traversal
of the type structure, in case of composite, enumeration and named types *)
val typeAttrs: typ -> attribute list
......@@ -1545,31 +1432,6 @@ val type_remove_attributes_for_c_cast: typ -> typ
val type_remove_attributes_for_logic_type: typ -> typ
(** retains attributes corresponding to type qualifiers (6.7.3) *)
val filter_qualifier_attributes: attributes -> attributes
(** given some attributes on an array type, split them into those that belong
to the type of the elements of the array (currently, qualifiers such as
const and volatile), and those that must remain on the array, in that
@since Oxygen-20120901 *)
val splitArrayAttributes: attributes -> attributes * attributes
val bitfield_attribute_name: string
(** Name of the attribute that is automatically inserted (with an [AINT size]
argument when querying the type of a field that is a bitfield *)
val anonymous_attribute_name: string
(** Name of the attribute that is inserted when generating a name for a varinfo
representing an anonymous function parameter.
@since 24.0-Chromium
val anonymous_attribute: attribute
(** attribute identifying anonymous function parameters
@since 24.0-Chromium
(** Convert an expression into an attrparam, if possible. Otherwise raise
NotAnAttrParam with the offending subexpression *)
val expToAttrParam: exp -> attrparam
......@@ -2463,6 +2325,10 @@ val set_extension_handler:
@before 30.0-Zinc This function did not take a [plugin:string] parameter
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Deprecated types functions} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** Returns the attributes of a type.
@deprecated Frama-C+dev *)
val typeAttr: typ -> attribute list
......@@ -2474,8 +2340,169 @@ val typeAttr: typ -> attribute list
val setTypeAttrs: typ -> attributes -> typ
[@@alert deprecated "Use [{t with tattr = ...}] instead."]
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../.."
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Deprecated values moved to Ast_attributes} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
val bitfield_attribute_name: string
(** Name of the attribute that is automatically inserted (with an [AINT size]
argument when querying the type of a field that is a bitfield.
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.bitfield_attribute_name instead."]
val anonymous_attribute_name: string
(** Name of the attribute that is inserted when generating a name for a varinfo
representing an anonymous function parameter.
@since 24.0-Chromium
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.anonymous_attribute_name instead."]
val anonymous_attribute: attribute
(** attribute identifying anonymous function parameters
@since 24.0-Chromium
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.anonymous_attribute instead."]
(** Returns the name of an attribute. *)
val attributeName: attribute -> string
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.attribute_name instead."]
(** True if the named attribute appears in the attribute list. The list of
attributes must be sorted. *)
val hasAttribute: string -> attributes -> bool
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.has_attribute instead."]
(** Add an attribute. Maintains the attributes in sorted order of the second
argument. The attribute is not added if it is already there. *)
val addAttribute: attribute -> attributes -> attributes
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.add_attribute instead."]
(** Add a list of attributes. Maintains the attributes in sorted order. The
second argument must be sorted, but not necessarily the first *)
val addAttributes: attribute list -> attributes -> attributes
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.add_attributes instead."]
(** Remove all attributes with the given name. Maintains the attributes in
sorted order. *)
val dropAttribute: string -> attributes -> attributes
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.drop_attribute instead."]
(** Remove all attributes with names appearing in the string list.
Maintains the attributes in sorted order *)
val dropAttributes: string list -> attributes -> attributes
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.drop_attributes instead."]
(** Returns the list of parameters associated to an attribute. The list is empty if there
is no such attribute or it has no parameters at all. *)
val findAttribute: string -> attribute list -> attrparam list
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.find_attribute instead."]
(** Retains attributes with the given name *)
val filterAttributes: string -> attributes -> attributes
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.filter_attributes instead."]
(** retains attributes corresponding to type qualifiers (6.7.3) *)
val filter_qualifier_attributes: attributes -> attributes
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.filter_qualifier_attributes instead."]
(** given some attributes on an array type, split them into those that belong
to the type of the elements of the array (currently, qualifiers such as
const and volatile), and those that must remain on the array, in that
@since Oxygen-20120901 *)
val splitArrayAttributes: attributes -> attributes * attributes
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.split_array_attributes instead."]
(** Various classes of attributes
@before 30.0-Zinc [AttrStmt] and [AttrIgnored] didn't exist
type attributeClass =
AttrName of bool
(** Attribute of a name. If argument is true and we are on MSVC then
the attribute is printed using __declspec as part of the storage
specifier *)
| AttrFunType of bool
(** Attribute of a function type. If argument is true and we are on
MSVC then the attribute is printed just before the function name *)
| AttrType
(** Attribute of a type *)
| AttrStmt
(** Attribute of a statement or a block *)
| AttrIgnored
(** Attribute that does not correspond to either of the above classes and is
ignored by functions [attributeClass] and [partitionAttributes]. *)
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.attribute_class instead."]
val registerAttribute: string -> Ast_attributes.attribute_class -> unit
(** Add a new attribute with a specified class *)
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.register_attribute instead."]
val removeAttribute: string -> unit
(** Remove an attribute previously registered. *)
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.remove_attribute instead."]
val attributeClass: default:Ast_attributes.attribute_class -> string -> Ast_attributes.attribute_class
(** Return the class of an attributes. The class `default' is returned for
unknown and ignored attributes.
@before 30.0-Zinc no [default] argument
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.get_attribute_class instead."]
val isKnownAttribute: string -> bool
(** [isKnownAttribute attrname] returns true if the attribute named [attrname]
is known by Frama-C.
@since 30.0-Zinc
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.is_known_attribute instead."]
(** Partition the attributes into classes: name attributes, function type and
type attributes. Unknown and ignored attributes are returned in the
`default` attribute class.
@before 30.0-Zinc no [default] argument
val partitionAttributes: default:Ast_attributes.attribute_class ->
attributes -> attribute list * (* AttrName *)
attribute list * (* AttrFunType *)
attribute list (* AttrType *)
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.partition_attributes instead."]
(** Separate out the storage-modifier name attributes *)
val separateStorageModifiers: attribute list -> attribute list * attribute list
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.split_storage_modifier instead."]
(** A block marked with this attribute is known to be a ghost else.
@since 21.0-Scandium
val frama_c_ghost_else: string
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_else instead."]
(** A varinfo marked with this attribute is known to be a ghost formal.
@since 20.0-Calcium
val frama_c_ghost_formal: string
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_formal instead."]
(** a formal marked with this attribute is known to be a pointer to an
object being initialized by the current function, which can thus assign
any sub-object regardless of const status.
@since 18.0-Argon
val frama_c_init_obj: string
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.frama_c_init_obj instead."]
(** a field struct marked with this attribute is known to be mutable, i.e.
it can be modified even on a const object.
@since 18.0-Argon
val frama_c_mutable: string
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.frama_c_mutable instead."]
(** A block marked with this attribute is known to be inlined, i.e.
it replaces a call to an inline function.
val frama_c_inlined: string
[@@deprecated "Use Ast_attributes.frama_c_inlined instead."]
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