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[Kernel] Cleaner documentations and bug fix

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......@@ -20,5 +20,7 @@
(* *)
(* Extend the [list] type to a full fleshed monad. This monad can be used
to represent non-deterministic computations. *)
include module type of Stdlib.List
include Monad.S_with_product with type 'a t = 'a list
......@@ -100,26 +100,10 @@ end
(** {2 Building monads from minimal signatures}
From now on, all provided definitions are designed for advanced users
that would like to build their own monads. Each monad can be built
by directly implementing all required operators in the previous
signatures. However, this is a tedious and error prone work, in
particular for the let-binding operators which are just syntactic
sugars for other operators.
To simplify this, two minimal definitions and the corresponding
functors are provided to alleviate this as much as possible. Both
definitions lead to strictly equivalent monads, as all operators of
one definition can be build from the other. Therefore, one can use
the simplest one to implement for their monad.
In depth explanations on those minimal definitions and the properties
they should respect are given. A huge effort has been made to make
those explanations as simple as possible even if deep down, monads
take roots in the category theory, a notoriously difficult topic.
For an example of monad implementation based on this module, see
{!Option}. *)
Below are functors for creating monads (with or without product). Both
gives a strictly equivalent implementation but differ from the primitives
given as argument. For an example of monad implementation based on this
module, see {!Option}. *)
(** {3 Minimal signature based on bind}
......@@ -171,59 +155,18 @@ end
type constructor. It is however equivalent to the Kleisli triple one,
and may be simpler to use for certain monads, such as the [list] one.
To be pedantic, this approach defines a monad as a categoric functor
equipped with two natural transformations. This does sounds frightening
but this breaks down to rather simple concepts.
Let's start at the beginning. A category is just a collection of objets
and arrows (or morphisms) between those objets that satisfies two
properties: there exists a morphism from all objects to themselves, i.e
an identity, and if there is a morphism between objects [a] and [b] and
a morphism between objects [b] and [c], then there must be a morphism
between [a] and [c], i.e morphisms are associative.
There is a strong parallel between categories and type systems. Indeed,
if one uses the collection of all types as objects, then for all types
['a] and ['b], the function [f : 'a -> 'b] can be seen as a morphism
between the objets ['a] and ['b]. As functions are naturally associative
and, for any type ['a], one can trivially defines the identity function
['a -> 'a], one can conclude that types along with all functions of
arithy one forms a category.
Next, there is the idea of functors. In the category theory, a functor
is a mapping between categories. That means that, given two categories
[A] and [B], a functor maps all objects of [A] to an object of [B] and
maps all morphisms of [A] into a morphims of [B]. But, not all mappings
are functors. Indeed, to be a valid functor, one as to preserve the
identity morphisms and the composition of morphims.
The idea of functors can also be seen in a type systems. At least, the
more restricted but enough here of an endofunctor, a functor from a
category to itself. Indeed, for any type [v] and for any parametric
type ['a t], the type [v t] can be seen as a mapping from values of
type [v] to values of type [v t]. Thus the type ['a t] encodes the first
part of what a functor is, a mapping from objects of the Type category
to objects of the Type category. For the second part, we need a way to
transform morphisms of the Type category, i.e functions of type ['a -> 'b],
in a way that preserves categoric properties. Expressed as a type, this
transformation can be seen as a higher-order function [map] with the
type [map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a t -> 'b t)].
This approach requires three monadic operations. The first one, as in
the Kleisli triple approach, is a [return] function, allowing to plundge
values into the monad. The second one is a [map], that can be understand
as a parallel of the [map] on list, i.e a way to apply a function through
the monad. Finally, the third one is a [flatten] function, which allows
to handle nested applications of the monad.
Finally, this definition of a monad requires two natural transformations.
Simply put, a natural transformation is a mapping between functors that
preserves the structures of all the underlying categories (mathematicians
and naming conventions...). That may be quite complicated to grasp, but in
this case, the two required transformations are quite simple and intuitive.
The first one, as in a Kleisli triple, is a [return] function that embeds
values {m x} of type [v] into the monad. This function must satisfies
similar laws than in a Kleisli triple, but expressed in terms of [map] :
As in the Kleisli triple approach, all those functions must satisfy some
laws to fully qualify as a monad :
1. ∀x:'a, ∀f:('a -> 'b), [return (f x) ≣ map f (return x)]
The second one is called [flatten], and can be seen as a way to "flatten"
nested applications of the monad. It must also satisfy some laws :
2. ∀m:('a t t t), [map flatten (flatten m) ≣ flatten (flatten m)]
3. ∀m:('a t), [flatten (map return m) ≣ flatten (return m) ≣ m]
......@@ -232,7 +175,10 @@ end
As there is no way in the OCaml type system to enforce those properties,
users have to trust the implemented monad when using it, and developers
have to manually check that they are respected. *)
have to manually check that they are respected.
More explanations on this approach on monads and its deep roots in the
category theory can be found at the end of this file. *)
module type Based_on_map = sig
type 'a t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
......@@ -284,3 +230,59 @@ module Make_based_on_bind_with_product (M : Based_on_bind_with_product) :
(** Extend a minimal monad based on map with product *)
module Make_based_on_map_with_product (M : Based_on_map_with_product) :
S_with_product with type 'a t = 'a M.t
(** {3 Detailled explanations and category theory}
To be pedantic, the map based approach defines a monad as a categoric
functor equipped with two natural transformations. This does sounds
frightening but this breaks down to rather simple concepts.
Let's start at the beginning. A category is just a collection of objets
and arrows (or morphisms) between those objets that satisfies two
properties: there exists a morphism from all objects to themselves, i.e
an identity, and if there is a morphism between objects [a] and [b] and
a morphism between objects [b] and [c], then there must be a morphism
between [a] and [c], i.e morphisms are associative.
There is a strong parallel between categories and type systems. Indeed,
if one uses the collection of all types as objects, then for all types
['a] and ['b], the function [f : 'a -> 'b] can be seen as a morphism
between the objets ['a] and ['b]. As functions are naturally associative
and, for any type ['a], one can trivially defines the identity function
['a -> 'a], one can conclude that types along with all functions of
arithy one forms a category.
Next, there is the idea of functors. In the category theory, a functor
is a mapping between categories. That means that, given two categories
[A] and [B], a functor maps all objects of [A] to an object of [B] and
maps all morphisms of [A] into a morphims of [B]. But, not all mappings
are functors. Indeed, to be a valid functor, one as to preserve the
identity morphisms and the composition of morphims.
The idea of functors can also be seen in a type systems. At least, the
more restricted but enough here of an endofunctor, a functor from a
category to itself. Indeed, for any type [v] and for any parametric
type ['a t], the type [v t] can be seen as a mapping from values of
type [v] to values of type [v t]. Thus the type ['a t] encodes the first
part of what a functor is, a mapping from objects of the Type category
to objects of the Type category. For the second part, we need a way to
transform morphisms of the Type category, i.e functions of type ['a -> 'b],
in a way that preserves categoric properties. Expressed as a type, this
transformation can be seen as a higher-order function [map] with the
type [map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a t -> 'b t)].
Finally, this definition of a monad requires two natural transformations.
Simply put, a natural transformation is a mapping between functors that
preserves the structures of all the underlying categories (mathematicians
and naming conventions...). That may be quite complicated to grasp, but in
this case, the two required transformations are quite simple and intuitive.
The first one is the [return] function that embeds values into the monad,
which can be seen as a natural transformation from the identity functor
to the monad functor. The second one is the [flatten] function, which
is a transformation from two applications of the monad functor to the
monad functor. With this two transformations, any number of application
of the monad functor can be taken down to a unique application of the
monad. *)
......@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ let zip l r =
| _, Error e -> Error e
module Operators = struct
let ( >>- ) r f = bind r f
let ( let* ) r f = bind r f
let ( >>-: ) r f = map f r
let ( let+ ) r f = map f r
let ( and* ) l r = zip l r
let ( and+ ) l r = zip l r
......@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@
(** Adding let binding operators to the Result module.
@see <>
This module does not use the generic monad interface (cf. {!Monad}) because
of the error type, which would require another layer of functors.
of the error type, which would require another layer of functors. *)
include module type of Stdlib.Result
(** [zip r1 r2] regroups values in a pair [Ok (v1, v2)] if both arguments are
......@@ -34,7 +32,9 @@ include module type of Stdlib.Result
val zip : ('a, 'e) result -> ('b, 'e) result -> ('a * 'b, 'e) result
module Operators : sig
val ( >>- ) : ('a, 'e) result -> ('a -> ('b, 'e) result) -> ('b, 'e) result
val ( let* ) : ('a, 'e) result -> ('a -> ('b, 'e) result) -> ('b, 'e) result
val ( >>-: ) : ('a, 'e) result -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('b, 'e) result
val ( let+ ) : ('a, 'e) result -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('b, 'e) result
val ( and* ) : ('a, 'e) result -> ('b, 'e) result -> ('a * 'b, 'e) result
val ( and+ ) : ('a, 'e) result -> ('b, 'e) result -> ('a * 'b, 'e) result
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
(* *)
(** The State monad represents computations relying on a global mutable
state but implemented in a functionnal way. *)
module Make (Env : Datatype.S_with_collections) : sig
include Monad.S
type env = Env.t
......@@ -1728,13 +1728,13 @@ module Make
let compatible_funcs = Eval_typ.compatible_functions funcexp.typ in
let kfs, alarm' = compatible_funcs ?args:args_types kfs in
let reduce = backward_function_pointer valuation state v in
let process acc kf = let+ acc and+ v = reduce kf in (kf, v) :: acc in
let bottom_if_empty = function `Value [] -> `Bottom | res -> res in
let res = List.fold_left process (`Value []) kfs |> bottom_if_empty in
let status =
if kfs = [] then Alarmset.False
else if alarm || alarm' then Alarmset.Unknown
else Alarmset.True
let reduce kf = let+ value = reduce kf in (kf, value) in
let process acc kf = Bottom.add_to_list (reduce kf) acc in
let res, status =
let res = `Value (List.fold_left process [] kfs) in
if kfs = [] then `Bottom, Alarmset.False
else if alarm || alarm' then res, Alarmset.Unknown
else res, Alarmset.True
let cil_v = Eva_ast.to_cil_exp v in
let cil_args = ( Eva_ast.to_cil_exp) args in
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