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Commit ce3864bf authored by Maxime Jacquemin's avatar Maxime Jacquemin
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[ivette] Improving the <markerFromTerm> request

parent 47f37743
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......@@ -28,6 +28,34 @@ open Cil_types
let package = Pkg.package ~title:"Ast Services" ~name:"ast" ~readme:"" ()
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Marker Cache System --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let logic_environment () =
let open Logic_typing in
Lenv.empty () |> append_pre_label |> append_init_label |> append_here_label
module Key = Datatype.Pair(Cil_datatype.Stmt)(Cil_datatype.Term)
module Cache = Hashtbl.Make(Key)
let get_term kf term =
let env = logic_environment () in
try Some (!Db.Properties.Interp.term ~env kf term)
with Logic_interp.Error _ | Parsing.Parse_error -> None
let key_of_localizable = let open Printer_tag in function
| PStmt _ | PStmtStart _ | PTermLval _ | PVDecl _ | PGlobal _ | PIP _ -> None
| PLval (_, Kglobal, _) | PExp (_, Kglobal, _) -> None
| PLval (kf, Kstmt stmt, lval) ->
let str = Format.asprintf "%a" Cil_datatype.Lval.pretty lval in
Option.(bind kf (fun kf -> get_term kf str) |> map (fun t -> (stmt, t)))
| PExp (kf, Kstmt stmt, exp) ->
let str = Format.asprintf "%a" Cil_datatype.Exp.pretty exp in
Option.(bind kf (fun kf -> get_term kf str) |> map (fun t -> (stmt, t)))
let cache = Cache.create 10
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compute Ast --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -276,6 +304,8 @@ struct
| PIP _ -> Printf.sprintf "#p%d" (incr kid ; !kid)
let create loc =
let add_cache key = Cache.add cache key loc in
key_of_localizable loc |> Option.iter add_cache;
let { tags ; locs } = STATE.get () in
try Localizable.Hashtbl.find tags loc
with Not_found ->
......@@ -751,17 +781,6 @@ let () =
type marker_term_input = { atStmt : stmt ; term : string }
module MarkerTermInputAsKey = struct
type t = marker_term_input
let compare x y =
let c = x.atStmt y.atStmt in
if c = 0 then x.term y.term else c
let equal x y = compare x y = 0
let hash x = 17 * Cil_datatype.Stmt.hash x.atStmt + Hashtbl.hash x.term
module MarkerTermInputCache = Hashtbl.Make(MarkerTermInputAsKey)
module MarkerTermInput = struct
type record
let record : record Record.signature = Record.signature ()
......@@ -799,22 +818,18 @@ end
module MarkerTermOutput = Data.Joption (Marker)
let logic_environment () =
let open Logic_typing in
Lenv.empty () |> append_pre_label |> append_init_label |> append_here_label
let build_marker =
let table = MarkerTermInputCache.create 10 in @@ fun input ->
match MarkerTermInputCache.find_opt table input with
let env = logic_environment () in
let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf input.atStmt in
let term = !Db.Properties.Interp.term ~env kf input.term in
let key = (input.atStmt, term) in
match Cache.find_opt cache key with
| Some tag -> tag
| None ->
let env = logic_environment () in
let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf input.atStmt in
let term = !Db.Properties.Interp.term ~env kf input.term in
let exp = !Db.Properties.Interp.term_to_exp ~result:None term in
let tag = Printer_tag.PExp (Some kf, Kstmt input.atStmt, exp) in
MarkerTermInputCache.add table input tag ; tag
Cache.add cache key tag ; tag
let descr = "Build a marker from an ACSL term."
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