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Commit c94a729e authored by Valentin Perrelle's avatar Valentin Perrelle
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Merge branch 'feature/eva/better-auto-loop-unroll' into 'master'

[Eva] Improves the heuristic for automatic loop unrolling

See merge request frama-c/frama-c!2622
parents cca02055 67a679f2
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......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
The limit is defined by the option -eva-auto-loop-unroll. *)
(* Gist of the heuristic:
- find a loop exit condition, in the form of a statement "if(cond) break;".
such that exactly one lvalue [lval] in the condition [cond] is modified
- collect loop exit conditions [cond] from statements "if (cond) break;"
- find a loop exit condition in which only one lvalue [lval] is modified
within the loop; all other lvalues must be constant in the loop.
- find a value [v_exit] such that [lval] ∈ [v_exit] ⇒ [cond] holds.
- evaluate [lval] to its initial value [v_init] in the loop entry state.
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
iteration of the loop.
If [v_init] + k × [v_delta] ⊂ [v_exit], then the number of iterations
is bounded by the limit [k].
is bounded by [k].
The heuristic is syntactic and limited to the current function: it does not
handle assignment through pointers or function calls.
......@@ -42,35 +42,50 @@
whose address is never taken (they cannot be modified through pointers). If
the loop contains a function call, the condition [cond] should not contain
global variables (as they may be modified in the function called).
A first analyze of the loop gathers all such variables modified within the
A first analysis of the loop gathers all such variables modified within the
loop; all others are constant, and can be evaluated in the loop entry state.
When computing the increment [v_delta] of a lvalue [v] in the loop, the
heuristic searches assignments "v = v ± i;". Any other assignment of [v]
cancels the heuristic. *)
heuristic searches assignments "v = v ± i;". Otherwise, if [v] is only
modified within the loop through an assignement "v = v2", the heuristic
computes the initial value and delta increment of variable [v2] instead.
This is required to deal with temporary variables introduced by the Frama-C
Any other assignment of [v] cancels the heuristic. *)
open Cil_types
(* Is a statement a loop exit condition? If so, returns the condition and
whether the condition must hold to exit the loop. Otherwise, returns None. *)
let is_conditional_break stmt =
match stmt.skind with
| If (cond, {bstmts=[{skind=Break _}]}, _, _) -> Some (cond, true)
| If (cond, _, {bstmts=[{skind=Break _}]}, _) -> Some (cond, false)
| _ -> None
let is_true = function
| `True | `TrueReduced _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* Returns a loop exit condition, as the conditional expression and whether
the condition must be zero or non-zero to exit the loop. *)
(* Does a block exits a loop? *)
let is_break block =
match block.bstmts with
| [{skind = Break _}] -> true
| _ -> false
(* Returns a list of loop exit conditions. Each condition is expressed as an
expression and whether it must be zero or non-zero to exit the loop. *)
let find_loop_exit_condition loop =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> None
| [] -> []
| stmt :: tl ->
match is_conditional_break stmt with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> aux tl
match stmt.skind with
| If (cond, b1, b2, _) when is_break b1 || is_break b2 ->
if is_break b1
then (cond, true) :: aux (b2.bstmts @ tl)
else (cond, false) :: aux (b1.bstmts @ tl)
| Block b -> aux (b.bstmts @ tl)
| _ -> aux tl
aux loop.bstmts
let is_frama_c_builtin exp =
match exp.enode with
| Lval (Var vi, NoOffset) -> Ast_info.is_frama_c_builtin vi.vname
| _ -> false
(* Effects of a loop:
- set of varinfos that are directly modified within the loop. Pointer
accesses are ignored.
......@@ -105,7 +120,7 @@ let loop_effect_visitor = object (self)
let () = match instr with
| Asm _ -> assembly <- true
| Call _ -> call <- true
| Call (_, exp, _, _) when not (is_frama_c_builtin exp) -> call <- true
| _ -> ()
......@@ -143,7 +158,7 @@ let classify loop_effect lval =
(* If the address of the variable is taken, it could be modified within
the loop. We suppose here that this is not the case, but this could
lead to some loop unrolling. *)
lead to some untimely loop unrolling. *)
| Mem _, _ -> Unsuitable (* Pointers are not supported by the heuristic. *)
and is_const_offset = function
......@@ -177,50 +192,48 @@ let find_lonely_candidate loop_effect expr =
aux None lvalues
(* Returns true if the instruction assigns [lval]. *)
(* Returns true if the instruction does not modify [lval]. *)
let is_safe_instruction lval = function
| Set (lv, _, _)
| Call (Some lv, _, _, _) -> not (Cil_datatype.LvalStructEq.equal lval lv)
| Call (None, _, _, _) | Local_init _ | Skip _ | Code_annot _ -> true
| Asm _ -> false
(* Returns true if the statement may assign [lval] during an iteration of the
loop [loop]. [lval] is a candidate for the automatic loop unroll heuristic,
and thus is modified within the loop. *)
let is_safe lval ~loop stmt =
(* The current block being checked for a goto statement. *)
let current_block = ref None in
let rec is_safe_stmt stmt =
(* Returns true if the statement [stmt] of function [kf] does not modify [lval].
[lval] is a candidate for the automatic loop unrolling of [loop] [loop]. *)
let is_constant kf ~loop lval stmt =
let rec is_safe_stmt ~goto stmt =
match stmt.skind with
| Instr instr -> is_safe_instruction lval instr
| Return _ | Break _ | Continue _ -> true
| If (_, b_then, b_else, _) -> is_safe_block b_then && is_safe_block b_else
| If (_, b_then, b_else, _) ->
is_safe_block ~goto b_then && is_safe_block ~goto b_else
| Block b
| Switch (_, b, _, _)
| Loop (_, b, _, _, _) -> is_safe_block b
| Loop (_, b, _, _, _) -> is_safe_block ~goto b
| UnspecifiedSequence list ->
List.for_all (fun (stmt, _, _, _, _) -> is_safe_stmt stmt) list
| Goto (dest, _) -> begin
let dest_blocks = Kernel_function.find_all_enclosing_blocks !dest in
(* If the goto leaves the loop, then it is safe. *)
if List.mem loop dest_blocks then true else
(* If the goto moves into the block currently being checked, then it
is safe if the block is safe (which we are currently checking). *)
match !current_block with
| Some current_block when List.mem current_block dest_blocks -> true
| _ ->
(* Otherwise, we need to check that the whole block englobing
both the source and the destination of the goto is safe. *)
let block = Kernel_function.common_block !dest stmt in
current_block := Some block;
(* If this block is the loop itself, then it is not safe, as [lval]
is modified within the loop. *)
not (block = loop) && is_safe_block block
List.for_all (fun (stmt, _, _, _, _) -> is_safe_stmt ~goto stmt) list
| Goto (dest, _) ->
(* If [goto] holds, we are already checking a block for a [goto]. Do not
process goto statements again here. *)
goto ||
let first_stmt = List.hd loop.bstmts in
(* If the loop cannot be reached from [dest], then it is safe. *)
not (Stmts_graph.stmt_can_reach kf !dest first_stmt) ||
(* Otherwise, if the goto leaves the loop, then it forms another loop
that contains the current loop, which we don't want to unroll. *)
let dest_blocks = Kernel_function.find_all_enclosing_blocks !dest in
List.exists (Cil_datatype.Block.equal loop) dest_blocks &&
(* Otherwise, the goto stays within the loop: check that the block
englobing both the source and the destination is safe. *)
let block = Kernel_function.common_block !dest stmt in
(* If this block is the loop itself, then it is not safe,
as [lval] is modified within the loop. *)
not (block == loop) && is_safe_block ~goto:true block
| _ -> false
(* A block is safe if all its statements are safe. *)
and is_safe_block block = List.for_all is_safe_stmt block.bstmts in
is_safe_stmt stmt
and is_safe_block ~goto b = List.for_all (is_safe_stmt ~goto) b.bstmts in
is_safe_stmt ~goto:false stmt
module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
......@@ -262,9 +275,23 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
(* If the new value of [expr] is top, no reduction has been performed. *)
if Val.(equal top value) then None else Some (value, record)
(* Different strategies whether cvalue is present. *)
match Val.get Main_values.CVal.key with
| Some get_cvalue ->
(* Assumes that [condition] is [positive]. Returns an over-approximation
of the values for which [condition] is [positive]. *)
reduce positive >>= fun (value, record) ->
(* Evaluates [condition] with the hypothesis [expr] ∈ [value], to check
whether [expr] ∈ [value] ⇒ [condition] = [positive]. *)
let valuation = Valuation.add valuation expr record in
fst (Eval.evaluate ~valuation ~reduction:false state condition)
>> fun (_valuation, v) ->
let satisfied =
if positive
then not Val.(is_included zero v)
else Val.(equal zero v)
(* If the condition is satisfied, returns [value]. Otherwise, uses a
specific feature to cvalue (if possible) to compute a better value. *)
if satisfied then Some value else
Val.get Main_values.CVal.key >>= fun get_cvalue ->
(* Assumes that [condition] is NOT [positive]. *)
reduce (not positive) >>= fun (value, _record) ->
(* [value] is an over-approximation of the values of [expr] for which
......@@ -273,21 +300,6 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
let cvalue = get_cvalue value in
cvalue_complement (Cil.typeOf expr) cvalue >>= fun cvalue ->
Some (Val.set Main_values.CVal.key cvalue
| None ->
(* Assumes that [condition] is [positive]. Returns an over-approximation
of the values for which [condition] is [positive]. *)
reduce positive >>= fun (value, record) ->
(* Evaluates [condition] with the hypothesis [expr] ∈ [value], to check
whether [expr] ∈ [value] ⇒ [condition] = [positive]. *)
let valuation = Valuation.add valuation expr record in
fst (Eval.evaluate ~valuation ~reduction:false state condition)
>> fun (_valuation, v) ->
let satisfied =
if positive
then not Val.(is_included zero v)
else Val.(equal zero v)
if satisfied then Some value else None
(* Same as [reduce_to_expr] above, but builds the proper valuation from the
[state]. [state] is the entry state of the loop, and [expr] is the only
......@@ -379,7 +391,7 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
should be a direct access to a variable whose address is not taken,
and which should not be global if the loop contains function calls.
Returns None if no increment can be computed. *)
let compute_delta lval loop =
let compute_delta kf lval loop =
let rec delta_stmt acc stmt =
match stmt.skind with
| Instr instr -> delta_instruction lval acc instr
......@@ -392,9 +404,11 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
| If (_e, b1, b2, _loc) ->
join_delta (delta_block acc b1) (delta_block acc b2)
| Block b -> delta_block acc b
| UnspecifiedSequence list ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (s, _, _, _, _) -> delta_stmt acc s) acc list
| _ ->
(* For other statements, we only check that they do not modify [lval]. *)
if is_safe lval ~loop stmt then acc else raise NoIncrement
if is_constant kf ~loop lval stmt then acc else raise NoIncrement
and delta_block acc block =
List.fold_left delta_stmt acc block.bstmts
......@@ -404,6 +418,57 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
final_delta delta >> fun d -> Some d
with NoIncrement -> None
(* If in the block [loop], [lval] is assigned once to the value of another
lvalue, returns this new lvalue. Otherwise, returns [lval]. *)
let cross_equality lval loop =
(* If no such single equality can be found, return [lval] unchanged. *)
let exception No_equality in
let rec find_lval acc expr =
if acc <> None then raise No_equality else
match expr.enode with
| Lval lval -> Some lval
| Info (e, _) -> find_lval acc e
| _ -> raise No_equality
let cross_instr acc = function
| Set (lv, expr, _loc) when Cil_datatype.LvalStructEq.equal lv lval ->
find_lval acc expr
| Local_init (varinfo, AssignInit (SingleInit expr), _loc)
when Cil_datatype.LvalStructEq.equal (Cil.var varinfo) lval ->
find_lval acc expr
| Call (Some lv, _, _, _) when Cil_datatype.LvalStructEq.equal lval lv ->
raise No_equality
| _ -> acc
let rec cross_stmt acc stmt =
match stmt.skind with
| Instr instr -> cross_instr acc instr
| Block block -> cross_block acc block
| UnspecifiedSequence list ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (s, _, _, _, _) -> cross_stmt acc s) acc list
| If (_, {bstmts=[{skind=Break _}]}, block, _)
| If (_, block, {bstmts=[{skind=Break _}]}, _) -> cross_block acc block
| _ -> acc
and cross_block acc block =
List.fold_left cross_stmt acc block.bstmts
match cross_block None loop with
| None -> lval
| Some lval -> lval
| exception No_equality -> lval
(* If [lval] is a varinfo out-of-scope at statement [stmt] of function [kf],
introduces it to the [state]. *)
let enter_scope state kf stmt lval =
match lval with
| Var vi, _ when not (vi.vglob || vi.vformal
|| Kernel_function.var_is_in_scope stmt vi) ->
let kind = Abstract_domain.Local kf in
let state = Abstract.Dom.enter_scope kind [vi] state in
let location = Abstract.Loc.eval_varinfo vi in
Abstract.Dom.logic_assign None location state
| _ -> state
(* Evaluates the lvalue [lval] in the state [state]. Returns None if the value
may be undeterminate. *)
let evaluate_lvalue state lval =
......@@ -412,30 +477,55 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
then None
else flagged_value.v >> fun v -> Some v
let (>>:) v f = match v with Some v -> f v | None -> false
(* Is the number of iterations of a loop bounded by [limit]?
[state] is the loop entry state, and [loop_block] the block of the loop. *)
let is_bounded_loop state limit loop_block =
let is_bounded_loop kf stmt state limit loop_block =
(* Computes the effect of the loop. Stops if it contains assembly code. *)
loop_effect_visitor#compute_effect loop_block >>= fun loop_effect ->
(* Finds the first loop exit condition, or stops. *)
find_loop_exit_condition loop_block >>= fun (condition, positive) ->
(* Finds the unique integer lvalue modified within the loop in [condition].
Stops if it does not exist is not a good candidate for the heuristic. *)
find_lonely_candidate loop_effect condition >>= fun lval ->
(* Reduce [condition] to a sufficient hypothesis over the [lval] value:
if [lval] ∈ [v_exit] then [condition = positive]. *)
reduce_to_lval_from_state state lval condition positive >>= fun v_exit ->
(* Evaluates the initial value [v_init] of [lval] in the loop entry state. *)
evaluate_lvalue state lval >>= fun v_init ->
(* Computes an over-approximation [v_delta] of the increment of [lval]
in one iteration of the loop. *)
compute_delta lval loop_block >>= fun v_delta ->
let typ = Cil.typeOfLval lval in
let limit = Val.inject_int typ (Integer.of_int limit) in
(* Checks whether [v_init] + [limit] × [v_delta] ⊂ [v_exit]. *)
let binop op v1 v2 = Bottom.non_bottom (Val.forward_binop typ op v1 v2) in
let value = binop PlusA v_init (binop Mult limit v_delta) in
Some (Val.is_included value v_exit)
loop_effect_visitor#compute_effect loop_block >>: fun loop_effect ->
(* Finds loop exit conditions. *)
let exit_conditions = find_loop_exit_condition loop_block in
(* Does the condition [condition = positive] limits the number of iterations
of the loop by [limit]? *)
let is_bounded_by_condition (condition, positive) =
(* Finds the unique integer lvalue modified within the loop in [condition].
Stops if it does not exist is not a good candidate for the heuristic. *)
find_lonely_candidate loop_effect condition >>: fun lval ->
(* If [lval] is not in scope at [stmt], introduces it into [state] so that
[lval] can be properly evaluated in [state]. *)
let state = enter_scope state kf stmt lval in
(* Reduce [condition] to a sufficient hypothesis over the [lval] value:
if [lval] ∈ [v_exit] then [condition = positive]. *)
reduce_to_lval_from_state state lval condition positive >>: fun v_exit ->
(* If [lval] is only assigned to the value of another lvalue, uses it
instead. This is especially useful to deal with temporary variables
introduced by the Frama-C normalization. *)
let lval = cross_equality lval loop_block in
(* Evaluates the initial value [v_init] of [lval] in the loop entry state. *)
evaluate_lvalue state lval >>: fun v_init ->
(* Computes an over-approximation [v_delta] of the increment of [lval]
in one iteration of the loop. *)
compute_delta kf lval loop_block >>: fun v_delta ->
let typ = Cil.typeOfLval lval in
let binop op v1 v2 = Bottom.non_bottom (Val.forward_binop typ op v1 v2) in
(* Possible iterations numbers to exit the loop. *)
let iter_nb = binop Div (binop MinusA v_exit v_init) v_delta in
let bound = Abstract_value.Int (Integer.of_int limit) in
(* Use the iteration number if it is always smaller than the [limit].
Otherwise use [limit]. *)
let limit =
if is_true (Val.assume_bounded Alarms.Upper_bound bound iter_nb)
then iter_nb
else Val.inject_int typ (Integer.of_int limit)
(* Checks whether [v_init] + [limit] × [v_delta] ⊂ [v_exit]. *)
let value = binop PlusA v_init (binop Mult limit v_delta) in
Val.is_included value v_exit
(* Tests whether at least one of the exit conditions limits the number of
iteration by [limit]. *)
List.exists is_bounded_by_condition exit_conditions
(* Computes an automatic loop unrolling for statement [stmt] in state [state],
with a maximum limit. Returns None for no automatic loop unrolling. *)
......@@ -445,8 +535,9 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
let loop_stmt = Kernel_function.find_enclosing_loop kf stmt in
match loop_stmt.skind with
| Loop (_code_annot, block, _loc, _, _) ->
is_bounded_loop state max_unroll block >>= fun bounded ->
if bounded then Some max_unroll else None
if is_bounded_loop kf stmt state max_unroll block
then Some max_unroll
else None
| _ -> None
with Not_found -> None
......@@ -81,14 +81,6 @@ void various_loops () {
res = 0;
/* Other loop breaking condition. */
for (int i = 0; i < 111; i++) {
if (undet && res > 10)
res = 0;
/* More complex loop condition. */
int x = 24;
int k = Frama_C_interval(0, 10);
......@@ -96,6 +88,12 @@ void various_loops () {
res = 0;
/* Global loop counter. */
for (g = 0; g < 101; g++) {
res = 0;
/* Loop calling some functions that do not modify the loop counter. */
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
......@@ -113,6 +111,16 @@ void various_loops () {
res = 0;
/* Loop counter modified on both sides of a conditional statement. */
for (int i = 0; i < 64;) {
if (undet)
res = 0;
/* Loops that cannot be unrolled. */
......@@ -120,8 +128,9 @@ void complex_loops () {
/* Loop counter modified through a pointer. */
int res = 0;
int i = 0;
int *p = &i;
while (i < 64) {
int j = 0;
int *p = &j;
while (j < 64) {
......@@ -147,17 +156,7 @@ void complex_loops () {
res = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
if (undet)
/* Loop counter modified by a function. */
res = 0;
g = 0;
while (g < 64) {
......@@ -177,16 +176,124 @@ void complex_loops () {
res = 0;
/* Random loop condition. */
i = 0;
while (i < 64 && undet) {
while (i < 64 || undet) {
/* Examples of loops with other exit conditions than simple comparisons.
All loops could be automatically unrolled on the second run, but should
not be unrolled on the first run. */
void various_conditions () {
int i, res = 0;
/* Exit conditions using equality. */
for (i = 11; i; i--) {
res = 0;
for (i = 0; i != 12; i++) {
res = 0;
/* Loops with conjonction of exit conditions. */
for (int i = 13 ; i-- && undet; ) {
res ++;
res = 0;
for (int i = 14 ; undet && i-- ; ) {
res ++;
res = 0;
/* Loops with several exit conditions. */
for (int i = 0 ; undet ; i++) {
if (undet || i >= 15)
res ++;
res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 111; i++) {
if (undet && res > 10)
res = 0;
/* Examples of loops where temporary variables are introduced by Frama-C.
All loops could be automatically unrolled on the second run, but should
not be unrolled on the first run. */
void temporary_variables () {
int i, res = 0;
for (i = 0; i++ < 20;) {
res = 0;
for (i = 21; i--;) {
/* Examples of loops with goto statements. */
void loops_with_goto () {
int i, res = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
if (undet)
goto middle;
res = 0;
middle: ;
/* Should never be unrolled. */
for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
if (undet)
goto middle;
res = 0;
/* Should be unrolled, and [res] should be precise. */
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (undet)
goto L1;
res = 0;
/* Should be unrolled, but [res] should still be imprecise. */
for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
if (undet)
goto L2;
res = 0;
/* Should never be unrolled. */
for (i = 0; i < 34; res++) {
if (undet)
goto L3;
res = 0;
void main () {
simple_loops ();
various_loops ();
complex_loops ();
various_conditions ();
temporary_variables ();
loops_with_goto ();
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