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Commit c3b750ca authored by Kostyantyn Vorobyov's avatar Kostyantyn Vorobyov
Browse files

Initial import of temporal analysis

parent 48635754
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......@@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ PLUGIN_CMO:= local_config \
gmpz \
literal_strings \
mmodel_analysis \
temporal \
prepare_ast \
dup_functions \
exit_points \
label \
......@@ -76,6 +74,8 @@ PLUGIN_CMO:= local_config \
typing \
quantif \
translate \
temporal \
prepare_ast \
loops \
visit \
......@@ -20,14 +20,462 @@
(* *)
open Cil_types
open Cil_datatype
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Configuration} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
let current_stmt = ref Cil.dummyStmt
let generate = ref false
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Types} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Type of identifier tracked by a LHS referent number *)
type flow =
| Direct (* take BlockID of RHS *)
| Indirect (* take ReferentID of RHS *)
| Copy (* Copy shadow from RHS to LHS *)
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Miscellaneous} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Generate a function name in the temporal analysis name space, i.e., prefixed
by [__e_acsl_temporal_ + function name].
NOTE: Further on, all analysis function names are used without prefix *)
let mk_api_name name =
let fname = "temporal_" ^ name in Misc.mk_api_name fname
let is_alloc_name fn =
fn = "malloc" || fn = "free" || fn = "realloc" || fn = "calloc"
let is_memcpy_name fn =
fn = "memcpy"
let is_memset_name fn =
fn = "memset"
let is_fn fname f =
match fname with
| { enode = Lval(Var(vi), _) } when f vi.vname -> true
| _ -> false
let is_alloc fvi =
is_fn fvi is_alloc_name
let is_memcpy fvi =
is_fn fvi is_memcpy_name
let is_memset fvi =
is_fn fvi is_memset_name
(* True if a named function has a definition and false otherwise *)
let has_fundef fname =
let recognize fn =
let _ = Globals.Functions.find_def_by_name fn in true
Not_found -> false
in is_fn fname recognize
(* Shortcuts for SA in Mmodel_analysis *)
let must_model_exp exp env =
let kf, bhv = Extlib.the (Env.current_kf env), Env.get_behavior env in
Mmodel_analysis.must_model_exp ~bhv ~kf exp
let must_model_lval lv env =
let kf, bhv = Extlib.the (Env.current_kf env), Env.get_behavior env in
Mmodel_analysis.must_model_lval ~bhv ~kf lv
let must_model_vi vi env =
let kf, bhv = Extlib.the (Env.current_kf env), Env.get_behavior env in
Mmodel_analysis.must_model_vi ~bhv ~kf vi
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {Analysis function calls} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Generate either
- [store_nblock(lhs, rhs)], or
- [store_nreferent(lhs, rhs)]
function call based on the value of [flow] *)
let mk_store_reference ~loc flow lhs rhs =
let fname = match flow with
| Direct -> "store_nblock"
| Indirect -> "store_nreferent"
| Copy -> failwith "Copy flow type in mk_store_reference"
Misc.mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name fname) [ Cil.mkAddrOf ~loc lhs; rhs ]
(* Generate a [save_*_parameter] call *)
let mk_save_param ~loc flow lhs pos =
let infix = match flow with
| Direct -> "nblock"
| Indirect -> "nreferent"
| Copy -> "copy"
let fname = "save_" ^ infix ^ "_parameter" in
Misc.mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name fname) [ lhs ; Cil.integer ~loc pos ]
(* Generate [pull_parameter] call *)
let mk_pull_param ~loc vi pos =
let exp = Cil.mkAddrOfVi vi in
let fname = mk_api_name "pull_parameter" in
let sz = Cil.kinteger ~loc IULong (Cil.bytesSizeOf vi.vtype) in
Misc.mk_call ~loc fname [ exp ; Cil.integer ~loc pos ; sz ]
(* Generate [(save|pull)_return(lhs, param_no)] call *)
let mk_handle_return_referent ?(save=true) ~loc lhs =
let fname = match save with
| true -> "save_return"
| false -> "pull_return"
(* TODO: Returning structs is unsupported so far *)
ignore(match (Cil.typeOf lhs) with
| TPtr _ -> ()
| _ -> failwith "Struct in return");
Misc.mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name fname) [ lhs ]
(* Generate [reset_return()] call *)
let mk_reset_return_referent ~loc =
Misc.mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "reset_return") []
(* Generate [memcpy(lhs, rhs, size)] function call assuming that [lhs = rhs]
represents an assignment of struct to a struct, that is, both sides are left
values and we need to use addressof for both sides *)
let mk_temporal_memcpy_struct ~loc lhs rhs =
let fname = mk_api_name "memcpy" in
let size = Cil.sizeOf ~loc (Cil.typeOfLval lhs) in
let lhs = Cil.mkAddrOf ~loc lhs in
Misc.mk_call ~loc fname [ lhs; rhs; size ]
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Handle assignments} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Given an lvalue [lhs] representing LHS of an assignment, and an expression
[rhs] representing its RHS compute addresses compute a triple (l,r,f), such
- lval [l] and exp [r] are addresses of a pointer and a memory block, and
- flow [f] indicates how to update the meta-data of [l] using information
stored by [r]. The values of [f] indicate the following
+ Direct - referent number of [l] is assigned the referent number of [r]
+ Indirect - referent number of [l] is assigned the block number of [r]
+ Copy - metadata of [r] is copied to metadata of [l] *)
let rec assign_aux ?(ltype) lhs rhs loc =
let ltype = match ltype with
| Some l -> l
| None -> (Cil.typeOfLval lhs)
match ltype with
| TPtr _ ->
let base, _ = Misc.ptr_index rhs in
let rhs, flow =
(match base.enode with
| AddrOf _
| StartOf _ -> rhs, Direct
| Const _ -> base, Direct
(* Unary operator describes !, ~ or -: treat it same as Const since
it implies integer or logical operations. This case is rare but
happens: for instance in Gap SPEC CPU benchmark the returned pointer
is assigned -1 (for whatever bizarre reason) *)
| UnOp _ -> base, Direct
(* Special case for literal strings which E-ACSL rewrites into
global variables: take the block number of a string *)
| Lval(Var(vi), _) when Misc.is_generated_varinfo vi -> base, Direct
(* Lvalue can be of different type than a pointer, for instance for
the case when address is taken by value.
uintptr_t addr = ...;
char *p = (char* )addr;
If this is the case then the analysis assumes that pointer is
unavailable and takes the block number of address and the referent
number of a pointer otherwise *)
| Lval(lv) ->
if Cil.isPointerType (Cil.typeOfLval lv) then
Cil.mkAddrOf ~loc lv, Indirect
rhs, Direct
(* Binary operation which yields an integer (of FP) type.
Since LHS is of pointer type we assume that the whole integer
expression computes to an address for which there is no
outer container, so the only thing to do is to take block number *)
| BinOp(op, _, _, _) ->
(* Make sure there are no be pointer operations here *)
ignore((match op with
| MinusPI | PlusPI | IndexPI -> assert false
| _ -> ()));
base, Direct
| _ -> assert false)
in Some (lhs, rhs, flow)
| TNamed(info, _) ->
assign_aux ~ltype:info.ttype lhs rhs loc
| TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _ -> None
| TComp _ ->
let rhs = (match rhs.enode with
| AddrOf _ -> rhs
| Lval(lv) -> Cil.mkAddrOf ~loc lv
| _ -> assert false) in
Some (lhs, rhs, Copy)
(* va_list is a builtin type, we assume it has no pointers here and treat
it as a "big" integer rather than a struct *)
| TBuiltin_va_list _ -> None
| TArray _ -> Some (lhs, rhs, Direct)
(* void type should not happen as we are dealing with assignments *)
| TVoid _ -> failwith "Void type in assignment"
| TFun _ -> failwith "TFun type in assignment"
(* Generate a statement tracking temporal metadata associated with assignment
[lhs] = [rhs], where lhs is a left value and [rhs] is an expression. *)
let mk_stmt_from_assign loc lhs rhs =
match (assign_aux lhs rhs loc) with
| Some (lhs, rhs, flow) ->
let stmt = (match flow with
| Direct | Indirect ->
mk_store_reference ~loc flow lhs rhs
| Copy ->
mk_temporal_memcpy_struct ~loc lhs rhs)
in Some stmt
| None -> None
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Handle Set instructions} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Update local environment with a statement tracking temporal metadata
associated with assignment [lhs] = [rhs] *)
let set_instr ?(post=false) loc lhs rhs fenv =
let stmt = mk_stmt_from_assign loc lhs rhs in
(fun stmt ->
fenv := Env.add_stmt ~before:!current_stmt ~post !fenv stmt)
(* Top-level handler for Set instructions *)
let set_instr ?(post=false) loc lhs rhs fenv =
if must_model_lval lhs !fenv then
set_instr ~post loc lhs rhs fenv
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Handle Call instructions} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Track function arguments: export referents of arguments to a global
structure so they can be retrieved once that function is called *)
let save_params loc args fenv =
(fun index param ->
let dummy_lv = Mem(param),NoOffset in
let ltype = Cil.typeOf param in
let vals = assign_aux ~ltype dummy_lv param loc in
(fun (_, rhs, flow) ->
if must_model_exp param !fenv then begin
let stmt = mk_save_param ~loc flow rhs index in
fenv := Env.add_stmt ~before:!current_stmt ~post:false !fenv stmt
(* Update local environment with a statement tracking temporal metadata
associated with assignment [ret] = [func(args)]. *)
let call_with_ret ?(alloc=false) loc ret fenv =
let rhs = Cil.new_exp ~loc (Lval(ret)) in
let vals = assign_aux ret rhs loc in
(* Track referent numbers of assignments via function calls *)
(fun (lhs, rhs, flow) ->
let flow, rhs = match flow with
| Indirect when alloc -> Direct, (Misc.mk_deref ~loc rhs)
| _ -> flow, rhs
let stmt =
if alloc then
mk_store_reference ~loc flow lhs rhs
mk_handle_return_referent ~save:false ~loc (Cil.mkAddrOf ~loc lhs)
fenv := Env.add_stmt ~before:!current_stmt ~post:true !fenv stmt)
(* Update local environment with a statement tracking temporal metadata
associated with a memcpy call *)
let call_memcpy loc args fname fenv =
if (is_memcpy fname) then begin
let stmt = Misc.mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "memcpy") args in
fenv := Env.add_stmt ~before:!current_stmt ~post:false !fenv stmt;
(* Update local environment with a statement tracking temporal metadata
associated with a memset call. *)
let call_memset loc args fname fenv =
if (is_memset fname) then begin
let stmt = Misc.mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "memset") args in
fenv := Env.add_stmt ~before:!current_stmt ~post:false !fenv stmt;
(* Top-level handler for Call instructions *)
let call_instr ret fname args loc fenv =
(* Add function calls to reset_parameters and reset_return before each
function call regardless. They are is not really required, as if the
instrumentation is correct then the right parameters will be saved
and the right parameter will be pulled at runtime. In practice, however,
it makes sense to make this somewhat-debug-level-call. In production mode
the implementation of the function should be empty and compiler should
be able to optimize that code out. *)
let stmt = Misc.mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "reset_parameters") [] in
fenv := Env.add_stmt ~before:!current_stmt ~post:false !fenv stmt;
let stmt = mk_reset_return_referent ~loc in
fenv := Env.add_stmt ~before:!current_stmt ~post:false !fenv stmt;
(* Push parameters with either a call to a function pointer or a function
definition otherwise there is no point. *)
if Cil.isFunctionType (Cil.typeOf fname) || has_fundef fname then begin
save_params loc args fenv
(* Handle special cases of memcpy and memset *)
call_memcpy loc args fname fenv;
call_memset loc args fname fenv;
let alloc = is_alloc fname || not (has_fundef fname) in
(fun lhs ->
if must_model_lval lhs !fenv then call_with_ret ~alloc loc lhs fenv)
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Handle Local_init instructions} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
let rec handle_local_init_aux ?(offset=NoOffset) loc vi init fenv =
match init with
| SingleInit(exp) ->
set_instr ~post:true loc (Var(vi), offset) exp fenv
| CompoundInit(_, inits) ->
(fun (off, init) ->
let off = Cil.addOffset off offset in
handle_local_init_aux ~offset:off loc vi init fenv)
let handle_local_init loc vi init fenv =
handle_local_init_aux loc vi init fenv
let local_init_instr vi li loc fenv =
match li with
| AssignInit(init) ->
handle_local_init loc vi init fenv
| ConsInit(fname, args, _) ->
let ret = Some (Var(vi), NoOffset) in
let fname = Cil.evar ~loc fname in
call_instr ret fname args loc fenv
(* Top-level handler for Local_init instructions *)
let local_init_instr vi li loc fenv =
if must_model_vi vi !fenv then
local_init_instr vi li loc fenv
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Track function arguments} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Update local environment with a statement tracking temporal metadata
associated with adding a function argument to a stack frame *)
let rec track_argument ?(typ) param index env =
let typ = Extlib.opt_conv param.vtype typ in
match typ with
| TPtr _
| TComp _ ->
let stmt = mk_pull_param ~loc:Location.unknown param index in
Env.add_stmt ~post:false env stmt
| TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _ | TBuiltin_va_list _ -> env
| TNamed(info, _) ->
track_argument ~typ:info.ttype param index env
| _ -> failwith "Failed to handle function parameter"
(* }}} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Handle return statements} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Update local environment [fenv] with statements tracking return value
of a function. *)
let handle_return_stmt loc ret fenv =
match ret.enode with
| Lval(lv) ->
if Cil.isPointerType (Cil.typeOfLval lv) then begin
let exp = Cil.mkAddrOf ~loc lv in
let stmt = mk_handle_return_referent ~loc ~save:true exp in
fenv := Env.add_stmt ~post:false !fenv stmt
| _ -> failwith "Something other than Lval in return"
let handle_return_stmt loc ret fenv =
if must_model_exp ret !fenv then
handle_return_stmt loc ret fenv
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Handle instructions} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Update local environment [fenv] with statements tracking
instruction [instr] *)
let handle_instruction instr fenv =
match instr with
| Set(lv, exp, loc) ->
set_instr loc lv exp fenv
| Call(ret, fname, args, loc) ->
call_instr ret fname args loc fenv
| Local_init(vi, li, loc) ->
local_init_instr vi li loc fenv
| Asm _ | Skip _ -> ()
| Code_annot _ -> failwith "Code_annot is not supported"
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Initialization of globals} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Provided that [vi] is a global variable initialized by the initializer [init]
at offset [off] return [Some stmt], where [stmt] is a statement
tracking that initialization. If [init] does not need to be tracked than
the return value is [None] *)
let mk_global_init vi off init env =
let exp = match init with
| SingleInit(e) -> e
(* Compound initializers should have been thrown away at this point *)
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected ComppoundInit in global initializer"
(* Initializer expression can be a literal string, so look up the
corresponding variable which that literal string has been converted to *)
let exp = (try
let rec get_string e = match e.enode with
| Const(CStr str) -> str
| CastE(_, exp) -> get_string exp
| _ -> raise Not_found
let str = get_string exp in
Cil.evar ~loc:Location.unknown (Literal_strings.find str)
(* Not a literal string: just use the expression at hand *)
Not_found -> exp)
(* The input [vi] is from the old project, so get the corresponding variable
from the new one, otherwise AST integrity is violated *)
let vi = Cil.get_varinfo (Env.get_behavior env) vi in
let lv = (Var(vi), off) in
mk_stmt_from_assign Location.unknown lv exp
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {Public API} {{{ *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
......@@ -38,4 +486,41 @@ let enable param =
let is_enabled () =
let handle_arguments kf env =
if is_enabled () then
let getpar = Cil.get_varinfo (Env.get_behavior env) in
let formals = getpar (Kernel_function.get_formals kf) in
let env, _ = List.fold_left
(fun (env, index) param ->
if Mmodel_analysis.must_model_vi ~kf param then
track_argument param index env, index + 1
env, index + 1)
(env, 0)
in env
let handle_stmt stmt env =
if is_enabled () then begin
current_stmt := stmt;
let fenv = ref env in
(match stmt.skind with
| Instr(instr) ->
handle_instruction instr fenv
| Return(ret, loc) ->
Extlib.may (fun ret -> handle_return_stmt loc ret fenv) ret
| _ -> ());
current_stmt := Cil.dummyStmt;
end else
let handle_global_init vi off init env =
if is_enabled () then
mk_global_init vi off init env
(* }}} *)
......@@ -25,3 +25,16 @@ val enable: bool -> unit
val is_enabled: unit -> bool
(** Return a boolean value indicating whether temporal analysis is enabled *)
val handle_arguments: Cil_types.kernel_function -> Env.t -> Env.t
(** Update local environment ([Env.t]) with statements allowing to track
referent numbers across function calls *)
val handle_stmt: Cil_types.stmt -> Env.t -> Env.t
(** Update local environment ([Env.t]) with statements tracking temporal
properties of memory blocks *)
val handle_global_init: Cil_types.varinfo -> Cil_types.offset ->
Cil_types.init -> Env.t -> Cil_types.stmt option
(** Generate [Some s], where [s] is a statement tracking global initializer
or [None] if there is no need to track it *)
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ void f(void)
void __e_acsl_globals_init(void)
__e_acsl_store_block((void *)(& f),(size_t)1);
__e_acsl_full_init((void *)(& f));
__e_acsl_store_block((void *)(& __fc_wctomb_state),(size_t)4);
__e_acsl_full_init((void *)(& __fc_wctomb_state));
__e_acsl_store_block((void *)(& __fc_mbtowc_state),(size_t)4);
......@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ int main(void)
(char *)"&x == &x",16);
__e_acsl_full_init((void *)(& __retres));
__retres = 0;
__e_acsl_delete_block((void *)(& f));
__e_acsl_delete_block((void *)(& __fc_wctomb_state));
__e_acsl_delete_block((void *)(& __fc_mbtowc_state));
__e_acsl_delete_block((void *)(& __fc_mblen_state));
......@@ -161,9 +161,6 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
if must_init then begin
let build_initializer () = ~dkey ~level:2 "building global initializer.";
let return =
Cil.mkStmt ~valid_sid:true (Return(None, Location.unknown))
let env = Env.push !function_env in
let stmts, env =
......@@ -193,7 +190,7 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
| Some (SingleInit e) ->
let _, env = self#literal_string env e in stmts, env)
([ return ], env)
([ ], env)
let stmts =
(* literal strings initialization *)
......@@ -209,6 +206,20 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
:: stmts)
(* Generate init statements for temporal analysis *)
let tinit_stmts = Varinfo.Hashtbl.fold
(fun vi (off, init) acc ->
match init with
| Some init ->
let stmt = Temporal.handle_global_init vi off init env in
(match stmt with | Some stmt -> stmt :: acc | None -> acc)
| None -> acc)
let return =
Cil.mkStmt ~valid_sid:true (Return(None, Location.unknown)) in
let stmts = stmts @ tinit_stmts @ [return] in
(* Create a new code block with generated statements *)
let (b, env), stmts = match stmts with
| [] -> assert false
......@@ -371,7 +382,10 @@ you must call function `%s' and `__e_acsl_memory_clean by yourself.@]"
(match g with
| GVar(vi, _, _) | GVarDecl(vi, _) ->
| GVar(vi, _, _) | GVarDecl(vi, _) | GFun({ svar = vi }, _)
(* Track function addresses but the main function that is tracked
internally via RTL *)
when vi.vorig_name <> Kernel.MainFunction.get () ->
(* Make a unique mapping for each global variable omitting initializers.
Initializers (used to capture literal strings) are added to
[global_vars] via the [vinit] visitor method (see comments below). *)
......@@ -531,7 +545,8 @@ you must call function `%s' and `__e_acsl_memory_clean by yourself.@]"
(* JS: should be done in the new project? *)
let env =
if generate && not is_main then env kf (Kernel_function.get_formals kf)
let env = env kf (Kernel_function.get_formals kf) in
Temporal.handle_arguments kf env
......@@ -581,6 +596,8 @@ you must call function `%s' and `__e_acsl_memory_clean by yourself.@]"
let env = !function_env in
let env =
if generate then
(* Add temporal analysis instrumentations *)
let env = Temporal.handle_stmt stmt env in
(* Add initialization statements and store_block statements stemming
from Local_init *)
self#add_initializers stmt env kf
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