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Commit bea4906b authored by Jan Rochel's avatar Jan Rochel
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[e-acsl] Logic_normalizer: rework memoization

Render the memoization tables for predicates and terms bidirectional.
This will help improve user feedback messages in the subsequent commits.
We do not want to confront to the user with feedback messages that
contain transformed code, so we need bidirectional memoization tables in
order to determine the original code that we then can show to the user.
parent 2fdff794
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......@@ -39,46 +39,50 @@ module Id_predicate =
let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
(* Memoization module which retrieves the preprocessed form of predicates *)
module Memo: sig
val memo_pred: (predicate -> predicate option) -> predicate -> unit
val get_pred: predicate -> predicate
val memo_term : (term -> term option) -> term -> unit
val get_term : term -> term
val clear: unit -> unit
end = struct
let tbl_term = Misc.Id_term.Hashtbl.create 97
let tbl_pred = Id_predicate.Hashtbl.create 97
let get_pred p =
try Id_predicate.Hashtbl.find tbl_pred p
with Not_found -> p
let memo_pred process p =
try ignore (Id_predicate.Hashtbl.find tbl_pred p) with
| Not_found ->
match process p with
| Some pot -> Id_predicate.Hashtbl.add tbl_pred p pot
| None -> ()
module BiMap (H : Hashtbl.S) = struct
let from_tbl = H.create 7
let dest_tbl = H.create 7
let get_term t =
try Misc.Id_term.Hashtbl.find tbl_term t
with Not_found -> t
let clear () =
H.clear from_tbl;
H.clear dest_tbl
let memo_term process t =
try ignore (Misc.Id_term.Hashtbl.find tbl_term t) with
| Not_found ->
match process t with
| Some term -> Misc.Id_term.Hashtbl.add tbl_term t term
| None -> ()
let add from dest =
H.add from_tbl from dest;
H.add dest_tbl dest from
let clear () =
Misc.Id_term.Hashtbl.clear tbl_term;
Id_predicate.Hashtbl.clear tbl_pred
let dest from = H.find from_tbl from
let dest_opt from = H.find_opt from_tbl from
let from dest = H.find dest_tbl dest
let from_opt dest = H.find_opt dest_tbl dest
let dest_or_self from = try dest from with Not_found -> from
let from_or_self dest = try from dest with Not_found -> dest
(* Memoization modules for retrieving the preprocessed and original form of
predicates and terms *)
module Memo (H : Hashtbl.S) = struct
module M = BiMap (H)
let clear = M.clear
let normalized x = M.dest_or_self x
let normalized_opt x = M.dest_opt x
let original x = M.from_or_self x
let original_opt x = M.from_opt x
let memoize process x =
try Some (M.dest x) with
| Not_found ->
match process x with
| Some y -> M.add x y; Some y
| None -> None
module Predicates = Memo (Id_predicate.Hashtbl)
module Terms = Memo (Misc.Id_term.Hashtbl)
let preprocess_pred ~loc p =
match p.pred_content with
| Pvalid_read(BuiltinLabel Here as llabel, t)
......@@ -134,12 +138,12 @@ let preprocessor = object
method !vpredicate p =
let loc = p.pred_loc in
Memo.memo_pred (preprocess_pred ~loc) p;
ignore @@ Predicates.memoize (preprocess_pred ~loc) p;
method !vterm t =
let loc = t.term_loc in
Memo.memo_term (preprocess_term ~loc) t;
ignore @@ Terms.memoize (preprocess_term ~loc) t;
......@@ -152,6 +156,11 @@ let preprocess_annot annot =
let preprocess_predicate p =
ignore @@ preprocessor#visit_predicate p
let get_pred = Memo.get_pred
let get_term = Memo.get_term
let clear = Memo.clear
let get_pred = Predicates.normalized
let get_orig_pred = Predicates.original
let get_term = Terms.normalized
let get_orig_term = Terms.original
let clear () =
Terms.clear ();
Predicates.clear ()
......@@ -44,8 +44,14 @@ val preprocess_predicate : predicate -> unit
val get_pred : predicate -> predicate
(** Retrieve the preprocessed form of a predicate *)
val get_orig_pred : predicate -> predicate
(** Retrieve the original form of the given predicate *)
val get_term : term -> term
(** Retrieve the preprocessed form of a term *)
val get_orig_term : term -> term
(** Retrieve the original form of the given term *)
val clear: unit -> unit
(** clear the table of normalized predicates *)
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