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Commit bd13e877 authored by Andre Maroneze's avatar Andre Maroneze
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Merge branch 'fix/pp/really-censor-unsupported-macros' into 'master'

Undef unsupported macros

Closes #910

See merge request frama-c/frama-c!4891
parents fb0751f7 4d87c3af
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......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
Open Source Release <next-release>
-! Kernel [2025-02-04] Undefine some predefined GCC macros, to minimize
parsing errors due to unsupported compiler extensions.
o! Kernel [2025-01-31] Use a record to represent `Cil_types.typ` with two
fields `tnode` and `tattr` for its `typ_node` and `attributes`.
- Ivette [2025-01-23] New sidebar listing functions and global variables
......@@ -576,9 +576,10 @@ By default, \FramaC's preprocessing will include the headers of its own standard
library, instead of those installed in the user's machine. This avoids issues
with non-portable, compiler-specific features.
Option \optiondef{-}{frama-c-stdlib} (set by default)
adds \verb+-I$(frama-c-config -print-share-path)/libc+ to the preprocessor command, as well as
GCC-specific option \texttt{-nostdinc}. If the latter is not recognized by
your preprocessor,
adds \verb+-I$(frama-c-config -print-share-path)/libc+ to the preprocessor
command, as well as some GCC-specific options, including (but not limited to)
\texttt{-dD}, \texttt{-nostdinc}, \texttt{-undef}, and some \texttt{-Wno-*}
options. If any of these if not accepted by your preprocessor,
\optionuse{-}{no-cpp-frama-c-compliant} can be given to \FramaC
(see section~\ref{sec:preprocessing}).
......@@ -301,9 +301,12 @@ let gen_define_macro fmt macro def =
else gen_define_string fmt macro def
let gen_define_custom_macros fmt censored key_values =
let is_same_macro m1 m2 =
Extlib.strip_underscore m1 = Extlib.strip_underscore m2
(fun (k,v) ->
if not (Datatype.String.Set.mem (Extlib.strip_underscore k) censored)
if not (Datatype.String.Set.exists (is_same_macro k) censored)
then begin
gen_undef fmt k;
gen_define_macro fmt k v
......@@ -613,7 +616,7 @@ let gen_all_defines fmt ?(censored_macros=Datatype.String.Set.empty) mach =
Format.fprintf fmt "#endif // __FC_MACHDEP@\n"
let generate_machdep_header ?censored_macros mach =
let debug = Kernel.(is_debug_key_enabled dkey_pp) in
let debug = Kernel.(is_debug_key_enabled dkey_pp_keep_temp_files) in
let temp = Extlib.temp_dir_cleanup_at_exit ~debug "__fc_machdep" in
let file = Filepath.Normalized.concat temp "__fc_machdep.h" in
let chan = open_out (file:>string) in
......@@ -330,10 +330,21 @@ let get_machdep () =
| Error (`Msg s) ->
Kernel.abort "Error during machdep parsing: %s" s
(* Macros that are defined by gcc even in presence of -undef.
Specifically use -U on the command line to silence them.
let unsupported_libc_macros =
let unsupported_float_type_macros acc name =
(fun acc s -> Datatype.String.Set.add (name ^ "_" ^ s) acc)
(fun acc s -> Datatype.String.Set.add ("__" ^ name ^ "_" ^ s ^ "__") acc)
......@@ -348,7 +359,10 @@ let unsupported_float_types =
[ "BFLT16"; "FLT16"; "FLT128"; "LDBL"; ]
let known_bad_macros =
Datatype.String.Set.add_seq (List.to_seq ["SIZEOF_INT128"; "SSE" ])
(["__GCC_IEC_559_COMPLEX"; "__SIZEOF_INT128__"; "__SSE__"; "__SSE2__" ]
@ unsupported_libc_macros))
let print_machdep_header () =
......@@ -505,6 +519,10 @@ let build_cpp_cmd = function
if Kernel.FramaCStdLib.get() then add_if_gnu "-nostdinc"
else []
let no_builtin_macros =
if Kernel.FramaCStdLib.get () then add_if_gnu "-undef"
else []
let output_defines_arg =
let open Kernel in
match ReadAnnot.get (), PreprocessAnnot.is_set (), PreprocessAnnot.get () with
......@@ -513,17 +531,22 @@ let build_cpp_cmd = function
| true, false, _ -> add_if_gnu "-dD"
| _, _, _ -> []
let gnu_implicit_args = output_defines_arg @ nostdinc_arg in
let string_of_supp_args extra includes defines =
Format.asprintf "%s%s%s"
let gnu_implicit_args =
output_defines_arg @ nostdinc_arg @ no_builtin_macros
let string_of_supp_args extra includes undef defines =
Format.asprintf "%s%s%s%s"
(concat_strs ~pre:"-I" ~sep:" -I" includes)
(concat_strs ~pre:" -U" ~sep:" -U" undef)
(concat_strs ~pre:" -D" ~sep:" -D" defines)
(concat_strs ~pre:" " ~sep:" " extra)
let supp_args =
(gnu_implicit_args @ machdep_no_warn @ clang_no_warn @ extra_args)
fc_include_args fc_define_args
let cpp_command =
replace_in_cpp_cmd cmdl supp_args (f:>string) (ppf:>string)
......@@ -9,13 +9,11 @@
// Some versions of MSVC do not accept the '%z' modifier, but GCC emits warnings
// without it, so use this macro to print it in both compilers.
// Note that __GNUC__ is defined in our machdep MSVC, but not in the actual
// MSVC compiler itself.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__FRAMAC__)
// GCC uses %zu for size_t, and allows unicode
# define ZU "%zu"
# define IN "∈"
#else // actual MSVC compilation
// MSVC uses %u for size_t, and does not allow unicode
# define ZU "%u"
# define IN "IN"
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
// test functions are declared here to minimize shifting oracles in case of changes
void tests1(void); void tests2(void);
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__FRAMAC__)
// This main function is not used when testing MSVC on Visual C++;
// instead, _tmain (defined at the end) is used
int main() {
......@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ typedef struct {
} barcode_bmp_t;
#pragma pack(pop)
#ifndef __GNUC__
#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__FRAMAC__)
// For MSVC testing on Visual C++
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
[kernel] Warning: your preprocessor is not known to handle option `-nostdinc'. If preprocessing fails because of it, please add -no-cpp-frama-c-compliant option to Frama-C's command-line. If you do not want to see this warning again, explicitly use option -cpp-frama-c-compliant.
[kernel] Warning: your preprocessor is not known to handle option `-undef'. If preprocessing fails because of it, please add -no-cpp-frama-c-compliant option to Frama-C's command-line. If you do not want to see this warning again, explicitly use option -cpp-frama-c-compliant.
[kernel] Parsing preprocess_string.c (with preprocessing)
/* Generated by Frama-C */
/*@ ensures *("/*" + 0) ≡ '/'; */
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
int main () { }
......@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
$ frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins cpp-command.c -machdep x86_32 -cpp-frama-c-compliant -cpp-command "echo [\$(basename '%1') \$(basename '%1') \$(basename '%i') \$(basename '%input')] ['%2' '%2' '%o' '%output'] ['%args']" | python3
[kernel] Parsing cpp-command.c (with preprocessing)
[cpp-command.c cpp-command.c cpp-command.c cpp-command.c] [<TMPDIR/PP>.i <TMPDIR/PP>.i <TMPDIR/PP>.i <TMPDIR/PP>.i] [-I<TMP_MACHDEP> -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc -D__FRAMAC__ -dD -nostdinc]
[cpp-command.c cpp-command.c cpp-command.c cpp-command.c] [<TMPDIR/PP>.i <TMPDIR/PP>.i <TMPDIR/PP>.i <TMPDIR/PP>.i] [-I<TMP_MACHDEP> -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc -U__STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ -U__STDC_IEC_60559_COMPLEX__ -U__STDC_ISO_10646__ -U__STDC_UTF16__ -U__STDC_UTF32__ -D__FRAMAC__ -dD -nostdinc -undef]
$ frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins cpp-command.c -machdep x86_32 -cpp-frama-c-compliant -cpp-command "echo %%1 = \$(basename '%1') %%2 = '%2' %%args = '%args'" | python3
[kernel] Parsing cpp-command.c (with preprocessing)
%1 = cpp-command.c %2 = <TMPDIR/PP>.i %args = -I<TMP_MACHDEP> -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc -D__FRAMAC__ -dD -nostdinc
%1 = cpp-command.c %2 = <TMPDIR/PP>.i %args = -I<TMP_MACHDEP> -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc -U__STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ -U__STDC_IEC_60559_COMPLEX__ -U__STDC_ISO_10646__ -U__STDC_UTF16__ -U__STDC_UTF32__ -D__FRAMAC__ -dD -nostdinc -undef
$ frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins cpp-command.c -machdep x86_32 -cpp-frama-c-compliant -cpp-command "printf \"%s\n\" \"using \\% has no effect : \$(basename \"\%input\")\""
[kernel] Parsing cpp-command.c (with preprocessing)
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
$ frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins cpp-command.c -machdep x86_32 -print-cpp-commands | python3
[kernel] Preprocessing command:
gcc -E -C -I<TMP_MACHDEP> -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc -D__FRAMAC__ -dD -nostdinc -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined -Wno-unknown-warning-option '$TESTCASE_ROOT/cpp-command.c' -o '<TMPDIR/PP>.i'
gcc -E -C -I<TMP_MACHDEP> -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc -U__STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ -U__STDC_IEC_60559_COMPLEX__ -U__STDC_ISO_10646__ -U__STDC_UTF16__ -U__STDC_UTF32__ -D__FRAMAC__ -dD -nostdinc -undef -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined -Wno-unknown-warning-option '$TESTCASE_ROOT/cpp-command.c' -o '<TMPDIR/PP>.i'
$ frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins cpp-command.c -cpp-extra-args-per-file=cpp-command.c:"-DPF=\\\"cp%02d_%.3f\\\"" -cpp-extra-args="-DPF2=\\\"cp%02d_%.3f\\\"" -print | python3
[kernel] Parsing cpp-command.c (with preprocessing)
......@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@
$ frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins cpp-command.c -cpp-extra-args-per-file=cpp-command.c:"file_extra" -cpp-extra-args="global_extra" -cpp-command "echo 'extra_args: %args'" -print | python3
[kernel] Warning: your preprocessor is not known to handle option `-nostdinc'. If preprocessing fails because of it, please add -no-cpp-frama-c-compliant option to Frama-C's command-line. If you do not want to see this warning again, explicitly use option -cpp-frama-c-compliant.
[kernel] Warning: your preprocessor is not known to handle option `-undef'. If preprocessing fails because of it, please add -no-cpp-frama-c-compliant option to Frama-C's command-line. If you do not want to see this warning again, explicitly use option -cpp-frama-c-compliant.
[kernel] Warning: your preprocessor is not known to handle option `-dD'. If preprocessing fails because of it, please add -no-cpp-frama-c-compliant option to Frama-C's command-line. If you do not want to see this warning again, explicitly use option -cpp-frama-c-compliant.
[kernel] Parsing cpp-command.c (with preprocessing)
extra_args: -I<TMP_MACHDEP> -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc -D__FRAMAC__ -dD -nostdinc file_extra global_extra
extra_args: -I<TMP_MACHDEP> -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc -U__STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ -U__STDC_IEC_60559_COMPLEX__ -U__STDC_ISO_10646__ -U__STDC_UTF16__ -U__STDC_UTF32__ -D__FRAMAC__ -dD -nostdinc -undef file_extra global_extra
[kernel] Warning: trying to preprocess annotation with an unknown preprocessor.
/* Generated by Frama-C */
(applies_to cpp-command)
(enabled_if %{read:../../python-3.7-available})
(deps ../../src/init/boot/empty_file.exe)
[kernel] Parsing censored_macros.c (with preprocessing)
/* Generated by Frama-C */
int main(void)
int __retres;
__retres = 0;
return __retres;
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