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Commit b8237817 authored by Julien Signoles's avatar Julien Signoles
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[e-acsl] license

[e-acsl] do not stop anymore when detecting an invalid/unsupported annotation
[e-acsl] tests for invalid quantifications
parent b2256999
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......@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ let context_sensitive ?loc env ctx is_mpz_string t_opt e =
?source:(Extlib.opt_map fst loc)
"missing guard for ensuring that the given integer is C-representable";
"@[missing guard for ensuring that the given integer is \
......@@ -143,10 +144,10 @@ let compute_quantif_guards quantif bounded_vars hyps =
let error msg pp x =
let msg1 = Pretty_utils.sfprintf msg pp x in
let msg2 =
Pretty_utils.sfprintf " in guarded quantification %a"
Pretty_utils.sfprintf "@[ in quantification@ %a@]"
d_predicate_named quantif
Misc.type_error (msg1 ^ msg2)
Error.untypable (msg1 ^ msg2)
let vars =
let h = Logic_var.Hashtbl.create 7 in
......@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ let compute_quantif_guards quantif bounded_vars hyps =
| Ctype ty when isIntegralType ty -> ()
| Linteger -> ()
| Ctype _ | Ltype _ | Lvar _ | Lreal | Larrow _ ->
error "non integer variable %a" d_logic_var v);
error "@[non integer variable %a@]" d_logic_var v);
Logic_var.Hashtbl.add h v ())
......@@ -174,13 +175,13 @@ let compute_quantif_guards quantif bounded_vars hyps =
Logic_var.Hashtbl.replace used_vars x1 ();
(t11, r1, x1, r2, t22) :: acc
end else
error "unbound variable %a" d_logic_var x1
error "@[unquantified variable %a@]" d_logic_var x1
error "invalid guard %a" d_term t21
| TLval _, _ -> error "invalid guard %a" d_term t21
| _, _ -> error "invalid guard %a" d_term t12)
error "@[invalid binder %a@]" d_term t21
| TLval _, _ -> error "@[invalid binder %a@]" d_term t21
| _, _ -> error "@[invalid binder %a@]" d_term t12)
| Pand(p1, p2) -> aux (aux acc p2) p1
| _ -> error "invalid guard %a" d_predicate_named p
| _ -> error "@[invalid guard %a@]" d_predicate_named p
aux [] p
......@@ -193,15 +194,15 @@ let compute_quantif_guards quantif bounded_vars hyps =
if len > 0 then begin
let msg =
"unguarded variable%s %tin quantification %a"
"@[unguarded variable%s %tin quantification@ %a@]"
(if len = 1 then "" else "s")
(fun fmt ->
(fun v () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a " d_logic_var v)
(fun v () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a @]" d_logic_var v)
d_predicate_named quantif
Misc.type_error msg
Error.untypable msg
......@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ let rec thost_to_host env = function
| TMem t ->
let e, env = term_to_exp env (Ctype intType) t in
Options.warning ~source:(fst e.eloc) ~once:true
"missing guard for ensuring that %a is a valid memory access"
"@[missing guard for ensuring that@ %a is a valid memory access@]"
d_term t;
Mem e, env
......@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ and toffset_to_offset ?loc env = function
| TIndex(t, offset) ->
let e, env = term_to_exp env (Ctype intType) t in
Options.warning ~source:(fst e.eloc) ~once:true
"missing guard for ensuring that %a is a valid array index"
"@[missing guard for ensuring that@ %a is a valid array index@]"
d_term t;
let offset, env = toffset_to_offset env offset in
Index(e, offset), env
......@@ -343,10 +344,10 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp env t =
e, env, false
| TBinOp((Shiftlt | Shiftrt), _, _) ->
(* left/right shift *)
Misc.not_yet "left/right shift"
Error.not_yet "left/right shift"
| TBinOp((LOr | LAnd | BOr | BXor | BAnd), _, _) ->
(* other logic/arith operators *)
Misc.not_yet "missing binary operator"
Error.not_yet "missing binary operator"
| TBinOp(PlusPI | IndexPI | MinusPI | MinusPP as bop, t1, t2) ->
(* binary operation over pointers *)
(* [TODO] untested *)
......@@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp env t =
let e1, env = term_to_exp env (ctx_type t1) t1 in
let e2, env = term_to_exp env (ctx_type t2) t2 in
Options.warning ~source:(fst loc) ~once:true
"missing guard for ensuring that %a is a valid pointer"
"@[missing guard for ensuring that@ %a is a valid pointer@]"
d_term t;
(* the type of the result is the same than type of the pointer [e1],
whatever is [e2] *)
......@@ -373,10 +374,10 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp env t =
| TStartOf lv ->
let lv, env = tlval_to_lval env lv in
mkAddrOrStartOf ~loc lv, env, false
| Tapp _ -> Misc.not_yet "applying logic function"
| Tlambda _ -> Misc.not_yet "functional"
| TDataCons _ -> Misc.not_yet "constructor"
| Tif _ -> Misc.not_yet "conditional"
| Tapp _ -> Error.not_yet "applying logic function"
| Tlambda _ -> Error.not_yet "functional"
| TDataCons _ -> Error.not_yet "constructor"
| Tif _ -> Error.not_yet "conditional"
| Tat(t', label) ->
let stmt = Env.stmt_of_label env label in
let ty = t'.term_type in
......@@ -431,20 +432,20 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp env t =
let new_stmt = Visitor.visitFramacStmt o (get_stmt bhv stmt) in
set_stmt bhv stmt new_stmt;
res, !env_ref, false
| Tbase_addr _ -> Misc.not_yet "\\base_addr"
| Tblock_length _ -> Misc.not_yet "\\block_length"
| Tbase_addr _ -> Error.not_yet "\\base_addr"
| Tblock_length _ -> Error.not_yet "\\block_length"
| Tnull -> mkCast (zero ~loc) (TPtr(TVoid [], [])), env, false
| TCoerce _ -> Misc.not_yet "coercion" (* Jessie specific *)
| TCoerceE _ -> Misc.not_yet "expression coercion" (* Jessie specific *)
| TUpdate _ -> Misc.not_yet "functional update"
| Ttypeof _ -> Misc.not_yet "typeof"
| Ttype _ -> Misc.not_yet "C type"
| Tempty_set -> Misc.not_yet "empty tset"
| Tunion _ -> Misc.not_yet "union of tsets"
| Tinter _ -> Misc.not_yet "intersection of tsets"
| Tcomprehension _ -> Misc.not_yet "tset comprehension"
| Trange _ -> Misc.not_yet "range"
| Tlet _ -> Misc.not_yet "let binding"
| TCoerce _ -> Error.not_yet "coercion" (* Jessie specific *)
| TCoerceE _ -> Error.not_yet "expression coercion" (* Jessie specific *)
| TUpdate _ -> Error.not_yet "functional update"
| Ttypeof _ -> Error.not_yet "typeof"
| Ttype _ -> Error.not_yet "C type"
| Tempty_set -> Error.not_yet "empty tset"
| Tunion _ -> Error.not_yet "union of tsets"
| Tinter _ -> Error.not_yet "intersection of tsets"
| Tcomprehension _ -> Error.not_yet "tset comprehension"
| Trange _ -> Error.not_yet "range"
| Tlet _ -> Error.not_yet "let binding"
(* Convert an ACSL term into a corresponding C expression (if any) in the given
environment. Also extend this environment in order to include the generating
......@@ -490,8 +491,8 @@ let rec named_predicate_to_exp env p =
match p.content with
| Pfalse -> zero ~loc, env
| Ptrue -> one ~loc, env
| Papp _ -> Misc.not_yet "logic function application"
| Pseparated _ -> Misc.not_yet "separated"
| Papp _ -> Error.not_yet "logic function application"
| Pseparated _ -> Error.not_yet "separated"
| Prel(rel, t1, t2) ->
let e, env =
comparison_to_exp ~loc env (relation_to_binop rel) t1 t2 None
......@@ -535,15 +536,15 @@ let rec named_predicate_to_exp env p =
Env.pop_and_get env2 s ~global_clear:false Env.Middle
[ mkStmt ~valid_sid:true (If(e1, then_block, else_block, loc)) ])
| Pxor _ -> Misc.not_yet "xor"
| Pxor _ -> Error.not_yet "xor"
| Pimplies(p1, p2) ->
named_predicate_to_exp env (Logic_const.por ((Logic_const.pnot p1), p2))
| Piff _ -> Misc.not_yet "<==>"
| Piff _ -> Error.not_yet "<==>"
| Pnot p ->
let e, env = named_predicate_to_exp env p in
new_exp ~loc (UnOp(LNot, e, TInt(IInt, []))), env
| Pif _ -> Misc.not_yet "_ ? _ : _"
| Plet _ -> Misc.not_yet "let _ = _ in _"
| Pif _ -> Error.not_yet "_ ? _ : _"
| Plet _ -> Error.not_yet "let _ = _ in _"
| Pforall(bounded_vars, { content = Pimplies(hyps, goal) }) ->
(* universal quantification over integers (or a subtype of integer) *)
let guards = compute_quantif_guards p bounded_vars hyps in
......@@ -652,8 +653,8 @@ let rec named_predicate_to_exp env p =
let env = Env.add_stmt env end_loop in
let env = List.fold_left Env.Logic_binding.remove env bounded_vars in
res, env
| Pforall _ -> Misc.not_yet "unguarded \\forall quantification"
| Pexists(bounded_vars, { content = Pand(hyps, _goal) }) ->
| Pforall _ -> Error.not_yet "unguarded \\forall quantification"
(* | Pexists(bounded_vars, { content = Pand(hyps, _goal) }) ->
let guards = compute_quantif_guards p bounded_vars hyps in
(fun (t1, _, x, _, t2) ->
......@@ -661,15 +662,15 @@ let rec named_predicate_to_exp env p =
"getting %a OP %a OP %a"
d_term t1 d_logic_var x d_term t2)
assert false
| Pexists _ -> Misc.not_yet "unguarded \\exists quantification"
| Pat _ -> Misc.not_yet "\\at"
| Pvalid _ -> Misc.not_yet "\\valid"
| Pvalid_index _ -> Misc.not_yet "\\valid_index"
| Pvalid_range _ -> Misc.not_yet "\\valid_range"
| Pfresh _ -> Misc.not_yet "\\fresh"
| Psubtype _ -> Misc.not_yet "subtyping relation" (* Jessie specific? *)
| Pinitialized _ -> Misc.not_yet "\\initialized"
assert false*)
| Pexists _ -> Error.not_yet "unguarded \\exists quantification"
| Pat _ -> Error.not_yet "\\at"
| Pvalid _ -> Error.not_yet "\\valid"
| Pvalid_index _ -> Error.not_yet "\\valid_index"
| Pvalid_range _ -> Error.not_yet "\\valid_range"
| Pfresh _ -> Error.not_yet "\\fresh"
| Psubtype _ -> Error.not_yet "subtyping relation" (* Jessie specific *)
| Pinitialized _ -> Error.not_yet "\\initialized"
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* [convert_*] converts a given ACSL annotation into the corresponding C
......@@ -702,32 +703,38 @@ let convert_postconditions env behaviors =
(fun env (t, p) ->
if b.b_assigns <> WritesAny then
Misc.not_yet "assigns clause in behavior";
Error.not_yet "assigns clause in behavior";
if b.b_extended <> [] then
Misc.not_yet "grammar extensions in behavior";
Error.not_yet "grammar extensions in behavior";
match t with
| Normal ->
let p = p.ip_content in
if p <> Ptrue && b.b_assumes <> [] then
Misc.not_yet "assumes in conjunction with ensures in behaviors";
Error.not_yet "assumes in conjunction with ensures in behaviors";
let p = Logic_const.unamed p in
let e, env = named_predicate_to_exp env p in
Env.add_stmt env (Misc.mk_e_acsl_guard ~reverse:true e p)
| Exits | Breaks | Continues | Returns ->
Misc.not_yet "abnormal termination case in behavior")
Error.not_yet "@[abnormal termination case in behavior@]")
List.fold_left do_behavior env behaviors
let convert_pre_spec env spec =
if spec.spec_variant <> None then Misc.not_yet "variant clause";
if spec.spec_terminates <> None then Misc.not_yet "terminates clause";
if spec.spec_complete_behaviors <> [] then Misc.not_yet "complete behaviors";
if spec.spec_disjoint_behaviors <> [] then Misc.not_yet "disjoint behaviors";
convert_preconditions env spec.spec_behavior
let convert env =
if spec.spec_variant <> None then Error.not_yet "variant clause";
if spec.spec_terminates <> None then Error.not_yet "terminates clause";
if spec.spec_complete_behaviors <> [] then
Error.not_yet "complete behaviors";
if spec.spec_disjoint_behaviors <> [] then
Error.not_yet "disjoint behaviors";
convert_preconditions env spec.spec_behavior
Error.handle convert env
let convert_post_spec env spec = convert_postconditions env spec.spec_behavior
let convert_post_spec env spec =
Error.handle (fun env -> convert_postconditions env spec.spec_behavior) env
let convert_named_predicate env p =
let e, env = named_predicate_to_exp env p in
......@@ -735,36 +742,32 @@ let convert_named_predicate env p =
Env.add_stmt env (Misc.mk_e_acsl_guard ~reverse:true e p)
let convert_pre_code_annotation env annot =
match annot.annot_content with
let convert env = match annot.annot_content with
| AAssert(l, p) ->
if l <> [] then Misc.not_yet "assertions applied only on some behaviors";
if l <> [] then
Error.not_yet "@[assertions applied only on some behaviors@]";
convert_named_predicate env p
| AStmtSpec(l, spec) ->
if l <> [] then
Misc.not_yet "statement contract applied only on some behaviors";
Error.not_yet "@[statement contract applied only on some behaviors@]";
convert_pre_spec env spec ;
| AInvariant _ -> Misc.not_yet "invariant"
| AVariant _ -> Misc.not_yet "variant"
| AAssigns _ -> Misc.not_yet "assigns"
| APragma _ -> Misc.not_yet "pragma"
with Misc.Typing_error s ->
let msg = Format.sprintf "invalid E-ACSL construct %s." s in
if Options.Check.get () then Misc.type_error msg
else Options.warning ~current:true "%s@\nignoring annotation." msg;
| AInvariant _ -> Error.not_yet "invariant"
| AVariant _ -> Error.not_yet "variant"
| AAssigns _ -> Error.not_yet "assigns"
| APragma _ -> Error.not_yet "pragma"
Error.handle convert env
let convert_post_code_annotation env annot =
match annot.annot_content with
let convert env = match annot.annot_content with
| AStmtSpec(_, spec) -> convert_post_spec env spec
| AAssert _
| AInvariant _
| AVariant _
| AAssigns _
| APragma _ -> env
with Misc.Typing_error _ ->
Error.handle convert env
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Visitor *)
......@@ -788,7 +791,8 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
method vglob_aux g =
if !first_global then begin
first_global := false;
ChangeDoChildrenPost([ g ], fun l -> Misc.e_acsl_header () :: l)
if Options.Check.get () then DoChildren
else ChangeDoChildrenPost([ g ], fun l -> Misc.e_acsl_header () :: l)
end else
......@@ -856,7 +860,7 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
(fun (User old_a | AI(_, old_a)) (env, new_annots) ->
let a =
(* [VP] Don't use Visitor here, as it will fill the
queue in the middle of the computation... *)
queue in the middle of the computation... *)
Cil.visitCilCodeAnnotation (self :> Cil.cilVisitor) old_a
let env = Project.on prj (convert_pre_code_annotation env) a in
......@@ -906,7 +910,7 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
function_env := env;
Options.debug ~level:3
"new stmt (from sid %d): %a" stmt.sid d_stmt new_stmt;
"@[new stmt (from sid %d):@ %a@]" stmt.sid d_stmt new_stmt;
ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt, mk_block)
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