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[doc] dev: migration guide

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......@@ -800,6 +800,187 @@ itself, it needs to be doubled, {\it i.e.} \texttt{@@} will be translated as
\section{Plug-in Migration from Makefile to Dune}\label{adv:dune-migration}
\begin{target}developers who have an existing plug-in for Frama-C 25 or less and
want to migrate this plug-in to Frama-C 26 or more.\end{target}
Being familiar with the plug-in to migrate. Depending on how complex the
plug-in is, it may require an advanced knowledge of the Dune build system.
Please note that this section is a best effort procedure for making the
migration as smooth as possible. If the plug-in is particularly complex,
please contact us if you need some help for migrating it.
\subsection{Files organization changes}
Previously for a plug-in named \texttt{Plugin}, only the file
\texttt{Plugin.mli} was necessary to expose the signature of the plug-in. Now,
one has to also provide an implementation file \texttt{}.
For most plug-ins, the \texttt{autoconf} and \texttt{configure} will be useless.
In particular, \framac does not provide any \texttt{autoconf} and
\texttt{configure} features anymore. So for most plug-ins these files will be
entirely removed (see~\ref{adv:dune-migration:conf}). Thus, the
\texttt{} does not exist anymore. A \texttt{Makefile} may be useful
to provide some shortcuts.
If a plugin has a graphical user-interface, it is recommended to put the related
files into a separate directory in the directory of the plug-in
It was previously possible to indicate \texttt{.} as a test suite for \ptests.
In such a case, tests source files were directly in the \texttt{tests} directory.
This is not possible anymore. If the plug-in tests follow this architecture,
these tests should be moved in a subdirectory of \texttt{tests} and the oracles
updated before starting the migration.
\subsection{Template \texttt{dune} file}
This basic template should be enough for most plug-ins. The next sections
explain how to add more information to this file to handle some common cases.
( rule
(alias frama-c-configure)
(deps (universe))
(action ( progn
(echo "MyPlugin:" %{lib-available:frama-c-myplugin.core} "\n")
(echo " - Frama-C:" %{lib-available:frama-c.kernel} "\n")
( library
(name myplugin)
(public_name frama-c-myplugin.core)
(flags -open Frama_c_kernel :standard)
(libraries frama-c.kernel)
( plugin
(name myplugin) (libraries frama-c-myplugin.core) (site (frama-c plugins))
For the creation of the \texttt{dune-project} file, please refer to
\subsection{\texttt{autoconf} and \texttt{configure}}\label{adv:dune-migration:conf}
Indicating whether a plug-in is available and why (availability of the
dependencies) is now handled via the \texttt{frama-c-configure} rule.
When working in the Frama-C \texttt{src/plugins} directory, enabling or
disabling the plug-in at build time is done thanks to the script
Plug-ins dependencies are now declared in the \texttt{dune} file. In the
\texttt{libraries} field. For instance, if in the \texttt{autoconf} of the
plug-in, the following lines are present:
The \texttt{libraries} should be now:
(select from
(%{lib-available:zarith} ->
( ->
(select from
(%{lib-available:frama-c-eva.core} ->
( ->
For external binaries, the keywod is \texttt{bin-available}.
In the case some file must be generated at build time, it is recommended to use
a rule together with an action of generation. The executable itself can be
generated from an \ocaml file itself. For example:
(name myconfigurator)
(libraries str))
(targets generated-file)
(action (run ./myconfigurator.exe))
\subsection{GUI migration}\label{adv:dune-migration:gui}
Just like there is a \texttt{dune} for the core features of the plug-in, there
is now a \texttt{dune} file for the GUI, that depends on the core features of
the plug-in and the \framac GUI. This file is to put in the \texttt{gui}
subdirectory. Again, if there are additional dependencies, they must be
indicated in the \texttt{libraries} field:
( library
(name myplugin_gui)
(public_name frama-c-myplugin.gui)
(flags -open Frama_c_kernel -open Frama_c_gui -open MyPlugin :standard)
(libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c.gui frama-c-myplugin.core)
(plugin (optional) (name myplugin-gui) (libraries frama-c-myplugin.gui) (site (frama-c plugins_gui)))
\subsection{Build and \texttt{}}
Provided that the \lstinline{dune} files are ready. The plug-in can now be
built using the command \texttt{dune build @install}. The file
\lstinline{} can now be removed.
\subsection{Migrating tests}
In the \texttt{test\_config*} files, the \texttt{PLUGIN} field is now mandatory
and must list the plug-in and all the plug-ins on which it directly depends on.
For example the plug-in defined in our previous \texttt{dune} file, and assuming
that the tests use all mandatory and optional dependencies:
PLUGIN: myplugin,wp,eva
OPT: ...
The \texttt{ptests\_config} file now lists the test suites. Notice that this file
was previously generated and probably list in the ignored files for the versioning
system. Now, it must be versioned in such a case. Assuming that the plug-in has
three suites \texttt{basic}, \texttt{eva} and \texttt{wp}. This file now
DEFAULT_SUITES=basic eva wp
For most plug-ins, these modifications should be enough so that:
dune exec -- frama-c-ptests
dune build @ptests
behaves in expected way.
For more advanced usage of \texttt{ptests} please refer to Section~\ref{adv:ptests}.
\section{Plug-in General Services}\label{adv:plugin-services}
Module \texttt{Plugin}\codeidxdef{Plugin} provides an access to some general
......@@ -912,7 +1093,7 @@ let print_one v l =
Format.printf "variable %s (%d):@\n" v.vname v.vid;
(fun (ki, lv) ->
Format.printf " sid %a: %a@\n" d_ki ki d_lval lv)
Format.printf " sid %a: %a@\n" d_ki ki d_lval lv)
let print_all () =
......@@ -929,7 +1110,7 @@ let print_one fmt v l =
Format.fprintf fmt "variable %s (%d):@\n" v.vname v.vid;
(fun (ki, lv) ->
Format.fprintf fmt " sid %a: %a@\n" d_ki ki d_lval lv)
Format.fprintf fmt " sid %a: %a@\n" d_ki ki d_lval lv)
......@@ -1067,10 +1248,10 @@ output can be associated to a debugging key with the optional argument
Each category must be registered through the
\lstinline|register_category| function. You can define subcategories
by putting colons in the registered name. For instance \lstinline|a:b:c| defines
a subcategory \lstinline|c| of \lstinline|a:b|, itself a subcategory of
a subcategory \lstinline|c| of \lstinline|a:b|, itself a subcategory of
\lstinline|a|. User can then choose to
output debugging messages belonging to a given category (and its subcategories)
with the \lstinline{-plugin-msg-key <category>} option.
with the \lstinline{-plugin-msg-key <category>} option.
In order to decide whether a message should be output, both level and category
options are examined:
......@@ -1080,7 +1261,7 @@ options are examined:
\item if only \lstinline|~level| is provided, the message is output if the
corresponding verbosity or debugging level is sufficient
\item if only \lstinline|~dkey| is used, the message is output if the
corresponding category is in used
corresponding category is in used
(even if the verbosity or debugging level is \lstinline|0|)
\item if both \lstinline|~level| and \lstinline|~dkey| are present,
the message is output if the two conditions above
......@@ -1282,7 +1463,7 @@ It is also possible to have a momentary direct access to
\logroutine{print\_on\_output}{ "..."}%
The routine immediately locks the output of \lstinline{Log} and
The routine immediately locks the output of \lstinline{Log} and
prints the provided message. All message echoes are delayed until
the routine actually returns. Notification to listeners is not
delayed, however.
......@@ -1390,10 +1571,10 @@ The following line of code pretty prints whether two statements are equal.
(* assuming the type of [stmt1] and [stmt2] is Cil_types.stmt *)
fmt (* a formatter previously defined somewhere *)
"statements %a and %a are %sequal"
Cil_datatype.Stmt.pretty stmt1
"statements %a and %a are %sequal"
Cil_datatype.Stmt.pretty stmt1
Cil_datatype.Stmt.pretty stmt2
(if Cil_datatype.Stmt.equal stmt1 stmt2 then "" else "not ")
......@@ -1406,10 +1587,10 @@ in the following way.
let string_set =
let string_set =
(fun acc s -> Datatype.String.Set.add s acc)
[ "foo"; "bar"; "baz" ]
......@@ -1446,14 +1627,14 @@ module AB =
type *)
let name = "ab"
(* representants of the type: a non-empty list of values of this type. It
is only used for safety check: the best the list represents the
is only used for safety check: the best the list represents the
different possible physical representation of the type, the best the
check is. *)
let reprs = [ A; B 0 ]
(* structural descriptor describing the physical representation of the
type. It is used when marshaling. *)
let structural_descr =
let structural_descr =
(Structural_desr.Sum [| [| Structural_descr.p_int |] |])
(* equality, compare and hash are the standard OCaml ones *)
let equal (x:t) y = x = y
......@@ -1466,7 +1647,7 @@ module AB =
(* the type ab does never contain any value of type Project.t *)
let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
(* pretty printer *)
let pretty fmt x =
let pretty fmt x =
Format.pp_print_string fmt
(match x with A -> "a" | B n -> "b" ^ string_of_int n)
......@@ -1510,7 +1691,7 @@ serializable. In such a case, you can use the very useful predefined structure
As for type values, it is not possible to create a datatype corresponding to
polymorphic types, but it is possible to create them for each of their
monomorphic instances.
monomorphic instances.
For building such instances, you \emph{must} not apply the functor
......@@ -1523,7 +1704,7 @@ Instead, you must use the functor
type parameter and the functor
\texttt{Datatype.Polymorphic2}\scodeidx{Datatype}{Polymorphic2} for types with
two type parameters\footnote{%
\texttt{Polymorphic3}\scodeidx{Datatype}{Polymorphic3} and
\texttt{Polymorphic3}\scodeidx{Datatype}{Polymorphic3} and
also exist in case of polymorphic types with 3 or 4 type parameters.}.
These functors takes as argument how to build the datatype
......@@ -1545,15 +1726,15 @@ Here is how to apply \texttt{Datatype.Polymorphic} corresponding to the type
type 'a ab = A of 'a | B of int
module Poly_ab =
module Poly_ab =
type 'a t = 'a ab
let name ty = ty ^ " ab"
let module_name = "Ab"
let reprs ty = [ A ty ]
let structural_descr d =
let structural_descr d =
[| [| Structural_descr.pack d |]; [| Structural_descr.p_int |] |]
let mk_equal f x y = match x, y with
......@@ -1569,18 +1750,18 @@ module Poly_ab =
let map f = function A x -> A (f x) | B x -> B x
let mk_internal_pretty_code f prec_caller fmt = function
| A x ->
(fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "A %a" (f Type.Call) x)
| B n ->
(fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "B %d" n)
let mk_pretty f fmt x =
let mk_pretty f fmt x =
mk_internal_pretty_code (fun _ -> f) Type.Basic fmt x
let mk_varname _ = "ab"
let mk_mem_project mem f = function
......@@ -1640,7 +1821,7 @@ depends on \texttt{Plugin\_A} through the special variable
\texttt{Plugin\_A} declares and provides access to a function \texttt{compute}
in the following way.
in the following way.
\listingname{File plugin\_a/my\_analysis\}
......@@ -1828,9 +2009,9 @@ value to register.
let run () : unit = ...
let () =
(Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
......@@ -1862,11 +2043,11 @@ depending on the case, you will get a compile-time or a runtime error.
Here is how the previously registered function \texttt{run} of
\texttt{Hello} may be applied.
let () =
let () =
(Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
(Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
The given strings and the given type value\index{Type!Value} must be the same
......@@ -2166,7 +2347,7 @@ For solving this issue, it is possible to postpone the addition of a
state kind to dependencies until all modules have been initialized. However,
dependencies must be correct before anything serious is computed by \framac. So
the right way to do this is the use of the function
\scodeidx{Cmdline}{run\_after\_extended\_stage} (see
Section~\ref{adv:init} for advanced explanation about the way \framac is
......@@ -2244,13 +2425,13 @@ project. However, the AST plays a special role as a state. Namely, it can be
changed in place, bypassing the project mechanism. In particular, it is possible
to add globals. Plugins that perform such changes should inform the kernel
when they are done using
\texttt{Ast.mark\_as\_changed}\scodeidxdef{Ast}{mark\_as\_changed} or
\texttt{Ast.mark\_as\_changed}\scodeidxdef{Ast}{mark\_as\_changed} or
\texttt{Ast.mark\_as\_grown}\scodeidxdef{Ast}{mark\_as\_grown}. The latter
must be used when the only changes are additions, leaving existing nodes
untouched, while the former must be used for more intrusive changes.
In addition, it is possible to tell the kernel that a state is ``monotonic''
with respect to AST changes, in the sense that it does not need to be cleared
when nodes are added (the information that should be associated to the new
when nodes are added (the information that should be associated to the new
nodes will be computed as needed). This is done with the function
\texttt{Ast.mark\_as\_grown} will not touch such a state, while
......@@ -2279,7 +2460,7 @@ registration. Indeed here is the key point: from the outside, only this local
version is used for efficiency purposes (remember
Figure~\ref{fig:proj-mechanism}). It would work even if projects do not
exist. Each project knows a \emph{global version}\index{State!Global
Version|bfit}. The project management system \emph{automatically}
Version|bfit}. The project management system \emph{automatically}
switches\index{Context Switch} the local version when the current
project\index{Project!Current} changes in order to conserve a physical
equality\index{Equality!Physical} between local version and current global
......@@ -2625,7 +2806,7 @@ Thus it is a set of \texttt{kernel\_function}s initialized by default to
the empty set. \framac uses
the field \texttt{arg\_name} in order to print the name of the argument when
displaying help. The field \texttt{help} is the help message itself. The
Interface for this module is simple:
Interface for this module is simple:
module Pragma: Parameter_sig.Kernel_function_set
......@@ -2676,7 +2857,7 @@ in order to know whether callsite-wise dependencies have been required.
It is possible to modify the default behavior of command line options in several
ways by applying functions just before or just after applying the functor
defining the corresponding parameter.
defining the corresponding parameter.
Functions which can be applied afterwards are defined in the output signature of
the applied functor.
......@@ -2701,7 +2882,7 @@ module \texttt{Parameter\_customize}\codeidxdef{Parameter\_customize}.
Here is how the opposite of option "-safe-arrays" is renamed into
"-unsafe-arrays" (otherwise, by default, it would be "-no-safe-arrays").
let () = Parameter_customize.set_negative_option_name "-unsafe-arrays"
......@@ -2746,7 +2927,7 @@ tightly coupled with handling the command line parameters.
The parsing of the command line parameters is performed in several
\emph{phases} and \emph{stages}
\index{Command Line!Parsing},
\index{Command Line!Parsing},
each one dedicated to specific operations.
Following the general rule stated at the beginning of this section, even
the kernel services of \framac are internally registered as hooks routines to
......@@ -2783,7 +2964,7 @@ their execution order.
\texttt{Cmdline}\codeidx{Cmdline} (one of the first linked modules, see
Figure~\ref{fig:architecture}) performs a very early configuration stage,
such as setting the global verbosity and debugging levels.
\item \label{stage:early} \textbf{The Early Stage:} this stage initializes the
kernel services. More precisely:
......@@ -2923,7 +3104,7 @@ their execution order.
\item \textbf{The Main Stage:} this is the step where plug-ins actually run
their main entry points registered through
\texttt{Db.Main.extend}\sscodeidx{Db}{Main}{extend}. For all intents and purposes, you should consider
\texttt{Db.Main.extend}\sscodeidx{Db}{Main}{extend}. For all intents and purposes, you should consider
that this stage is the one where these hooks are executed.
......@@ -2957,7 +3138,7 @@ from the latter with the \verb+Cabs2cil.convFile+\scodeidx{Cabs2cil}{convFile}
function, which guarantees that the resulting \verb+Cil_types.file+ respects
all invariants expected by the Frama-C kernel.
\item\textbf{Type-checking:} a normal \verb+Cabs.file+ ({\it i.e.} not obtained
through a custom parsing function) can be transformed before being
through a custom parsing function) can be transformed before being
type-checked. Transformation hooks are registered through
......@@ -2978,7 +3159,7 @@ type-checked. Transformation hooks are registered through
(respectively \verb+File.add_code_transformation_after_cleanup+%
\scodeidxdefsmall{File}{add\_code\_transformation\_after\_cleanup}). If such a
transformation modify the control-flow graph of a function \texttt{f}, in
particular by adding statements, it must call
particular by adding statements, it must call
\verb|File.must_recompute_cfg|\scodeidxdef{File}{must\_recompute\_cfg}, in
order to have the graph recomputed afterwards.
......@@ -3208,7 +3389,7 @@ compile and run the program, the assembly code may provide some useful data.
Module \texttt{Cil}\codeidx{Cil} offers a visitor\index{Visitor!Cil|bfit},
that allows to traverse (parts of) an
AST\index{AST}. It is a class with one method per type of the AST, whose
default behavior is simply to call the method corresponding to its
......@@ -3286,7 +3467,7 @@ More detailed information can be found in \verb+cil.mli+.
For the \framac visitor, two methods,
and \verb+vglob+\sscodeidx{Cil}{cilVisitor}{vglob} take
care of maintaining the coherence\index{Consistency} between the transformed
AST\index{AST!Modification} and the internal state of \framac%
......@@ -3587,7 +3768,7 @@ can be freely mixed with other behavior clauses (post-conditions, \verb|assigns|
Similarly, in a loop annotation, \verb|loop kw e1, ..., en;| will be treated as belonging to the
\verb|kw| extension. In case the loop annotation has a \verb|loop variant|, the extension must
\verb|kw| extension. In case the loop annotation has a \verb|loop variant|, the extension must
occur before. Otherwise, there is no ordering constraint with other loop annotations clauses.
Global extensions can either be a standalone global annotation, or a whole block
......@@ -3754,7 +3935,7 @@ Namely, specification:
/*@ ext_type load: foo ; */
axiomatic Pred {
predicate P(foo f) reads \nothing ;
......@@ -3868,7 +4049,7 @@ compile the GUI plug-in code (see Section~\ref{make:plugin}).
Besides time-consuming computations have to call the function
\texttt{!Db.progress}\scodeidx{Db}{progress} from time to time in order to keep the GUI reactive.
%Mainly that's all!
%Mainly that's all!
The GUI implementation uses
\lablgtk~\cite{lablgtk}\index{Lablgtk}: you can use any \lablgtk-compatible
code in your gui extension. A complete example of a GUI extension may be found in
......@@ -3961,10 +4142,10 @@ an entry for your plug-in in the plug-in list.
\paragraph{Internal Documentation for External Plug-ins}
External plug-ins can be documented in the same way as plug-ins that are
External plug-ins can be documented in the same way as plug-ins that are
compiled together with \framac. However, in order to be able to compile the
documentation with \texttt{make doc}, you must have generated the documentation
of Frama-C's kernel (\texttt{make doc}, see above) and installed it with the
of Frama-C's kernel (\texttt{make doc}, see above) and installed it with the
\texttt{make install-doc-code}\codeidx{install-doc-code} command.
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