@@ -1280,11 +1251,8 @@ interactively or incrementally, it is often the case where most proof obligation
from one \textsf{WP} execution to the other. To reduce this costs, a cache of prover results can be used
and stored in your session.
The cache can only be used with \textsf{Why-3} provers, it does not work with native \textsf{Alt-Ergo}
and \textsf{Coq} provers -- although proof scripts works with both.
There are different ways of using the cache, depending on your precise needs.
The \textsf{WP} options to control session and cache are \verb+-wp-session+ and \verb+-wp-cache+, as documented below:
The cache can only be used with \textsf{Why-3} provers, it does not work with native \textsf{Alt-Ergo} and \textsf{Coq} provers. There are different ways of using the cache, depending on your precise needs.
The main option to control cache usage is \verb+-wp-cache+, documented below:
\item[\tt -wp-session <dir>] select the directory where cached results and proof scripts