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Commit 989a240c authored by Kilyan Le Gallic's avatar Kilyan Le Gallic
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[wp] Added built-in support, pretty print functions parameter types

parent c318b215
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......@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ module F = Filepath.Normalized
module W = Why3
module WConf = Why3.Whyconf
let dkey = L.register_category "why3.import"
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Why3 Environment --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -93,9 +95,10 @@ let pp_li fmt (li : C.logic_info) =
(* For debug only*)
let pp_lvs fmt (lvs : C.logic_var list) =
List.iter (fun (lv: C.logic_var) -> Cpp.pp_logic_var fmt lv;
Cpp.pp_logic_type fmt lv.lv_type)
List.iter (fun (lv: C.logic_var) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@ %a: %a"
Cpp.pp_logic_var lv Cpp.pp_logic_type lv.lv_type
) lvs;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Types --- *)
......@@ -108,13 +111,27 @@ type tvars = C.logic_type W.Ty.Mtv.t
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Built-in --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let _populate_tenv_builtin (tenv:tenv) =
let _integer = C.Linteger in
let _real = C.Lreal in
let _bool = C.{ lt_name=Utf8_logic.boolean; lt_params=[]; lt_def=None; lt_attr=[] } in
let _list = C.{ lt_name="\\list"; lt_params=[]; lt_def=None; lt_attr=[]} in
let _set = C.{ lt_name = "set"; lt_params=["elem"]; lt_def=None; lt_attr=[] } in
let add_builtin (tenv : tenv) ts lt_name lt_params =
W.Ty.Hts.add tenv ts C.{lt_name ; lt_params; lt_def=None; lt_attr=[] }
let find_ts wenv pkg thy name =
let th = Why3.Env.read_theory wenv pkg thy in
Why3.Theory.ns_find_ts th.th_export name
with Not_found ->
L.fatal "Cannot find %s.%s.%s"
(String.concat "." pkg ) thy (String.concat "." name)
let add_builtins (wenv : W.Env.env) (tenv:tenv) =
let ts_list = find_ts wenv ["list"] "List" ["list"] in
let ts_set = find_ts wenv ["set"] "Set" ["set"] in
add_builtin tenv W.Ty.ts_bool Utf8_logic.boolean [];
add_builtin tenv ts_list "\\list" ["A"];
add_builtin tenv ts_set "set" ["A"];
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Type conversion --- *)
......@@ -127,13 +144,15 @@ let tvars_of_txs (txs: W.Ty.tvsymbol list) : string list * tvars =
(fun (tv: W.Ty.tvsymbol) (txs,tvs) ->
let x = tv.tv_name.id_string in
x :: txs, W.Ty.Mtv.add tv (C.Lvar x) tvs
x :: txs, W.Ty.Mtv.add tv (C.Lvar x) tvs
) txs ([], W.Ty.Mtv.empty)
let rec lt_of_ty (tenv : tenv) (tvs : tvars) (ty: W.Ty.ty) : C.logic_type =
match ty.ty_node with
| Tyvar x -> W.Ty.Mtv.find x tvs
| Tyapp(s,[]) when W.Ty.(ts_equal s ts_int) -> C.Linteger
| Tyapp(s,[]) when W.Ty.(ts_equal s ts_real) -> C.Lreal
| Tyapp(s,ts) -> C.Ltype( lti_of_ts tenv s , (lt_of_ty tenv tvs ) ts)
......@@ -203,32 +222,32 @@ let import_theory env (tenv:tenv) (lenv:lenv) thname =
match decl.d_node with
| Dtype ts ->
L.debug ~level:2 "Decl and type %a" pp_id ts.ts_name;
L.debug ~level:2 "Location %a" pp_id_loc ts.ts_name;
L.debug ~dkey "Decl and type %a" pp_id ts.ts_name;
L.debug ~dkey "Location %a" pp_id_loc ts.ts_name;
let lti = lti_of_ts tenv ts in
L.debug ~level:2 "Correspondign LTI %a" pp_lti lti;
L.debug ~dkey "Correspondign LTI %a" pp_lti lti;
| Ddata ddatas ->
(fun ((ts, _) : W.Decl.data_decl) ->
L.debug ~level:2 "Decl and data %a" pp_id ts.ts_name;
L.debug ~level:2 "Location %a" pp_id_loc ts.ts_name;
L.debug ~dkey "Decl and data %a" pp_id ts.ts_name;
L.debug ~dkey "Location %a" pp_id_loc ts.ts_name;
let lti = lti_of_ts tenv ts in
L.debug ~level:2 "Correspondign data LTI %a" pp_lti lti;
L.debug ~dkey "Correspondign data LTI %a" pp_lti lti;
) ddatas
| Dparam ls ->
L.debug ~level:2 "Decl and dparam %a" pp_id ls.ls_name;
L.debug ~level:2 "Location %a" pp_id_loc ls.ls_name
L.debug ~dkey "Decl and dparam %a" pp_id ls.ls_name;
L.debug ~dkey "Location %a" pp_id_loc ls.ls_name
| Dlogic dlogics ->
(fun ((ls,_):W.Decl.logic_decl) ->
L.debug ~level:2 "Decl and dlogic %a" pp_id ls.ls_name;
L.debug ~level:2 "Location %a" pp_id_loc ls.ls_name;
L.debug ~dkey "Decl and dlogic %a" pp_id ls.ls_name;
L.debug ~dkey "Location %a" pp_id_loc ls.ls_name;
let li = li_of_ls tenv ls lenv in
L.debug ~level:2 "Corresponding dlogic LTI %a" pp_li li;
L.debug ~dkey "Corresponding dlogic LTI %a" pp_li li;
) dlogics
| _ -> L.debug ~level:2 "Decl and whatever"
| _ -> L.debug ~dkey "Decl and whatever"
| Use _| Clone _| Meta _ -> L.debug ~level:2 ""
| Use _| Clone _| Meta _ -> L.debug ~dkey ""
) theory.th_decls
with W.Env.LibraryNotFound _ ->
L.error "Library %s not found" thname
......@@ -240,20 +259,26 @@ let import_theory env (tenv:tenv) (lenv:lenv) thname =
let () =
begin fun () ->
let env = create_why3_env @@ L.Library.get () in
let tenv : tenv = W.Ty.Hts.create 0 in
let lenv : lenv = W.Term.Hls.create 0 in
List.iter (import_theory env tenv lenv) @@ L.Import.get ();
L.debug ~level:2 "Length of type environment : %d " (W.Ty.Hts.length tenv);
W.Ty.Hts.iter (fun (tys) (lti) ->
L.debug ~level:1 "Why3 type symbol : %a" pp_tys tys;
L.debug ~level:1 "Corresponding CIL logic type info %a" pp_lti lti;
) tenv;
W.Term.Hls.iter (fun (ls) (li) ->
L.debug ~level:1 "Why3 logic symbol : %a" pp_ls ls;
L.debug ~level:1 "Corresponding CIL logic info : %a" pp_li li;
L.debug ~level:1 "Associated parameters : %a" pp_lvs li.l_profile;
) lenv
let libs = L.Library.get() in
let imports = L.Import.get() in
if libs <> [] || imports <> [] then
let wenv = create_why3_env @@ libs in
let tenv : tenv = W.Ty.Hts.create 0 in
let lenv : lenv = W.Term.Hls.create 0 in
add_builtins wenv tenv;
List.iter (import_theory wenv tenv lenv) @@ imports;
W.Ty.Hts.iter (fun (tys) (lti) ->
L.result "Why3 type symbol : %a" pp_tys tys;
L.result "Corresponding CIL logic type info %a" pp_lti lti;
) tenv;
W.Term.Hls.iter (fun (ls) (li) ->
L.result "Why3 logic symbol : %a" pp_ls ls;
L.result "Corresponding CIL logic info : %a" pp_li li;
L.result "Associated parameters : @[<hov2>%a@]" pp_lvs li.l_profile;
) lenv;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
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