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Commit 94b8862d authored by Basile Desloges's avatar Basile Desloges Committed by Julien Signoles
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fixup! [eacsl] Create an analysis to compute translation location of labeled pred and terms

parent 350e64dc
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......@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ ANALYSES_CMI:= \
ANALYSES_CMI:=$(addprefix src/analyses/, $(ANALYSES_CMI))
lscope \
analyses_datatype \
rte \
lscope \
e_acsl_visitor \
logic_normalizer \
bound_variables \
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
(** Datatypes for analyses types *)
open Cil_types
open Cil_datatype
open Analyses_types
......@@ -83,3 +84,165 @@ module PredOrTerm =
let varname _ = "pred_or_term"
(** Extended logic label module to associate a statement to a label when
necessary. For instance, the label `Old` is associated with its contract
statement to be able to distinguish two `Old` annotations in the same
function. On the contrary the `Pre` label does not have an associated
statement because this label designate the same location for all contracts
in the same function. *)
module ExtLogicLabel: sig
include Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = logic_label * stmt option
val from: kinstr -> logic_label -> logic_label * stmt option
(** @return an extended logic label from a [kinstr] and a [logic_label]. *)
end = struct
include Datatype.Pair_with_collections
let module_name = "E_ACSL.Labels.ExtLogicLabel.StmtOption"
(struct let module_name = "E_ACSL.Labels.ExtLogicLabel" end)
(* Override [pretty] to print a more compact representation of [ExtLogicLabel]
for debugging purposes. *)
let pretty fmt (label, from_stmt_opt) =
match from_stmt_opt with
| Some from_stmt ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a from stmt %d at %a"
Logic_label.pretty label
Printer.pp_location (Stmt.loc from_stmt)
| None ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a"
Logic_label.pretty label
let from kinstr label =
let from_stmt_opt =
match kinstr, label with
| Kglobal, _
| Kstmt _, (BuiltinLabel (Pre | Here | Init)
| FormalLabel _ | StmtLabel _) ->
| Kstmt _, BuiltinLabel (LoopCurrent | LoopEntry) ->
(* [None] for now because these labels are unsupported, but the
statement before the loop and the first statement of the loop should
probably be used once they are supported. *)
(Format.asprintf "label %a" Printer.pp_logic_label label);
| Kstmt s, BuiltinLabel (Old | Post) -> Some s
label, from_stmt_opt
(** Basic printer for a [kinstr]. Contrary to [Cil_datatype.Kinstr.pretty], the
stmt of [Kstmt] is not printed. *)
let basic_pp_kinstr fmt kinstr =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(match kinstr with
| Kglobal -> "Kglobal"
| Kstmt _ -> "Kstmt")
(** Basic comparison for two [kinstr], i.e. two [Kstmt] are always equal
regardless of the statement value (contrary to []
where two [Kstmt] are compared with their included statement's [sid]). *)
let basic_kinstr_compare kinstr1 kinstr2 =
match kinstr1, kinstr2 with
| Kglobal, Kglobal | Kstmt _, Kstmt _ -> 0
| Kglobal, _ -> 1
| _, Kglobal -> -1
(** Basic hash function for a [kinstr], i.e. contrary to
[Cil_datatype.Kinstr.hash] the statement of the [Kstmt] is not considered
for the hash. *)
let basic_kinstr_hash kinstr =
match kinstr with
| Kglobal -> 1 lsl 29
| Kstmt _ -> 1 lsl 31
module AtData = struct
let create ?error kf kinstr lscope pot label =
{ kf; kinstr; lscope; pot; label; error }
include Datatype.Make_with_collections
type t = at_data
let name = "E_ACSL.AtData"
let reprs =
(fun acc kf ->
(fun acc kinstr ->
(fun acc pot ->
(fun acc label ->
create kf kinstr Lscope.empty pot label :: acc)
include Datatype.Undefined
let compare
{ kf = kf1;
kinstr = kinstr1;
lscope = lscope1;
pot = pot1;
label = label1 }
{ kf = kf2;
kinstr = kinstr2;
lscope = lscope2;
pot = pot2;
label = label2 }
let cmp = kf1 kf2 in
let cmp =
if cmp = 0 then
basic_kinstr_compare kinstr1 kinstr2
else cmp
let cmp =
if cmp = 0 then lscope1 lscope2
else cmp
let cmp =
if cmp = 0 then pot1 pot2
else cmp
if cmp = 0 then
let extlabel1 = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr1 label1 in
let extlabel2 = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr2 label2 in extlabel1 extlabel2
else cmp
let equal = Datatype.from_compare
let hash { kf; kinstr; lscope; pot; label } =
let extlabel = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr label in
(Kf.hash kf,
basic_kinstr_hash kinstr,
Lscope.D.hash lscope,
PredOrTerm.hash pot,
ExtLogicLabel.hash extlabel)
let pretty fmt { kf; kinstr; lscope; pot; label } =
let extlabel = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr label in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a, %a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
Kf.pretty kf
basic_pp_kinstr kinstr
Lscope.D.pretty lscope
PredOrTerm.pretty pot
ExtLogicLabel.pretty extlabel
......@@ -22,8 +22,24 @@
(** Datatypes for analyses types *)
open Cil_types
open Analyses_types
module Annotation_kind: Datatype.S with type t = annotation_kind
module PredOrTerm: Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = pred_or_term
module AtData: sig
include Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = at_data
val create:
?error:exn ->
kernel_function ->
kinstr ->
lscope ->
pred_or_term ->
logic_label ->
(** [create ?error kf kinstr lscope pot label] creates an [at_data] from the
given arguments. *)
......@@ -36,7 +36,29 @@ type pred_or_term =
| PoT_pred of predicate
| PoT_term of term
type at_data = kernel_function * kinstr * lscope * pred_or_term * logic_label
(** Type uniquely representing a [predicate] or [term] with an associated
[label], and all the information necessary for its translation. *)
type at_data = {
(** [kernel_function] englobing the [pred_or_term]. *)
kf: kernel_function;
(** [kinstr] where the [pred_or_term] is used. *)
kinstr: kinstr;
(** Current state of the [lscope] for the [pred_or_term]. *)
lscope: lscope;
(** [pred_or_term] to translate. *)
pot: pred_or_term;
(** Label of the [pred_or_term]. *)
label: logic_label;
(** Error raised during the pre-analysis.
This field does not contribute to the equality and comparison between two
[at_data]. *)
error: exn option
type annotation_kind =
| Assertion
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -20,51 +20,25 @@
(* *)
(** Labeled term and predicates pre-analysis *)
(** Labeled term and predicates pre-analysis.
This pre-analysis records, for each labeled term or predicate, the place
where the translation must happen.
The list of labeled term or predicates to be translated for a given
statement is provided by [Labels.at_for_stmt]. *)
open Cil_types
open Analyses_types
open Analyses_datatype
val get_first_inner_stmt: stmt -> stmt
(** If the given statement has a label, return the first statement of the block.
Otherwise return the given statement. *)
(** Manage labeled terms and predicates translation *)
module Translation : sig
(** Represents a labeled translation *)
type t =
| Done of exp
(** The translation is done and the result is the expression [e] *)
| Queued
(** The translation needs to be done in a statement preceding the statement
where the labeled term or predicate is used. *)
| Inplace
(** The translation can be done when translating the statement where the
labeled term or predicate is used. *)
val at_for_stmt: stmt -> at_data list Error.result
(** @return the list of labeled predicates and terms to be translated on the
given statement. *)
val set: ?force:bool -> at_data -> t Error.result -> unit
(** Sets the translation for the given labeled term or predicate.
If a translation already exists, then the behavior depend on the existing
translation and the new translation:
- If the new translation is an error, keep the old translation except if
[force] is true;
- If the existing translation is an error and the new translation is a result,
always keep the new translation;
- If both translation are results:
-- if the old is Queued and the new one is Queued or Done, then keep the
new one;
-- if one is Queued and the other is Inplace, then store Queued;
-- if both are Inplace then keep Inplace
-- other combinations are errors. *)
val get: at_data -> t Error.result
(** @return the translation for the given labeled term or predicate. *)
val at_for_stmt: stmt -> AtData.Set.t Error.result
(** @return the set of labeled predicates and terms to be translated on the
given statement.
@raise Not_memoized if the labels pre-analysis was not run. *)
val preprocess: file -> unit
(** Analyse sources to find the statements where a labeled predicate or term
......@@ -73,9 +47,6 @@ val preprocess: file -> unit
val reset: unit -> unit
(** Reset the results of the pre-anlaysis. *)
val pp_at_data: Format.formatter -> at_data -> unit
(** Printer for [at_data]. *)
val _debug: unit -> unit
(** Print internal state of labels translation. *)
......@@ -83,10 +54,6 @@ val _debug: unit -> unit
(********************** Forward references ********************************)
val must_translate_ppt_ref: (Property.t -> bool) ref
val must_translate_ppt_opt_ref: (Property.t option -> bool) ref
val has_empty_quantif_ref: ((term * logic_var * term) list -> bool) ref
......@@ -75,9 +75,7 @@ let must_translate_opt = function
let () =
E_acsl_visitor.must_translate_ppt_ref := must_translate;
E_acsl_visitor.must_translate_ppt_opt_ref := must_translate_opt;
Labels.must_translate_ppt_ref := must_translate;
Labels.must_translate_ppt_opt_ref := must_translate_opt
E_acsl_visitor.must_translate_ppt_opt_ref := must_translate_opt
let gmp_to_sizet ~adata ~loc ~name ?(check_lower_bound=true) ?pp kf env t =
let lenv = Env.Local_vars.get env in
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