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Commit 94a79991 authored by Patrick Baudin's avatar Patrick Baudin Committed by Virgile Prevosto
Browse files

[ptests] change the way to add missing PTEST_FILE and options

parent a13560d9
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......@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@
(* *)
(** the options to launch the toplevel with if the test file is not
annotated with test options *)
let default_options = "-journal-disable -check"
let system =
if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
fun f ->
......@@ -172,6 +168,29 @@ let dir_config_file = "test_config"
the pattern [test_file_regexp] will be considered as test files *)
let test_file_regexp = ".*\\.\\(c\\|i\\)$"
(* Splits the command string to separate the command name from the parameters
[let cmd_name,param=command_partition cmd in assert cmd=cmd_name^param]
let command_partition =
let regexp_unescaped_blank = Str.regexp "[^\\ ] " in
fun cmd ->
match str_bounded_full_split regexp_unescaped_blank cmd 2 with
| [ Str.Text cmd ] ->
cmd, ""
| [ Str.Text cmd ; Str.Delim delim ] ->
cmd ^ (String.make 1 (String.get delim 0)), (String.make 1 (String.get delim 1))
| [ Str.Text cmd ; Str.Delim delim; Str.Text options ] ->
cmd ^ (String.make 1 (String.get delim 0)), (String.make 1 (String.get delim 1)) ^ options
| [ Str.Delim delim ] ->
(String.make 1 (String.get delim 0)), (String.make 1 (String.get delim 1))
| [ Str.Delim delim; Str.Text options ] ->
(String.make 1 (String.get delim 0)), (String.make 1 (String.get delim 1)) ^ options
| _ -> assert false
let opt_to_byte_options =
let regex_cmxs = Str.regexp ("\\([^/]+\\)[.]cmxs\\($\\|[ \t]\\)") in
fun options -> str_global_replace regex_cmxs "\\1.cmo\\2" options
let output_unix_error (exn : exn) =
match exn with
| Unix.Unix_error (error, _function, arg) ->
......@@ -228,20 +247,11 @@ let do_cmp = ref (if Sys.os_type="Win32" then !do_diffs
else "cmp -s")
let do_make = ref "make"
let n = ref 4 (* the level of parallelism *)
let suites = ref []
(** options appended to toplevel for all tests *)
let additional_options = ref ""
(** options prepended to toplevel for all tests *)
let additional_options_pre = ref ""
(** special configuration, with associated oracles *)
let special_config = ref ""
let do_error_code = ref false
let exclude_suites = ref []
let exclude s = exclude_suites := s :: !exclude_suites
let xunit = ref false
let io_mutex = Mutex.create ()
......@@ -253,69 +263,25 @@ let lock_fprintf f =
let lock_printf s = lock_fprintf Format.std_formatter s
let lock_eprintf s = lock_fprintf Format.err_formatter s
let suites = ref []
let make_test_suite s =
suites := s :: !suites
(* Those variables are read from a ptests_config file *)
let default_suites = ref []
let toplevel_path = ref ""
(* Splits the command string to separate the command name from the parameters
[let cmd_name,param=command_partition cmd in assert cmd=cmd_name^param]
let command_partition =
let regexp_unescaped_blank = Str.regexp "[^\\ ] " in
fun cmd ->
match str_bounded_full_split regexp_unescaped_blank cmd 2 with
| [ Str.Text cmd ] ->
cmd, ""
| [ Str.Text cmd ; Str.Delim delim ] ->
cmd ^ (String.make 1 (String.get delim 0)), (String.make 1 (String.get delim 1))
| [ Str.Text cmd ; Str.Delim delim; Str.Text options ] ->
cmd ^ (String.make 1 (String.get delim 0)), (String.make 1 (String.get delim 1)) ^ options
| [ Str.Delim delim ] ->
(String.make 1 (String.get delim 0)), (String.make 1 (String.get delim 1))
| [ Str.Delim delim; Str.Text options ] ->
(String.make 1 (String.get delim 0)), (String.make 1 (String.get delim 1)) ^ options
| _ -> assert false
let exclude_suites = ref []
let exclude s = exclude_suites := s :: !exclude_suites
let opt_to_byte_options =
let regex_cmxs = Str.regexp ("\\([^/]+\\)[.]cmxs\\($\\|[ \t]\\)") in
fun options -> str_global_replace regex_cmxs "\\1.cmo\\2" options
let macro_post_options = ref "" (* value set to @PTEST_POST_OPTIONS@ macro *)
let macro_pre_options = ref "" (* value set to @PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS@ macro *)
let macro_options = ref "@PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS@ @PTEST_OPT@ @PTEST_POST_OPTIONS@"
let macro_default_options = ref "-journal-disable -check -no-autoload-plugins"
let opt_to_byte cmd =
let opt_to_byte toplevel =
match string_del_suffix "frama-c" toplevel with
| Some path -> path ^ "frama-c.byte"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "toplevel.opt" toplevel with
| Some path -> path ^ "toplevel.byte"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "frama-c-gui" toplevel with
| Some path -> path ^ "frama-c-gui.byte"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "viewer.opt" toplevel with
| Some path -> path ^ "viewer.byte"
| None -> toplevel
let cmdname, options = command_partition cmd in
(opt_to_byte cmdname) ^ (opt_to_byte_options options)
let change_toplevel_to_gui () =
let s = !toplevel_path in
match string_del_suffix "toplevel.opt" s with
| Some s -> toplevel_path := s ^ "viewer.opt"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "toplevel.byte" s with
| Some s -> toplevel_path := s ^ "viewer.byte"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "frama-c" s with
| Some s -> toplevel_path := s ^ "frama-c-gui"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "frama-c.byte" s with
| Some s -> toplevel_path := s ^ "frama-c-gui.byte"
| None -> ()
let macro_frama_c_cmd = ref "@frama-c-exe@ @PTEST_DEFAULT_OPTIONS@"
let macro_frama_c = ref "@frama-c-exe@ @PTEST_DEFAULT_OPTIONS@ @PTEST_LOAD_OPTIONS@"
let default_toplevel = ref "@frama-c@"
(* Those variables are read from a ptests_config file *)
let toplevel_path = ref "" (* value set to @frama-c-exe@ macro *)
let default_suites = ref []
let () =
Unix.putenv "LC_ALL" "C" (* some oracles, especially in Jessie, depend on the
......@@ -425,13 +391,13 @@ let rec argspec =
" Use native toplevel (default)";
"-config", Arg.Set_string special_config,
" <name> Use special configuration and oracles";
"-add-options", Arg.Set_string additional_options,
"-add-options", Arg.Set_string macro_post_options,
"<options> Add additional options to be passed to the toplevels \
that will be launched. <options> are added after standard test options";
"-add-options-pre", Arg.Set_string additional_options_pre,
"-add-options-pre", Arg.Set_string macro_pre_options,
"<options> Add additional options to be passed to the toplevels \
that will be launched. <options> are added before standard test options.";
"-add-options-post", Arg.Set_string additional_options,
"-add-options-post", Arg.Set_string macro_post_options,
"Synonym of -add-options";
"-exclude", Arg.String exclude,
"<name> Exclude a test or a suite from the run";
......@@ -541,7 +507,35 @@ let () =
(** Must be done after reading config *)
let () = if !behavior = Gui then change_toplevel_to_gui ()
let () =
if !use_byte then begin
match string_del_suffix "frama-c" !toplevel_path with
| Some path -> toplevel_path := path ^ "frama-c.byte"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "toplevel.opt" !toplevel_path with
| Some path -> toplevel_path := path ^ "toplevel.byte"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "frama-c-gui" !toplevel_path with
| Some path -> toplevel_path := path ^ "frama-c-gui.byte"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "viewer.opt" !toplevel_path with
| Some path -> toplevel_path := path ^ "viewer.byte"
| None -> ()
if !behavior = Gui then begin
match string_del_suffix "toplevel.opt" !toplevel_path with
| Some s -> toplevel_path := s ^ "viewer.opt"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "toplevel.byte" !toplevel_path with
| Some s -> toplevel_path := s ^ "viewer.byte"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "frama-c" !toplevel_path with
| Some s -> toplevel_path := s ^ "frama-c-gui"
| None ->
match string_del_suffix "frama-c.byte" !toplevel_path with
| Some s -> toplevel_path := s ^ "frama-c-gui.byte"
| None -> ()
(* redefine name if special configuration expected *)
let redefine_name name =
......@@ -594,6 +588,12 @@ end = struct
type does_expand = {
has_ptest_file : bool;
has_ptest_opt : bool;
has_frama_c_exe : bool;
module Macros =
module StringMap = Map.Make (String)
......@@ -618,6 +618,9 @@ struct
let macro_regex = Str.regexp "@\\([-A-Za-z_0-9]+\\)@" in
fun macros s ->
let has_ptest_file = ref false in
let has_ptest_opt = ref false in
let has_ptest_options = ref false in
let has_frama_c_exe = ref false in
if !verbosity >= 3 then lock_printf "%% Expand: %s@." s;
if !verbosity >= 4 then print_macros macros;
let rec aux s =
......@@ -627,9 +630,14 @@ struct
if Str.string_match macro_regex s 0 then begin
let macro = Str.matched_group 1 s in
(match macro with
| "PTEST_FILE" -> has_ptest_file := true
| "PTEST_OPT" -> has_ptest_opt := true
| "PTEST_OPTIONS" -> has_ptest_options := true
| "frama-c-exe" -> has_frama_c_exe := true
| _ -> ());
if !verbosity >= 4 then lock_printf "%% - macro is %s\n%!" macro;
let replacement = find macro macros in
if String.(macro = "PTEST_FILE") then has_ptest_file := true;
if !verbosity >= 3 then
lock_printf "%% - replacement for %s is %s\n%!" macro replacement;
aux replacement
......@@ -645,7 +653,10 @@ struct
let r = aux s in
Mutex.unlock str_mutex;
if !verbosity >= 3 then lock_printf "%% Expansion result: %s@." r;
!has_ptest_file, r
{ has_ptest_file= !has_ptest_file;
has_ptest_opt= !has_ptest_opt;
has_frama_c_exe= !has_frama_c_exe;
}, r
with e ->
lock_eprintf "Uncaught exception %s\n%!" (Printexc.to_string e);
Mutex.unlock str_mutex;
......@@ -670,7 +681,6 @@ struct
add name (get name macros ^ expand macros def) macros
type execnow =
ex_cmd: string; (** command to launch *)
......@@ -757,7 +767,13 @@ end = struct
let default_macros () =
let l = [
"frama-c", !toplevel_path;
"frama-c-exe", !toplevel_path;
"frama-c-cmd", !macro_frama_c_cmd;
"frama-c", !macro_frama_c;
"PTEST_DEFAULT_OPTIONS", !macro_default_options;
"PTEST_OPTIONS", !macro_options;
"PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS", !macro_pre_options;
"PTEST_POST_OPTIONS", !macro_post_options;
"PTEST_MAKE_MODULE", "make -s";
......@@ -771,8 +787,8 @@ end = struct
dc_execnow = [];
dc_filter = None ;
dc_exit_code = None;
dc_default_toplevel = !toplevel_path;
dc_commands = [ { toplevel= !toplevel_path; opts=default_options; macros=Macros.empty; exit_code=None; logs= []; timeout= ""} ];
dc_default_toplevel = !default_toplevel;
dc_commands = [ { toplevel= !default_toplevel; opts=""; macros=Macros.empty; exit_code=None; logs= []; timeout= ""} ];
dc_dont_run = false;
dc_load_module = "";
dc_cmxs_module = StringSet.empty;
......@@ -897,9 +913,10 @@ end = struct
("",current) deps
if String.(deps = "") then current
else begin
let make_cmd = Macros.expand current.dc_macros "@PTEST_MAKE_MODULE@" in
config_exec ~once:true ~file dir (make_cmd ^ deps) current
let update_module_macros modules macros =
let def = String.concat "," modules in
......@@ -1253,7 +1270,7 @@ end = struct
"PTEST_DIR", SubDir.get;
SubDir.get ^ "/" ^ redefine_name "result";
"PTEST_FILE", Filename.sanitize ptest_file;
"PTEST_FILE", ptest_file;
"PTEST_NAME", ptest_name;
"PTEST_NUMBER", string_of_int cmd.n;
"PTEST_OPT", cmd.options;
......@@ -1265,8 +1282,29 @@ end = struct
let macros = Macros.add_list macros cmd.macros in
let macros = Macros.add_defaults ~defaults macros in
let process_macros s = Macros.expand macros s in
let toplevel =
let in_toplevel,toplevel= Macros.does_expand macros cmd.toplevel in
if not cmd.execnow then begin
let has_ptest_file, options =
if in_toplevel.has_ptest_opt then in_toplevel.has_ptest_file, []
let in_option,options= Macros.does_expand macros cmd.options in
(in_option.has_ptest_file || in_toplevel.has_ptest_file),
(if in_toplevel.has_frama_c_exe then
[ process_macros "@PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS@" ;
options ;
process_macros "@PTEST_POST_OPTIONS@" ;
else [ options ])
String.concat " " (toplevel::(if has_ptest_file then options else ptest_file::options))
else toplevel
{ cmd with
options = ""; (* no more usable *)
log_files = process_macros cmd.log_files;
filter =
match cmd.filter with
......@@ -1274,42 +1312,12 @@ end = struct
| Some filter -> Some (process_macros filter)
let contains_frama_c_binary_name =
Str.regexp "[^( ]*\\(toplevel\\|viewer\\|frama-c-gui\\|frama-c[^-]\\).*"
let frama_c_binary_name =
Str.regexp "\\([^ ]*\\(toplevel\\|viewer\\|frama-c-gui\\|frama-c\\)\\(\\.opt\\|\\.byte\\|\\.exe\\)?\\)"
let basic_command_string =
fun command ->
let macros = command.macros in
let has_ptest_file_t, toplevel =
Macros.does_expand macros command.toplevel
let has_ptest_file_o, options = Macros.does_expand macros command.options in
let toplevel = if !use_byte then opt_to_byte toplevel else toplevel in
let toplevel, contains_frama_c_binary =
str_string_match_and_replace contains_frama_c_binary_name
frama_c_binary_name ~suffix:" -check" toplevel
let options =
if contains_frama_c_binary
then begin
let opt_load = Macros.expand macros (Macros.get "PTEST_LOAD_OPTIONS" macros) in
let opt_pre = Macros.expand macros !additional_options_pre in
let opt_post = Macros.expand macros !additional_options in
String.concat " " [opt_load ; opt_pre ; options ; opt_post]
end else options
let options = if !use_byte then opt_to_byte_options options else options in
let raw_command =
String.concat " "
(if has_ptest_file_t || has_ptest_file_o || command.execnow then
[ toplevel ; options]
else begin
let file = Filename.sanitize @@ get_ptest_file command in
[ toplevel ; file ; options]
(* necessary until OPT are using direct -load-module option *)
if !use_byte then opt_to_byte_options command.toplevel
else command.toplevel
if command.timeout = "" then raw_command
else "ulimit -t " ^ command.timeout ^ " && " ^ raw_command
......@@ -1553,12 +1561,7 @@ let do_command command =
if !behavior <> Examine && not (!(execnow.ex_done) && execnow.ex_once)
then begin
remove_execnow_results execnow;
let cmd =
if !use_byte then
opt_to_byte execnow.ex_cmd
let cmd = execnow.ex_cmd in
if !verbosity >= 1 || !behavior = Show then begin
lock_printf "%% launch %s@." cmd;
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