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Commit 7cd4e469 authored by David Bühler's avatar David Bühler
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[Eva] Removes spaces in empty lines when generating Eva.mli.

parent e9236e69
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......@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ module Analysis: sig
specified for the entry point using {!Db.Value.fun_set_args}, and
an incorrect number of them is given.
@plugin development guide *)
val is_computed : unit -> bool
(** Return [true] iff the value analysis has been done. *)
val self : State.t
(** Internal state of Eva analysis from projects viewpoint. *)
......@@ -24,47 +24,47 @@ module Results: sig
to change in the future. It aims at replacing [Db.Value] but does not
completely covers all its usages yet. As for now, this interface as some
advantages over Db's :
- evaluations uses every available domains and not only Cvalue ;
- the caller may distinguish failure cases when a request is unsucessful ;
- working with callstacks is easy ;
- some common shortcuts are provided (e.g. for extracting ival directly) ;
- overall, individual functions are simpler.
The idea behind this API is that requests must be decomposed in several
steps. For instance, to evaluate an expression :
1. first, you have to state where you want to evaluate it,
2. optionally, you may specify in which callstack,
3. you choose the expression to evaluate,
4. you require a destination type to evaluate into.
Usage sketch :
before stmt |> in_callstack cs |>
eval_var vi |> as_int |> default 0)
or equivalently, if you prefer
default O (as_int (eval_var vi (in_callstack cs (before stmt))))
type callstack = (Cil_types.kernel_function * Cil_types.kinstr) list
type request
type value
type address
type 'a evaluation
type error = Bottom | Top | DisabledDomain
type 'a result = ('a,error) Result.t
(** Results handling *)
(** Translates an error to a human readable string. *)
val string_of_error : error -> string
(** Pretty printer for errors. *)
......@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ module Results: sig
(** Pretty printer for API's results. *)
val pretty_result : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> 'a result -> unit
(** [default d r] extracts the value of r if r is Ok or use the default value d
Equivalent to [Result.value ~default:d r] *)
val default : 'a -> 'a result -> 'a
(** Control point selection *)
(** At the begining of the analysis, but after the initialization of globals. *)
val at_start : request
(** At the end of the analysis, after the main function has returned. *)
......@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ module Results: sig
val before_kinstr : Cil_types.kinstr -> request
(** Just after a statement or at the end of analysis. *)
val after_kinstr : Cil_types.kinstr -> request
(** Callstack selection *)
(** Only consider the given callstack. Replaces previous calls to [in_callstack]
or [in_callstacks]. *)
val in_callstack : callstack -> request -> request
......@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ module Results: sig
can be added. If callstacks are also selected with [in_callstack] or
[in_callstacks], only the selected callstacks will be filtered. *)
val filter_callstack : (callstack -> bool) -> request -> request
(** Working with callstacks *)
(** Retrieves the list of reachable callstacks from the given request. *)
val callstacks : request -> callstack list
(** Retrieves, a list of subrequest for each reachable callstack from
......@@ -123,19 +123,19 @@ module Results: sig
val iter_callstacks : (callstack -> request -> unit) -> request -> unit
(** Fold on the reachable callstacks from the request. *)
val fold_callstacks : (callstack -> request -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> request -> 'a
(** State requests *)
(** Returns the list of expressions which have been infered to be equal to
the given expression by the Equality domain. *)
val equality_class : Cil_types.exp -> request -> Cil_types.exp list result
(** Returns the Cvalue model. *)
val as_cvalue_model : request -> Cvalue.Model.t result
(** Dependencies *)
(** Computes (an overapproximation of) the zone of each bit that must be read to
evaluate the given expression, including all adresses computations. *)
val expr_deps : Cil_types.exp -> request -> Locations.Zone.t
......@@ -145,20 +145,20 @@ module Results: sig
(** Computes (an overapproximation of) the zone of each bit that must be read to
evaluate the given lvalue, excluding the lvalue zone itself. *)
val address_deps : Cil_types.lval -> request -> Locations.Zone.t
(** Evaluation *)
(** Returns the variable's values infered by the analysis. *)
val eval_var : Cil_types.varinfo -> request -> value evaluation
(** Returns the lvalue's values infered by the analysis. *)
val eval_lval : Cil_types.lval -> request -> value evaluation
(** Returns the expression's values infered by the analysis. *)
val eval_exp : Cil_types.exp -> request -> value evaluation
(** Returns the lvalue's addresses infered by the analysis. *)
val eval_address : Cil_types.lval -> request -> address evaluation
(** Returns the kernel functions into which the given expression may evaluate.
If the callee expression doesn't always evaluate to a function, those
spurious values are ignored. If it always evaluate to a non-function value
......@@ -168,14 +168,14 @@ module Results: sig
Also see [callee] for a function which applies directly on Call
statements. *)
val eval_callee : Cil_types.exp -> request -> Kernel_function.t list result
(** Evaluated values conversion *)
(** In all the functions below, if Eva's infered value does not fit in the
required type, [Error Top] is returned, as Top is the only possible
over-approximation of the request. *)
(** Convert into a singleton ocaml int *)
val as_int : value evaluation -> int result
(** Convert into a singleton unbounded integer *)
......@@ -188,26 +188,26 @@ module Results: sig
val as_fval : value evaluation -> Fval.t result
(** Convert into a C value abstraction *)
val as_cvalue : value evaluation -> Cvalue.V.t result
(** Convert into a C location abstraction *)
val as_location : address evaluation -> Locations.location result
(** Convert into a Zone *)
val as_zone : ?access:Locations.access -> address evaluation ->
Locations.Zone.t result
(** Evaluation properties *)
(** Returns whether the evaluated value is initialized or not. If the value have
been evaluated from a Cil expression, it is always considered initialized.
val is_initialized : value evaluation -> bool
(** Returns the set of alarms emitted during the evaluation. *)
val alarms : 'a evaluation -> Alarms.t list
(** Reachability *)
(** Returns true if there are no reachable states for the given request. *)
val is_empty : request -> bool
(** Returns true if an evaluation ended to bottom, i.e. if the given expression
......@@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ module Results: sig
(** Returns true if a statement have been reached by the analysis, or if
the main function have been analyzed for [Kglobal]. *)
val is_reachable_kinstr : Cil_types.kinstr -> bool
(*** Callers / Callees / Callsites *)
(** Returns the list of infered callers of the given function. *)
val callers : Cil_types.kernel_function -> Cil_types.kernel_function list
(** Returns the list of infered callers, and for each of them, the list
of callsites (the call statements) inside. *)
val callsites : Cil_types.kernel_function ->
(Cil_types.kernel_function * Cil_types.stmt list) list
(** Returns the kernel functions called in the given statement.
If the callee expression doesn't always evaluate to a function, those
spurious values are ignored. If it always evaluate to a non-function value
......@@ -238,12 +238,12 @@ module Results: sig
Raises [Stdlib.Invalid_argument] if the statement is not a [Call]
instruction or a [Local_init] with [ConsInit] initializer. *)
val callee : Cil_types.stmt -> Kernel_function.t list
module Value_results: sig
type results
val get_results: unit -> results
val set_results: results -> unit
val merge: results -> results -> results
......@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ end
module Value_parameters: sig
(** Returns the list (name, descr) of currently enabled abstract domains. *)
val enabled_domains: unit -> (string * string) list
(** [use_builtin kf name] instructs the analysis to use the builtin [name]
to interpret calls to function [kf].
Raises [Not_found] if there is no builtin of name [name]. *)
val use_builtin: Cil_types.kernel_function -> string -> unit
(** [use_global_value_partitioning vi] instructs the analysis to use
value partitioning on the global variable [vi]. *)
val use_global_value_partitioning: Cil_types.varinfo -> unit
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ end
module Eval_terms: sig
type labels_states = Cvalue.Model.t Cil_datatype.Logic_label.Map.t
(** Evaluation environment. Currently available are function Pre and Post, or
the environment to evaluate an annotation *)
type eval_env
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ end
module Unit_tests: sig
(** Currently tested by this module:
- semantics of sign values. *)
(** Runs some programmatic tests on Eva. *)
val run: unit -> unit
......@@ -296,47 +296,47 @@ end
module Eva_annotations: sig
(** Register special annotations to locally guide the partitioning of states
performed by an Eva analysis:
- slevel annotations: "slevel default", "slevel merge" and "slevel i"
- loop unroll annotations: "loop unroll term"
- value partitioning annotations: "split term" and "merge term"
- subdivision annotations: "subdivide i"
Widen hints annotations are still registered in !{}. *)
(** Annotations tweaking the behavior of the -eva-slevel paramter. *)
type slevel_annotation =
| SlevelMerge (** Join all states separated by slevel. *)
| SlevelDefault (** Use the limit defined by -eva-slevel. *)
| SlevelLocal of int (** Use the given limit instead of -eva-slevel. *)
| SlevelFull (** Remove the limit of number of separated states. *)
(** Loop unroll annotations. *)
type unroll_annotation =
| UnrollAmount of Cil_types.term (** Unroll the n first iterations. *)
| UnrollFull (** Unroll amount defined by -eva-default-loop-unroll. *)
type split_kind = Static | Dynamic
type split_term =
| Expression of Cil_types.exp
| Predicate of Cil_types.predicate
(** Split/merge annotations for value partitioning. *)
type flow_annotation =
| FlowSplit of split_term * split_kind
(** Split states according to a term. *)
| FlowMerge of split_term
(** Merge states separated by a previous split. *)
type allocation_kind = By_stack | Fresh | Fresh_weak | Imprecise
val get_slevel_annot : Cil_types.stmt -> slevel_annotation option
val get_unroll_annot : Cil_types.stmt -> unroll_annotation list
val get_flow_annot : Cil_types.stmt -> flow_annotation list
val get_subdivision_annot : Cil_types.stmt -> int list
val get_allocation: Cil_types.stmt -> allocation_kind
val add_slevel_annot : emitter:Emitter.t ->
Cil_types.stmt -> slevel_annotation -> unit
val add_unroll_annot : emitter:Emitter.t ->
......@@ -361,18 +361,18 @@ end
module Builtins: sig
(** Eva analysis builtins for the cvalue domain, more efficient than their
equivalent in C. *)
open Cil_types
exception Invalid_nb_of_args of int
exception Outside_builtin_possibilities
(* Signature of a builtin: type of the result, and type of the arguments. *)
type builtin_type = unit -> typ * typ list
(** Can the results of a builtin be cached? See {eval.mli} for more details.*)
type cacheable = Eval.cacheable = Cacheable | NoCache | NoCacheCallers
type full_result = {
c_values: (Cvalue.V.t option * Cvalue.Model.t) list;
(** A list of results, consisting of:
......@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ module Builtins: sig
(** If not None, the froms of the function, and its sure outputs;
i.e. the dependencies of the result and of each zone written to. *)
(** The result of a builtin can be given in different forms. *)
type call_result =
| States of Cvalue.Model.t list
......@@ -399,12 +399,12 @@ module Builtins: sig
computed by the builtin. *)
| Full of full_result
(** See [full_result] type. *)
(** Type of a cvalue builtin, whose arguments are:
- the memory state at the beginning of the function call;
- the list of arguments of the function call. *)
type builtin = Cvalue.Model.t -> (exp * Cvalue.V.t) list -> call_result
(** [register_builtin name ?replace ?typ cacheable f] registers the function [f]
as a builtin to be used instead of the C function of name [name].
If [replace] is provided, the builtin is also used instead of the C function
......@@ -414,8 +414,7 @@ module Builtins: sig
The results of the builtin are cached according to [cacheable]. *)
val register_builtin:
string -> ?replace:string -> ?typ:builtin_type -> cacheable -> builtin -> unit
(** Has a builtin been registered with the given name? *)
val is_builtin: string -> bool
#!/bin/bash -eu
printf '(* This file is generated. Do not edit. *)\n\n'
printf '(* This file is generated. Do not edit. *)\n'
for i in "$@"
file=$(basename $i)
printf 'module %s: sig\n' ${module^}
awk '/\[@@@ api_start\]/{flag=1;next} /\[@@@ api_end\]/{flag=0} flag{ print " ", $0 }' $i
printf 'end\n\n'
printf '\nmodule %s: sig\n' ${module^}
awk '/\[@@@ api_start\]/{flag=1;next} /\[@@@ api_end\]/{flag=0} flag{ print (NF ? " ":"") $0 }' $i
printf 'end\n'
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