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Commit 6e6bd0db authored by Loïc Correnson's avatar Loïc Correnson
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[eva/server] stmt ranking

parent a321788c
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......@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ open Server
open Data
open Cil_types
module Kmap = Kernel_function.Hashtbl
module Smap = Cil_datatype.Stmt.Hashtbl
module CS = Value_types.Callstack
module CSmap = CS.Hashtbl
module Md = Markdown
module Jkf = Kernel_ast.Kf
module Jki = Kernel_ast.Ki
......@@ -87,15 +92,119 @@ let probe marker =
| _ -> Pnone
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Domain Utilities --- *)
(* --- Stmt Ranking --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CS = Value_types.Callstack
module CSmap = CS.Hashtbl
module Ranking :
val stmt : stmt -> int
val kinstr : kinstr -> int
val sort : callstack list -> callstack list
end =
class ranker =
inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
val mutable rank = (-1)
val rmap = Smap.create 0
val fmark = Kmap.create 0
val fqueue = Queue.create ()
method private call kf =
if not (Kmap.mem fmark kf) then
Kmap.add fmark kf () ;
Queue.push kf fqueue ;
method private newrank s =
let r = succ rank in
Smap.add rmap s r ;
rank <- r ; r
method! vlval lv =
try match fst lv with
| Var vi -> self#call (Globals.Functions.get vi)
| _ -> ()
with Not_found -> ()
end ; Cil.DoChildren
method! vstmt_aux s =
ignore (self#newrank s) ;
method compute =
match Globals.entry_point () with
| kf , _ ->
let job kf =
ignore (Visitor.(visitFramacKf (self :> frama_c_visitor) kf))
in begin
job kf ;
while not (Queue.is_empty fqueue) do
job (Queue.pop fqueue)
| exception Globals.No_such_entry_point _ -> ()
method rank s =
if rank < 0 then (rank <- 0 ; self#compute) ;
try Smap.find rmap s
with Not_found -> self#newrank s
let stmt = let rk = new ranker in rk#rank
let kinstr = function
| Kglobal -> 0
| Kstmt s -> stmt s
let rec ranks (rks : int list) (cs : callstack) : int list =
match cs with
| [] -> rks
| (_,Kglobal)::wcs -> ranks rks wcs
| (_,Kstmt s)::wcs -> ranks (stmt s :: rks) wcs
let order : int list -> int list -> int =
let sort (wcs : callstack list) : callstack list = fst @@
List.sort (fun (_,rp) (_,rq) -> order rp rq) @@ (fun cs -> cs , ranks [] cs) wcs
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Domain Utilities --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Jcallstack = Data.Index(Value_types.Callstack.Map)
(struct let name = "eva-callstack-id" end)
module Jcallsite : Data.S with type t = Value_types.call_site =
type t = kernel_function * kinstr
let jtype = Package.(Jrecord [
"fct" , Jkf.jtype ;
"stmt" , Jki.jtype ;
"rank" , Jnumber ;
let to_json (kf,ki) = `Assoc [
"fct" , Jkf.to_json kf ;
"stmt" , Jki.to_json ki ;
"rank" , Jint.to_json (Ranking.kinstr ki) ;
let of_json = function
| `Assoc fds ->
let kf = Jkf.of_json (List.assoc "fct" fds) in
let ki = Jki.of_json (List.assoc "stmt" fds) in
| _ -> failwith "Not a call-site"
module Jtruth : Data.S with type t = truth =
type t = truth
......@@ -238,7 +347,10 @@ let () = Request.register ~package
~descr:(Md.plain "Callstacks for markers")
~input:(module Jstmt)
~output:(module Jlist(Jcallstack))
(fun stmt -> let module A = (val !proxy) in A.callstacks stmt)
begin fun stmt ->
let module A = (val !proxy) in
Ranking.sort (A.callstacks stmt)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Request getCallstackInfo --- *)
......@@ -260,7 +372,7 @@ let () =
(module Jstring) in
let set_calls = Request.result getCallstackInfo ~name:"calls"
~descr:(Md.plain "Callers site, from last to first")
(module Jlist(Jpair(Jkf)(Jki))) in
(module Jlist(Jcallsite)) in
Request.register_sig ~package getCallstackInfo
~kind:`GET ~name:"getCallstackInfo"
~descr:(Md.plain "Callstack Description")
......@@ -269,6 +381,26 @@ let () =
set_descr rq (Pretty_utils.to_string pretty cs) ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Request getStmtInfo --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let () =
let getStmtInfo = Request.signature ~input:(module Jstmt) () in
let set_fct = Request.result getStmtInfo ~name:"fct"
~descr:(Md.plain "Englobing function")
(module Jkf) in
let set_rank = Request.result getStmtInfo ~name:"rank"
~descr:(Md.plain "Global stmt order")
(module Jint) in
Request.register_sig ~package getStmtInfo
~kind:`GET ~name:"getStmtInfo"
~descr:(Md.plain "Stmt Information")
begin fun rq s ->
set_fct rq (Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf s) ;
set_rank rq (Ranking.stmt s) ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Request getProbeInfo --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -27,8 +27,23 @@ open Cil_types
(* TODO: These types are already defined in Value_util. *)
type call_site = kernel_function * kinstr
(** Value call-site.
A callsite [(f,p)] represents a call at function [f] invoked
{i from} program point [p].
type callstack = call_site list
(** Value callstacks, as used e.g. in Db.Value hooks *)
(** Value callstacks, as used e.g. in Db.Value hooks.
The head call site [(f,p)] is the most recent one,
where current function [f] has been called from program point [p].
Therefore, the tail call site is expected to be [(main,Kglobal)]
where [main] is the global entry point.
Moreover, given two consecutive call-sites […(_,p);(g,_)…] in a callstack,
program point [p] is then expected to live in function [g].
module Callsite: Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = call_site
module Callstack: sig
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