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Commit 6874b8e1 authored by Andre Maroneze's avatar Andre Maroneze
Browse files

[Metrics] compute data for a pivot table

parent 7e88d051
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......@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ PLUGIN_NAME:=Metrics
PLUGIN_CMO:= metrics_parameters css_html metrics_base metrics_acsl \
metrics_cabs metrics_cilast metrics_coverage \
metrics_cabs metrics_cilast metrics_coverage metrics_pivot \
PLUGIN_GUI_CMO:= metrics_gui register_gui
......@@ -783,6 +783,7 @@ plugin_require(inout,callgraph)
check_plugin(metrics,src/plugins/metrics,[support for metrics analysis],yes)
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* Data for a GUI-based pivot table *)
open Cil_types
module PivotSourceState =
let name = "PivotSourceState"
let dependencies = [ Ast.self; Db.Value.self; Property_status.self;
Messages.self ]
type syntax_domain =
| Code
| Declaration
| Annotation
type message_domain = Log.kind
type domain =
| Syntax of syntax_domain
| Property
| Message of message_domain
let string_of_string_list sep =
Format.asprintf "%a"
(Pretty_utils.pp_list ~pre:"" ~suf:"" ~sep Format.pp_print_string)
let split_loc (loc : Cil_types.location) =
let fp = (fst loc).pos_path in
let line = string_of_int (fst loc).pos_lnum in
let fp_pretty = Filepath.Normalized.to_pretty_string fp in
let dir = Filename.dirname fp_pretty in
let name = Filename.basename fp_pretty in
let ext = Filename.extension name in
dir, name, ext, line
let node_of_instr = function
| Set _ -> "assignment"
| Call _ -> "call"
| Local_init _ -> "local_init"
| Asm _ -> "asm"
| Skip _ -> "nop"
| Code_annot _ ->
(* should be done by the annotations visitor *)
assert false
let opt_node_of_stmtkind = function
| Instr _ -> None
| Return (_, _) -> Some "return"
| Goto (_, _) -> Some "goto"
| Break _ -> Some "break"
| Continue _ -> Some "continue"
| If (_, _, _, _) -> Some "if"
| Switch (_, _, _, _) -> Some "switch"
| Loop (_, _, _, _, _) -> Some "loop"
| Block _ -> None
| UnspecifiedSequence _ -> Some "unspecified_sequence"
| Throw (_, _) -> Some "throw"
| TryCatch (_, _, _) -> Some "try_catch"
| TryFinally (_, _, _) -> Some "try_finally"
| TryExcept (_, _, _, _) -> Some "try_except"
let node_of_code_annotation_node = function
| AAssert _ -> "assert"
| AStmtSpec _ -> "stmt_spec"
| AInvariant _ -> "invariant"
| AVariant _ -> "variant"
| AAssigns _ -> "assigns"
| AAllocation _ -> "allocation"
| APragma _ -> "ca_pragma"
| AExtended _ -> "extended"
let node_of_global_annotation = function
| Dfun_or_pred _ -> "logic_fun_or_pred"
| Dvolatile _ -> "logic_volatile"
| Daxiomatic _ -> "axiomatic"
| Dtype _ -> "logic_type"
| Dlemma _ -> "logic_lemma"
| Dinvariant _ -> "invariant"
| Dtype_annot _ -> "type_annot"
| Dmodel_annot _ -> "model_annot"
| Dextended _ -> "ga_extended"
let domain_and_node_of_global = function
| GType _ -> Declaration, "gtype"
| GCompTag _ -> Declaration, "gcomptag"
| GCompTagDecl _ -> Declaration, "gcomptagdecl"
| GEnumTag _ -> Declaration, "genumtag"
| GEnumTagDecl _ -> Declaration, "genumtagdecl"
| GVarDecl _ -> Declaration, "global_var"
| GFunDecl _ -> Declaration, "gfundecl"
| GVar _ -> Declaration, "gvar"
| GFun _ -> Declaration, "gfun"
| GAsm _ -> Code, "gasm"
| GPragma _ -> Code, "gpragma"
| GText _ -> Code, "gtext"
| GAnnot _ -> Code, "gannot"
let names_of_global = function
| GType (_, _) -> []
| GCompTag (_, _) -> []
| GCompTagDecl (_, _) -> []
| GEnumTag (_, _) -> []
| GEnumTagDecl (_, _) -> []
| GVarDecl (vi, _) -> [vi.vname]
| GFunDecl (_, vi, _) -> [vi.vname]
| GVar (vi, _, _) -> [vi.vname]
| GFun ({svar}, _) -> [svar.vname]
| GAsm (_, _) -> []
| GPragma (_, _) -> []
| GText _ -> []
| GAnnot (_, _) -> []
let name_of_logic_info li = li.l_var_info.lv_name
let name_of_global_annotation = function
| Dvolatile (_, _, _, _, _) -> None
| Dfun_or_pred (li, _)
| Dinvariant (li, _)
| Dtype_annot (li, _) -> Some (name_of_logic_info li)
| Daxiomatic (name, _, _, _)
| Dtype ({lt_name = name}, _)
| Dlemma (name, _, _, _, _, _)
| Dmodel_annot ({mi_name = name}, _)
| Dextended ({ext_name = name}, _, _) -> Some name
let node_of_predicate_kind = function
| Assert -> "assert"
| Check -> "check"
| Admit -> "admit"
let node_of_property = function
| Property.IPPredicate idp ->
Format.asprintf "%a" Property.pretty_predicate_kind idp.ip_kind
| IPCodeAnnot ica -> node_of_code_annotation_node ica.ica_ca.annot_content
| IPAxiomatic _ -> "axiomatic"
| IPLemma _ -> "lemma"
| IPBehavior _ -> "behavior"
| IPComplete _ -> "complete"
| IPDisjoint _ -> "disjoint"
| IPAllocation _ -> "allocates"
| IPAssigns _ -> "assigns"
| IPFrom _ -> "from"
| IPDecrease _ -> "loop variant"
| IPExtended _ -> "extended"
| IPReachable _ -> "reachable"
| IPPropertyInstance _ -> "instance"
| IPTypeInvariant _ -> "type_invariant"
| IPGlobalInvariant _ -> "global_invariant"
| IPOther _ -> "other"
let names_of_property = function
| Property.IPPredicate idp -> idp.ip_pred.ip_content.tp_statement.pred_name
| IPCodeAnnot _ -> []
| IPAxiomatic _ -> []
| IPLemma _ -> []
| IPBehavior _ -> []
| IPComplete _ -> []
| IPDisjoint _ -> []
| IPAllocation _ -> []
| IPAssigns _ -> []
| IPFrom _ -> []
| IPDecrease _ -> []
| IPExtended _ -> []
| IPReachable _ -> []
| IPPropertyInstance _ -> []
| IPTypeInvariant _ -> []
| IPGlobalInvariant _ -> []
| IPOther _ -> []
let plugin_of_emitters el =
match el with
| []
| ["Call Preconditions"]
| ["Frama-C kernel"] -> "kernel"
| ["Eva"] -> "eva"
| _ -> "<unknown emitters (" ^ string_of_string_list "," el ^ ")>"
let string_of_syntax_domain = function
| Code -> "code"
| Declaration -> "decl"
| Annotation -> "annot"
let string_of_message_domain = function
| Log.Result -> "result"
| Feedback -> "feedback"
| Debug -> "debug"
| Warning -> "warning"
| Error -> "error"
| Failure -> "failure"
let split_domain = function
| Syntax d -> "syntax", string_of_syntax_domain d
| Property -> "property", ""
| Message d -> "message", string_of_message_domain d
module FunctionAtPos = struct
let tbl :
(Filepath.position * Filepath.position * string) Array.t)
Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 16
let binary_search a pos : string option =
let cmp = in
let rec aux lo hi =
if lo > hi then None
let mid = (hi + lo) / 2 in
let (mstart, mend, mfunc) = a.(mid) in
if cmp pos mstart >= 0 then
if cmp pos mend <= 0 then Some mfunc
else aux (mid + 1) hi
else aux lo (mid - 1)
aux 0 (Array.length a - 1)
let compute () =
let tmp = Hashtbl.create 16 in
let files =
List.fold_left (fun acc ((pos1, _, _) as triple) ->
let fp = pos1.Filepath.pos_path in
Hashtbl.add tmp fp triple;
Datatype.Filepath.Set.add fp acc
) Datatype.Filepath.Set.empty (Cabs2cil.func_locs ())
Hashtbl.clear tbl;
Datatype.Filepath.Set.iter (fun fp ->
let l =
List.sort (fun (start1, _, _) (start2, _, _) -> start1 start2
) (Hashtbl.find_all tmp fp)
Hashtbl.replace tbl fp (Array.of_list l)
) files
let find pos =
let fp = pos.Filepath.pos_path in
Option.bind (Hashtbl.find_opt tbl fp)
(fun a -> binary_search a pos)
type entry = {
loc: Cil_datatype.Location.t;
func: string option;
domain: domain;
plugin: string;
status: string;
node: string;
names: string list;
text: string;
let headers = ["Directory"; "Filename"; "Extension"; "Line Number";
"Function"; "Domain"; "Kind"; "Plugin"; "Status"; "Node";
"Names"; "Text"]
let add_entry_str entry =
let dir, fname, ext, line = split_loc entry.loc in
let funcname = Option.fold ~none:"" entry.func in
let domain, kind = split_domain entry.domain in
let names = string_of_string_list ":" entry.names in
let entry = [dir; fname; ext; line; funcname;
domain; kind; entry.plugin; entry.status; entry.node;
names; entry.text]
if PivotSourceState.get () = [] then
PivotSourceState.add headers;
PivotSourceState.add entry
let new_entry ?func ?(plugin="") ?(status="") ?(node="") ?(names=[]) ?(text="") loc domain =
{ loc; func; domain; plugin; status; node; names; text }
let add_entry ?func ?plugin ?status ?node ?names ?text loc domain =
let entry = new_entry ?func ?plugin ?status ?node ?names ?text loc domain in
add_entry_str entry
class full_visitor = object(self)
inherit Cil.nopCilVisitor
val mutable cur_func = None
method add ?func ?node ?names domain =
let loc = Cil.CurrentLoc.get () in
let func = if func <> None && func <> Some "" then func else cur_func in
add_entry ?func ?node ?names loc domain
method add_code ?func ?names node =
self#add ?func ~node ?names (Syntax Code)
method add_decl ?func ?names node =
self#add ?func ~node ?names (Syntax Declaration)
method add_annot ?names node =
self#add ~node ?names (Syntax Annotation)
method! vvrbl (_v:varinfo) = DoChildren
method! vvdec (_v:varinfo) = DoChildren
method! vexpr (_e:exp) = DoChildren
method! vlval (_l:lval) = DoChildren
method! voffs (_o:offset) = DoChildren
method! vinitoffs (_o:offset) = DoChildren
method! vinst (i:instr) =
let node = node_of_instr i in
self#add_code node;
method! vstmt (s:stmt) =
match opt_node_of_stmtkind s.skind with
| None -> ()
| Some node -> self#add_code node
method! vfunc (f:fundec) =
cur_func <- Some f.svar.vname;
Cil.DoChildrenPost (fun fd ->
cur_func <- None;
method! vglob (g:global) =
let domain, node = domain_and_node_of_global g in
let names = names_of_global g in
let func = "<global>" in
if domain = Declaration then
self#add_decl ~func ~names node
self#add_code ~func ~names node;
method! vblock _ = DoChildren
method! vinit _ _ _ = DoChildren
method! vlocal_init _ _ = DoChildren
method! vtype _ = DoChildren
method! vcompinfo _ = DoChildren
method! venuminfo _ = DoChildren
method! vfieldinfo _ = DoChildren
method! venumitem _ = DoChildren
method! vattr _ = DoChildren
method! vattrparam _ = DoChildren
method! vmodel_info _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_type _ = DoChildren
method! videntified_term _ = DoChildren
method! vterm _ = DoChildren
method! vterm_node _ = DoChildren
method! vterm_lval _ = DoChildren
method! vterm_lhost _ = DoChildren
method! vterm_offset _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_label _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_info_decl _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_info_use _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_type_info_decl _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_type_info_use _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_type_def _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_ctor_info_decl _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_ctor_info_use _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_var_use _ = DoChildren
method! vlogic_var_decl _ = DoChildren
method! vquantifiers _ = DoChildren
method! videntified_predicate _ =
(* should be done by the annotations visitor *)
assert false
method! vpredicate_node _ = DoChildren
method! vpredicate _ = DoChildren
method! vbehavior _ = DoChildren
method! vassigns _ = DoChildren
method! vfrees _ = DoChildren
method! vallocates _ = DoChildren
method! vallocation _ = DoChildren
method! vloop_pragma _ = DoChildren
method! vslice_pragma _ = DoChildren
method! vimpact_pragma _ = DoChildren
method! vdeps _ = DoChildren
method! vfrom _ = DoChildren
method! vcode_annot _ =
(* should be done by the annotations visitor *)
assert false
method! vannotation ga =
let node = node_of_global_annotation ga in
let names = Option.to_list (name_of_global_annotation ga) in
self#add_annot ~names node;
let ca_visitor_cur_func : string option ref = ref None
let ca_visitor_cur_emitter = ref "<unknown>"
class code_annot_visitor = object(self)
inherit Cil.nopCilVisitor
method add_annot ?(names=[]) node =
let loc = Cil.CurrentLoc.get () in
let func = !ca_visitor_cur_func in
let plugin = !ca_visitor_cur_emitter in
let domain = Syntax Annotation in
add_entry ?func ~plugin ~node ~names loc domain
method! videntified_predicate {ip_content = {tp_kind}} =
let node = node_of_predicate_kind tp_kind in
self#add_annot node;
method! vcode_annot ca =
let content = ca.annot_content in
self#add_annot (node_of_code_annotation_node content);
method! vannotation ga =
let node = node_of_global_annotation ga in
let names = Option.to_list (name_of_global_annotation ga) in
self#add_annot ~names node;
let visit_annots () =
let vis = new code_annot_visitor in
Annotations.iter_all_code_annot (
fun stmt emitter ca ->
let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt in
ca_visitor_cur_func := Some (Kernel_function.get_name kf);
ca_visitor_cur_emitter := Emitter.get_name emitter;
ignore (Cil.visitCilCodeAnnotation (vis :> Cil.cilVisitor) ca)
let visit_properties () =
(fun ip ->
let loc = Property.location ip in
let func = Kernel_function.get_name (Property.get_kf ip) in
let emitters =
Property_status.fold_on_statuses (fun emitter _status acc ->
Emitter.Usable_emitter.get_name emitter.emitter :: acc
) ip []
let plugin = plugin_of_emitters emitters in
let domain = Property in
let status =
Format.asprintf "%a"
Property_status.Feedback.pretty (Property_status.Feedback.get ip)
let node = node_of_property ip in
let names = names_of_property ip in
add_entry ?func ~node ~status ~plugin ~names loc domain
let visit_messages () =
FunctionAtPos.compute ();
Messages.iter (fun ev ->
let plugin = ev.evt_plugin in
let loc_of_pos p = (p, p) in
let loc, func =
match ev.evt_source with
| None -> Cil_datatype.Location.unknown, "<global>"
| Some pos ->
let funcname =
match FunctionAtPos.find pos with
| None -> Metrics_parameters.warning
Cil_datatype.Position.pretty_debug pos;
| Some name -> name
loc_of_pos pos, funcname
let domain = Message (ev.evt_kind) in
let text = ev.evt_message in
add_entry ~func ~plugin ~text loc domain
(* Useful mainly for debugging *)
let _pp_as_csv (data : string list list) =
let pp_list = string_of_string_list "," in
List.iter (fun ls -> Format.printf "%s@\n" (pp_list ls)) (List.rev data)
(* Server / Ivette stuff *)
open Server
let package =
~title:"Pivot Table Services"
module TableState = struct
type t = string list list
let jtype =
Data.declare ~package
~descr:(Markdown.plain "State of the pivot table source data.")
Package.(Jlist (Jlist Jstring))
let to_json ll =
`List (List.rev_map (fun l -> `List ( (fun s -> `String s) l)) ll)
let pivot_signal =
States.register_value ~package
~descr:(Markdown.plain "State of the pivot table source data.")
~output:(module TableState)
let compute () =
let ast = Ast.get () in
let vis = new full_visitor in
ignore (Cil.visitCilFile (vis :> Cil.cilVisitor) ast);
visit_annots ();
visit_properties ();
visit_messages ();
(*_pp_as_csv (PivotSourceState.get ());*)
(* Signals that the pivot table has been updated. *)
Server.Request.emit pivot_signal
let _compute =
Server.Request.register ~package
~kind:`EXEC ~name:"compute"
~descr:(Markdown.plain "Computes the pivot table.")
~input:(module Data.Junit) ~output:(module Data.Junit) compute
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(** Nothing is exported. *)
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