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Commit 6501ff34 authored by Allan Blanchard's avatar Allan Blanchard
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[wp] Fix induction tactic typing

parent c9dd34d7
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......@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ val lemma : pred -> sequent
val head : step -> pred (** Predicate for Have and such, Condition for Branch, True for Either *)
val have : step -> pred (** Predicate for Have and such, True for any other *)
val pred_cond : condition -> pred
val condition : sequence -> pred (** With free variables kept. *)
val close : sequent -> pred (** With free variables {i quantified}. *)
......@@ -22,22 +22,40 @@
open Lang
type env = {
n : F.var ;
sigma : F.sigma ;
mutable hind : F.pred list ;
let rec strip env p =
match F.p_expr p with
| And ps -> F.p_all (strip env) ps
| _ ->
let p = F.p_subst env.sigma p in
if F.occursp env.n p then
( env.hind <- p :: env.hind ; F.p_true )
else p
let process value n0 seq =
let filter n sequence =
let sequence = Conditions.list sequence in
let partition p =
match F.p_expr p with
| And ps -> List.partition (F.occursp n) ps
| _ -> if F.occursp n p then [ p ], [] else [], [ p ]
let add make (removed, steps) (rem, kept) =
List.rev_append (List.rev rem) removed, make (F.p_conj kept) :: steps
let partition_add acc make p = add make acc @@ partition p in
let filter_condition ((removed, steps) as acc) s =
let update = Conditions.update_cond s in
match s.condition with
| Type p -> partition_add acc (fun x -> update (Type x)) p
| Have p -> partition_add acc (fun x -> update (Have x)) p
| When p -> partition_add acc (fun x -> update (When x)) p
| Core p -> partition_add acc (fun x -> update (Core x)) p
| Init p -> partition_add acc (fun x -> update (Init x)) p
| State _ -> removed, update (Have F.p_true) :: steps
| Either _ | Branch _ as c ->
(* Note: it is not really expected that Conditions.pred_cond can
generate a property that, once partitioned, results in both kept and
removed parts. Anyway if it is the case, it means that it was able to
reduce the original property to a single conjunction, so let us
handle it like a Have. *)
match partition @@ Conditions.pred_cond c with
| [], _ -> removed, s :: steps
| res -> add (fun x -> update (Have x)) acc res
let removed, steps = List.fold_left filter_condition ([], []) sequence in
List.rev removed, Conditions.sequence @@ List.rev steps
let process value n0 sequent =
(* Transfrom seq into: hyps => (forall n, goal) *)
let n = Lang.freshvar ~basename:"n" Qed.Logic.Int in
......@@ -46,9 +64,9 @@ let process value n0 seq =
let vi = F.e_var i in
let sigma = Lang.sigma () in
F.Subst.add sigma value vn ;
let env = { n ; sigma ; hind = [] } in
let hyps = Conditions.map_sequence (strip env) (fst seq) in
let goal_n = F.p_hyps env.hind @@ F.p_subst sigma (snd seq) in
let seq, goal = Conditions.map_sequent (F.p_subst sigma) sequent in
let hind, seq = filter n seq in
let goal_n = F.p_hyps hind @@ F.p_subst sigma goal in
let goal_i = F.p_subst_var n vi goal_n in
(* Base: n = n0 *)
......@@ -67,7 +85,7 @@ let process value n0 seq =
F.p_hyps [F.p_lt vn n0; hind] goal_n in
(* All Cases *) (fun (name,goal) -> name , (hyps,goal)) [ (fun (name,goal) -> name , (seq,goal)) [
"Base" , goal_base ;
"Induction (sup)" , goal_sup ;
"Induction (inf)" , goal_inf ;
/* run.config
OPT: -wp-par 1 -wp-prop X -wp-no-print -wp-prover qed,tip -wp-msg-key script -wp-session @PTEST_SUITE_DIR@/oracle@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.session
/* run.config_qualif
/* This test is meant to check that we do not generate a ill-formed VC with the
induction tactic. Here, the bug happened when triggering an induction on i
(i was replaced with true) when proving that X is preserved . The example is
complex because we need to have some State variable for i. */
extern int LIST;
extern unsigned int cpt;
extern unsigned int A[];
axiomatic call {
logic \list<integer> list{L2} reads LIST;
ensures cpt == \old(cpt) + 1;
ensures A[\old(cpt)] == \old(i);
ensures list == (\old(list) ^ [| 1 |]);
assigns cpt, LIST;
void f(unsigned int i);
requires list == [| |];
requires cpt == 0;
void function(unsigned int Max)
unsigned int i = 0;
loop invariant 0 <= cpt == i <= 42;
loop invariant X: list == (\at(list,LoopEntry) ^ ([| 1 |] *^ i));
loop assigns i, cpt, LIST;
while (i < Max) {
i ++;
# frama-c -wp [...]
[kernel] Parsing induction_typing.i (no preprocessing)
[wp] Running WP plugin...
[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
[wp] 2 goals scheduled
Goal Preservation of Invariant 'X' (file induction_typing.i, line 41):
Let a = L_list(LIST_0).
Let a_1 = a ^ [ 1 ].
Let x = 1 + i.
Assume {
Type: is_uint32(Max_0) /\ is_uint32(i).
(* Heap *)
Type: IsArray_uint32(A) /\ is_sint32(LIST_1).
(* Pre-condition *)
Have: L_list(LIST_1) = nil.
(* Invariant *)
Have: (x = to_uint32(x)) /\ (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 42).
(* Invariant 'X' *)
Have: ([ 1 ] *^ i) = a.
(* Then *)
Have: i < Max_0.
(* Call 'f' *)
Have: (A[i] = i) /\ (L_list(LIST_2) = a_1).
(* Invariant *)
Have: i <= 41.
Prove: ([ 1 ] *^ x) = a_1.
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_function_loop_invariant_X_established : Valid
typed_function_loop_invariant_X_preserved subgoal:
Goal Wp.Tactical.typed_function_loop_invariant_X_preserved-0 (generated):
Let a = L_list(LIST_1).
Assume {
Type: is_uint32(Max_0) /\ is_uint32(i).
(* Heap *)
Type: IsArray_uint32(A) /\ is_sint32(LIST_0).
(* Pre-condition *)
Have: L_list(LIST_0) = nil.
(* Invariant *)
Have: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 42).
(* Invariant 'X' *)
Have: ([ 1 ] *^ i) = a.
(* Then *)
Have: i < Max_0.
(* Call 'f' *)
Have: (A[i] = i) /\ (L_list(LIST_2) = a ^ [ 1 ]).
(* Invariant *)
Have: i <= 41.
Prove: false.
[wp] [Script] Goal typed_function_loop_invariant_X_preserved : Unsuccess
typed_function_loop_invariant_X_preserved subgoal:
Goal Wp.Tactical.typed_function_loop_invariant_X_preserved-1 (generated):
Let a = L_list(LIST_0).
Let a_1 = a ^ [ 1 ].
Assume {
Have: to_uint32(n) = n.
Have: 0 < n.
Have: forall i_1 : Z. ((to_uint32(i_1) = i_1) -> ((0 <= i_1) ->
((i_1 < n) -> (([ 1 ] *^ i_1) = a_1)))).
Type: is_uint32(Max_0) /\ is_uint32(i).
(* Heap *)
Type: IsArray_uint32(A) /\ is_sint32(LIST_1).
(* Pre-condition *)
Have: L_list(LIST_1) = nil.
(* Invariant *)
Have: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 42).
(* Invariant 'X' *)
Have: ([ 1 ] *^ i) = a.
(* Then *)
Have: i < Max_0.
(* Call 'f' *)
Have: (A[i] = i) /\ (L_list(LIST_2) = a_1).
(* Invariant *)
Have: i <= 41.
Prove: ([ 1 ] *^ n) = a_1.
typed_function_loop_invariant_X_preserved subgoal:
Goal Wp.Tactical.typed_function_loop_invariant_X_preserved-2 (generated):
Let a = L_list(LIST_0).
Let a_1 = a ^ [ 1 ].
Assume {
Have: to_uint32(n) = n.
Have: n < 0.
Have: forall i_1 : Z. ((to_uint32(i_1) = i_1) -> ((i_1 <= 0) ->
((n < i_1) -> (([ 1 ] *^ i_1) = a_1)))).
Type: is_uint32(Max_0) /\ is_uint32(i).
(* Heap *)
Type: IsArray_uint32(A) /\ is_sint32(LIST_1).
(* Pre-condition *)
Have: L_list(LIST_1) = nil.
(* Invariant *)
Have: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 42).
(* Invariant 'X' *)
Have: ([ 1 ] *^ i) = a.
(* Then *)
Have: i < Max_0.
(* Call 'f' *)
Have: (A[i] = i) /\ (L_list(LIST_2) = a_1).
(* Invariant *)
Have: i <= 41.
Prove: ([ 1 ] *^ n) = a_1.
[wp] Proved goals: 1 / 2
Qed: 1
[wp] No updated script.
[ { "header": "Induction", "tactic": "Wp.induction",
"params": { "base": { "select": "kint", "val": "0" } },
"select": { "select": "inside-goal", "occur": 0, "target": "1+i_1",
"pattern": "+1$i" },
"children": { "Base": [], "Induction (sup)": [], "Induction (inf)": [] } } ]
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