This module provides a graphical display of the callgraph and makes it easy to highlight certain data, such as :
The callgraph represents calling relationships between functions of the program.
Each node represents a C function, and each edge from f to g indicates that
f contains a call to g.
The graph also highlights some functions, such as functions containing unproven
The [panel](#callgraph-panel) displays more information on selected functions.
The [titlebar](#callgraph-titlebar) and [toolbar](#callgraph-toolbar) contain
various options to configure the graph and show/hide some functions.
## Titlebar {#callgraph-titlebar}
The titlebar contains the following buttons:
* [icon-tunings]: filter functions appearing in the graph.
This filter is synchronized with the sidebar function filter.
* [icon-target]: move the camera to show each node after each render.
* [icon-pin]: automatically select in the graph the node of the function
selected in the AST.
* [icon-help]: show this help modal.
## Toolbar {#callgraph-toolbar}
The toolbar contains display and selection parameters on the left and graph
management parameters on the right.
On the left:
* The first group of buttons can hide nodes from the graph, according to their
relation to the currently selected nodes (which are always shown).
+ Try it yourself: [button-displaymode]
* [button-select]: select in the graph a list of functions according to some
+ functions containing unproven properties;
+ functions selected in the `Locations` component, if a multi-selection is
currently active;
+ functions containing tainted variables, if an Eva taint analysis has been
+ functions within cycle in the callgraph.
* The location of unproven properties.
* Functions containing tainted properties.
* ...
On the right:
Below is a list of shortcuts:
* Horizontal and vertical distance management between graph nodes.
*[icon-sidebar]: opens or closes the side [panel](#callgraph-panel).
* In the graph:
* Left-click: rotate the graph
* Right-click: move in the graph
* Mouse-wheel: zoom
* On nodes:
* Left-Click: select node (in the graph)
* Ctrl+click: add node to the selected nodes (multi-selection)
* Alt+click: select function (in all Ivette components)
## Graph {#callgraph-graph}
This component is divided into 4 parts, the [titlebar](#plugins-callgraph-titlebar), the [toolbar](#plugins-callgraph-toolbar), a [panel](#plugins-callgraph-panel) and a [graph](#plugins-callgraph-graph).
### Nodes
### Titlebar {#callgraph-titlebar}
Each node represents a C function and may have the following icons:
The titlebar contains the name of the module on the left and the following buttons on the right:
* [led-warning]: the function contains unproven properties
(the number of which is given in a tooltip).
* [led-negative]: the function contains invalid properties
(the number of which is given in a tooltip);
* [icon-redo-orange]: the function is recursive;
* [icon-drop.filled-#882288] or [icon-drop.filled-#73BBBB]:
the function contains tainted properties.
* [icon-tunings] : Filter functions appearing in the graph. Ce filtre est synchronisé avec celui de la sidebar.
* [icon-target] : Move the camera to show each node after each render.
* [icon-pin] : Automatically select node of the function selected in AST.
* [icon-help] : show this help modal.
### Edges
##Toolbar {#plugins-callgraph-toolbar}
Edges are oriented from caller to callees, and may have different colors
depending on the selected nodes:
The toolbar contains display and selection parameters on the left and graph management parameters on the right.
On the far right is the button for opening the side panel.
* A green edge connects two selected functions.
* A red edge links a selected function node and one of its callers.
* A blue edge links a selected function node and one of its callees.
On the left, there is a group of buttons for selecting the nodes that will appear in the graph :
### Cycle
* The first group of buttons is used to select the nodes that will appear in the graph...
* Try yourself : [button-displaymode]
* [button-select] :This button allows you to select a list of predefined nodes (nodes with unproven properties, with tainted variables, etc.).
The graph is in 3D but is displayed as a tree, which prevents cycles from
appearing in the graph.
On the right:
If a cycle is detected:
* Horizontal and vertical distance management between graph nodes.
* [icon-sidebar] : Opens or closes the side panel.
* Nodes of recursive functions have the [icon-redo-orange] icon.
* If cycles between several functions are detected, such functions can be
selected via the [button-select] button in the [toolbar](#callgraph-toolbar).
## Panel {#callgraph-panel}
The panel displays additional information about the graph in general and about the properties of the selected nodes.
The filters above the list can be used to limit the amount of information, and are synchronised with the filters in the `Properties` component.
At the top right, 2 buttons allow you to change the side of the panel and close it.
The panel displays additional information about the graph in general,
and lists the logical properties from each function selected in the graph.
## Graph {#callgraph-graph}
The buttons above the list can be used to filter the kind of properties
shown in this panel. They are synchronised with the filters in the `Properties`
The graph is in 3D but is displayed as a tree. This type of display prevents cycles from appearing in the graph.
At the top right, two buttons allow changing the side of the panel,
and closing it (it can be reopen via the far-right button in the toolbar).
If a cycle is detected :
## Shortcuts {#callgraph-shortcuts}
* In the case of a recursive function: The link is deleted and the [icon-redo-orange] icon is added to the node.
* In the case of a cycle on several functions: The cycles will be pre-selected and will appear in the selection button.
### Nodes
The nodes display the name of the function and the following elements:
* [led-warning] : The function contains unproven properties, a tooltip gives the quantity.
* [led-negative] : The function contains false properties, a tooltip gives the quantity.
* [icon-redo-orange] : The function is recursive.
*[icon-drop.filled-#882288][icon-drop.filled-#73BBBB]: The function contains tainted properties.
### Edges
The edges are oriented and can take on different colours depending on the nodes selected.
* Green: the edge connects 2 selected nodes.
* Red: the edge links a selected node and one of its parents.
* Blue: the edge links a selected node and one of its children.
* In the graph:
* Left-click: rotate the graph
* Right-click: move in the graph
* Mouse-wheel: zoom
* On nodes:
* Left-Click: select node in the graph
* Ctrl+click: add node to the selected graph nodes (multi-selection)
* Alt+click: select the function in all Ivette components