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Commit 5ac2525d authored by Kostyantyn Vorobyov's avatar Kostyantyn Vorobyov
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MR !151 Review: address reviewer's comments

parent 98a8ad07
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Showing with 407 additions and 326 deletions
......@@ -50,28 +50,26 @@ let sufficiently_aligned attrs algn =
should not happen really *)
assert false
| _ -> acc
) 0 attrs in
if alignment > 0 then true else false
) 0 attrs in alignment > 0
(* Given the type and the list of attributes of [varinfo] ([fieldinfo]) return
* true if that [varinfo] ([fieldinfo]) requires to be aligned at the boundary
* of [algn] (i.e., less than [algn] bytes and has no alignment attribute *)
let require_alignment typ attrs algn =
if (Cil.bitsSizeOf typ) < algn*8 && not (sufficiently_aligned attrs algn) then
Cil.bitsSizeOf typ < algn*8 && not (sufficiently_aligned attrs algn)
class prepare_visitor prj = object (_)
inherit Visitor.frama_c_copy prj
(* Add align attributes to local variables (required by temporal analysis) *)
method !vblock _ =
if (Temporal.is_enabled ()) then
if Temporal.is_enabled () then
Cil.DoChildrenPost (fun blk ->
List.iter (fun vi ->
(* 4 bytes alignment is required to allow sufficient space for storage
of 32-bit timestamps in a 1:1 shadow. *)
if require_alignment vi.vtype vi.vattr 4; then begin
vi.vattr <- Attr("aligned",[AInt(Integer.four)]) :: vi.vattr
vi.vattr <- Attr("aligned",[AInt Integer.four]) :: vi.vattr
......@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ static void describe_run();
# error "No E-ACSL memory model defined. Aborting compilation"
/* Temporal analysis shared by both models.
* Uses macros differently defined macros */
/* This header contains temporal analysis shared by both models.
It should be here as it uses differently defined macros */
#include "e_acsl_temporal.h"
......@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ static uint32_t temporal_timestamp = 2;
struct temporal_parameter {
void *ptr;
/* Number all members such that there is no `0` which potentially
corresponds to an invalid number */
enum {
TBlockN = 10,
TReferentN = 20,
TReferentN = 20,
TCopy = 30
} temporal_flow;
......@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ static int heap_initialized(uintptr_t addr, long len) {
static uint32_t heap_temporal_info(uintptr_t addr, int origin) {
/* NOTE: No checking for allocated blocks, since an invalid
timestamp is zero and ununsed memory is nullified then an invalid
timestamp is zero and unused memory is nullified then an invalid
timestamp is also returned for allocated memory */
if (origin) {
uintptr_t *aligned_shadow = (uintptr_t*)ALIGNED_HEAP_SHADOW(addr);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@
(* *)
(** Transformations to detect temporal memory errors (e.g., derererence of
stale pointers). Detailed description of the transformations is presented
in Sections 2 and 3 of the RV'17 paper "Runtime Detection of Temporal Memory
Errors" by K. Vorobyov, N. Kosmatov, J Signoles and A. Jakobsson.
val enable: bool -> unit
(** Enable/disable temporal transformations *)
......@@ -28,7 +34,10 @@ val is_enabled: unit -> bool
val handle_arguments: Cil_types.kernel_function -> Env.t -> Env.t
(** Update local environment ([Env.t]) with statements allowing to track
referent numbers across function calls *)
referent numbers across calls function whose definitions are available.
This is such that whenever a function [f] is called (and a new stack
frame is created) [handle_arguments] generates statements that transfer
referent numbers stored in RTL to the new stack frame. *)
val handle_stmt: Cil_types.stmt -> Env.t -> Env.t
(** Update local environment ([Env.t]) with statements tracking temporal
/* Generated by Frama-C */
#include "stdint.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int __retres;
char *p;
int *q;
__e_acsl_memory_init(& argc,& argv,(size_t)8);
__e_acsl_store_block((void *)(& q),(size_t)8);
__e_acsl_store_block((void *)(& p),(size_t)8);
uintptr_t addr = (unsigned long)(& argc);
__e_acsl_store_block((void *)(& addr),(size_t)8);
__e_acsl_full_init((void *)(& addr));
__e_acsl_temporal_store_nblock((void *)(& q),(void *)(& argc));
__e_acsl_full_init((void *)(& q));
q = & argc;
__e_acsl_temporal_store_nblock((void *)(& p),(void *)((char *)addr));
__e_acsl_full_init((void *)(& p));
p = (char *)addr;
__e_acsl_temporal_store_nblock((void *)(& p),(void *)0x123456);
__e_acsl_full_init((void *)(& p));
p = (char *)0x123456;
__e_acsl_temporal_store_nreferent((void *)(& p),(void *)(& q));
__e_acsl_full_init((void *)(& p));
p = (char *)q;
__retres = 0;
__e_acsl_delete_block((void *)(& argc));
__e_acsl_delete_block((void *)(& q));
__e_acsl_delete_block((void *)(& p));
__e_acsl_delete_block((void *)(& addr));
return __retres;
[e-acsl] beginning translation.
[e-acsl] translation done in project "e-acsl".
/* run.config
COMMENT: Case when a pointer is taking address by value.
#include <stdint.h>
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)&argc;
char *p;
int *q;
q = &argc;
/* Here the referent of p should be assigned from the value of addr */
p = (char*)addr;
p = (char*)0x123456;
p = (char*)q;
......@@ -206,6 +206,8 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
:: stmts)
let return =
Cil.mkStmt ~valid_sid:true (Return(None, Location.unknown)) in
(* Generate init statements for temporal analysis *)
let tinit_stmts = Varinfo.Hashtbl.fold
(fun vi (off, init) acc ->
......@@ -215,11 +217,9 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
(match stmt with | Some stmt -> stmt :: acc | None -> acc)
| None -> acc)
let return =
Cil.mkStmt ~valid_sid:true (Return(None, Location.unknown)) in
let stmts = stmts @ tinit_stmts @ [return] in
let stmts = stmts @ tinit_stmts in
(* Create a new code block with generated statements *)
let (b, env), stmts = match stmts with
| [] -> assert false
......@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ you must call function `%s' and `__e_acsl_memory_clean by yourself.@]"
let env = Temporal.handle_stmt stmt env in
(* Add initialization statements and store_block statements stemming
from Local_init *)
self#add_initializers stmt env kf
self#handle_instructions stmt env kf
......@@ -727,47 +727,40 @@ you must call function `%s' and `__e_acsl_memory_clean by yourself.@]"
Cil.ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt, mk_block)
method private add_initializer loc ?vi lv ?(post=false) stmt env kf =
assert generate;
let may_safely_ignore = function
| Var vi, NoOffset -> vi.vglob || vi.vformal
| _ -> false
if not (may_safely_ignore lv) && Mmodel_analysis.must_model_lval ~kf lv then
let before = Cil.memo_stmt self#behavior stmt in
let new_stmt = Project.on prj (Misc.mk_initialize ~loc) lv in
let new_stmt = Cil.memo_stmt self#behavior new_stmt in
let env = Env.add_stmt ~post ~before env new_stmt in
let env = match vi with
| None -> env
| Some vi ->
let new_stmt = Project.on prj Misc.mk_store_stmt vi in
let new_stmt = Cil.memo_stmt self#behavior new_stmt in
Env.add_stmt ~post ~before env new_stmt
method private handle_instructions stmt env kf =
let add_initializer loc ?vi lv ?(post=false) stmt env kf =
assert generate;
let may_safely_ignore = function
| Var vi, NoOffset -> vi.vglob || vi.vformal
| _ -> false
method private add_initializers stmt env kf =
let do_instr instr =
match instr with
| Set(lv, _, loc) ->
self#add_initializer loc lv stmt env kf
| Local_init(vi, _, loc) ->
let lv = (Var(vi), NoOffset) in
self#add_initializer loc ~vi lv ~post:true stmt env kf
| Call (Some lv, _, _, loc) ->
if not (Misc.is_generated_kf kf) then
self#add_initializer loc lv ~post:false stmt env kf
else env
| _ -> env
if not (may_safely_ignore lv) && Mmodel_analysis.must_model_lval ~stmt ~kf lv then
let before = Cil.memo_stmt self#behavior stmt in
let new_stmt = Project.on prj (Misc.mk_initialize ~loc) lv in
let new_stmt = Cil.memo_stmt self#behavior new_stmt in
let env = Env.add_stmt ~post ~before env new_stmt in
let env = match vi with
| None -> env
| Some vi ->
let new_stmt = Project.on prj Misc.mk_store_stmt vi in
let new_stmt = Cil.memo_stmt self#behavior new_stmt in
Env.add_stmt ~post ~before env new_stmt
match stmt.skind with
| Instr(i) -> do_instr i
| Instr(Set(lv, _, loc)) -> add_initializer loc lv stmt env kf
| Instr(Local_init(vi, _, loc)) ->
let lv = (Var(vi), NoOffset) in
add_initializer loc ~vi lv ~post:true stmt env kf
| Instr(Call (Some lv, _, _, loc)) ->
if not (Misc.is_generated_kf kf) then
add_initializer loc lv ~post:false stmt env kf
else env
| _ -> env
method !vblock blk =
let handle_memory new_blk =
match new_blk.blocals with
0% Loading or .
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