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Commit 55fb796d authored by Julien Signoles's avatar Julien Signoles
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e-acsl implem is on the beginning of the way

parent 82a4855d
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......@@ -37,8 +37,23 @@ PLUGIN_HAS_MLI:=yes
# Testing #
PLUGIN_TESTS_DIRS:=e-acsl-reject e-acsl-runtime
tests/test_config: tests/ Makefile
-e "s|@SEDCMD@|`which sed `|g" $< > $@
tests:: tests/test_config
# Generic part #
include $(FRAMAC_SHARE)/Makefile.dynamic
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
let check () =
ignore (Visit.do_visit false);
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ let fail_check =
(Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
module Resulting_projects =
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ let generate_code =
let main () =
let s = Options.Project_name.get () in
if s = "" then begin if Options.Check.get () then fail_check () end
if s = "" then begin(* if Options.Check.get () then fail_check ()*) end
else ignore (generate_code s)
let () = Db.Main.extend main
OPT: -e-acsl-check
void main() {
int x = 0;
/*@ assert \false; */
OPT: -e-acsl-runtime p -then-on p -print
CMD: @frama-c@ -cpp-command="gcc -C -E -I. -I${FRAMAC_SHARE}"
FILTER:@SEDCMD@ -e '/^#[^\n]*/d' -e "s|${FRAMAC_SHARE}|FRAMAC_SHARE|g"
......@@ -19,11 +19,94 @@
(* *)
open Db_types
open Cil_types
open Cil
let unknown_loc = Cil_datatype.Location.unknown
exception Typing_error of string
let error s = raise (Typing_error s)
let not_yet s =
Options.not_yet_implemented "construct `%s' is not yet supported" s
let mk_if acc e p =
(* voidType is incorrect: will be resolved later *)
let f =
new_exp unknown_loc (Lval (var (makeGlobalVar "e_acsl_fail" voidType)))
let msg =
let b = Buffer.create 97 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@?" Cil.d_predicate_named p;
Buffer.contents b
let s = Instr(Call(None, f, [ mkString unknown_loc msg ], unknown_loc))in
mkStmt(If(e, mkBlock [ mkStmt s ], mkBlock [], unknown_loc)) :: acc
let convert_named_predicate acc generate p =
let mk_if e = mk_if acc e p in
match p.content with
| Pfalse -> if generate then mk_if (zero ~loc:unknown_loc) else acc
| Ptrue -> if generate then mk_if (one ~loc:unknown_loc) else acc
| Papp _ -> not_yet "logic function application"
| Pseparated _ -> not_yet "separated"
| Prel _ -> not_yet "relation"
| Pand _ -> not_yet "&&"
| Por _ -> not_yet "||"
| Pxor _ -> not_yet "xor"
| Pimplies _ -> not_yet "==>"
| Piff _ -> not_yet "<==>"
| Pnot _ -> not_yet "!"
| Pif _ -> not_yet "_ ? _ : _"
| Plet _ -> not_yet "let _ = _ in _"
| Pforall _ -> not_yet "\\forall"
| Pexists _ -> not_yet "\\exists"
| Pold _ -> not_yet "\\old"
| Pat _ -> not_yet "\\at"
| Pvalid _ -> not_yet "\\valid"
| Pvalid_index _ -> not_yet "\\valid_index"
| Pvalid_range _ -> not_yet "\\valid_range"
| Pfresh _ -> not_yet "\\fresh"
| Psubtype _ -> not_yet "subtyping relation"
let convert_annotation acc generate annot = match annot.annot_content with
| AAssert(_l, p) -> convert_named_predicate acc generate p
| AStmtSpec _ -> not_yet "stmt spec"
| AInvariant _ -> not_yet "invariant"
| AVariant _ -> not_yet "variant"
| AAssigns _ -> not_yet "assigns"
| APragma _ -> not_yet "pragma"
let convert_rooted acc generate (User a | AI(_, a)) =
convert_annotation acc generate a
let convert_before_after acc generate (Before r | After r) =
convert_rooted acc generate r
class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object
inherit Visitor.generic_frama_c_visitor
((if generate then Cil.copy_visit else Cil.inplace_visit) ())
method vstmt_aux stmt =
let l = Annotations.get_all_annotations stmt in
List.fold_right (fun ba acc -> convert_before_after acc generate ba) l []
| [] -> DoChildren
| l ->
assert generate;
let mk_block stmt =
mkStmt ~valid_sid:true (Block (mkBlock (l @ [ stmt ])))
ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt, mk_block)
let do_visit ?(prj=Project.current ()) _generate =
(* let _p = prj in
assert false*) new Visitor.generic_frama_c_visitor prj (Cil.copy_visit ())
let do_visit ?(prj=Project.current ()) generate =
new e_acsl_visitor prj generate
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