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Commit 4d1267b6 authored by David Bühler's avatar David Bühler
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[Eva] Moves the computation state in Self. Adds computation state [Aborted].

The final computation state [Computed] or [Aborted] is set by [compute_function],
before calling the function [post_analysis] of domains, as those may use
plugins that use Eva results.
parent 97d53f96
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......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ module ComputationState = struct
| Analysis.NotComputed -> `String "not_computed"
| Computing -> `String "computing"
| Computed -> `String "computed"
| Aborted -> `String "aborted"
let _computation_signal =
......@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
open Cil_types
open Eval
type computation_state = Self.computation_state =
| NotComputed | Computing | Computed | Aborted
let current_computation_state = Self.current_computation_state
let register_computation_hook = Self.register_computation_hook
module type Results = sig
type state
type value
......@@ -116,36 +121,6 @@ module Default =
else (module Make (Abstractions.Default)))
: Analyzer)
(* Current state of the analysis *)
type computation_state = NotComputed | Computing | Computed
module ComputationState =
let to_string = function
| NotComputed -> "NotComputed"
| Computing -> "Computing"
| Computed -> "Computed"
module Prototype =
include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
type t = computation_state
let name = "Eva.Analysis.ComputationState"
let pretty fmt s = Format.pp_print_string fmt (to_string s)
let reprs = [ NotComputed ; Computing ; Computed ]
let dependencies = [ Self.state ]
let default () = NotComputed
module Datatype' = Datatype.Make (Prototype)
module Hook = Hook.Build (Prototype)
include (State_builder.Ref (Datatype') (Prototype))
let set s = set s; Hook.apply s
let () = add_hook_on_update (fun r -> Hook.apply !r)
(* Reference to the current configuration (built by Abstractions.configure from
the parameters of Eva regarding the abstractions used in the analysis) and
the current Analyzer module. *)
......@@ -168,18 +143,6 @@ let set_current_analyzer config (analyzer: (module Analyzer)) =
Analyzer_Hook.apply (module (val analyzer): S);
ref_analyzer := (config, analyzer)
(* Get the current computation state. *)
let current_computation_state () =
ComputationState.get ()
(* Register a hook on current computation state *)
let register_computation_hook ?on f =
let f' = match on with
| None -> f
| Some s -> fun s' -> if s = s' then f s
ComputationState.Hook.extend f'
let cvalue_initial_state () =
let module A = (val snd !ref_analyzer) in
let _, lib_entry = Globals.entry_point () in
......@@ -214,10 +177,10 @@ let force_compute () =
Eva_audit.check_configuration (Kernel.AuditCheck.get ());
let kf, lib_entry = Globals.entry_point () in
reset_analyzer ();
ComputationState.set Computing; (* The new analyzer can be accesed through hooks *)
(* The new analyzer can be accesed through hooks *)
Self.set_computation_state Computing;
let module Analyzer = (val snd !ref_analyzer) in
Analyzer.compute_from_entry_point ~lib_entry kf ;
ComputationState.set Computed
Analyzer.compute_from_entry_point ~lib_entry kf
let is_computed = Db.Value.is_computed
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ val register_hook: ((module S) -> unit) -> unit
is changed. This happens when a new analysis is run with different
abstractions than before, or when the current project is changed. *)
type computation_state = NotComputed | Computing | Computed
type computation_state = NotComputed | Computing | Computed | Aborted
(** Computation state of the analysis. *)
val current_computation_state : unit -> computation_state
......@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
let final_state = PowersetDomain.(final_states |> of_list |> join) in
Eva_utils.pop_call_stack (); "done for function %a" Kernel_function.pretty kf;
Self.(set_computation_state Computed);
Abstract.Dom.Store.mark_as_computed ();
post_analysis ();
Abstract.Dom.post_analysis final_state;
......@@ -363,6 +364,7 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
restore_signals ()
let cleanup () =
Self.(set_computation_state Aborted);
Abstract.Dom.Store.mark_as_computed ();
post_analysis_cleanup ~aborted:true
......@@ -380,6 +382,7 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
match initial_state with
| `Bottom ->
Self.(set_computation_state Aborted);
Abstract.Dom.Store.mark_as_computed ();
Self.result "Eva not started because globals \
initialization is not computable.";
......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ include Plugin.Register
"automatically computes variation domains for the variables of the program"
let () = Help.add_aliases ~visible:false [ "-value-h"; "-val-h" ]
let () = add_plugin_output_aliases ~visible:false ~deprecated:true [ "value" ]
(* Do not add dependencies to Kernel parameters here, but at the top of
Parameters. *)
let kernel_dependencies =
......@@ -42,8 +45,53 @@ let state = State_builder.Proxy.get proxy
let () = State_builder.Proxy.extend [state] Db.Value.proxy
let () = Help.add_aliases ~visible:false [ "-value-h"; "-val-h" ]
let () = add_plugin_output_aliases ~visible:false ~deprecated:true [ "value" ]
(* Current state of the analysis *)
type computation_state = NotComputed | Computing | Computed | Aborted
module ComputationState =
let to_string = function
| NotComputed -> "NotComputed"
| Computing -> "Computing"
| Computed -> "Computed"
| Aborted -> "Aborted"
module Prototype =
include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
type t = computation_state
let name = "Eva.Analysis.ComputationState"
let pretty fmt s = Format.pp_print_string fmt (to_string s)
let reprs = [ NotComputed ; Computing ; Computed ; Aborted ]
let dependencies = [ state ]
let default () = NotComputed
module Datatype' = Datatype.Make (Prototype)
module Hook = Hook.Build (Prototype)
include (State_builder.Ref (Datatype') (Prototype))
let set s = set s; Hook.apply s
let () = add_hook_on_update (fun r -> Hook.apply !r)
let is_computed () =
match ComputationState.get () with
| Computed | Aborted -> true
| NotComputed | Computing -> false
let current_computation_state = ComputationState.get
let set_computation_state = ComputationState.set
(* Register a hook on current computation state *)
let register_computation_hook ?on f =
let f' = match on with
| None -> f
| Some s -> fun s' -> if s = s' then f s
ComputationState.Hook.extend f'
(* Debug categories. *)
let dkey_initial_state = register_category "initial-state"
......@@ -25,6 +25,25 @@ include Plugin.General_services
val proxy: State_builder.Proxy.t
val state: State.t
(** Return [true] iff the value analysis has been done. *)
val is_computed: unit -> bool
(** Computation state of the analysis. *)
type computation_state = NotComputed | Computing | Computed | Aborted
(** Get the current computation state of the analysis, updated by
[force_compute] and states updates. *)
val current_computation_state : unit -> computation_state
(** Set the current computation state. *)
val set_computation_state: computation_state -> unit
(** Registers a hook that will be called each time the analysis starts or
finishes. If [on] is given, the hook will only be called when the
analysis switches to this specific state. *)
val register_computation_hook: ?on:computation_state ->
(computation_state -> unit) -> unit
(** Debug categories responsible for printing initial and final states of Value.
Enabled by default, but can be disabled via the command-line:
-value-msg-key="-initial_state,-final_state" *)
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