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Commit 4c84b94f authored by Julien Signoles's avatar Julien Signoles
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refactoring (new module Mpz)

parent d7ad60ea
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......@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ open Db_types
open Cil_types
open Cil
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* General constructs *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
let unknown_loc = Cil_datatype.Location.unknown
let new_lval v = new_exp ~loc:unknown_loc (Lval (var v))
......@@ -60,46 +64,57 @@ let mk_if e p =
(* GMP values *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
let mpz_t_torig =
module Mpz : sig
val t_ty: typ (* type "mpz_t" *)
val is_now_referenced: unit -> unit (* one variable "mpz_t" now exists *)
val is_t: typ -> bool (* is the type equal to "mpz_t"? *)
val init: varinfo -> stmt (* build stmt "mpz_init(v)" *)
val clear: varinfo -> stmt (* build stmt "mpz_clear(v)" *)
val set: varinfo -> exp -> stmt
(* build stmt "mpz_set_*(v, e)" with the good function 'set' according to the
type of e *)
end = struct
let t_torig =
{ torig_name = "mpz_t";
tname = "mpz_t";
ttype = TVoid [] (* incorrect but does not matter *);
treferenced = false }
let mpz_t_ty = TNamed(mpz_t_torig, [])
let is_mpz_t ty = Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty mpz_t_ty
let apply_mpz_on_var funname v = mk_call ("mpz_" ^ funname) [ new_lval v ]
let apply_mpz_init = apply_mpz_on_var "init"
let apply_mpz_clear = apply_mpz_on_var "clear"
let apply_mpz_set v e =
let fname, args = match typeOf e with
| TInt((IBool | IChar | IUChar | IUInt | IUShort | IULong), _) ->
"set_ui", [ e ]
| TInt((ISChar | IShort | IInt | ILong), _) -> "set_si", [ e ]
| TInt((ILongLong | IULongLong), _) -> assert false
| TPtr(TInt(IChar, _), _) ->
(* decimal base for the number given as string *)
[ e; integer ~loc:unknown_loc 10 ]
| _ -> assert false
mk_call ("mpz_" ^ fname) (new_lval v :: args)
let is_now_referenced () = t_torig.treferenced <- true
let t_ty = TNamed(t_torig, [])
let is_t ty = Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty t_ty
let apply_on_var funname v = mk_call ("mpz_" ^ funname) [ new_lval v ]
let init = apply_on_var "init"
let clear = apply_on_var "clear"
let set v e =
let fname, args = match typeOf e with
| TInt((IBool | IChar | IUChar | IUInt | IUShort | IULong), _) ->
"set_ui", [ e ]
| TInt((ISChar | IShort | IInt | ILong), _) -> "set_si", [ e ]
| TInt((ILongLong | IULongLong), _) -> assert false
| TPtr(TInt(IChar, _), _) ->
(* decimal base for the number given as string *)
[ e; integer ~loc:unknown_loc 10 ]
| _ -> assert false
mk_call ("mpz_" ^ fname) (new_lval v :: args)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Environments *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
module New_vars: sig
val push: bool -> typ -> exp option -> varinfo
(* boolean: [true] if global var
constant option: mpz_t constant associated to the varinfo at init time *)
val push: bool -> typ -> exp option -> varinfo
val finalize: unit -> (varinfo * exp option) list
end = struct
(* the finalizer resets the counter in order to keep it small. However, Cil
......@@ -113,9 +128,9 @@ end = struct
let vlist = ref []
let push is_global ty e =
if is_mpz_t ty then begin
if Mpz.is_t ty then begin
assert (e <> None);
mpz_t_torig.treferenced <- true
Mpz.is_now_referenced ()
end else
assert (e = None);
incr var_cpt;
......@@ -140,12 +155,10 @@ end = struct
module New_block : sig
val is_empty: unit -> bool
val push: stmt -> unit
val push_at_end: stmt -> unit
val finalize: stmt -> block
end = struct
let blist = ref []
......@@ -233,7 +246,7 @@ and term_to_exp is_global t = match t.term_type with
| Lvar _ -> not_yet "polymorphic term"
| Linteger ->
let e = nocheck_term_to_exp is_global t in
let v = New_vars.push is_global mpz_t_ty (Some e) in
let v = New_vars.push is_global Mpz.t_ty (Some e) in
new_lval v
| Lreal -> not_yet "real number"
| Larrow _ -> not_yet "logic function"
......@@ -257,8 +270,8 @@ let rec named_predicate_to_revexp is_global p = match p.content with
let bop = relation_to_revbinop rel in
let e1 = term_to_exp is_global t1 in
let e2 = term_to_exp is_global t2 in
if is_mpz_t (typeOf e1) then begin
assert (is_mpz_t (typeOf e2));
if Mpz.is_t (typeOf e1) then begin
assert (Mpz.is_t (typeOf e2));
let v = New_vars.push is_global intType None in
let result = var v in
New_block.push (mk_call ~result "mpz_cmp" [ e1; e2 ]);
......@@ -377,9 +390,9 @@ class e_acsl_visitor prj generate = object (self)
b.blocals <- v :: b.blocals;
(fun e ->
let s1 = apply_mpz_init v in
let s2 = apply_mpz_set v e in
b.bstmts <- s1 :: s2 :: b.bstmts @ [ apply_mpz_clear v ])
let s1 = Mpz.init v in
let s2 = Mpz.set v e in
b.bstmts <- s1 :: s2 :: b.bstmts @ [ Mpz.clear v ])
v :: acc)
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