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Commit 4c83f6a3 authored by David Bühler's avatar David Bühler Committed by Andre Maroneze
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[Eva] Eval_terms: comments and minor changes.

No need to declare known constants in [known_logic_funs], as they are
direclty handled in [eval_terms] and not by [eval_known_logic_function].
parent 6ac06792
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......@@ -633,9 +633,6 @@ let known_logic_funs = [
"\\sign", ACSL;
"\\min", ACSL;
"\\max", ACSL;
"\\plus_infinity", ACSL;
"\\minus_infinity", ACSL;
"\\NaN", ACSL;
let known_predicates = [
"\\warning", ACSL;
......@@ -747,17 +744,17 @@ let rec eval_term ~alarm_mode env t =
eunder = loc_bits_to_loc_bytes_under r.eunder;
eover = loc_bits_to_loc_bytes r.eover }
(* Special case for the constants \pi and \e. *)
(* Special case for the constants \pi, \e, \infinity and \NaN. *)
| TLval (TVar {lv_name = "\\pi"}, _) -> ereal (V.inject_float Fval.pi)
| TLval (TVar {lv_name = "\\e"}, _) -> ereal (V.inject_float Fval.e)
| TLval (TVar {lv_name = "\\plus_infinity"}, _) ->
let v = Cvalue.V.inject_float (Fval.pos_infinity Float_sig.Single) in
let v = V.inject_float (Fval.pos_infinity Float_sig.Single) in
{ etype = Cil.floatType; eunder = v; eover = v; ldeps = empty_logic_deps }
| TLval (TVar {lv_name = "\\minus_infinity"}, _) ->
let v = Cvalue.V.inject_float (Fval.neg_infinity Float_sig.Single) in
let v = V.inject_float (Fval.neg_infinity Float_sig.Single) in
{ etype = Cil.floatType; eunder = v; eover = v; ldeps = empty_logic_deps }
| TLval (TVar {lv_name = "\\NaN"}, _) ->
let v = Cvalue.V.inject_float Fval.nan in
let v = V.inject_float Fval.nan in
{ etype = Cil.floatType; eunder = v; eover = v; ldeps = empty_logic_deps }
| TLval _ ->
......@@ -1235,7 +1232,6 @@ and eval_tif : 'a. (alarm_mode:_ -> _ -> _ -> 'a eval_result) -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a
| false, false -> assert false (* a logic alarm would have been raised*)
(* if you add something here, update known_logic_funs above also *)
(* Constants are directly in eval_terms *)
and eval_known_logic_function ~alarm_mode env li labels args =
let lvi = li.l_var_info in
match lvi.lv_name, li.l_type, labels, args with
......@@ -1709,7 +1705,6 @@ let reduce_by_left_relation ~alarm_mode env positive tl rel tr =
let debug = false in
if debug then Format.printf "#Left term %a@." Printer.pp_term tl;
let typ_loc, locs = eval_term_as_exact_locs ~alarm_mode env tl in
if debug then Format.printf "HERE@.";
let reduce = Eval_op.backward_comp_left_from_type typ_loc in
let rtl = eval_term ~alarm_mode env tr in
let cond_v = rtl.eover in
......@@ -1763,9 +1758,11 @@ let rec reduce_by_relation ~alarm_mode env positive t1 rel t2 =
May raise LogicEvalError or Not_an_exact_loc, when no reduction can be done,
and Reduce_to_bottom, in which case the reduction leads to bottom. *)
let reduce_by_known_papp ~alarm_mode env positive li _labels args =
(* If the term [arg] is a floating-point lvalue with an exact location,
reduces its value in [env] by using the backward propagator on fval
[fval_reduce]. *)
let reduce_float fval_reduce arg =
let alarm_mode = alarm_reduce_mode () in
let typ_loc, locs = eval_term_as_exact_locs ~alarm_mode env arg in
let aux loc env =
let state = env_current_state env in
......@@ -1787,9 +1784,10 @@ let reduce_by_known_papp ~alarm_mode env positive li _labels args =
overwrite_current_state env state'
Eval_op.apply_on_all_locs aux locs env
with LogicEvalError _ | Not_an_exact_loc | Cvalue.V.Not_based_on_null ->
with Cvalue.V.Not_based_on_null -> env
(* Reduces [f] to positive or negative infinity (according to [pos]),
or to the complement if [positive] is false. *)
let reduce_by_infinity ~pos prec f =
let inf = if pos then Fval.pos_infinity prec else Fval.neg_infinity prec in
let fval =
......@@ -1799,28 +1797,28 @@ let reduce_by_known_papp ~alarm_mode env positive li _labels args =
Fval.narrow fval f
match positive, li.l_var_info.lv_name, args with
| _, "\\is_finite", [arg] ->
match li.l_var_info.lv_name, args with
| "\\is_finite", [arg] ->
reduce_float (Fval.backward_is_finite ~positive) arg
| _, "\\is_plus_infinity", [arg] ->
| "\\is_plus_infinity", [arg] ->
reduce_float (reduce_by_infinity ~pos:true) arg
| _, "\\is_minus_infinity", [arg] ->
| "\\is_minus_infinity", [arg] ->
reduce_float (reduce_by_infinity ~pos:false) arg
| _, "\\is_NaN", [arg] ->
| "\\is_NaN", [arg] ->
reduce_float (fun _fkind -> Fval.backward_is_nan ~positive) arg
| _ , ("\\eq_float" | "\\eq_double"), [t1;t2] ->
| ("\\eq_float" | "\\eq_double"), [t1;t2] ->
reduce_by_relation ~alarm_mode env positive t1 Req t2
| _ , ("\\ne_float" | "\\ne_double"), [t1;t2] ->
| ("\\ne_float" | "\\ne_double"), [t1;t2] ->
reduce_by_relation ~alarm_mode env positive t1 Rneq t2
| _ , ("\\lt_float" | "\\lt_double"), [t1;t2] ->
| ("\\lt_float" | "\\lt_double"), [t1;t2] ->
reduce_by_relation ~alarm_mode env positive t1 Rlt t2
| _ , ("\\le_float" | "\\le_double"), [t1;t2] ->
| ("\\le_float" | "\\le_double"), [t1;t2] ->
reduce_by_relation ~alarm_mode env positive t1 Rle t2
| _ , ("\\gt_float" | "\\gt_double"), [t1;t2] ->
| ("\\gt_float" | "\\gt_double"), [t1;t2] ->
reduce_by_relation ~alarm_mode env positive t1 Rgt t2
| _ , ("\\ge_float" | "\\ge_double"), [t1;t2] ->
| ("\\ge_float" | "\\ge_double"), [t1;t2] ->
reduce_by_relation ~alarm_mode env positive t1 Rge t2
| true, "\\subset", [argl;argr] ->
| "\\subset", [argl;argr] when positive ->
let alarm_mode = alarm_reduce_mode () in
let vr = (eval_term ~alarm_mode env argr).eover in
let _typ, locsl = eval_term_as_exact_locs ~alarm_mode env argl in
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