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Commit 4a8862f9 authored by Thibault Martin's avatar Thibault Martin Committed by Allan Blanchard
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Generic function for collect, fix clauses clauses combination

- Hashtbl stores a bool to remember if bhv has assumes clauses
-  When looking for clauses to combine for default behavior, we search
   in that order (and stop if we found some clauses) :
   - unguarded behaviors (no assumes).
   - complete behaviors (each one of them needs to be in our table).
   - all behaviors in our table.
     It is a generic function used by {!Generator.get_clauses}.
parent b0eb180d
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......@@ -83,15 +83,70 @@ let emitter_status =
let emit_status status ppt =
Property_status.emit emitter_status ~hyps:[] ppt status
(* Generic completes function for {!Generator.completes}. *)
let completes_generic (type clause) completes table =
(* Generic function to fill the clause hashtbl.
[filter] returns all the clauses of behavior [b] and depend on the type of
clause. [is_empty] correspond to each [Generator.is_empty] function.
The table also remembers for each behavior if it has assumes clause or not.
let collect_behaviors_generic filter is_empty spec =
let table = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let iter b =
let clauses = filter b in
if not (is_empty clauses) then
Hashtbl.add table b.b_name (b.b_assumes = [], clauses)
List.iter iter spec.spec_behavior;
(* Filter [table] to keep behaviors without guard (assume) clause. *)
let unguarded table =
let filter _ (unguarded, clause) acc =
if unguarded then clause :: acc else acc
match Hashtbl.fold filter table [] with
| [] -> None
| l -> Some l
(* Find the first group of complete behaviors in which all behaviors are in our
table. *)
let completes (type clause) completes table =
let exception Ok of clause list in
let collect l b = Hashtbl.find table b :: l in
let collect l b =
let _, c = Hashtbl.find table b in
c :: l
let collect bhvs =
try let r = List.fold_left collect [] bhvs in raise (Ok r)
with Not_found -> ()
try List.iter collect completes; None with Ok l -> Some l
List.iter collect completes; None
with Ok l -> Some l
(* Concat all clauses from the table into a list. *)
let get_all_clauses table =
let clauses =
(fun _ (_,clause) clauses -> clause :: clauses) table []
match clauses with
| [] -> None
| l -> Some l
(* This function search for existing clauses inside our table. The search is
done in a specific order and stops when some clauses are found :
- unguarded behaviors (no assumes).
- complete behaviors (each one of them needs to be in our table).
- all behaviors in our table.
It is a generic function used by {!Generator.get_clauses}.
let get_clauses_generic spec table =
match unguarded table with
| Some l -> Some l
| None ->
match completes spec.spec_complete_behaviors table with
| Some l -> Some l
| None -> get_all_clauses table
(* Register a new mode (or replace an existing one). *)
let register ?gen_exits ?status_exits ?gen_assigns ?status_assigns
......@@ -148,8 +203,8 @@ sig
val has_default_behavior : behaviors -> bool
(* Collect all clauses from function specification. *)
val collect_behaviors : spec -> behaviors
(* Collect all clauses from complete behaviors. *)
val completes : string list list -> behaviors -> clause list option
(* Collect clauses given a [spec] and result of [collect_behaviors]. *)
val get_clauses : spec -> behaviors -> clause list option
(* Generate a default clause in ACSL mode. *)
val acsl_default : unit -> clause
......@@ -178,8 +233,8 @@ struct
let combine_or_default mode kf spec table =
if mode = ACSL then false, G.acsl_default ()
let completes_opt = G.completes spec.spec_complete_behaviors table in
match mode, completes_opt with
let clauses_opt = G.get_clauses spec table in
match mode, clauses_opt with
| (Safe | Frama_C | Other _), Some completes_clauses ->
true, G.combine_default completes_clauses
| Safe, None ->
......@@ -231,7 +286,7 @@ module Exits_generator =
type clause = t_exits
type behaviors = (string, clause) Hashtbl.t
type behaviors = (string, (bool * clause)) Hashtbl.t
let name = "exits"
......@@ -241,15 +296,10 @@ struct
Hashtbl.mem behaviors default
let collect_behaviors spec =
let table = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let iter b =
let exits = List.filter (fun (k, _ ) -> Exits = k) b.b_post_cond in
if exits <> [] then Hashtbl.add table b.b_name exits
List.iter iter spec.spec_behavior;
let filter b = List.filter (fun (k, _ ) -> Exits = k) b.b_post_cond in
collect_behaviors_generic filter is_empty spec
let completes = completes_generic
let get_clauses = get_clauses_generic
let acsl_default () =
[ Exits, Logic_const.(new_predicate pfalse) ]
......@@ -326,7 +376,7 @@ module Assigns_generator =
type clause = t_assigns
type behaviors = (string, assigns) Hashtbl.t
type behaviors = (string, (bool * clause)) Hashtbl.t
let name = "assigns"
......@@ -336,14 +386,10 @@ struct
Hashtbl.mem behaviors default
let collect_behaviors spec =
let table = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let iter { b_name; b_assigns } =
if b_assigns <> WritesAny then Hashtbl.add table b_name b_assigns
List.iter iter spec.spec_behavior;
let filter b = b.b_assigns in
collect_behaviors_generic filter is_empty spec
let completes = completes_generic
let get_clauses = get_clauses_generic
let acsl_default () =
......@@ -370,8 +416,9 @@ struct
if r <> 0 then r else compare_deps d1 d2
let combine_default clauses =
(* Note: combination is made on a set of complete behaviors in the sens of
[completes], thus here all clauses are [Writes ...] *)
(* Note: combination is made on a set of behaviors in the sens of
[get_clauses] and [collect_behaviors], thus here all clauses are
[Writes ...]. *)
let collect acc = function
| Writes l -> List.rev_append (List.rev l) acc
| _ -> assert false
......@@ -452,7 +499,7 @@ module Requires_generator =
type clause = t_requires
type behaviors = (string, clause) Hashtbl.t
type behaviors = (string, (bool * clause)) Hashtbl.t
let name = "requires"
......@@ -462,14 +509,10 @@ struct
Hashtbl.mem behaviors default
let collect_behaviors spec =
let table = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let iter { b_name; b_requires } =
if b_requires <> [] then Hashtbl.add table b_name b_requires
List.iter iter spec.spec_behavior;
let filter b = b.b_requires in
collect_behaviors_generic filter is_empty spec
let completes = completes_generic
let get_clauses = get_clauses_generic
let acsl_default () = []
......@@ -529,7 +572,7 @@ module Allocates_generator =
type clause = t_allocates
type behaviors = (string, allocation) Hashtbl.t
type behaviors = (string, (bool * clause)) Hashtbl.t
let name = "allocates"
......@@ -539,14 +582,10 @@ struct
Hashtbl.mem behaviors default
let collect_behaviors spec =
let table = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let iter { b_name; b_allocation } =
if b_allocation <> FreeAllocAny then Hashtbl.add table b_name b_allocation
List.iter iter spec.spec_behavior;
let filter b = b.b_allocation in
collect_behaviors_generic filter is_empty spec
let completes = completes_generic
let get_clauses = get_clauses_generic
let acsl_default () =
......@@ -560,8 +599,9 @@ struct
acsl_default ()
let combine_default clauses =
(* Note: combination is made on a set of complete behaviors in the sens of
[completes], thus here all clauses are [FreeAlloc ...] *)
(* Note: combination is made on a set of behaviors in the sens of
[get_clauses] and [collect_behaviors], thus here all clauses are
[FreeAlloc ...]. *)
let collect (facc, aacc) = function
| FreeAlloc(f, a) ->
List.rev_append (List.rev f) facc, List.rev_append (List.rev a) aacc
......@@ -640,7 +680,7 @@ struct
let collect_behaviors spec =
None <> spec.spec_terminates
let completes _ _ = None
let get_clauses _ _ = None
let acsl_default () =
Some(Logic_const.(new_predicate ptrue))
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