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Commit 447df042 authored by David Bühler's avatar David Bühler
Browse files

[Eva] Replaces environment variable FRAMA_C_MEMORY_FOOTPRINT by an Eva parameter.

The new parameter is -eva-cache-size.
parent be905cb5
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......@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ EVAFLAGS ?= \
-no-deps-print -no-calldeps-print \
-eva-warn-key garbled-mix=active,garbled-mix:write=active \
-calldeps -from-verbose 0 \
-eva-cache-size 8 \
$(if $(EVABUILTINS), -eva-builtin=$(call fc_list,$(EVABUILTINS)),) \
$(if $(EVAUSESPECS), -eva-use-spec $(call fc_list,$(EVAUSESPECS)),)
......@@ -26,11 +26,6 @@
# Note: this variable must be defined before including any files
makefile_dir := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
## Useful definitions (to be overridden later if needed)
# Improves analysis time, at the cost of extra memory usage
# contains the main rules and targets
include $(makefile_dir)/
......@@ -20,25 +20,15 @@
(* *)
let memory_footprint_var_name = "FRAMA_C_MEMORY_FOOTPRINT"
let memory_footprint =
let error () =
"@[Bad value for environment variable@ %s.@ Expected value: \
integer between@ 1 and 10.@ Using@ default value@ of 2.@]"
let i = int_of_string (Sys.getenv memory_footprint_var_name) in
if i <= 0 || i > 10 then error ()
else i
| Not_found -> 2
| Failure _ -> error ()
let cache_size = 1 lsl (8 + memory_footprint)
let compute_cache_size i = 1 lsl (8 + i)
let default_value = 2
(* Should not be used to create cache before the value from -eva-cache-size
has been set by Eva. *)
let cache_size = ref (compute_cache_size default_value)
(* Set by Eva, according to the -eva-cache-size parameter. *)
let set_cache_size i = cache_size := compute_cache_size i
(** The caches of this module are lazy, for two reasons:
......@@ -55,7 +45,6 @@ let cache_size = 1 lsl (8 + memory_footprint)
(This is not perfect: once a lazy cache has been forced, each 'clear'
operation becomes costly again.)
let (!!) = Lazy.force
module type Cacheable =
......@@ -163,18 +152,23 @@ end
module Symmetric_Binary (H: Cacheable) (R: Result) =
let size = cache_size
let cache = lazy (Array_3.make size H.sentinel H.sentinel R.sentinel)
let mask = pred size
let create () =
let size = !cache_size in
let array = Array_3.make size H.sentinel H.sentinel R.sentinel in
array, pred size
let cache = lazy (create ())
let clear () =
if Lazy.is_val cache then
Array_3.clear !!cache H.sentinel H.sentinel R.sentinel
let array, _ = Lazy.force cache in
Array_3.clear array H.sentinel H.sentinel R.sentinel
let hash = H.hash
let merge f a0 a1 =
let array, mask = Lazy.force cache in
let a0', a1', h0, h1 =
let h0 = hash a0 in
let h1 = hash a1 in
......@@ -185,106 +179,114 @@ struct
let has = h1 lsl 5 - h1 + h0
let has = has land mask in
if H.equal (Array_3.get0 !!cache has) a0'
&& H.equal (Array_3.get1 !!cache has) a1'
then begin
(* Format.printf "Cache O@."; *)
Array_3.get2 !!cache has
if H.equal (Array_3.get0 array has) a0'
&& H.equal (Array_3.get1 array has) a1'
Array_3.get2 array has
let result = f a0 a1 in
(* Format.printf "Cache N@."; *)
Array_3.set !!cache has a0' a1' result;
Array_3.set array has a0' a1' result;
module Arity_One (H: Cacheable) (R: Result) =
let size = cache_size
let cache = lazy (Array_2.make size H.sentinel R.sentinel)
let mask = pred size
(* Creates the array used for the cache, and the mask to be used on keys
according to the array size. *)
let create () =
let size = !cache_size in
let array = Array_2.make size H.sentinel R.sentinel in
array, pred size
let cache = lazy (create ())
let clear () =
if Lazy.is_val cache then
Array_2.clear !!cache H.sentinel R.sentinel
let array, _ = Lazy.force cache in
Array_2.clear array H.sentinel R.sentinel
let merge f a0 =
let array, mask = Lazy.force cache in
let h0 = H.hash a0 in
let has = h0 land mask in
if H.equal (Array_2.get0 !!cache has) a0
then begin
(* Format.printf "Cache O@."; *)
Array_2.get1 !!cache has
if H.equal (Array_2.get0 array has) a0
Array_2.get1 array has
let result = f a0 in
(* Format.printf "Cache N@."; *)
Array_2.set !!cache has a0 result;
Array_2.set array has a0 result;
module Arity_Two (H0: Cacheable) (H1: Cacheable) (R: Result) =
let size = cache_size
let cache = lazy (Array_3.make size H0.sentinel H1.sentinel R.sentinel)
let mask = pred size
(* Creates the array used for the cache, and the mask to be used on keys
according to the array size. *)
let create () =
let size = !cache_size in
let array = Array_3.make size H0.sentinel H1.sentinel R.sentinel in
array, pred size
let cache = lazy (create ())
let clear () =
if Lazy.is_val cache then
Array_3.clear !!cache H0.sentinel H1.sentinel R.sentinel
let array, _ = Lazy.force cache in
Array_3.clear array H0.sentinel H1.sentinel R.sentinel
let merge f a0 a1 =
let array, mask = Lazy.force cache in
let h0 = H0.hash a0 in
let h1 = H1.hash a1 in
let has = h1 lsl 5 - h1 + h0
let has = has land mask in
if H0.equal (Array_3.get0 !!cache has) a0
&& H1.equal (Array_3.get1 !!cache has) a1
then begin
(* Format.printf "Cache O@."; *)
Array_3.get2 !!cache has
if H0.equal (Array_3.get0 array has) a0
&& H1.equal (Array_3.get1 array has) a1
Array_3.get2 array has
let result = f a0 a1 in
(* Format.printf "Cache N@."; *)
Array_3.set !!cache has a0 a1 result;
Array_3.set array has a0 a1 result;
module Arity_Three (H0: Cacheable) (H1: Cacheable) (H2: Cacheable) (R: Result) =
let size = cache_size
let cache =
lazy (Array_4.make size H0.sentinel H1.sentinel H2.sentinel R.sentinel)
let mask = pred size
(* Creates the array used for the cache, and the mask to be used on keys
according to the array size. *)
let create () =
let size = !cache_size in
let array =
Array_4.make size H0.sentinel H1.sentinel H2.sentinel R.sentinel
array, pred size
let cache = lazy (create ())
let clear () =
if Lazy.is_val cache then
Array_4.clear !!cache H0.sentinel H1.sentinel H2.sentinel R.sentinel
let array, _ = Lazy.force cache in
Array_4.clear array H0.sentinel H1.sentinel H2.sentinel R.sentinel
let merge f a0 a1 a2 =
let array, mask = Lazy.force cache in
let h0 = H0.hash a0 in
let h1 = H1.hash a1 in
let h2 = H2.hash a2 in
let has = h0 + 117 * h1 + 2375 * h2 in
let has = has land mask in
if H0.equal (Array_4.get0 !!cache has) a0
&& H1.equal (Array_4.get1 !!cache has) a1
&& H2.equal (Array_4.get2 !!cache has) a2
then begin
(* Format.printf "Cache O@."; *)
Array_4.get3 !!cache has
if H0.equal (Array_4.get0 array has) a0
&& H1.equal (Array_4.get1 array has) a1
&& H2.equal (Array_4.get2 array has) a2
Array_4.get3 array has
let result = f a0 a1 a2 in
(* Format.printf "Cache N@."; *)
Array_4.set !!cache has a0 a1 a2 result;
Array_4.set array has a0 a1 a2 result;
......@@ -320,55 +322,65 @@ end
module Binary_Predicate (H0: Cacheable) (H1: Cacheable) =
let size = cache_size
let cache = lazy (Array_2.make size H0.sentinel H1.sentinel)
let result = lazy (Array_Bit.make size)
let mask = pred size
(* Creates two arrays (one for the arguments, one for the boolean result),
and the mask to be used on keys according to the array size. *)
let create () =
let size = !cache_size in
let array_args = Array_2.make size H0.sentinel H1.sentinel in
let array_result = Array_Bit.make size in
array_args, array_result, pred size
let cache = lazy (create ())
let clear () =
if Lazy.is_val cache then
Array_2.clear !!cache H0.sentinel H1.sentinel;
if Lazy.is_val result then
Array_Bit.clear !!result
let array_args, array_result, _ = Lazy.force cache in
Array_2.clear array_args H0.sentinel H1.sentinel;
Array_Bit.clear array_result
let merge f a0 a1 =
let array_args, array_result, mask = Lazy.force cache in
let has =
let h0 = H0.hash a0 in
let h1 = H1.hash a1 in
599 * h0 + h1
let has = has land mask in
if H0.equal (Array_2.get0 !!cache has) a0
&& H1.equal (Array_2.get1 !!cache has) a1
then begin
(* Format.printf "Cache O@."; *)
Array_Bit.get !!result has
if H0.equal (Array_2.get0 array_args has) a0
&& H1.equal (Array_2.get1 array_args has) a1
Array_Bit.get array_result has
let r = f a0 a1 in
(* Format.printf "Cache N@."; *)
Array_2.set !!cache has a0 a1;
Array_Bit.set !!result has r;
Array_2.set array_args has a0 a1;
Array_Bit.set array_result has r;
module Symmetric_Binary_Predicate (H0: Cacheable) =
let size = cache_size
let cache = lazy (Array_2.make size H0.sentinel H0.sentinel)
let result = lazy (Array_Bit.make size)
let mask = pred size
(* Creates two arrays (one for the arguments, one for the boolean result),
and the mask to be used on keys according to the array size. *)
let create () =
let size = !cache_size in
let array_args = Array_2.make size H0.sentinel H0.sentinel in
let array_result = Array_Bit.make size in
array_args, array_result, pred size
let cache = lazy (create ())
let clear () =
if Lazy.is_val cache then
Array_2.clear !!cache H0.sentinel H0.sentinel;
if Lazy.is_val result then
Array_Bit.clear !!result
let array_args, array_result, _ = Lazy.force cache in
Array_2.clear array_args H0.sentinel H0.sentinel;
Array_Bit.clear array_result
let hash = H0.hash
let merge f a0 a1 =
let array_args, array_result, mask = Lazy.force cache in
let a0, a1, h0, h1 =
let h0 = hash a0 in
let h1 = hash a1 in
......@@ -379,18 +391,14 @@ struct
let has = h1 lsl 5 - h1 + h0
let has = has land mask in
if H0.equal (Array_2.get0 !!cache has) a0
&& H0.equal (Array_2.get1 !!cache has) a1
then begin
(* Format.printf "Cache O@."; *)
Array_Bit.get !!result has
if H0.equal (Array_2.get0 array_args has) a0
&& H0.equal (Array_2.get1 array_args has) a1
Array_Bit.get array_result has
let r = f a0 a1 in
(* Format.printf "Cache N@."; *)
Array_2.set !!cache has a0 a1;
Array_Bit.set !!result has r;
Array_2.set array_args has a0 a1;
Array_Bit.set array_result has r;
......@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
you understand what happens in this module, and do not forget that
those caches are not aware of projects. *)
(** [set_cache_size n] sets the size cache to 2^(8+n).
Does not resize already created caches. *)
val set_cache_size: int -> unit
module type Cacheable = sig
type t
val hash : t -> int
......@@ -398,6 +398,24 @@ module JoinResults =
let default = true
let () = Parameter_customize.set_group performance
module CacheSize =
let default = 2
let option_name = "-eva-cache-size"
let arg_name = "n"
let help =
"Control the amount of memory allocated to the internal caches \
of Eva. Must be between 1 and 10; default value is 2. \
Each increase of 1 doubles the size of these caches. \
Small values are most suitable for the analysis of small programs \
(less than 1000 lines). Higher values (around 7-8) can speed up the \
analysis of large code bases."
let () = CacheSize.set_range ~min:1 ~max:10
let () = CacheSize.add_update_hook (fun _ i -> Binary_cache.set_cache_size i)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Non-standard alarms --- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
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