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Commit 43bf7404 authored by Loïc Correnson's avatar Loïc Correnson Committed by Allan Blanchard
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[wp] draft of why3-coq prover

parent a1fbeef7
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......@@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@ let digest wpo drv prover task =
in Digest.file file |> Digest.to_hex
let batch pconf driver ~timeout ~steplimit prover task =
let batch pconf driver ?script ~timeout ~steplimit prover task =
let steps = match steplimit with Some 0 -> None | _ -> steplimit in
let limit =
let def = Why3.Call_provers.empty_limit in
......@@ -1250,9 +1250,51 @@ let batch pconf driver ~timeout ~steplimit prover task =
| Some _, None -> false
let command = Why3.Whyconf.get_complete_command pconf ~with_steps in
let call = Why3.Driver.prove_task_prepared ~command ~limit driver task in
let inplace = if script <> None then Some true else None in
let call = Why3.Driver.prove_task_prepared ?old:script ?inplace
~command ~limit driver task in
call_prover_task ~timeout ~steps prover call
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Interactive Prover (Coq) --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let editor pconf =
let config = Why3Provers.config () in
let ed = Why3.Whyconf.editor_by_id config pconf.Why3.Whyconf.editor in
String.concat " " (ed.editor_command :: ed.editor_options)
with Not_found ->
Why3.Whyconf.(default_editor (get_main config))
[@@ warning "-32"]
let script ~force wpo =
let dir = Wp_parameters.get_session_dir ~force "coq" in
Format.sprintf "%s/%s.v" (dir :> string) wpo.Wpo.po_sid
let prepare ~file driver task =
Command.pp_to_file file (fun fmt ->
ignore (Why3.Driver.print_task_prepared driver fmt task)
let editscript ~file pconf =
let call = Why3.Call_provers.call_editor ~command:(editor pconf) file in
call_prover_task ~timeout:None ~steps:None pconf.prover call
let interactive wpo pconf driver prover task =
let file = script ~force:true wpo in
if not (Sys.file_exists file) then prepare ~file driver task ;
let time = Wp_parameters.CoqTimeout.get () in
let timeout = if time <= 0 then None else Some time in
let open Task in
batch pconf driver ~script:file ~timeout ~steplimit:None prover task
>>= fun result ->
if VCS.is_valid result then
Task.return result
editscript ~file pconf >>= fun _ ->
batch pconf driver ~script:file ~timeout ~steplimit:None prover task
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Prove WPO --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -1273,10 +1315,13 @@ let build_proof_task ?timeout ?steplimit ~prover wpo () =
let drv , pconf , task = prover_task env prover task in
if is_trivial task then
Task.return VCS.valid
if prover.prover_name = "Coq" then
interactive wpo pconf drv prover task
~digest:(digest wpo drv)
~runner:(batch pconf drv)
~runner:(batch pconf drv ?script:None)
~timeout ~steplimit prover task
with exn ->
if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_api then
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