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Commit 2bbb9037 authored by David Bühler's avatar David Bühler
Browse files

[server] Minor fixes of request

parent 8433cb6a
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......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ module Info = struct
let print_kf fmt kf = print_function fmt (Kernel_function.get_name kf)
let print_varinfo fmt vi =
let print_variable fmt vi =
Format.fprintf fmt "Variable %s has type %a.@."
vi.vname Printer.pp_typ vi.vtype;
let kf = Kernel_function.find_defining_kf vi in
......@@ -271,25 +271,27 @@ module Info = struct
(Transitioning.Format.pp_print_option pp_kf) kf;
if vi.vtemp then
Format.fprintf fmt "This is a temporary variable%s.@."
(match vi.vdescr with None -> "" | Some descr -> descr);
Format.fprintf fmt "It is %sreferenced and its address is %staken.@."
(match vi.vdescr with None -> "" | Some descr -> " for " ^ descr);
Format.fprintf fmt "It is %sreferenced and its address is %staken."
(if vi.vreferenced then "" else "not ")
(if vi.vaddrof then "" else "not ")
let print_varinfo fmt vi =
if Cil.isFunctionType vi.vtype
Format.fprintf fmt "%a is a C function of type '%a'."
print_function vi.vname Printer.pp_typ vi.vtype
else print_variable fmt vi
let print_lvalue fmt _loc = function
| Var vi, NoOffset ->
if Cil.isFunctionType vi.vtype
Format.fprintf fmt "%a is a C function of type %a.@."
print_function vi.vname Printer.pp_typ vi.vtype
else print_varinfo fmt vi
| Var vi, NoOffset -> print_varinfo fmt vi
| lval ->
Format.fprintf fmt "This is an lvalue of type %a.@."
Format.fprintf fmt "This is an lvalue of type %a."
Printer.pp_typ (Cil.typeOfLval lval)
let print_localizable fmt = function
| PExp (_, _, e) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "This is a pure C expression of type %a.@."
Format.fprintf fmt "This is a pure C expression of type %a."
Printer.pp_typ (Cil.typeOf e)
| PLval (_, _, lval) as loc -> print_lvalue fmt loc lval
| PVDecl (_, _, vi) ->
......@@ -297,24 +299,21 @@ module Info = struct
Printer.pp_varinfo vi;
print_varinfo fmt vi
| PStmt (kf, _) | PStmtStart (kf, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "This is a statement of function %a@." print_kf kf
Format.fprintf fmt "This is a statement of function %a." print_kf kf
| _ -> ()
let get_marker_info marker =
let loc = Marker.lookup marker in
let buffer = Jbuffer.create () in
print_localizable (Jbuffer.formatter buffer) loc;
Jbuffer.flush buffer ();
Jbuffer.contents buffer
with Not_found -> Data.failure "not a localizable marker"
let get_marker_info loc =
let buffer = Jbuffer.create () in
let fmt = Jbuffer.formatter buffer in
print_localizable fmt loc;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt ();
Jbuffer.contents buffer
let () = Request.register ~page
~kind:`GET ~name:""
~descr:(Md.plain "Get information about a marker")
~input:(module Jstring) ~output:(module Jtext)
~descr:(Md.plain "Get textual information about a marker")
~input:(module Marker) ~output:(module Jtext)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
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