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Commit 2705371d authored by Julien Signoles's avatar Julien Signoles
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Merge branch 'feature/thibaut/refactor-gmp-module' into 'master'

Refactor module `Gmp`

Closes e-acsl#193

See merge request frama-c/frama-c!3962
parents d2b9a52e 01c5c9d2
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
......@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ open Analyses_types
open Contract_types
module Error = Translation_error
(********************** Forward references ********************************)
let gmp_clear_ref : (location -> exp -> stmt) ref =
Extlib.mk_fun "gmp_clear"
type localized_scope =
| LGlobal
| LFunction of kernel_function
......@@ -231,7 +238,7 @@ let do_new_var ~loc ?(scope=Varname.Block) ?(name="") env kf t ty mk_stmts =
(* "memoizing %a for term %a"
Varinfo.pretty v (fun fmt t -> match t with None -> Format.fprintf fmt
"NONE" | Some t -> Term.pretty fmt t) t;*)
{ clear_stmts = Gmp.clear ~loc e :: tbl.clear_stmts;
{ clear_stmts = !gmp_clear_ref loc e :: tbl.clear_stmts;
new_exps = match t with
| None -> tbl.new_exps
| Some t -> Term.Map.add t (v, e) tbl.new_exps }
......@@ -284,17 +291,6 @@ let new_var ~loc ?(scope=Varname.Block) ?name env kf t ty mk_stmts =
| Varname.Global | Varname.Function -> memo env.global_mp_tbl
| Varname.Block -> memo local_env.mp_tbl
let new_var_and_mpz_init ~loc ?scope ?name env kf t mk_stmts =
(Gmp_types.Z.t ())
(fun v e -> Gmp.init ~loc e :: mk_stmts v e)
let rtl_call_to_new_var ~loc ?scope ?name env kf t ty func_name args =
let _, exp, env =
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ open Analyses_types
open Analyses_datatype
open Contract_types
val gmp_clear_ref : (location -> exp -> stmt) ref
(** Environments.
Environments handle all the new C constructs (variables, statements and
......@@ -54,14 +56,6 @@ val new_var:
@return this variable as both a C variable and a C expression already
initialized by applying it to [mk_stmts]. *)
val new_var_and_mpz_init:
loc:location -> ?scope:Varname.scope -> ?name:string ->
t -> kernel_function -> term option ->
(varinfo -> exp (* the var as exp *) -> stmt list) ->
varinfo * exp * t
(** Same as [new_var], but dedicated to mpz_t variables initialized by
{!Mpz.init}. *)
val rtl_call_to_new_var:
loc:location -> ?scope:Varname.scope -> ?name:string ->
t -> kernel_function -> term option -> typ ->
......@@ -33,29 +33,12 @@ let apply_on_var ~loc funname e =
let ty = Cil.typeOf e in
if Gmp_types.Z.is_t ty then "__gmpz_"
else if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then "__gmpq_"
else assert false
else Options.fatal "expected GMP type instead of %a" Printer.pp_typ ty
Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc ~prefix funname [ e ]
let name_of_mpz_arith_bop = function
| PlusA -> "__gmpz_add"
| MinusA -> "__gmpz_sub"
| Mult -> "__gmpz_mul"
| Div -> "__gmpz_tdiv_q"
| Mod -> "__gmpz_tdiv_r"
| BAnd -> "__gmpz_and"
| BOr -> "__gmpz_ior"
| BXor -> "__gmpz_xor"
| Shiftlt -> "__gmpz_mul_2exp"
| Shiftrt -> "__gmpz_tdiv_q_2exp"
| Lt | Gt | Le | Ge | Eq | Ne | LAnd | LOr | PlusPI | MinusPI
| MinusPP as bop ->
"Operation '%a' either not arithmetic or not supported on GMP integers"
Printer.pp_binop bop
let init ~loc e = apply_on_var "init" ~loc e
let clear ~loc e = apply_on_var "clear" ~loc e
let clear loc e = apply_on_var "clear" ~loc e
exception Longlong of ikind
......@@ -88,17 +71,16 @@ let get_set_suffix_and_arg res_ty e =
HOWEVER: the machdep MUST NOT be vulnerable to double rounding
[TODO] check the statement above *)
| C_float FLongDouble, _ -> Error.not_yet "creating gmp from long double"
| Gmpz, _ | Rational, _ | Real, _ | Nan, _ -> (
match Cil.unrollType ty with
| TPtr(TInt(IChar, _), _) ->
(* decimal base for the number given as string *)
[ e; Cil.integer ~loc:e.eloc 10 ]
| _ ->
assert false
let generic_affect ~loc fname lv ev e =
| Gmpz, _ | Rational, _ | Real, _ | Nan, _ ->
match Cil.unrollType ty with
| TPtr(TInt(IChar, _), _) ->
(* decimal base for the number given as string *)
[ e; Cil.integer ~loc:e.eloc 10 ]
| _ ->
Options.fatal "expected char* instead of type %a" Printer.pp_typ ty
let generic_assign ~loc fname lv ev e =
let ty = Cil.typeOf ev in
if Gmp_types.Z.is_t ty || Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then begin
let suf, args = get_set_suffix_and_arg ty e in
......@@ -106,20 +88,20 @@ let generic_affect ~loc fname lv ev e =
end else
Smart_stmt.assigns ~loc:e.eloc ~result:lv e
let affect ~loc lv ev e =
let assign ~loc lv ev e =
let fname =
let ty = Cil.typeOf ev in
if Gmp_types.Z.is_t ty then "__gmpz_set"
else if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then "__gmpq_set"
else ""
try generic_affect ~loc fname lv ev e
try generic_assign ~loc fname lv ev e
with Longlong _ ->
Error.not_yet "quantification over long long and requiring GMP"
let init_set ~loc lv ev e =
let mpz_init_set fname =
try generic_affect ~loc fname lv ev e
try generic_assign ~loc fname lv ev e
| Longlong IULongLong ->
(match e.enode with
......@@ -148,12 +130,316 @@ let init_set ~loc lv ev e =
mpz_init_set "__gmpz_init_set"
else if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then
[ init ~loc ev ;
affect ~loc lv ev e ])
(Cil.mkBlock [ init ~loc ev; assign ~loc lv ev e ])
mpz_init_set ""
module Z = struct
let name_arith_bop = function
| PlusA -> "__gmpz_add"
| MinusA -> "__gmpz_sub"
| Mult -> "__gmpz_mul"
| Div -> "__gmpz_tdiv_q"
| Mod -> "__gmpz_tdiv_r"
| BAnd -> "__gmpz_and"
| BOr -> "__gmpz_ior"
| BXor -> "__gmpz_xor"
| Shiftlt -> "__gmpz_mul_2exp"
| Shiftrt -> "__gmpz_tdiv_q_2exp"
| Lt | Gt | Le | Ge | Eq | Ne | LAnd | LOr | PlusPI | MinusPI
| MinusPP as bop ->
"Operation '%a' not supported on GMP integers"
Printer.pp_binop bop
let new_var ~loc ?scope ?name env kf t mk_stmts =
(Gmp_types.Z.t ())
(fun v e -> init ~loc e :: mk_stmts v e)
let create ~loc ?name t_opt env kf e =
let _, e, env =
(Gmp_types.Z.t ())
(fun vi vi_e -> [ init_set ~loc (Cil.var vi) vi_e e ])
e, env
let add_cast ~loc ?name env kf ty e =
let fname, new_ty =
if Cil.isSignedInteger ty then "__gmpz_get_si", Cil.longType
else "__gmpz_get_ui", Cil.ulongType
let _, e, env =
(fun v _ ->
[ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
~result:(Cil.var v)
[ e ] ])
e, env
let binop ~loc t_opt bop env kf e1 e2 =
let name = name_arith_bop bop in
let mk_stmts _ e = [ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
[ e; e1; e2 ] ] in
let name = Misc.name_of_binop bop in
let _, e, env = new_var ~loc ~name env kf t_opt mk_stmts in
let cmp ~loc name t_opt bop env kf e1 e2 =
let _, e, env = Env.new_var
(fun v _ ->
[ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
~result:(Cil.var v)
[ e1; e2 ] ])
Cil.new_exp ~loc (BinOp(bop, e, ~loc, Cil.intType)), env
module Q = struct
let name_arith_bop = function
| PlusA -> "__gmpq_add"
| MinusA -> "__gmpq_sub"
| Mult -> "__gmpq_mul"
| Div -> "__gmpq_div"
| Mod | Lt | Gt | Le | Ge | Eq | Ne | BAnd | BXor | BOr | LAnd | LOr
| Shiftlt | Shiftrt | PlusPI | MinusPI | MinusPP as bop ->
"Operation '%a' not supported on GMP rationals"
Printer.pp_binop bop
exception Not_a_decimal of string
exception Is_a_float
(* The possible float suffixes (ISO C are lLfF.
dD is a GNU extension accepted by Frama-C (only!) in the logic *)
let float_suffixes = [ 'f'; 'F'; 'l'; 'L'; 'd'; 'D' ]
(* Computes the fractional representation of a decimal number.
Does NOT perform reduction.
Example: [dec_to_frac "43.567"] evaluates to ["43567/1000"]
Complexity: Linear
Original Author: Frédéric Recoules
It iterates **once** over [str] during which three cases are distinguished,
example for "43.567":
Case1: pre: no '.' has been found yet ==> copy current char into buf
buf: | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 4 | 3 | | | | | | | | | | |
Case2: mid: current char is '.' ==> put "/1" into buf at [(length str) - 1]
buf: | 4 | 3 | | | | / | 1 | | | | | |
Case3: post: a '.' was found ==> put current char in numerator AND '0' in den
buf: | 4 | 3 | 5 | | | / | 1 | 0 | | | | |
| 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | | / | 1 | 0 | 0 | | | |
| 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | / | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | *)
let decimal_to_fractional str =
let rec post str len buf len' i =
if i = len then
Bytes.sub_string buf 0 len'
match String.unsafe_get str i with
| c when '0' <= c && c <= '9' ->
Bytes.unsafe_set buf (i - 1) c;
Bytes.unsafe_set buf len' '0';
post str len buf (len' + 1) (i + 1)
| c when List.mem c float_suffixes ->
(* [JS] a suffix denoting a C type is possible *)
assert (i = len - 1);
raise Is_a_float
| _ ->
raise (Not_a_decimal str)
let mid buf len =
Bytes.unsafe_set buf (len - 1) '/';
Bytes.unsafe_set buf len '1'
let rec pre str len buf i =
if i = len then
match String.unsafe_get str i with
| '.' ->
mid buf len;
post str len buf (len + 1) (i + 1)
| c when '0' <= c && c <= '9' ->
Bytes.unsafe_set buf i c;
pre str len buf (i + 1)
| c when List.mem c float_suffixes ->
(* [JS] a suffix denoting a C type is possible *)
assert (i = len - 1);
raise Is_a_float
| _ ->
raise (Not_a_decimal str)
let strlen = String.length str in
let buflen =
(* The fractional representation is at most twice as lengthy
as the decimal one. *)
2 * strlen
try pre str strlen (Bytes.create buflen) 0
with Is_a_float -> str (* just left it unchanged *)
(* ACSL considers strings written in decimal expansion to be reals.
Yet GMPQ considers them to be double:
they MUST be converted into fractional representation. *)
let normalize_str str =
decimal_to_fractional str
with Invalid_argument _ ->
Error.not_yet "number not written in decimal expansion"
let create ~loc ?name t_opt env kf e =
let ty = Cil.typeOf e in
if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then
e, env
let _, e, env =
(Gmp_types.Q.t ())
(fun vi vi_e -> [ init_set ~loc (Cil.var vi) vi_e e ])
e, env
let cast_to_z ~loc:_ ?name:_ _env e =
assert (Gmp_types.Q.is_t (Cil.typeOf e));
Error.not_yet "reals: cast from R to Z"
let add_cast ~loc ?name env kf ty e =
(* TODO: The best solution would actually be to directly write all the
needed functions as C builtins then just call them here depending on the
situation at hand. *)
assert (Gmp_types.Q.is_t (Cil.typeOf e));
let get_double e env =
let _, e, env =
(fun v _ ->
[ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
~result:(Cil.var v)
[ e ] ])
e, env
match Cil.unrollType ty with
| TFloat(FLongDouble, _) ->
(* The biggest floating-point type we can extract from GMPQ is double *)
Error.not_yet "R to long double"
| TFloat(FDouble, _) ->
get_double e env
| TFloat(FFloat, _) ->
(* No "get_float" in GMPQ, but fortunately, [float] \subset [double].
HOWEVER: going through double as intermediate step might be unsound
since it could cause double rounding. See: [Boldo2013, Sec 2.2] *)
let e, env = get_double e env in
~once:true "R to float: double rounding might cause unsoundness";
Cil.mkCastT ~force:false ~oldt:Cil.doubleType ~newt:ty e, env
| TInt(IULongLong, _) ->
(* The biggest C integer type we can extract from GMP is ulong *)
Error.not_yet "R to unsigned long long"
| TInt _ ->
(* 1) Cast R to Z using cast_to_z
2) Extract ulong from Z
3) Potentially cast ulong to ty *)
Error.not_yet "R to Int"
| _ ->
Error.not_yet "R to <typ>"
let new_var ~loc ?scope ?name env kf t_opt mk_stmts =
(Gmp_types.Q.t ())
(fun v e -> init ~loc e :: mk_stmts v e)
let binop ~loc t_opt bop env kf e1 e2 =
let name = name_arith_bop bop in
let e1, env = create ~loc None env kf e1 in
let e2, env = create ~loc None env kf e2 in
let mk_stmts _ e = [ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
[ e; e1; e2 ] ] in
let name = Misc.name_of_binop bop in
let _, e, env = new_var ~loc ~name env kf t_opt mk_stmts in
e, env
let cmp ~loc name t_opt bop env kf e1 e2 =
let fname = "__gmpq_cmp" in
let e1, env = create ~loc None env kf e1 in
let e2, env = create ~loc None env kf e2 in
let _, e, env =
(fun v _ ->
[ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
~result:(Cil.var v)
[ e1; e2 ] ])
Cil.new_exp ~loc (BinOp(bop, e, ~loc, Cil.intType)), env
let () =
Env.gmp_clear_ref := clear
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../../../.."
......@@ -24,10 +24,6 @@
open Cil_types
val name_of_mpz_arith_bop: binop -> string
(** [name_of_mpz_arith_bop bop] returns the name of the GMP function on integer
corresponding to the [bop] arithmetic operation. *)
val init: loc:location -> exp -> stmt
(** build stmt [mpz_init(v)] or [mpq_init(v)] depending on typ of [v] *)
......@@ -36,14 +32,96 @@ val init_set: loc:location -> lval -> exp -> exp -> stmt
or [mpq_init_set*(v, e)] with the good function 'set'
according to the type of [e] *)
val clear: loc:location -> exp -> stmt
val clear: location -> exp -> stmt
(** build stmt [mpz_clear(v)] or [mpq_clear(v)] depending on typ of [v] *)
val affect: loc:location -> lval -> exp -> exp -> stmt
(** [affect x_as_lv x_as_exp e] builds stmt [x = e] or [mpz_set*(e)]
val assign: loc:location -> lval -> exp -> exp -> stmt
(** [assign x_as_lv x_as_exp e] builds stmt [x = e] or [mpz_set*(e)]
or [mpq_set*(e)] with the good function 'set'
according to the type of [e] *)
module Z : sig
val name_arith_bop: binop -> string
(** [name_of_mpz_arith_bop bop] returns the name of the GMP integer function
corresponding to the [bop] arithmetic operation. *)
val new_var:
loc:location -> ?scope:Varname.scope -> ?name:string ->
Env.t -> kernel_function -> term option ->
(varinfo -> exp (* the var as exp *) -> stmt list) ->
varinfo * exp * Env.t
(** Same as [Env.new_var], but dedicated to mpz_t variables initialized by
{!Mpz.init}. *)
val create:
loc:location -> ?name:string -> term option -> Env.t -> kernel_function ->
exp -> exp * Env.t
(** Create an integer number. *)
val add_cast:
loc:location -> ?name:string -> Env.t -> kernel_function -> typ -> exp ->
exp * Env.t
(** Assumes that the given exp is of integer type and casts it into
the given typ *)
val binop:
loc:location -> term option -> binop -> Env.t -> kernel_function ->
exp -> exp -> exp * Env.t
(** Applies [binop] to the given expressions. The optional term
indicates whether the comparison has a correspondance in the logic. *)
val cmp:
loc:location -> string -> term option -> binop -> Env.t ->
kernel_function -> exp -> exp -> exp * Env.t
(** Compares two expressions according to the given [binop]. The optional
term indicates whether the comparison has a correspondance in the
logic. *)
module Q : sig
val name_arith_bop: binop -> string
(** [name_of_mpz_arith_bop bop] returns the name of the GMP rational function
corresponding to the [bop] arithmetic operation. *)
val normalize_str: string -> string
(** Normalize the string so that it fits the representation used by the
underlying real library. For example, "0.1" is a real number in ACSL
whereas it is considered as a double by [libgmp] because it is written in
decimal expansion. In order to make [libgmp] consider it to be a rational,
it must be converted into "1/10". *)
val create:
loc:location -> ?name:string -> term option -> Env.t -> kernel_function ->
exp -> exp * Env.t
(** Create a rational number. *)
val cast_to_z: loc:location -> ?name:string -> Env.t -> exp -> exp * Env.t
(** Assumes that the given exp is of real type and casts it into Z *)
val add_cast:
loc:location -> ?name:string -> Env.t -> kernel_function -> typ -> exp ->
exp * Env.t
(** Assumes that the given exp is of real type and casts it into
the given typ *)
val binop:
loc:location -> term option -> binop -> Env.t -> kernel_function ->
exp -> exp -> exp * Env.t
(** Applies [binop] to the given expressions. The optional term
indicates whether the comparison has a correspondance in the logic. *)
val cmp:
loc:location -> string -> term option -> binop -> Env.t ->
kernel_function -> exp -> exp -> exp * Env.t
(** Compares two expressions according to the given [binop]. The optional
term indicates whether the comparison has a correspondance in the
logic. *)
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../../../.."
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ let rec mk_nested_loops ~loc mk_innermost_block kf env lscope_vars =
let e1, _, env = term_to_exp kf (Env.push env) t1 in
let init_blk, env = Env.pop_and_get
(Gmp.affect ~loc:e1.eloc lv_x x e1)
(Gmp.assign ~loc:e1.eloc lv_x x e1)
......@@ -342,7 +342,10 @@ let rec mk_nested_loops ~loc mk_innermost_block kf env lscope_vars =
(TBinOp(Lt, tlv, t2))
Typing.preprocess_term ~use_gmp_opt:false ~ctx:Typing.c_int ~logic_env guard;
~logic_env guard;
let guard_exp, _, env = term_to_exp kf (Env.push env) guard in
let break_stmt = Smart_stmt.break ~loc:guard_exp.eloc in
let guard_blk, env = Env.pop_and_get
......@@ -362,13 +365,15 @@ let rec mk_nested_loops ~loc mk_innermost_block kf env lscope_vars =
let incr, _, env = term_to_exp kf (Env.push env) tlv_one in
let next_blk, env = Env.pop_and_get
(Gmp.affect ~loc:incr.eloc lv_x x incr)
(Gmp.assign ~loc:incr.eloc lv_x x incr)
(* generate the whole loop *)
let next = block_to_stmt next_blk in
let guard_for_small_type_opt = Bound_variables.get_guard_for_small_type logic_x in
let guard_for_small_type_opt =
Bound_variables.get_guard_for_small_type logic_x
let stmts, env = match guard_for_small_type_opt with
| None ->
guard :: body @ [ next ], env
......@@ -429,6 +434,6 @@ let rec mk_nested_loops ~loc mk_innermost_block kf env lscope_vars =
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../.."
compile-command: "make -C ../../../../.."
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Frama-C's E-ACSL plug-in. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2012-2022 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
open Cil_types
let create ~loc ?name e env kf t_opt =
let ty = Cil.typeOf e in
if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then
e, env
let _, e, env =
(Gmp_types.Q.t ())
(fun vi vi_e ->
[ Gmp.init ~loc vi_e ;
Gmp.affect ~loc (Cil.var vi) vi_e e ])
e, env
exception Not_a_decimal of string
exception Is_a_float
(* The possible float suffixes (ISO C are lLfF.
dD is a GNU extension accepted by Frama-C (only!) in the logic *)
let float_suffixes = [ 'f'; 'F'; 'l'; 'L'; 'd'; 'D' ]
(* Computes the fractional representation of a decimal number.
Does NOT perform reduction.
Example: [dec_to_frac "43.567"] evaluates to ["43567/1000"]
Complexity: Linear
Original Author: Frédéric Recoules
It iterates **once** over [str] during which three cases are distinguished,
example for "43.567":
Case1: pre: no '.' has been found yet ==> copy current char into buf
buf: | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 4 | 3 | | | | | | | | | | |
Case2: mid: current char is '.' ==> put "/1" into buf at [(length str) - 1]
buf: | 4 | 3 | | | | / | 1 | | | | | |
Case3: post: a '.' was found ==> put current char in numerator AND '0' in den
buf: | 4 | 3 | 5 | | | / | 1 | 0 | | | | |
| 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | | / | 1 | 0 | 0 | | | |
| 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | / | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | *)
let decimal_to_fractional str =
let rec post str len buf len' i =
if i = len then
Bytes.sub_string buf 0 len'
match String.unsafe_get str i with
| c when '0' <= c && c <= '9' ->
Bytes.unsafe_set buf (i - 1) c;
Bytes.unsafe_set buf len' '0';
post str len buf (len' + 1) (i + 1)
| c when List.mem c float_suffixes ->
(* [JS] a suffix denoting a C type is possible *)
assert (i = len - 1);
raise Is_a_float
| _ ->
raise (Not_a_decimal str)
let mid buf len =
Bytes.unsafe_set buf (len - 1) '/';
Bytes.unsafe_set buf len '1'
let rec pre str len buf i =
if i = len then
match String.unsafe_get str i with
| '.' ->
mid buf len;
post str len buf (len + 1) (i + 1)
| c when '0' <= c && c <= '9' ->
Bytes.unsafe_set buf i c;
pre str len buf (i + 1)
| c when List.mem c float_suffixes ->
(* [JS] a suffix denoting a C type is possible *)
assert (i = len - 1);
raise Is_a_float
| _ ->
raise (Not_a_decimal str)
let strlen = String.length str in
let buflen =
(* The fractional representation is at most twice as lengthy
as the decimal one. *)
2 * strlen
try pre str strlen (Bytes.create buflen) 0
with Is_a_float -> str (* just left it unchanged *)
(* ACSL considers strings written in decimal expansion to be reals.
Yet GMPQ considers them to be double:
they MUST be converted into fractional representation. *)
let normalize_str str =
decimal_to_fractional str
with Invalid_argument _ ->
Error.not_yet "number not written in decimal expansion"
let cast_to_z ~loc:_ ?name:_ e _env =
assert (Gmp_types.Q.is_t (Cil.typeOf e));
Error.not_yet "reals: cast from R to Z"
let add_cast ~loc ?name e env kf ty =
(* TODO: The best solution would actually be to directly write all the needed
functions as C builtins then just call them here depending on the situation
at hand. *)
assert (Gmp_types.Q.is_t (Cil.typeOf e));
let get_double e env =
let _, e, env =
(fun v _ ->
[ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
~result:(Cil.var v)
[ e ] ])
e, env
match Cil.unrollType ty with
| TFloat(FLongDouble, _) ->
(* The biggest floating-point type we can extract from GMPQ is double *)
Error.not_yet "R to long double"
| TFloat(FDouble, _) ->
get_double e env
| TFloat(FFloat, _) ->
(* No "get_float" in GMPQ, but fortunately, [float] \subset [double].
HOWEVER: going through double as intermediate step might be unsound since
it could cause double rounding. See: [Boldo2013, Sec 2.2] *)
let e, env = get_double e env in
~once:true "R to float: double rounding might cause unsoundness";
Cil.mkCastT ~force:false ~oldt:Cil.doubleType ~newt:ty e, env
| TInt(IULongLong, _) ->
(* The biggest C integer type we can extract from GMP is ulong *)
Error.not_yet "R to unsigned long long"
| TInt _ ->
(* 1) Cast R to Z using cast_to_z
2) Extract ulong from Z
3) Potentially cast ulong to ty *)
Error.not_yet "R to Int"
| _ ->
Error.not_yet "R to <typ>"
let cmp ~loc bop e1 e2 env kf t_opt =
let fname = "__gmpq_cmp" in
let name = Misc.name_of_binop bop in
(* TODO: [t1_opt] and [t2_opt] could be provided when creating [e1] and
[e2] *)
let e1, env = create ~loc e1 env kf None in
let e2, env = create ~loc e2 env kf None in
let _, e, env =
(fun v _ ->
[ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
~result:(Cil.var v)
[ e1; e2 ] ])
Cil.new_exp ~loc (BinOp(bop, e, ~loc, Cil.intType)), env
let new_var_and_init ~loc ?scope ?name env kf t_opt mk_stmts =
(Gmp_types.Q.t ())
(fun v e -> Gmp.init ~loc e :: mk_stmts v e)
let name_arith_bop = function
| PlusA -> "__gmpq_add"
| MinusA -> "__gmpq_sub"
| Mult -> "__gmpq_mul"
| Div -> "__gmpq_div"
| Mod | Lt | Gt | Le | Ge | Eq | Ne | BAnd | BXor | BOr | LAnd | LOr
| Shiftlt | Shiftrt | PlusPI | MinusPI | MinusPP -> assert false
let binop ~loc bop e1 e2 env kf t_opt =
let name = name_arith_bop bop in
(* TODO: [t1_opt] and [t2_opt] could be provided when creating [e1] and
[e2] *)
let e1, env = create ~loc e1 env kf None in
let e2, env = create ~loc e2 env kf None in
let mk_stmts _ e = [ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
[ e; e1; e2 ] ] in
let name = Misc.name_of_binop bop in
let _, e, env = new_var_and_init ~loc ~name env kf t_opt mk_stmts in
e, env
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../.."
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Frama-C's E-ACSL plug-in. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2012-2022 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(** Generation of rational numbers. *)
(* [TODO ARCHI]: change the call convention in the whole module *)
open Cil_types
(* TODO: change the call convention *)
val create:
loc:location -> ?name:string -> exp -> Env.t -> kernel_function ->
term option ->
exp * Env.t
(** Create a real *)
val normalize_str: string -> string
(** Normalize the string so that it fits the representation used by the
underlying real library. For example, "0.1" is a real number in ACSL
whereas it is considered as a double by [libgmp] because it is written in
decimal expansion. In order to make [libgmp] consider it to be a rational,
it must be converted into "1/10". *)
(* TODO: change the call convention *)
val cast_to_z: loc:location -> ?name:string -> exp -> Env.t -> exp * Env.t
(** Assumes that the given exp is of real type and casts it into Z *)
(* TODO: change the call convention *)
val add_cast:
loc:location -> ?name:string -> exp -> Env.t -> kernel_function -> typ ->
exp * Env.t
(** Assumes that the given exp is of real type and casts it into
the given typ *)
(* TODO: change the call convention --> exp at the end *)
val binop:
loc:location -> binop -> exp -> exp -> Env.t -> kernel_function ->
term option ->
exp * Env.t
(** Applies [binop] to the given expressions. The optional term
indicates whether the comparison has a correspondance in the logic. *)
(* TODO: change the call convention --> exp at the end *)
val cmp:
loc:location -> binop -> exp -> exp -> Env.t -> kernel_function ->
term option ->
exp * Env.t
(** Compares two expressions according to the given [binop]. The optional term
indicates whether the comparison has a correspondance in the logic. *)
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../.."
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let translate_rte_exp_ref
let constant_to_exp ~loc env t c =
let mk_real s =
let s = Rational.normalize_str s in
let s = Gmp.Q.normalize_str s in
Cil.mkString ~loc s, Typed_number.Str_R
match c with
......@@ -115,9 +115,8 @@ let affect_binop ~loc var_as_varinfo var_as_exp binop exp_type exp1 exp2 =
[exp1; exp2]
| Some e ->
let name = Gmp.name_of_mpz_arith_bop binop in
~loc ~prefix:"" name [e; exp1; exp2])
let name = Gmp.Z.name_arith_bop binop in
Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc ~prefix:"" name [e; exp1; exp2])
else if Gmp_types.Q.is_t exp_type then
Error.not_yet "rational in affect_binop"
......@@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ and extended_quantifier_to_exp ~adata ~loc kf env t t_min t_max lambda name =
let e_lbd, _, env = to_exp ~adata:Assert.no_data kf env lt in
let lbd_stmt,env =
Env.pop_and_get env
(Gmp.affect ~loc (Cil.var lbd_as_varinfo) lbd_as_exp e_lbd)
(Gmp.assign ~loc (Cil.var lbd_as_varinfo) lbd_as_exp e_lbd)
~global_clear:false Env.Middle
(* statement construction *)
......@@ -304,7 +303,7 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp ~adata ?(inplace=false) kf env t =
| LNot -> assert false
let _, e, env =
......@@ -350,18 +349,10 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp ~adata ?(inplace=false) kf env t =
let e1, adata, env = to_exp ~adata kf env t1 in
let e2, adata, env = to_exp ~adata kf env t2 in
if Gmp_types.Z.is_t ty then
let name = Gmp.name_of_mpz_arith_bop bop in
let mk_stmts _ e = [ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
[ e; e1; e2 ] ] in
let name = Misc.name_of_binop bop in
let _, e, env =
Env.new_var_and_mpz_init ~loc ~name env kf (Some t) mk_stmts
let e, env = Gmp.Z.binop ~loc (Some t) bop env kf e1 e2 in
e, adata, env, Typed_number.C_number, ""
else if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then
let e, env = Rational.binop ~loc bop e1 e2 env kf (Some t) in
let e, env = Gmp.Q.binop ~loc (Some t) bop env kf e1 e2 in
e, adata, env, Typed_number.C_number, ""
else begin
assert (Logic_typing.is_integral_type t.term_type);
......@@ -384,7 +375,7 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp ~adata ?(inplace=false) kf env t =
RTE should do this automatically. *)
let ctx = Typing.get_number_ty ~logic_env t in
let t = Some t in
let name = Gmp.name_of_mpz_arith_bop bop in
let name = Gmp.Z.name_arith_bop bop in
(* [TODO] can now do better since the type system got some info about
possible values of [t2] *)
(* guarding divisions and modulos *)
......@@ -424,11 +415,11 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp ~adata ?(inplace=false) kf env t =
[ cond; instr ]
let name = Misc.name_of_binop bop in
let _, e, env = Env.new_var_and_mpz_init ~loc ~name env kf t mk_stmts in
let _, e, env = Gmp.Z.new_var ~loc ~name env kf t mk_stmts in
e, adata, env, Typed_number.C_number, ""
else if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then
let e2, adata, env = t2_to_exp adata env in
let e, env = Rational.binop ~loc bop e1 e2 env kf (Some t) in
let e, env = Gmp.Q.binop ~loc (Some t) bop env kf e1 e2 in
e, adata, env, Typed_number.C_number, ""
else begin
assert (Logic_typing.is_integral_type t.term_type);
......@@ -560,7 +551,7 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp ~adata ?(inplace=false) kf env t =
(* Create the shift instruction *)
let mk_shift_instr result_e =
let name = Gmp.name_of_mpz_arith_bop bop in
let name = Gmp.Z.name_arith_bop bop in
Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
......@@ -568,7 +559,7 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp ~adata ?(inplace=false) kf env t =
(* Put t in an option to use with Translate_utils.comparison_to_exp and
Env.new_var_and_mpz_init *)
Gmp.Z.new_var *)
let t = Some t in
(* TODO: let RTE generate the undef behaviors assertions *)
......@@ -633,7 +624,7 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp ~adata ?(inplace=false) kf env t =
| Some e1_guard -> [ e1_guard; shift_instr ]
let name = bop_name in
let _, e, env = Env.new_var_and_mpz_init ~loc ~name env kf t mk_stmts in
let _, e, env = Gmp.Z.new_var ~loc ~name env kf t mk_stmts in
e, adata, env, Typed_number.C_number, ""
else begin
assert (Logic_typing.is_integral_type t.term_type);
......@@ -691,13 +682,13 @@ and context_insensitive_term_to_exp ~adata ?(inplace=false) kf env t =
let e2, adata, env = to_exp ~adata kf env t2 in
if Gmp_types.Z.is_t ty then
let mk_stmts _v e =
let name = Gmp.name_of_mpz_arith_bop bop in
let name = Gmp.Z.name_arith_bop bop in
let instr = Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc ~prefix:"" name [ e; e1; e2 ] in
[ instr ]
let name = Misc.name_of_binop bop in
let t = Some t in
let _, e, env = Env.new_var_and_mpz_init ~loc ~name env kf t mk_stmts in
let _, e, env = Gmp.Z.new_var ~loc ~name env kf t mk_stmts in
e, adata, env, Typed_number.C_number, ""
else begin
assert (Logic_typing.is_integral_type t.term_type);
......@@ -205,23 +205,8 @@ let comparison_to_exp
match ity with
| C_integer _ | C_float _ | Nan ->
Cil.mkBinOp ~loc bop e1 e2, env
| Gmpz ->
let _, e, env = Env.new_var
(fun v _ ->
[ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
~result:(Cil.var v)
[ e1; e2 ] ])
Cil.new_exp ~loc (BinOp(bop, e, ~loc, Cil.intType)), env
| Rational -> Rational.cmp ~loc bop e1 e2 env kf t_opt
| Gmpz -> Gmp.Z.cmp ~loc name t_opt bop env kf e1 e2
| Rational -> Gmp.Q.cmp ~loc name t_opt bop env kf e1 e2
| Real -> Error.not_yet "comparison involving real numbers"
| _, _ ->
......@@ -28,22 +28,9 @@ type strnum =
| C_number (* integers and floats included *)
let add_cast ~loc ?name env kf ctx strnum t_opt e =
let mk_mpz e =
let _, e, env =
(Gmp_types.Z.t ())
(fun lv v -> [ Gmp.init_set ~loc (Cil.var lv) v e ])
e, env
let e, env = match strnum with
| Str_Z -> mk_mpz e
| Str_R -> Rational.create ~loc ?name e env kf t_opt
| Str_Z -> Gmp.Z.create ~loc ?name t_opt env kf e
| Str_R -> Gmp.Q.create ~loc ?name t_opt env kf e
| C_number -> e, env
match ctx with
......@@ -58,7 +45,7 @@ let add_cast ~loc ?name env kf ctx strnum t_opt e =
| false, true ->
if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty then
(* R --> Z *)
Rational.cast_to_z ~loc ?name e env
Gmp.Q.cast_to_z ~loc ?name env e
(* C integer --> Z *)
let e =
......@@ -71,39 +58,20 @@ let add_cast ~loc ?name env kf ctx strnum t_opt e =
mk_mpz e
Gmp.Z.create ~loc ?name t_opt env kf e
| _, false ->
if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ctx then
if Gmp_types.Q.is_t (Cil.typeOf e) then (* R --> R *)
e, env
else (* C integer or Z --> R *)
Rational.create ~loc ?name e env kf t_opt
Gmp.Q.create ~loc ?name t_opt env kf e
else if Gmp_types.Z.is_t ty || strnum = Str_Z then
(* Z --> C type or the integer is represented by a string:
anyway, it fits into a C integer: convert it *)
let fname, new_ty =
if Cil.isSignedInteger ctx then "__gmpz_get_si", Cil.longType
else "__gmpz_get_ui", Cil.ulongType
let _, e, env =
(fun v _ ->
[ Smart_stmt.rtl_call ~loc
~result:(Cil.var v)
[ e ] ])
e, env
Gmp.Z.add_cast ~loc ?name env kf ctx e
else if Gmp_types.Q.is_t ty || strnum = Str_R then
(* R --> C type or the real is represented by a string *)
Rational.add_cast ~loc ?name e env kf ctx
Gmp.Q.add_cast ~loc ?name env kf ctx e
(* C type --> another C type *)
Cil.mkCastT ~force:false ~oldt:ty ~newt:ctx e, env
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