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Commit 1bf27ed9 authored by Julien Signoles's avatar Julien Signoles
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[e-acsl] adding the RTL AST

parent 3b38931b
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......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ SRC_ANALYSES:=$(addprefix src/analyses/, $(SRC_ANALYSES))
# project initializer
keep_status \
rtl \
$(addprefix src/project_initializer/, $(SRC_PROJECT_INITIALIZER))
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Dataflow = Dataflow2
let must_never_monitor vi =
(* E-ACSL, please do not monitor yourself! *)
Functions.RTL.is_rtl_name vi.vname
Rtl.Symbols.mem_vi vi.vname
(* extern ghost variables are usually used (by the Frama-C libc) to
represent some internal invisible states in ACSL specifications. They do
......@@ -98,7 +98,12 @@ let mk_block stmt b = match b.bstmts with
(* ********************************************************************** *)
let mk_lib_call ~loc ?result fname args =
let vi = Misc.get_lib_fun_vi fname in
let vi =
try Rtl.Symbols.find_vi fname
with Rtl.Symbols.Unregistered _ as exn ->
try Builtins.find fname
with Not_found -> raise exn
let f = Cil.evar ~loc vi in
vi.vreferenced <- true;
let make_args ~variadic args param_ty =
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ val mk_break: loc:location -> stmt
val mk_lib_call: loc:Location.t -> ?result:lval -> string -> exp list -> stmt
(** Construct a call to a library function with the given name.
@raise Unregistered_library_function if the given string does not represent
@raise Rtl.Symbols.Unregistered if the given string does not represent
such a function or if library functions were never registered (only possible
when using E-ACSL through its API). *)
......@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ let inject_in_local_init loc env kf vi = function
when Options.Validate_format_strings.get ()
&& Functions.Libc.is_printf_name fvi.vname
(* rewrite format functions (e.g., [printf]). *)
let name = Functions.RTL.get_rtl_replacement_name fvi.vname in
let new_vi = Misc.get_lib_fun_vi name in
(* rewrite libc function names (e.g., [printf]). *)
let name = Functions.RTL.libc_replacement_name fvi.vname in
let new_vi = try Builtins.find name with Not_found -> assert false in
let fmt = Functions.Libc.get_printf_argument_str ~loc fvi.vname args in
ConsInit(new_vi, fmt :: args, kind), env
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ let inject_in_local_init loc env kf vi = function
(* rewrite names of functions for which we have alternative definitions in
the RTL. *)
fvi.vname <- Functions.RTL.get_rtl_replacement_name fvi.vname;
fvi.vname <- Functions.RTL.libc_replacement_name fvi.vname;
init, env
| AssignInit init ->
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let rename_caller loc args exp = match exp.enode with
when Options.Replace_libc_functions.get ()
&& Functions.RTL.has_rtl_replacement vi.vname
vi.vname <- Functions.RTL.get_rtl_replacement_name vi.vname;
vi.vname <- Functions.RTL.libc_replacement_name vi.vname;
exp, args
| Lval(Var vi, _)
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ let rename_caller loc args exp = match exp.enode with
from the above because argument list of format functions is extended with
an argument describing actual variadic arguments *)
(* replacement name, e.g., [printf] -> [__e_acsl_builtin_printf] *)
let name = Functions.RTL.get_rtl_replacement_name vi.vname in
let name = Functions.RTL.libc_replacement_name vi.vname in
(* variadic arguments descriptor *)
let fmt = Functions.Libc.get_printf_argument_str ~loc vi.vname args in
(* get the name of the library function we need. Cannot just rewrite the
......@@ -92,12 +92,10 @@ module RTL = struct
let is_generated_kf kf =
is_generated_name (Kernel_function.get_name kf)
let is_rtl_name name = startswith e_acsl_api_prefix name
let is_generated_literal_string_name name =
startswith e_acsl_lit_string_prefix name
let get_rtl_replacement_name fn = e_acsl_builtin_prefix ^ fn
let libc_replacement_name fn = e_acsl_builtin_prefix ^ fn
let has_rtl_replacement = function
| "strcpy" | "strncpy" | "strlen" | "strcat" | "strncat" | "strcmp"
......@@ -59,10 +59,6 @@ module RTL: sig
val is_generated_kf: kernel_function -> bool
(** Same as [is_generated_name] but for kernel functions *)
val is_rtl_name: string -> bool
(** @return [true] if the prefix of the given name indicates that it
belongs to the public API of the E-ACSL Runtime Library *)
val is_generated_literal_string_name: string -> bool
(** Same as [is_generated_name] but indicates that the name represents a local
variable that replaced a literal string. *)
......@@ -71,7 +67,7 @@ module RTL: sig
(** Retrieve the name of the kernel function and strip prefix that indicates
that it has been generated by the instrumentation. *)
val get_rtl_replacement_name: string -> string
val libc_replacement_name: string -> string
(** Given the name of C library function return the name of the RTL function
that potentially replaces it. *)
......@@ -178,3 +174,9 @@ module Libc: sig
In GCC/Clang [alloca] is typically implemented via [__builtin_alloca] *)
end (* Libc *)
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../../../.."
......@@ -163,7 +163,9 @@ let parameter_states =
Instrument.self ]
let must_visit () = Run.get () || Check.get ()
let emitter = Emitter.create "E-ACSL" [ Funspec ] ~correctness:[] ~tuning:[]
let must_visit () = Run.get ()
let dkey_analysis = register_category "analysis"
let dkey_prepare = register_category "preparation"
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module Functions: Parameter_sig.Kernel_function_set
module Instrument: Parameter_sig.Kernel_function_set
val parameter_states: State.t list
val emitter: Emitter.t
val must_visit: unit -> bool
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Frama-C's E-ACSL plug-in. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2012-2020 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
open Cil_types
open Cil_datatype
let rtl_files () =
(fun d -> Options.Share.get_file ~mode:`Must_exist d)
[ "e_acsl_gmp_api.h";
"e_acsl.h" ]
(* create the RTL AST in a fresh project *)
let create_rtl_ast prj =
(fun () ->
(* compute the RTL AST in the same settings as the user source code.
Modifying these settings purposely kills the current AST (if any) *)
if Plugin.is_present "variadic" then "-variadic-translation" (); ();
(Format.asprintf " -DE_ACSL_MACHDEP=%s" (Kernel.Machdep.get ()));
Kernel.Files.set (rtl_files ());
Ast.get ())
(* Note: vids, sids and eids are shared between projects (see implementation of
[Cil_const]). Therefore, no need to set them when inserting the corresponding
global into the AST. *)
(* Tables that contain RTL's symbols. Useful to know whether some symbols is
part of the RTL. *)
module Symbols: sig
val add_global: global -> unit
val mem_global: global -> bool
val add_kf: kernel_function -> unit
val mem_kf: kernel_function -> bool
val add_vi: string -> varinfo -> unit
val mem_vi: string -> bool
exception Unregistered of string
val find_vi: string -> varinfo (* may raise Unregistered *)
(* val debug: unit -> unit*)
end = struct
let globals: unit Global.Hashtbl.t = Global.Hashtbl.create 17
let kfs: unit Kernel_function.Hashtbl.t = Kernel_function.Hashtbl.create 17
let vars
: varinfo Datatype.String.Hashtbl.t
= Datatype.String.Hashtbl.create 17
let add_global g = Global.Hashtbl.add globals g ()
let mem_global g = Global.Hashtbl.mem globals g
let add_kf g = Kernel_function.Hashtbl.add kfs g ()
let mem_kf g = Kernel_function.Hashtbl.mem kfs g
let add_vi s vi = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.add vars s vi
let mem_vi s = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.mem vars s
exception Unregistered of string
let find_vi s =
try Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find vars s
with Not_found -> raise (Unregistered s)
let debug () =
(fun g1 () -> Format.printf "RTL %a@." Printer.pp_global g1)
(fun g1 g2 -> Format.printf "VAR %a -> %a@."
Printer.pp_varinfo g1
Printer.pp_varinfo g2)
(fun g1 g2 -> Format.printf "TYP %a -> %a@."
Printer.pp_typ g1
Printer.pp_typ g2)
(fun g1 g2 -> Format.printf "ANNOT %a -> %a@."
Printer.pp_global_annotation g1
Printer.pp_global_annotation g2)
(* NOTE: do not use [Mergecil.merge] since all [ast]'s symbols must be kept
unchanged: so do it ourselves. Thanksfully, we merge in a particular
setting because we know what the RTL is. Therefore merging is far from being
as complicated as [Mergecil]. *)
(* lookup globals from [rtl_ast] in the current [ast] and fill the [Symbols]'
@return the list of globals to be inserted into [ast], in reverse order. *)
let lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast =
(* [do_it ~add mem acc l g] checks whether the global does exist in the user's
AST. If not, add it to the corresponding symbol table(s). *)
let rec do_it ?(add=fun _g -> ()) mem acc l g =
if mem g then do_globals (g :: acc) l
else begin
add g;
Symbols.add_global g;
do_globals (g :: acc) l
(* [do_ty] is [do_it] for types *)
and do_ty acc l g kind tname =
let mem _g =
ignore (Globals.Types.find_type kind tname);
with Not_found ->
do_it mem acc l g
and do_globals acc globs =
match globs with
| [] ->
| GType(ti, _loc) as g :: l ->
do_ty acc l g Logic_typing.Typedef ti.tname
| GCompTag(ci, _loc) | GCompTagDecl(ci, _loc) as g :: l ->
let k = if ci.cstruct then Logic_typing.Struct else Logic_typing.Union in
do_ty acc l g k ci.cname
| GEnumTag(ei, _loc) | GEnumTagDecl(ei, _loc) as g :: l ->
do_ty acc l g Logic_typing.Enum ei.ename
| GVarDecl(vi, (pos, _)) | GVar(vi, _, (pos, _)) as g :: l ->
let tunit = Translation_unit pos.Filepath.pos_path in
let mem _g =
match Globals.Syntactic_search.find_in_scope vi.vorig_name tunit with
| None -> false
| Some _ -> true
let add g =
Symbols.add_vi vi.vname vi;
match g with
| GVarDecl _ -> Globals.Vars.add_decl vi
| GVar(_, ii, _) -> Globals.Vars.add vi ii
| _ -> assert false
do_it ~add mem acc l g
| GFunDecl(_, vi, _loc) | GFun({ svar = vi }, _loc) as g :: l ->
let mem _g =
try ignore (Globals.Functions.find_by_name vi.vname); true
with Not_found -> false
let add _g =
Symbols.add_vi vi.vname vi;
(* functions will be registered in kernel's table after substitution of
RTL's symbols inside them *)
do_it ~add mem acc l g
| GAnnot _ :: l ->
(* ignoring annotations from the AST *)
do_globals acc l
| GAsm _ | GPragma _ | GText _ as g :: _l ->
Kernel.fatal "unexpected global %a" Printer.pp_global g
do_globals [] rtl_ast.globals
(* [substitute_rtl_symbols] registers the correct symbols for RTL's functions *)
let substitute_rtl_symbols rtl_prj = function
| GVarDecl _ | GVar _ as g ->
| GFunDecl(_, vi, loc) | GFun({ svar = vi }, loc) as g ->
let get_kf vi =
Globals.Functions.get vi
with Not_found ->
Options.fatal "unknown function %s in project %a"
Project.pretty (Project.current ())
let selection =
[ Globals.Functions.self; Annotations.funspec_state ]
(* get the RTL's formals and spec *)
let formals, spec =
(fun vi ->
let kf = get_kf vi in
Kernel_function.get_formals kf,
Annotations.funspec ~populate:false kf)
(match g with
| GFunDecl _ ->
Globals.Functions.replace_by_declaration spec vi loc
| GFun(fundec, _) ->
Globals.Functions.replace_by_definition spec fundec loc
| _ -> assert false);
(* [Globals.Functions.replace_by_declaration] assigns new vids to formals:
get them back to their original ids in order to have the correct ids in
[spec] *)
let kf = get_kf vi in
(fun rtl_vi src_vi -> src_vi.vid <- rtl_vi.vid)
(Kernel_function.get_formals kf);
Cil.unsafeSetFormalsDecl vi formals;
Annotations.register_funspec ~emitter:Options.emitter kf;
Symbols.add_kf kf;
| GType _ | GCompTag _ | GCompTagDecl _ | GEnumTag _ | GEnumTagDecl _
| GAnnot _ | GAsm _ | GPragma _ | GText _ ->
assert false
(* [insert_rtl_globals] adds the rtl symbols into the user's AST *)
let insert_rtl_globals rtl_prj rtl_globals ast =
let add_ty acc old_g new_g =
let g = if Symbols.mem_global old_g then old_g else new_g in
(* keep them in the AST even if already in the user's one to prevent forward
references *)
g :: acc
let rec add acc = function
| [] ->
| GType _ | GCompTagDecl _ | GEnumTagDecl _ as g :: l ->
(* RTL types contain no libc values: no need to substitute inside them *)
let acc = add_ty acc g g in
add acc l
| GCompTag(ci, loc) as g :: l ->
(* RTL's structure definitions that are already defined in the AST shall
be only declared *)
let acc = add_ty acc g (GCompTagDecl(ci, loc)) in
add acc l
| GEnumTag(ei, loc) as g :: l ->
(* RTL's enum definitions that are already defined in the AST shall be
only declared *)
let acc = add_ty acc g (GEnumTagDecl(ei, loc)) in
add acc l
| GVarDecl _ | GVar _ | GFunDecl _ | GFun _ as g :: l ->
let acc =
if Symbols.mem_global g then
let g = substitute_rtl_symbols rtl_prj g in
g :: acc
add acc l
| GAnnot _ | GAsm _ | GPragma _ | GText _ as g :: _l ->
Kernel.fatal "unexpected global %a" Printer.pp_global g
ast.globals <- add ast.globals rtl_globals
let link rtl_prj = ~level:2 "link the E-ACSL RTL with the user source code";
let rtl_ast = create_rtl_ast rtl_prj in
let ast = Ast.get () in
let rtl_globals = lookup_rtl_globals rtl_ast in
(* Symbols.debug ();*)
insert_rtl_globals rtl_prj rtl_globals ast;
Ast.mark_as_grown ()
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../../../.."
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Frama-C's E-ACSL plug-in. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2012-2020 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(** This module links the E-ACSL's RTL to the user source code. *)
val link: Project.t -> unit
(** [link prj] links the RTL's AST contained in [prj] to the AST of the current
project. *)
(** Tables that contain RTL's symbols. Useful to know whether some symbols is
part of the RTL. *)
module Symbols: sig
open Cil_types
val mem_global: global -> bool
val mem_kf: kernel_function -> bool
val mem_vi: string -> bool
exception Unregistered of string
val find_vi: string -> varinfo
(** @raise Unregistered if the given name is not part of the RTL. *)
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../../../.."
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