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Commit 19718eaa authored by Maxime Jacquemin's avatar Maxime Jacquemin
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Merge branch 'feature/kernel/arithmetic' into 'master'

Regroup all arithmetic modules in one place

See merge request frama-c/frama-c!4923
parents de36e908 855d2340
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Showing with 289 additions and 128 deletions
......@@ -20,43 +20,6 @@
(* *)
module Rational = struct
type scalar = Q.t
module Type = struct
include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
type t = scalar
let name = "Linear.Filter.Test.Rational"
let reprs = [ ]
let compare =
let equal = Q.equal
let hash q = Z.hash (Q.num q) + 11 * Z.hash (Q.den q)
include Datatype.Make_with_collections (Type)
let pretty fmt n =
let ten = Z.of_int 10 in
let sign = if Q.sign n >= 0 then "" else "-" in
let num = Q.num n |> Z.abs and den = Q.den n |> Z.abs in
let finish n = Z.Compare.(n >= den || n = in
let rec f e n = if finish n then (n, e) else f (e + 1) Z.(n * ten) in
let num, exponent = f 0 num in
let default fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%1.7f" (Q.to_float n) in
if exponent > 0 then
let number = Q.make num den in
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%aE-%d" sign default number exponent
else default fmt n
include Q
let infinity = Q.inf
let ( = ) = Q.equal
module Filter = Linear_filter.Make (Rational)
module Linear = Filter.Linear
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2025 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(** This module provides a generic signature describing mathematical fields,
i.e algebraic structure that behave like rationals, reals or complex
numbers. The signature also provides several functions that are not
directly part of fields definition, but are useful nonetheless, in
particular when using fields to model floating point computations.
@since Frama-C+dev *)
(** This type is used to return bounds for mathematical functions that
cannot be exactly computed using rationals, like the square root
for instance. *)
type 't bounds = { lower : 't ; upper : 't }
module type S = sig
include Datatype.S_with_collections
type scalar = t
(** {2 Useful constants in the field.}
Two is provided for users that model floating point computations using
abstractions over the field. *)
val zero : scalar
val one : scalar
val two : scalar
val pos_inf : scalar
val neg_inf : scalar
(** {2 Constructors interacting with standard OCaml types.} *)
val of_int : int -> scalar
val of_float : float -> scalar
val to_float : scalar -> float
val of_string : string -> scalar
(** {2 Standard arithmetic unary operations.} *)
val neg : scalar -> scalar
val abs : scalar -> scalar
(** {2 Standard arithmetic binary operations.} *)
val ( + ) : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val ( - ) : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val ( * ) : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val ( / ) : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
(** {2 Standard arithmetic relational operations.} *)
val ( = ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( != ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( <= ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( < ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( >= ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( > ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
(** {2 Other arithmetic operations. }*)
(** [pow2 e] computes the scalar [2 ^ e]. *)
val pow2 : int -> scalar
(** [log2 f] computes the integer [l] and [u] such as
[l = floor(log₂ f)] and [u = ceiling(log₂ f)]. *)
val log2 : scalar -> int bounds
(** [sqrt f] computes bounds of the square root of [f]. *)
val sqrt : scalar -> scalar bounds
val max : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val min : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
......@@ -22,11 +22,12 @@
open Nat
(** Encoding of finite set in OCaml type system. *)
(* The type [n finite] encodes all finite sets of cardinal [n]. It is used by
the module Linear to represent accesses to vectors and matrices coefficients,
statically ensuring that no out of bounds access can be performed. *)
(** The type [n finite] encodes all finite sets of cardinal [n]. It is used by
the module {!Linear} to represent accesses to vectors and matrices
coefficients, statically ensuring that no out of bounds access can be
performed. *)
type 'n finite
val first : 'n succ finite
......@@ -34,15 +35,16 @@ val last : 'n succ nat -> 'n succ finite
val next : 'n finite -> 'n succ finite
val ( = ) : 'n finite -> 'n finite -> bool
(* The call [of_int limit n] returns a finite value representing the n-nd
element of a finite set of cardinal limit. If n is not in the bounds, none is
returned. This function complexity is O(1). *)
(** The call [of_int limit n] returns a finite value representing the n-nd
element of a finite set of cardinal limit. If n is not in the bounds, [None]
is returned. This function complexity is O(1). *)
val of_int : 'n succ nat -> int -> 'n succ finite option
(* The call [to_int n] returns an integer equal to n. This function complexity
is O(1). *)
(** The call [to_int n] returns an integer equal to n. This function complexity
is O(1). *)
val to_int : 'n finite -> int
(* The call [for_each acc limit f] folds over each finite elements of a set of
cardinal limit, computing f at each step. The function complexity is O(n). *)
(** The call [for_each f limit acc] folds over each finite elements of a set of
cardinal limit, computing f at each step.
The function complexity is O(n). *)
val for_each : ('n finite -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'n nat -> 'a -> 'a
......@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ open Finite
(* Definition of a linear space over a field. Used by Linear_filter to represent
and compute linear filters invariants. *)
(** Definition of a linear space over a field. Used by {!Linear_filter} to
represent and compute linear filters invariants. *)
module Space (Field : Field.S) : sig
(* The type of scalars in the field 𝕂. *)
(** The type of scalars in the field 𝕂. *)
type scalar = Field.scalar
(* The type of matrices in 𝕂ⁿˣᵐ *)
(** The type of matrices in 𝕂ⁿˣᵐ *)
type ('n, 'm) matrix
(* Type representing a column vector of 𝕂ⁿ. One can use [transpose] if one
needs a row vector, for example when printing it. *)
(** Type representing a column vector of 𝕂ⁿ. One can use {!Matrix.transpose}
if one needs a row vector, for example when printing it. *)
type 'n vector = ('n, zero succ) matrix
......@@ -46,28 +46,28 @@ module Space (Field : Field.S) : sig
val pretty : Format.formatter -> 'n vector -> unit
(* The call [zero n] returns the 0 vector in 𝕂ⁿ. *)
(** The call [zero n] returns the 0 vector in 𝕂ⁿ. *)
val zero : 'n succ nat -> 'n succ vector
(* The call [repeat x n] returns a vector in 𝕂ⁿ which each dimension
containing the scalar x. *)
(** The call [repeat x n] returns a vector in 𝕂ⁿ which each dimension
containing the scalar x. *)
val repeat : scalar -> 'n succ nat -> 'n succ vector
(* The call [base i n] returns the i-th base vector in the orthonormal space
of 𝕂ⁿ. In other words, the returned vector contains zero except for the
i-th coordinate, which contains one. *)
(** The call [base i n] returns the i-th base vector in the orthonormal
space of 𝕂ⁿ. In other words, the returned vector contains zero except
for the i-th coordinate, which contains one. *)
val base : 'n succ finite -> 'n succ nat -> 'n succ vector
(* The call [set i x v] returns a new vector of the same linear space as
[v], and with the same coordinates, except for the i-th one, which is
set to the scalar [x]. *)
(** The call [set i x v] returns a new vector of the same linear space as
[v], and with the same coordinates, except for the i-th one, which is
set to the scalar [x]. *)
val set : 'n finite -> scalar -> 'n vector -> 'n vector
(* The call [size v] for [v] a vector of 𝕂ⁿ returns n. *)
(** The call [size v] for [v] a vector of 𝕂ⁿ returns n. *)
val size : 'n vector -> 'n nat
(* The call [norm v] computes the ∞-norm of [v], i.e the maximum of the
absolute values of its coordinates. *)
(** The call [norm v] computes the ∞-norm of [v], i.e the maximum of the
absolute values of its coordinates. *)
val norm : 'n vector -> scalar
......@@ -78,43 +78,43 @@ module Space (Field : Field.S) : sig
val pretty : Format.formatter -> ('n, 'm) matrix -> unit
(* The call [id n] returns the identity matrix in 𝕂ⁿˣⁿ. *)
(** The call [id n] returns the identity matrix in 𝕂ⁿˣⁿ. *)
val id : 'n succ nat -> ('n succ, 'n succ) matrix
(* The call [zero n m] returns the 0 matrix in 𝕂ⁿˣᵐ. *)
(** The call [zero n m] returns the 0 matrix in 𝕂ⁿˣᵐ. *)
val zero : 'n succ nat -> 'm succ nat -> ('n succ, 'm succ) matrix
(* The call [get i j m] returns the coefficient of the i-th row and
the j-th column. *)
(** The call [get i j m] returns the coefficient of the i-th row and
the j-th column. *)
val get : 'n finite -> 'm finite -> ('n, 'm) matrix -> scalar
(* The call [set i j x m] returns a new matrix of the same linear space as
[m], and with the same coefficients, except for the one of the i-th row
and the j-th column, which is set to the scalar [x]. *)
(** The call [set i j x m] returns a new matrix of the same linear space as
[m], and with the same coefficients, except for the one of the i-th row
and the j-th column, which is set to the scalar [x]. *)
val set : 'n finite -> 'm finite -> scalar -> ('n, 'm) matrix -> ('n, 'm) matrix
(* The call [norm m] computes the ∞-norm of [m], i.e the maximum of the
absolute sums of the rows of [m]. *)
(** The call [norm m] computes the ∞-norm of [m], i.e the maximum of the
absolute sums of the rows of [m]. *)
val norm : ('n, 'm) matrix -> scalar
(* The call [transpose m] for m in 𝕂ⁿˣᵐ returns a new matrix in 𝕂ᵐˣⁿ with
all the coefficients transposed. *)
(** The call [transpose m] for m in 𝕂ⁿˣᵐ returns a new matrix in 𝕂ᵐˣⁿ with
all the coefficients transposed. *)
val transpose : ('n, 'm) matrix -> ('m, 'n) matrix
(* The call [dimensions m] for m in 𝕂ⁿˣᵐ returns the pair (n, m). *)
(** The call [dimensions m] for m in 𝕂ⁿˣᵐ returns the pair (n, m). *)
val dimensions : ('m, 'n) matrix -> 'm nat * 'n nat
(* Matrices addition. The dimensions compatibility is statically ensured. *)
(** Matrices addition. The dimensions compatibility is statically ensured. *)
val ( + ) : ('n, 'm) matrix -> ('n, 'm) matrix -> ('n, 'm) matrix
(* Matrices multiplication. The dimensions compatibility is statically
ensured. *)
(** Matrices multiplication. The dimensions compatibility is statically
ensured. *)
val ( * ) : ('n, 'm) matrix -> ('m, 'p) matrix -> ('n, 'p) matrix
(* Matrix exponentiation. The call [power m] returns a memoized function.
When one needs to compute several exponentiations of the same matrix, one
should perform the call [power m] once and used the returned function
each times one needs it. *)
(** Matrix exponentiation. The call [power m] returns a memoized function.
When one needs to compute several exponentiations of the same matrix,
one should perform the call [power m] once and used the returned
function each times one needs it. *)
val power : ('n, 'n) matrix -> (int -> ('n, 'n) matrix)
......@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@
(* *)
(* Encoding of the Peano arithmetic in OCaml type system. A value of type
[n nat] contains [n] at the value and the type level, allowing to express
properties on objects sizes and accesses for example. It is used by the
module Linear to represent vectors and matrices dimensions. *)
(** Encoding of the Peano arithmetic in OCaml type system. A value of type
[n nat] contains [n] at the value and the type level, allowing to express
properties on objects sizes and accesses for example. It is used by the
module {!Linear} to represent vectors and matrices dimensions. *)
type zero = |
type 'n succ = |
type 'n nat
......@@ -35,14 +36,14 @@ val one : zero succ nat
val succ : 'n nat -> 'n succ nat
val prev : 'n succ nat -> 'n nat
(* The call [to_int n] returns an integer equal to n. This function complexity
is O(1). *)
(** The call [to_int n] returns an integer equal to n. This function complexity
is O(1). *)
val to_int : 'n nat -> int
(* Returns a positive or null natural. If the given parameter is stricly
negative then 0 is returned. This function complexity is O(n). *)
(** Returns a positive or null natural. If the given parameter is stricly
negative then [None] is returned. This function complexity is O(1). *)
val of_int : int -> positive_or_null option
(* Returns a strictly positive natural. If the given parameter is less or equal
than zero, then 1 is returned. This function complexity is O(n). *)
(** Returns a strictly positive natural. If the given parameter is less or equal
than zero, then [None] is returned. This function complexity is O(1). *)
val of_strictly_positive_int : int -> strictly_positive option
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2025 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
include Datatype.Rational
type scalar = t
let zero =
let one =
let two = Q.of_int 2
let ten = Z.of_int 10
let pos_inf = Q.inf
let neg_inf = Q.minus_inf
let of_float = Q.of_float
let to_float = Q.to_float
let of_int = Q.of_int
let pow10 e = Z.(pow ten e) |> Q.of_bigint
let split_significant_exponent s =
match String.split_on_char 'e' s with
| [] | _ :: _ :: _ :: _ -> assert false
| [ s ] -> s, 0
| [ m ; e ] -> m, int_of_string e
let significant_of_string significant =
match String.split_on_char '.' significant with
| [] | _ :: _ :: _ :: _ -> assert false
| [ m ] -> Q.of_string m
| [ integer ; fractional ] ->
let shift = pow10 (String.length fractional) in
Q.(of_string (integer ^ fractional) / shift)
let of_string str =
let str = String.lowercase_ascii str in
let length = String.length str in
let last = String.get str (length - 1) in
let str = if last == 'f' then String.sub str 0 (length - 1) else str in
let significant, e = split_significant_exponent str in
let significant = significant_of_string significant in
let shift = if e >= 0 then pow10 e else Q.inv (pow10 ~-e) in
Q.(significant * shift)
let pow2 e =
Q.(mul_2exp one e)
(* r = ⌊log₂ (n / d)⌋ = ⌊log₂ n - log₂ d⌋ which cannot be calculated directly.
However, we have the three following properties:
- ⌊x⌋ + ⌊y⌋ ≤ ⌊x + y⌋ ≤ ⌊x⌋ + ⌊y⌋ + 1 ;
- ⌊-x⌋ = -⌈x⌉ ;
- ⌈x⌉ = ⌊x⌋ + 1 ;
Thus, we deduce that ⌊log₂ n⌋ - ⌊log₂ d⌋ - 1 ≤ r ≤ ⌊log₂ n⌋ - ⌊log₂ d⌋. *)
let log2 q =
if Q.(q <= zero) then raise (Invalid_argument (Q.to_string q)) ;
let num = Q.num q |> Z.log2 and den = Q.den q |> Z.log2 in
Field.{ lower = num - den - 1 ; upper = num - den }
let neg = Q.neg
let abs = Q.abs
let min = Q.min
let max = Q.max
let sqrt q =
if Q.sign q = 1 then
let num = Q.num q and den = Q.den q in
let acceptable_delta = Q.inv (Q.of_bigint @@ Z.pow ten 32) in
let rec approx_starting_at_scaling scaling =
let lower = Z.(sqrt (num * den * scaling * scaling)) in
let upper = Z.(lower + one) in
let denominator = Z.(den * scaling) in
let lower = Q.(make lower denominator) in
let upper = Q.(make upper denominator) in
let delta = Q.(upper - lower) in
if Q.(delta <= acceptable_delta) then Field.{ lower ; upper }
else approx_starting_at_scaling Z.(scaling * scaling)
in approx_starting_at_scaling ten
else { lower = neg_inf ; upper = pos_inf }
let ( + ) = Q.( + )
let ( - ) = Q.( - )
let ( * ) = Q.( * )
let ( / ) = Q.( / )
let ( = ) l r = Q.equal l r
let ( != ) l r = not (l = r)
let ( <= ) = Q.( <= )
let ( < ) = Q.( < )
let ( >= ) = Q.( >= )
let ( > ) = Q.( > )
......@@ -20,33 +20,7 @@
(* *)
module type S = sig
(** Implementation of the {!Field} signature based on rational numbers.
@since Frama-C+dev *)
type scalar
include Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = scalar
val zero : scalar
val one : scalar
val infinity : scalar
val of_int : int -> scalar
val of_float : float -> scalar
val to_float : scalar -> float
val neg : scalar -> scalar
val abs : scalar -> scalar
val max : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val min : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val ( = ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( <= ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( < ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( >= ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( > ) : scalar -> scalar -> bool
val ( + ) : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val ( - ) : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val ( * ) : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
val ( / ) : scalar -> scalar -> scalar
include Field.S with type t = Q.t
......@@ -1601,6 +1601,23 @@ module Filepath = struct
let filepath = Filepath.ty
module Rational =
type t = Q.t
let name = "Datatype.Rational"
let reprs = [ ; ]
let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_abstract
let equal = Q.equal
let compare =
let copy = identity
let rehash = identity
let mem_project = never_any_project
let pretty fmt q = Format.pp_print_float fmt (Q.to_float q)
let hash q = Stdlib.Hashtbl.hash (Z.hash (Q.num q), Z.hash (Q.den q))
let rational = Rational.ty
(* ****************************************************************************)
(** {3 Triple} *)
(* ****************************************************************************)
......@@ -377,6 +377,9 @@ val formatter: Format.formatter Type.t
module Integer: S_with_collections with type t = Integer.t
val integer: Integer.t Type.t
module Rational: S_with_collections with type t = Q.t
val rational : Rational.t Type.t
(** Type-safe strings representing normalized filepaths.
See module {!Filepath.Normalized}.
@since 18.0-Argon *)
[kernel] Parsing linear_filter_test.i (no preprocessing)
[kernel] Circle :
* 0 : [-31.3829787 .. 31.3829787]
* 1 : [-31.3829787 .. 31.3829787]
* 0 : [-31.3829787234 .. 31.3829787234]
* 1 : [-31.3829787234 .. 31.3829787234]
[kernel] Simple :
* 0 : [5.7267253E-1 .. 2.4273275]
* 1 : [1.5726725 .. 3.4273275]
* 0 : [0.572672526718 .. 2.42732747328]
* 1 : [1.57267252672 .. 3.42732747328]
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