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Commit 159f30f8 authored by Allan Blanchard's avatar Allan Blanchard
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[wp] Support relation based variant

parent 3a9d4af1
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......@@ -468,6 +468,14 @@ let mk_variant_properties kf s ca v =
let vdecr = Logic_const.prel ~loc (Rlt, v, vcurr) in
(vpos_id, vpos), (vdecr_id, vdecr)
let mk_variant_relation_property kf s ca v li =
let vid = WpPropId.mk_var_id kf s ca in
let loc = v.term_loc in
let lcurr = Clabels.to_logic (Clabels.loop_current s) in
let vcurr = Logic_const.tat ~loc (v, lcurr) in
let variant = Logic_const.papp ~loc (li,[],[vcurr ; v]) in
(vid, variant)
type loop_hypothesis =
| NoHyp
| Check of WpPropId.prop_id
......@@ -505,6 +513,23 @@ module LoopContract = WpContext.StaticGenerator(CodeKey)
let normalize_pred p = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot labels p in
let normalize_annot (i,p) = i, normalize_pred p in
let normalize_assigns w = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels w in
let intro_terminates_variant ~loc (pid, v) =
let t = snd @@ get_terminates_hyp kf in
if Wp_parameters.TerminatesVariantHyp.get () then begin
if Logic_utils.is_same_predicate t Logic_const.pfalse then
~source:(fst loc) ~once:true
"Loop variant is always trivially verified \
(terminates \\false)" ;
Logic_const.pimplies (t, v)
end else v
let variant_as_inv ~loc (i, p) =
let i, p = intro_terminates_variant ~loc @@ normalize_annot (i, p) in
{ loop_pred = p ;
loop_hyp = NoHyp ; loop_est = None ; loop_ind = Some i }
default_assigns stmt @@
begin fun _emitter ca l ->
......@@ -525,28 +550,15 @@ module LoopContract = WpContext.StaticGenerator(CodeKey)
{ l with
loop_invariants = inv :: l.loop_invariants ; }
| AVariant(term, None) ->
let vpos , vdec =
mk_variant_properties kf stmt ca term in
let intro_terminates (pid, v) =
let t = snd @@ get_terminates_hyp kf in
if Wp_parameters.TerminatesVariantHyp.get () then begin
if Logic_utils.is_same_predicate t Logic_const.pfalse then
~source:(fst term.term_loc) ~once:true
"Loop variant is always trivially verified \
(terminates \\false)" ;
Logic_const.pimplies (t, v)
end else v
let mk_inv (i, p) =
let i, p = intro_terminates @@ normalize_annot (i, p) in
{ loop_pred = p ;
loop_hyp = NoHyp ; loop_est = None ; loop_ind = Some i }
let vpos , vdec = mk_variant_properties kf stmt ca term in
let vpos = variant_as_inv ~loc:term.term_loc vpos in
let vdec = variant_as_inv ~loc:term.term_loc vdec in
{ l with loop_terminates = None ;
loop_invariants =
mk_inv vdec :: mk_inv vpos :: l.loop_invariants }
loop_invariants = vdec :: vpos :: l.loop_invariants }
| AVariant(term, Some rel) ->
let vrel = mk_variant_relation_property kf stmt ca term rel in
let vrel = variant_as_inv ~loc:term.term_loc vrel in
{ l with loop_invariants = vrel :: l.loop_invariants }
| AAssigns(_,WritesAny) ->
let asgn = WpPropId.mk_loop_any_assigns_info stmt in
{ l with loop_assigns = asgn :: l.loop_assigns }
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
[kernel] Parsing terminates_formulae.i (no preprocessing)
[wp] Running WP plugin...
[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
[wp] [CFG] Goal general_variant_terminates : Valid (Trivial)
[wp] [CFG] Goal variant_terminates : Valid (Trivial)
Function base_call
......@@ -57,18 +58,32 @@ Goal Termination-condition (file terminates_formulae.i, line 27) in 'call_same':
Call Effect at line 29
Prove: true.
Function general_variant
Goal Loop assigns (file terminates_formulae.i, line 66):
Prove: true.
Goal Follows relation Loop variant at loop (file terminates_formulae.i, line 68):
Assume { Type: is_uint32(x). (* Goal *) When: P_Q. (* Then *) Have: 0 < x. }
Prove: P_Rel(x, to_uint32(x - 1)).
Function no_variant
Goal Termination-condition (file terminates_formulae.i, line 62) in 'no_variant':
Effect at line 65
Goal Termination-condition (file terminates_formulae.i, line 71) in 'no_variant':
Effect at line 74
Prove: !P_Q.
Goal Loop assigns (file terminates_formulae.i, line 64):
Goal Loop assigns (file terminates_formulae.i, line 73):
Prove: true.
......@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
[kernel] Parsing terminates_formulae.i (no preprocessing)
[wp] Running WP plugin...
[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
[wp] [CFG] Goal general_variant_terminates : Valid (Trivial)
[wp] [CFG] Goal variant_terminates : Valid (Trivial)
[wp] 10 goals scheduled
[wp] 12 goals scheduled
[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_base_call_terminates : Unsuccess
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_same_terminates : Valid
[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_change_terminates : Unsuccess
......@@ -12,11 +13,13 @@
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_variant_loop_assigns : Valid
[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_variant_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_variant_loop_variant_positive : Valid
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_general_variant_loop_assigns : Valid
[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_general_variant_loop_variant_relation : Valid
[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_no_variant_terminates : Unsuccess
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_no_variant_loop_assigns : Valid
[wp] Proved goals: 7 / 11
Qed: 5
Alt-Ergo: 1 (unsuccess: 4)
[wp] Proved goals: 10 / 14
Qed: 6
Alt-Ergo: 2 (unsuccess: 4)
Functions WP Alt-Ergo Total Success
base_call - - 1 0.0%
......@@ -25,5 +28,6 @@
call_param_same 1 - 1 100%
call_param_change - - 1 0.0%
variant 2 1 3 100%
general_variant 1 1 2 100%
no_variant 1 - 2 50.0%
......@@ -59,6 +59,15 @@ void variant(void){
for(unsigned i = 3; i > 0; --i);
/*@ predicate Rel (integer old, integer new) = old > new && 0 <= old; */
//@ terminates Q ;
void general_variant(unsigned x) {
/*@ loop assigns x ;
loop variant x for Rel; */
while (x > 0) x --;
//@ terminates Q ;
void no_variant(void){
//@ loop assigns i ;
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ type prop_kind =
| PKPropLoop (** loop property used as hypothesis inside a loop. *)
| PKVarDecr (** computation related to the decreasing of a variant in a loop *)
| PKVarPos (** computation related to a loop variant being positive *)
| PKVarRel (** computation related to a generalized loop variant *)
| PKAFctOut (** computation related to the function assigns on normal termination *)
| PKAFctExit (** computation related to the function assigns on exit termination *)
| PKTerminates (** computation related to the termination *)
......@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ let mk_loop_inv kf s ca =
let mk_inv_hyp_id kf s ca = mk_prop PKPropLoop (mk_annot_id kf s ca)
let mk_var_decr_id kf s ca = mk_prop PKVarDecr (mk_annot_id kf s ca)
let mk_var_pos_id kf s ca = mk_prop PKVarPos (mk_annot_id kf s ca)
let mk_var_id kf s ca = mk_prop PKVarRel (mk_annot_id kf s ca)
let mk_loop_from_id kf s ca from =
let id = Property.ip_of_from kf (Kstmt s) (Property.Id_loop ca) from in
......@@ -212,13 +214,14 @@ let kind_order = function
| PKPreserved -> 3
| PKVarPos -> 4
| PKVarDecr -> 5
| PKPropLoop -> 6
| PKAFctOut -> 7
| PKAFctExit -> 8
| PKCheck -> 9
| PKTactic -> 10
| PKSmoke -> 11
| PKTerminates -> 12
| PKVarRel -> 6
| PKPropLoop -> 7
| PKAFctOut -> 8
| PKAFctExit -> 9
| PKCheck -> 10
| PKTactic -> 11
| PKSmoke -> 12
| PKTerminates -> 13
let compare_kind k1 k2 = match k1, k2 with
PKPre (kf1, ki1, p1), PKPre (kf2, ki2, p2) ->
......@@ -339,6 +342,7 @@ end = struct
| PKPreserved , p -> base_id_prop_txt p ^ "_preserved"
| PKVarDecr , p -> base_id_prop_txt p ^ "_decrease"
| PKVarPos , p -> base_id_prop_txt p ^ "_positive"
| PKVarRel , p -> base_id_prop_txt p ^ "_relation"
| PKAFctOut , p -> base_id_prop_txt p ^ "_normal"
| PKAFctExit , p -> base_id_prop_txt p ^ "_exit"
| PKPre(_kf,stmt,pre) , _ ->
......@@ -422,6 +426,7 @@ struct
| PKPreserved , p -> get_ip p ^ "_preserved"
| PKVarDecr , p -> get_ip p ^ "_decrease"
| PKVarPos , p -> get_ip p ^ "_positive"
| PKVarRel , p -> get_ip p ^ "_relation"
| PKAFctOut , p -> get_ip p ^ "_normal"
| PKAFctExit , p -> get_ip p ^ "_exit"
| PKPre(callee_kf,stmt,pre) , _ ->
......@@ -567,6 +572,7 @@ let label_of_kind = function
| PKPreserved -> "Preservation"
| PKVarDecr -> "Decreasing"
| PKVarPos -> "Positive"
| PKVarRel -> "Relation"
| PKAFctOut -> "Function assigns"
| PKAFctExit -> "Exit assigns"
| PKTerminates -> "Terminates"
......@@ -591,6 +597,7 @@ struct
| PKPreserved -> pp_print_string fmt " (preserved)"
| PKVarDecr -> pp_print_string fmt " (decrease)"
| PKVarPos -> pp_print_string fmt " (positive)"
| PKVarRel -> pp_print_string fmt " (relation)"
| PKAFctOut -> pp_print_string fmt " (return)"
| PKAFctExit -> pp_print_string fmt " (exit)"
| PKPre(kf,_,_) -> fprintf fmt " (call '%s')" (Kernel_function.get_name kf)
......@@ -662,6 +669,7 @@ let propid_hints hs p =
| PKPreserved , _ -> add_required hs "preserved"
| PKVarDecr , _ -> add_required hs "decrease"
| PKVarPos , _ -> add_required hs "positive"
| PKVarRel , _ -> add_required hs "relation"
| PKAFctOut , _ -> add_required hs "return"
| PKAFctExit , _ -> add_required hs "exit"
| PKTerminates , _ -> add_required hs "terminates"
......@@ -745,6 +753,7 @@ let pp_goal_kind fmt = function
| PKPreserved -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Preservation of "
| PKVarDecr -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Decreasing of "
| PKVarPos -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Positivity of "
| PKVarRel -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Follows relation "
let pp_goal_part fmt = function
| None -> ()
......@@ -1049,7 +1058,8 @@ let split_map f pid gs =
let subproofs id = match id.p_kind with
| PKCheck -> 0
| PKProp | PKSmoke | PKTactic | PKPre _ | PKPropLoop | PKTerminates -> 1
| PKProp | PKSmoke | PKTactic | PKPre _ | PKPropLoop
| PKTerminates | PKVarRel -> 1
| PKEstablished | PKPreserved
| PKVarDecr | PKVarPos
| PKAFctExit | PKAFctOut -> 2
......@@ -1057,7 +1067,7 @@ let subproofs id = match id.p_kind with
let subproof_idx id = match id.p_kind with
| PKCheck -> (-1) (* 0/0 *)
| PKProp | PKTactic | PKPre _ | PKSmoke | PKPropLoop
| PKTerminates -> 0 (* 1/1 *)
| PKTerminates | PKVarRel -> 0 (* 1/1 *)
| PKPreserved -> 0 (* 1/2 *)
| PKEstablished-> 1 (* 2/2 *)
| PKVarDecr -> 0 (* 1/2 *)
......@@ -1125,7 +1135,7 @@ let get_induction p =
(* loop assigns *) Some stmt
| _ -> None (* assert false ??? *)
in loop_stmt_opt
| PKEstablished|PKVarDecr|PKVarPos|PKPreserved ->
| PKEstablished|PKVarDecr|PKVarPos|PKVarRel|PKPreserved ->
(match get_stmt (property_of_id p) with
| None -> None | Some (_, s) -> Some s)
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ type prop_kind =
| PKPropLoop (** loop property used as hypothesis inside a loop. *)
| PKVarDecr (** computation related to the decreasing of a variant in a loop *)
| PKVarPos (** computation related to a loop variant being positive *)
| PKVarRel (** computation related to a generalized loop variant *)
| PKAFctOut (** computation related to the function assigns on normal termination *)
| PKAFctExit (** computation related to the function assigns on exit termination *)
| PKTerminates (** computation related to the termination *)
......@@ -145,6 +146,9 @@ val mk_var_decr_id : kernel_function -> stmt -> code_annotation -> prop_id
(** Variant positive *)
val mk_var_pos_id : kernel_function -> stmt -> code_annotation -> prop_id
(** Variant for *)
val mk_var_id : kernel_function -> stmt -> code_annotation -> prop_id
(** \from property of loop assigns. Must not be [FromAny] *)
val mk_loop_from_id : kernel_function -> stmt -> code_annotation ->
from -> prop_id
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