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Commit 0acd1a60 authored by Loïc Correnson's avatar Loïc Correnson
Browse files

[ivette/eva] display callstack infos

parent 995717c1
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......@@ -57,30 +57,25 @@ export const getCallstacks: Server.GetRequest<Json.key<'#stmt'>,callstack[]>= ge
const getCallstackInfo_internal: Server.GetRequest<
{ calls:
{ fct: Json.key<'#fct'>, stmt?: Json.key<'#stmt'>, rank: number }[],
descr: string }
{ callee: Json.key<'#fct'>, caller?: Json.key<'#fct'>,
stmt?: Json.key<'#stmt'>, rank?: number }[]
> = {
kind: Server.RqKind.GET,
name: 'plugins.eva.values.getCallstackInfo',
input: jCallstack,
output: Json.jObject({
calls: Json.jList(
fct: Json.jFail(Json.jKey<'#fct'>('#fct'),
'#fct expected'),
stmt: Json.jKey<'#stmt'>('#stmt'),
rank: Json.jFail(Json.jNumber,'Number expected'),
descr: Json.jFail(Json.jString,'String expected'),
output: Json.jList(
callee: Json.jFail(Json.jKey<'#fct'>('#fct'),'#fct expected'),
caller: Json.jKey<'#fct'>('#fct'),
stmt: Json.jKey<'#stmt'>('#stmt'),
rank: Json.jNumber,
/** Callstack Description */
export const getCallstackInfo: Server.GetRequest<
{ calls:
{ fct: Json.key<'#fct'>, stmt?: Json.key<'#stmt'>, rank: number }[],
descr: string }
{ callee: Json.key<'#fct'>, caller?: Json.key<'#fct'>,
stmt?: Json.key<'#stmt'>, rank?: number }[]
>= getCallstackInfo_internal;
const getStmtInfo_internal: Server.GetRequest<
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import React from 'react';
import * as Dome from 'dome';
import { classes } from 'dome/misc/utils';
import { VariableSizeList } from 'react-window';
import { Vfill, Hpack, Space, Filler } from 'dome/layout/boxes';
import { Vfill, Hpack, Filler } from 'dome/layout/boxes';
import { Label, Code } from 'dome/controls/labels';
import { IconButton } from 'dome/controls/buttons';
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import { SizedArea, HSIZER, WSIZER } from './sized';
import { sizeof } from './cells';
import { Row } from './layout';
import { Probe } from './probes';
import { Callsite } from './stacks';
import { Model, getModelInstance } from './model';
import './style.css';
......@@ -39,37 +40,57 @@ function useModel(): Model {
return model;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Stmt Printer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface StmtProps {
stmt?: string;
rank?: number;
function Stmt(props: StmtProps) {
const { rank, stmt } = props;
if (rank === undefined || !stmt) return null;
const title = `Stmt id ${stmt} at rank ${rank}`;
return (
<span className="dome-text-code eva-stmt" title={title}>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Probe Panel
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function ProbeEditor() {
function ProbeInfos() {
const model = useModel();
const probe = model.getFocused();
const transient = probe?.transient ?? false;
const label = probe?.label;
const code = probe?.code;
const stmt = probe?.stmt;
const rank = probe?.rank;
const stmt = rank ? `@S${rank}` : undefined;
const byCS = probe?.byCallstacks;
const stacks = model.getStacks(probe).length;
const stackable = byCS || stacks > 1;
const { cols, rows } = sizeof(code);
const width = WSIZER.dimension(cols) + 4;
const height = HSIZER.dimension(rows) + 3;
const visible = probe ? !!code : model.getRowCount() > 0;
const visible = !!code;
const zoomed = probe?.zoomed;
const zoomable = probe?.zoomable;
const visibility = visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
return (
<Hpack style={{ visibility }} className="eva-probe">
<Label className="eva-probe-label">{label && `${label}:`}</Label>
<div style={{ minWidth: width, height }} className="eva-probe-code">
<Hpack style={{ visibility }} className="eva-probeinfo">
<Label className="eva-probeinfo-label">{label && `${label}:`}</Label>
<div style={{ minWidth: width, height }} className="eva-probeinfo-code">
<SizedArea cols={cols} rows={rows}>{code}</SizedArea>
<Code className="eva-probe-stmt">{stmt}</Code>
<Code><Stmt stmt={stmt} rank={rank} /></Code>
......@@ -77,14 +98,14 @@ function ProbeEditor() {
onClick={() => { if (probe) probe.setByCallstacks(!byCS); }}
onClick={() => { if (probe) probe.setZoomed(!zoomed); }}
kind={transient ? 'selected' : 'warning'}
icon={transient ? 'CIRC.CHECK' : 'CIRC.CLOSE'}
title={transient ? 'Make the probe persistent' : 'Release the probe'}
......@@ -99,15 +120,33 @@ function ProbeEditor() {
// --- Stack Panel
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function StackEditor() {
function StackInfos() {
const model = useModel();
const [, setSelection] = States.useSelection();
const callstack = model.getCallstack();
const visibility = callstack === undefined ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
return (
<Hpack style={{ visibility }} className="eva-callinfo">
<Code className="eva-probe-code">
if (callstack.length <= 1) return null;
const makeCallsite = ({ caller, stmt, rank }: Callsite) => {
if (!caller || !stmt) return null;
const key = `${caller}@${stmt}`;
const onClick = () => {
const location = { function: caller, marker: stmt };
setSelection({ location });
return (
<Stmt stmt={stmt} rank={rank} />
return (
<Hpack className="eva-info">
......@@ -141,14 +180,13 @@ function TableCell(props: TableCellProps) {
if (transient) {
contents = <span className="dome-text-label">« Probe »</span>;
} else {
const { rank, code, label } = probe;
const atpoint = rank && (
<span className="eva-probe-stmt">@S{rank}</span>
const text =
label ? <span className="dome-text-label">{label}</span> : code;
const { stmt, rank, code, label } = probe;
const textClass = label ? 'dome-text-label' : 'dome-text-code';
contents = (
<span className="dome-text-code">{text}{atpoint}</span>
<span className={textClass}>{label ?? code}</span>
<Stmt stmt={stmt} rank={rank} />
......@@ -329,7 +367,7 @@ function ValuesComponent() {
<ProbeEditor />
<ProbeInfos />
{(dim: Dimension) => (
......@@ -340,7 +378,7 @@ function ValuesComponent() {
<StackEditor />
<StackInfos />
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import * as Ast from 'frama-c/api/kernel/ast';
// Model
import { Probe } from './probes';
import { StacksCache } from './stacks';
import { StacksCache, Callsite } from './stacks';
import { StateCallbacks, ValueCache } from './cells';
import { LayoutProps, LayoutEngine, Row } from './layout';
......@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ export class Model implements StateCallbacks {
return cs !== undefined ? cs === row.callstack : false;
getCallstack(): string | undefined {
const p = this.selected;
getCallstack(): Callsite[] {
const c = this.callstack;
if (p && c) return `${p.stmt}::${c}`;
if (p) return p.stmt;
return undefined;
if (c !== undefined) return this.stacks.getCalls(c);
const [s] = this.getStacks(this.focused);
if (s !== undefined) return this.stacks.getCalls(s);
return [];
// --- Throttled
......@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ import { StateCallbacks } from './cells';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export type callstacks = Values.callstack[];
export interface Callsite {
callee: string;
caller?: string;
stmt?: string;
rank?: number;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- CallStacks Cache
......@@ -21,6 +27,7 @@ export class StacksCache {
private readonly state: StateCallbacks;
private readonly stacks = new Map<string, callstacks>();
private readonly calls = new Map<Values.callstack, Callsite[]>();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- LifeCycle
......@@ -46,6 +53,14 @@ export class StacksCache {
return [];
getCalls(cs: Values.callstack): Callsite[] {
const fs = this.calls.get(cs);
if (fs !== undefined) return fs;
this.calls.set(cs, []);
return [];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Fetchers
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -59,6 +74,15 @@ export class StacksCache {
private requestCalls(cs: Values.callstack) {
.send(Values.getCallstackInfo, cs)
.then((calls) => {
this.calls.set(cs, calls);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -9,11 +9,17 @@
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.eva-stmt {
cursor: default;
color: grey;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- Probe Panel --- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.eva-probe {
.eva-probeinfo {
min-height: 29px;
padding-left: 6px;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
......@@ -22,13 +28,13 @@
display: flex;
.eva-probe-label {
.eva-probeinfo-label {
flex: 0 1 auto;
min-width: 22px;
text-align: left;
.eva-probe-code {
.eva-probeinfo-code {
flex: 0 1 auto;
background: lightgrey;
min-width: 120px;
......@@ -40,15 +46,14 @@
overflow: hidden;
.eva-probe-stmt {
.eva-probeinfo-stmt {
flex: 0 0 auto;
color: grey;
margin-left: 2px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-top: 2px;
.eva-probe-button {
.eva-probeinfo-button {
flex: 0 0 auto;
margin: 1px;
min-width: 16px;
......@@ -100,11 +105,20 @@
/* --- Call Satck Info --- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.eva-callinfo {
.eva-info {
width: 100%;
background: #ccc;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-top: 3px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
.eva-callsite {
fill: #7cacbb;
background: #eee;
border-radius: 4px;
border: thin solid black;
padding-right: 7px;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
......@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ module CSmap = CS.Hashtbl
module Md = Markdown
module Jkf = Kernel_ast.Kf
module Jki = Kernel_ast.Ki
module Jstmt = Kernel_ast.Stmt
module Jmarker = Kernel_ast.Marker
......@@ -98,7 +97,6 @@ let probe marker =
module Ranking :
val stmt : stmt -> int
val kinstr : kinstr -> int
val sort : callstack list -> callstack list
end =
......@@ -162,10 +160,6 @@ struct
let stmt = let rk = new ranker in rk#rank
let kinstr = function
| Kglobal -> 0
| Kstmt s -> stmt s
let rec ranks (rks : int list) (cs : callstack) : int list =
match cs with
| [] -> rks
......@@ -196,27 +190,40 @@ struct
let of_json = I.of_json
module Jcallsite : Data.S with type t = Value_types.call_site =
module Jcalls : Request.Output with type t = callstack =
type t = kernel_function * kinstr
let jtype = Package.(Jrecord [
"fct" , Jkf.jtype ;
"stmt" , Jki.jtype ;
"rank" , Jnumber ;
let to_json (kf,ki) = `Assoc [
"fct" , Jkf.to_json kf ;
"stmt" , Jki.to_json ki ;
"rank" , Jint.to_json (Ranking.kinstr ki) ;
let of_json = function
| `Assoc fds ->
let kf = Jkf.of_json (List.assoc "fct" fds) in
let ki = Jki.of_json (List.assoc "stmt" fds) in
| _ -> failwith "Not a call-site"
type t = callstack
let jtype = Package.(Jlist (Jrecord [
"callee" , Jkf.jtype ;
"caller" , Joption Jkf.jtype ;
"stmt" , Joption Jstmt.jtype ;
"rank" , Joption Jnumber ;
let rec jcallstack jcallee ki cs : json list =
match ki , cs with
| Kglobal , _ | _ , [] -> [
`Assoc [ "callee", jcallee ]
| Kstmt stmt , (called,ki) :: cs ->
let jcaller = Jkf.to_json called in
let callsite = `Assoc [
"callee", jcallee ;
"caller", jcaller ;
"stmt", Jstmt.to_json stmt ;
"rank", Jint.to_json (Ranking.stmt stmt) ;
] in
callsite :: jcallstack jcaller ki cs
let to_json = function
| [] -> `List []
| (callee,ki)::cs -> `List (jcallstack (Jkf.to_json callee) ki cs)
module Jtruth : Data.S with type t = truth =
type t = truth
......@@ -368,30 +375,13 @@ let () = Request.register ~package
(* --- Request getCallstackInfo --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let pretty fmt cs =
match cs with
| (_, Kstmt _) :: callers ->
Value_types.Callstack.pretty_hash fmt cs;
Pretty_utils.pp_flowlist ~left:"@[" ~sep:" ←@ " ~right:"@]"
(fun fmt (kf, _) -> Kernel_function.pretty fmt kf) fmt callers
| _ -> ()
let () =
let getCallstackInfo = Request.signature
~input:(module Jcallstack) () in
let set_descr = Request.result getCallstackInfo ~name:"descr"
~descr:(Md.plain "Description")
(module Jstring) in
let set_calls = Request.result getCallstackInfo ~name:"calls"
~descr:(Md.plain "Callers site, from last to first")
(module Jlist(Jcallsite)) in
Request.register_sig ~package getCallstackInfo
Request.register ~package
~kind:`GET ~name:"getCallstackInfo"
~descr:(Md.plain "Callstack Description")
begin fun rq cs ->
set_calls rq cs ;
set_descr rq (Pretty_utils.to_string pretty cs) ;
~input:(module Jcallstack)
~output:(module Jcalls)
begin fun cs -> cs end
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Request getStmtInfo --- *)
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